Sometimes It’s Just Easier To Care About Dead Lions Than Dead People


Matt Walsh:

I started noticing “Cecil the Lion” trending on Facebook and Twitter at some point yesterday afternoon. By the evening, it was the most popular topic on social media, and stories about the lion were popping up on all of the national news sites.

Before I took the time to investigate, I tried to imagine if there could be any valid reason for a wild cat to become the biggest news item in the world. On a day when another undercover videorevealed Planned Parenthood dismembering murdered children for profit, I strained to think if there might be some justification for ignoring the harvesting of human beings in favor of obsessing over a large feline in Africa.

I thought maybe the lion had cured cancer, or sprouted wings and flown into space, or stood on its hind legs and recited the Gettysburg Address. Surely, these developments would vindicate the disproportionate amount of attention it was receiving. But I quickly found out that the lion, from Zimbabwe, had done no such thing. Apparently, all it did was die.

Of course, lots of people died yesterday too, especially in Zimbabwe. Across the planet, human travesties continued to unfold — Christians were slaughtered in the Middle East, political prisoners were tortured and executed in North Korea and Iran, Americans fell prey to crime and violence spilling over our southern border, and about 3,000 human children were butchered in abortion clinics, some of which were then dissected and sold on the black market — but this one unfortunate beast in a forest 9,000 miles away trumped all of these. Human victims would have to wait yet another day to be noticed by our culture. Their plight just couldn’t compete with a cute, fuzzy mammal.

Poor Cecil, as I’m sure you heard, was “murdered” by an American dentist named Walter Palmer. The dentist traveled there and paid some $55,000 for the privilege to hunt and kill the king of the jungle. It turns out that the hunt might not have been legal. He says he thought he was acting within the law, and that he didn’t know Cecil was a beloved animal celebrity in Africa. His pleads of ignorance may or may not be true, but they are called into question by the fact that he’s been convicted of poaching before.

This was all enough to earn him the wrath of progressive America, but none of these crimes compare to the fact that he is, evidently, a Republican. We know these details about his life, and about the sexual harassment claim made against him in 2009, because the media has feverishly poured through his record and heaped more scrutiny upon him than they have on every Democrat politician in the last 40 years combined. Meanwhile, the internet lynch mob predictably leaped into action. Palmer’spersonal address was released, death threats were issued, his business was attacked andshutdown, he was forced into hiding, and scores of drooling trolls flocked to Twitter to fantasize about all of the creative and violent things they’d love to do to him:

Some even began non-ironically using #LionLivesMatter

Refusing to be upstaged in this contest for the title of Most Exorbitant Reaction, PETA proclaimed that Palmer ought to be “extradited and hung.” A bunch of famous people joined the dog pile, utilizing their platforms to declare Palmer “disgusting,” a “murderer,” and “Satan.” Other celebrities have asked that his citizenship be permanently revoked. Sharon Osbourne labeled Palmer a “killer” and said she hopes he loses his house and his business. According to Sharon, even his wife and children deserve to be homeless. Jimmy Kimmel, late night host on ABC, took time out of his comedy show to deliver a tearful rant, calling the hunter an “a-hole” and a “jackal.”

All of this, over a lion.

It bears repeating that this happened on the same day that a video was released showing lab technicians dissecting the body parts of murdered humans while discussing how much money they could get for each “item.” This footage was completely ignored. Our culture let out a massive, collective yawn, instead choosing to wail over the fate of some random hairy beast in southern Africa.


The whole thing transcends mere absurdity. It is beyond ridiculous. Far past anything that could be called simply exaggerated or irrational. The swarms of petty nitwits in our culture have finally outdone themselves. What we are witnessing is something worse than an Idiocracy; it is total moral chaos.

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@retire05: Are you and redteam an item?–it sure seems that way.
You got so much in common—I’ll bet you’d love his FB page and become a follower–whatever that is..

