How barack obama is like shingles


Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the varicella zoster virus, also known as herpes zoster. It is the same virus that causes chicken pox. Outbreaks of shingles seem to occur due to disease, stress or aging. It can be quite painful.

Shingles symptoms happen in stages. At first you may have a headache or be sensitive to light. You may also feel like you have the flu but not have a fever.

Later, you may feel itching, tingling, or pain in a certain area. That’s where a band, strip, or small area of rash may occur a few days later. The rash turns into clusters of blisters. The blisters fill with fluid and then crust over. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the blisters to heal, and they may leave scars. Some people only get a mild rash. And some do not get a rash at all.

As Terry Bradshaw says, once you’ve had chicken pox the virus is inside you.

barack obama is like shingles. This country endured the obama pox for eight years and finally the disease abated.

But not for long. Just as we imagined the possibility of a hiatus from the suffering, shingles in the form of obama zoster has erupted on the national body.

Barack Obama and his aides expected to take on President Donald Trump at some point, but they didn’t think it would happen this quickly.

Now they’re trying to find the right balance on issues that demand a response, and how to use Obama to deliver the selective pushback. Obama and his team are monitoring what’s happening at the White House, and not ruling out the possibility that Obama will challenge Trump more forcefully in the coming months, according to people who’ve been in contact with the former president.

Worse, he’s encouraging protesters

President Obama encouraged Trump protesters on Thursday and even appeared to egg on young voters into becoming more politically engaged.

In a snub of pleas made by President-elect Trump‘s camp to put an end to the unrest, President Obama told a press conference in Berlin he had no intention of quietening the crowds.

‘I wouldn’t advise them to be silent,’ he said in response to a question about anti-Trump protests and riots which have unleashed chaos in several states since the election.

Instead, President Obama told ‘young people’ not to take for granted their political freedom and urged them to be involved not only when they are disgruntled.

The community agitator must be enjoying the scene as bicoastal left wing protesters attempt to shut down free speech and burn down college campuses, just waiting for the right moment to erupt and again cause pain to the American skin. The worst part is you never when it’s going to strike and it never seems to really be gone.


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I don’t know why the left is so upset about President Trump; they have the best of both worlds. On the one hand, Trump is acting like a President, leading and showing the world that the United States is back in the position to protects its own interests, something Obama never bothered himself with. On the other hand, Obama is still blathering on and doing nothing productive for the country, just like he did for the past 8 years.

Mr. “Class” is incapable of surrendering the limelight and living without the fawning media. He still thinks inciting violence and seeing innocent people attacked and their livelihoods destroyed is how to make the leftist’s point. He was worthless as President and he is worthless as a private citizen.

As the Trump Team takes blatant lying to a new level on a daily bases (massacres in Bowling Green, cabinet appointees lying to Congress, lying about getting tough on Wall Street and showering them with unbridled power and giveaways, lies about voter fraud, “alternative facts”, lies about the media along with his daily blunders on most every front, here we have Dr. John still hammering at former President Obama.

Newsflash my bigoted friend. Obama is gone. Now we have your racist, sexist, incompetent, lying, rabid egomaniac con man who is running wild with his veto pen and heading for an obvious train wreck.

And with the understanding that you will never ever likely hold your vagina grabbing hero accountable for anything and that you will likely forever blame the black guy for everything your con man screws up, is “obama(sic) is like shingles” the best you got? Kinda elementary don’t ya think?

I just saw a Go-Fund-Me page Dems have set up to BUY one more vote against Ms. DeVos.
The Teachers’ Union bought two Republicans, Mukowski of Alaska and Collins of Maine.
This is just the sort of thing Obama would do.
He’s un-serious in some ways.

Such profound writing on this website. /s

Obama is more like Poison Ivy or Poison Oak its irritating cuases a itch and the more you get into it the worst it gets

Like shingles? Get real. He’s a cancer.

@Ajay42302: yes barry soetoro the muslin anti- American is gone. He has left our country in shambles. I thank God every day Trump was elected because as each day moves on I see progressive liberal marxist communists that do not care one iota about the American citizen. Mr Trump is putting AMERICAN citizens first. Is he perfect? Of course not but so far he has done more in two weeks then that anti- American race baiter did in eight years. So put on your big boy panties and get over it. As barry said – I won. Trump is president .

Obama is more like the Bubonic Pluague that struck europe in the 1500’s all spread by rats and fleas and we see the rats and fleas in U.C. Berkeley

@Enchanted: Trump is putting very rich white men first. No one else.

Oh, and he is a profound liar, among other things.

@Ajay42302: Bowling Green is as much a massacre as Trump’s vetting is a “Muslim Ban”. Every ONE of you leftists are lying about that, and creating a greater danger to the United States in the process.

Why are there so many refugees? Who created the conditions that MADE them refugees? Had this very same person started a program to effectively vet the refugees HE made instead of directing the organizations that do the vetting to eliminate all references to the REASONS we HAVE to vett them, there would be no pause in immigration.

YOU and your stupid votes for stupid, incompetent liberals that hate America created the refugee mess. It will take time and effort to repair the damage Obama caused…. caused with YOUR help.

And then, Obama keeps coming back, like a canker sore, to “give advice”. Imagine that; the worst President in history, responsible for the most damage to this country since its inception, wants to “advise” the guy that has to clean up his mess.

Well damn, they hired a new troll and sent him in using the same of AJ moniker. If they’re going to send in a new troll they should at least dignify it by letting him choose his on name. Same old scripts from same old sources, oh well, maybe they’ll remember to change the troll name next time. Do we refer to you as AJ impersonator or NO, WAIT, I see it now, you are AJ42302, aw so, you were 42301 so, trying to trick us and only changing your number.

One out of three adults gets him??