Zimbabwean people suffer a one BILLION percent inflation rate and am 80% unemployment rate.
They often get killed by wild animals including lions.
They also regularly go out and illegally kill edible wild animals for food.
They rightly ask: why don’t OUR ”black lives matter?”
“Why are the Americans more concerned than us?” said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. “We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange.”
“Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country,” said Tryphina Kaseke, a used-clothes hawker on the streets of Harare. “What is so special about this one?”

Years ago Mugabe garnered black votes by forcing all whites off their own lands.
He occupied all that land with his own family and political cronies hurting all the previously employed blacks on those lands.
He eventually ousted almost all the whites out of the country.
Thus the 1 Billion percent inflation rate and 80% unemployment rate.
He wants lions killed.
He is also for killing elephants.

@retire05: Are you and redteam an item?–it sure seems that way.
You got so much in common—I’ll bet you’d love his FB page and become a follower–whatever that is..
My wife put Cecil’s petition on my home page though I got no problem supporting it.

Sad is how you gotta hide in the darkness O5 Even RT is on FB and he’s an upstanding guy who will direct me to it

@rich Wheeler: I’ve never been to her FB page and only know her as Retire05, which is all the info I need. I share many beliefs with many folks. As far as I know she knows no more about me than I do about her.

I don’t put my personal info on here because there are liberal socialist crazies in the world, such as those threatening death to the Dentist for killing a cat while not even taking a second look at the thousands of people that kill babies every day. You don’t have to worry about that because you are one of the liberal socialist crazies and nobody will threaten them because we all know they just don’t know any better. They can’t help it.

@rich Wheeler:

Are you and redteam an item?–it sure seems that way.
You got so much in common—I’ll bet you’d love his FB page and become a follower–whatever that is..

If that is meant to be an intellectual retort, MAJOR FAIL.

@Redteam: Says she doesn’t have a Facebook page. You say you got one–would love to see it.
BTW My wife and I are going to Tanzania and The Serengeti in Sept.

@rich wheeler:

BTW My wife and I are going to Tanzania and The Serengeti in Sept.

My condolences, what evil deed did you do to get that kind of punishment. I’ve been to Africa, it’s like going to a garbage dump. I’d say ‘have fun’, but you can only enjoy smelling garbage for so long. Might want to take an air purifying mask. You taking any of the ‘gang’ with you? “CAUTION” They do not like homosexuals over there. so you’d better leave your rainbow flag at home.

@Redteam: Have you been to The Serengeti –Kilimanjaro?
Smells like garbage–are you nuts?

@rich wheeler:

Says she doesn’t have a Facebook page.


Have you been to The Serengeti –Kilimanjaro?
Smells like garbage–are you nuts?

You plan on parachuting onto the Serengeti or onto Kilimanjaro? Because that is the only way you will avoid the rest of the trip that will include more poverty than you will ever want to see.

@rich wheeler:

Sad is how you gotta hide in the darkness O5

You mean like Curt, Aye, Word and Aqua, none of whom gives their real name?

Why are you bashing the owners of this website?

@rich wheeler:

Smells like garbage–are you nuts?

My smelling equipment works very well. I will concede it might not smell as bad as Bombay

@retire05: #34 you say ” you can bet if I had a facebook page”
We are flying non-stop Amsterdam- Kiliminjaro
Word and Aqua are not owners Doubt if Curt or Aye–sure miss his spot on bashing of you–think I am bashing them–Fellow Marine Curt can let me know if I’m wrong

RT Bombay India?? You know nothing about The Serengeti-right

I really enjoy you two—very similar to The Donald but you’ll both be around longer.

@rich wheeler:

#34 you say ” you can bet if I had a facebook page”

I said you can bet if I had a Facebook page I would have more followers than 10. Why are you trying to conflate what I said? Or is that just your normal leftwing tactic kicking in?

Frankly, it is none of your damn business if I have a Facebook page, or not.

We are flying non-stop Amsterdam- Kiliminjaro

Gee, didn’t know there was a landing strip on the mountain.

Doubt if Curt or Aye–sure miss his spot on bashing of you–think I am bashing them–Fellow Marine Curt can let me know if I’m wrong

I think Curt, who is 180 degrees from you politically, gives a shit about you one way or another. And how nice that you miss me being bashed by others. What a jerk you are, Richard.

I really enjoy you two—very similar to The Donald but you’ll both be around longer

The enjoyment is not mutual. I find you to be nothing more than another leftist weasel who will never answer direct questions but seems to want to know the opinions of others. Why? I don’t know. Perhaps because you form your opinion based on the opinions of others or perhaps you are just nosy. We’ve already learned you’re not very well informed.

Hope your flight to Amsterdam is one way. You wouldn’t be missed here except by racist Tom and the DNC clown, Greggie.

@rich wheeler

: RT Bombay India?? You know nothing about The Serengeti-right

I only give opinions of places that I have first hand knowledge of. Anywhere else you want to know about. I have been to much of the world, remember I was a swabbie and was a businessman.


Gee, didn’t know there was a landing strip on the mountain.

Some planes have ski landing gear. just have to have an anchor to prevent sliding down the hill.

@retire05: You’re a hoot–do YOU think I’m bashing Curt?
Talk about ill informed– that would certainly be you 05 There’s an international airport at Kilimanjaro–

RT Where HAVE you been in AFRICA. Anywhere?
You and 05 gonna replace Penn and Teller?

@rich wheeler:

There’s an international airport at Kilimanjaro–

actually it’s about 30 miles south of the Mountain.

@Redteam: Exactly Kilimanjaro International Airport in Kilimanjaro Tanzania–Thanks for confirm Have you been there? Where have you been in Africa?

@rich wheeler:

You’re a hoot–do YOU think I’m bashing Curt?

When you bash me for not using my real name, or my full name, you’re bashing everyone else that uses a moniker, like Curt, Aye (I guess you think that was his real name), or any of the other authors on this site.

Thought you were smart enough to realize that. Guess I over-estimated your intellect.

@retire05: So when I say to you “it’s sad how you gotta hide in the darkness.” I’m bashing Curt and Aye?
That’s an absurd statement–even for someone as ill informed as you’ve proven to be.

@rich wheeler:

So when I say to you “it’s sad how you gotta hide in the darkness.” I’m bashing Curt and Aye?

You are only saying I hide in darkness because I use a moniker instead of my real name. So yes, dimwit, you bash EVERYONE who chooses to use a moniker instead of their real name.

Jeeze, you’re dense.

@retire05: If anyone else agrees with you that I’ve bashed them I’ll consider your assertion..
Otherwise I’ll continue to think you a thin skinned fool.
This coming from the biggest loud mouthed basher at FA–You love to bash people–live for it. Hilarious.

@rich wheeler:

If anyone else agrees with you that I’ve bashed them I’ll consider your assertion..

Everyone is free to decide for themselves.

Otherwise I’ll continue to think you a thin skinned fool.

As compared to what? An egotistical old man who tries to pretend he’s still in his youth as you do? As I told you before, gravity is no friend to skin.

This coming from the biggest loud mouthed basher at FA–You love to bash people–live for it. Hilarious


Who have I bashed beside your fellow Marxist comrade, Greggie Goebbels? Or perhaps your friend, Tom, who hates whites? John, Greggie’s soul mate? You? A former Marine who consistently craps on the uniform you once donned? Why not? You support Democrats that would dismantle, and has disarmed, our military so that they can’t even defend themselves on home soil.

I don’t care what you think of me. You are nothing. A nobody. With only 10 Facebook followers. Just another liberal fixated on braggadocio. Count me as one of the unimpressed.

@retire05: You are the old fool o5–You ‘ve admitted your bashing–it goes on and on. Get a life–come out of the dark sad hole you live in. I’m sure we’d be scared to death if we saw a picture of you.
Your ONLY friend on here is RT. You are totally shunned on a Conservative web site.

@rich wheeler:

You ‘ve admitted your bashing–.

Yep, and I’ll continue to b!tch slap every one of you progressive liberals every chance I get. No longer sitting quiet and letting the left rail and tell lies about conservatives without fighting back.

I’m sure we’d be scared to death if we saw a picture of you.

Don’t be too sure of that, Richard. Nature most certainly been kinder to me than it has been to you, even with all your “working out” running on the beach. Perhaps you should have thought better about staying out in the sun.

Your ONLY friend on here is RT. You are totally shunned on a Conservative web site

RT is not my friend. Neither is he my acquaintance. And if you think that anonymous people on a forum are your friends, well, you must be damn hard up for friends.

But you have shown that I get under your aging, sagging skin. That’s good. Anytime I can get under the skin of a progressive liberal who mocks the very uniform he once wore, I have achieved my goal. Deny it all you want, but the fact that you keep coming back for more proves just how under your sagging skin I get.

@rich wheeler:

Your ONLY friend on here is RT. You are totally shunned on a Conservative web site.

Rich, is one of your goals on this site to have a friend? You say something about friends ‘every’ day.
Just for the record, I’m not on here to find friends. I’m on here to read what others say and to say whatever I want to say.

You need to find a new hat, that one in your pics look like something your grandmother would wear. Hmmm, maybe I’m on to something here.

@Redteam: Why are you and 05 so interested in my FB page? Nothing better to do? That’s an Australian Kangol hat–it is getting a little old. I’d be interested in where you’ve been in Africa–you spoke of the bad smell.

05 You go on my FB and belittle what you see.
Then you say “nature’s been kind to me” You’re a 76 or 77 year old lady–how kind?
I see the U.S is seeking extradition of Dr. Palmer. Shows the power of the petition.

@rich wheeler: Correction Zimbabwe is seeking extradition and U.S Gov. is considering it because over 100.00 people signed the petition.
This guy should get his day in court.

How ironic that the selling of baby parts in late term abortions ( how else do you think they are getting developed organs?) gets a yawn and killing a lion makes news. Africa can’t understand the big deal. Yes the lion was said to be “friendly’ but given the chance would rip your heart out.

I love my animals but they can be replaced, my daughters cannot. When did an animal surpass a human life?

Read the comments.
Compassionate, animal loving, gentle people wishing upon this young lady the most vile, disgusting deaths possible.
And they call hunters sadistic.

And another young lady under attack by sick, sadistic animal lover people haters:

And another:

The first comment:

MartinGregory 3 days ago
If I meet her I’ll kill her.

She kills a Giraffe.
So he will take the moral high ground by killing her.

Right. Got it. Sick, indeed.

@Petercat: Kendall Jones and Rebecca Francis “young ladies”
More like stone cold killers of beautiful, intelligent defenseless animals—for sport.
Sick bitches–their mothers must be proud.

@rich wheeler:

Sick bitches

They are Mother Theresa compared to Cecile Richards.

@rich wheeler: #81
“Sick bitches–their mothers must be proud. ”
As yours must be.
Or Martin Gregory’s must be.
You don’t seem to have a problem with what he plans to do to her.
But then, it seems that in your sick world it is okay to kill people with whom you disagree.
I read leftist websites as well as rightist.
Most death threats and sick desires over moral disagreements seem to come from the left.
What disgusting hypocrites you are.
Telling us that we must not do or say regarding others the very things that you do or say regarding us.
When you combine mental illness with an inability to reason with logic, you get a liberal.

@rich wheeler: I guess you’d be okay if Dr Palmer agreed to vacuum 20 babies out of their mother’s womb for penance.

I like the response of the Man on the Street in Zimbabwe, ‘what lion’? we kill lions here all the time. I don’t know of any ‘special lion’ that we have here. lions make good food.
lions outside the preserves are open season, inside the preserves have to have a permit. not illegal to kill with permit. lot of phony stuff going on here.

@rich wheeler:

That’s an Australian Kangol hat–it is getting a little old.

Must be. I spent quite a bit of time there a few years ago and I’ve never seen one. I don’t think an Aussie would wear one of those.

@rich wheeler: I’ll be 75 next month and don’t have one tenth the wrinkles you do. Those homosexual parades must be taking a toll.

@rich wheeler:

This guy should get his day in court.

you didn’t complete that sentence did you? from the Crazies point of view. it should read: This guy should get his day in court, before they string him up.

@rich wheeler

: cold killers of beautiful, intelligent defenseless animals

Do you consider Lions to be defenseless animals?

@rich wheeler:

in Africa–you spoke of the bad smell.

it’s a feature of the continent.

@Redteam: Read–These “ladies” were killing giraffes.
Have you even been to Africa? Or just your standard B.S .Louisiana smells a lot worse than The Serengetti

I’ll bet yuu 100 bucks you got more wrinkles than me RT–What are you hiding?
Scared to show all those wrinkles__and the pot belly that goes with it? Don’t be a coward RT.

@Redteam: This lion was illegally lured out of the preserve shot and beheaded in an attempted cover-up This scumbag dentist has been busted before in the U.S
Re penance As you know I oppose abortion–I thought you did too.

@Petercat: I said these gals are sick—said nothing about killing them–pls don’t make stuff up.
If you’re O.K. with hunting and killing Giraffes for sport so be it.
Truth be told–only animals I’ve ever killed were two legged-in V.N–

@rich wheeler:

As you know I oppose abortion

So you say. But then, I guess you can’t be an activist for mercy for animals AND for the end of the slaughter of babies at the same time. Hell, if you’d put just one tenth the effort into trying to end the killing of millions of babies as you do being outraged over the killing of one lion, perhaps we would see some babies being allowed to live.

@rich wheeler: #92
“I said these gals are sick—said nothing about killing them–pls don’t make stuff up.”
Once again, you seem to believe in different rules for thee and me.
Rich, please don’t make things up. What I said was
“You don’t seem to have a problem with what he plans to do to her.
But then, it seems that in your sick world it is okay to kill people with whom you disagree.”
Nothing made up about that. Martin Gregory expressed his intent to murder the young lady, and in this conversation, you expressed no disagreement with his plan.
I believe that it is valid to assume then that you have no problem with the murder of people with whom you disagree.

@Petercat: That was true with the NVA—but it has not been true since my return in late 1968– As RT will confirm I got trouble killing mosquitos.
How bout you. What do you enjoy killing Pete?

@rich wheeler:

Read–These “ladies” were killing giraffes.

Oh My God, what could be worse? even 3800 abortions a day is not that bad, right?

@rich wheeler:

.Louisiana smells a lot worse

So you’ve been to Louisiana? If you think it smells bad then you haven’t been to Africa. Yes, I’ll say again I’ve been to several of the smelly places in Africa. Unless you’ve been to Bombay, you likely will never go anywhere else that smells worse. believe me, take your nose clips.

@rich wheeler:

I’ll bet yuu 100 bucks you got more wrinkles than me R

Can’t have. I don’t have any on either my neck or face. Post a close up on your FB page and I’ll have a judge count your wrinkles and see if the total is more than 0. If it is, you lose. I’ll be sure to have an impartial judge. In fact, if you’d like, we can let 05 look at your photo and see if she will verify 0 or less. If the judge does, and if it’s 0, then it’s a tie. Let me know when that close up is on you page.

@rich wheeler:

Truth be told–only animals I’ve ever killed were two legged-in V.N–

no big deal, but you’d break down if you accidentally killed a giraffe?

@Redteam: How bout posting your wrinkled mug–why are you hiding?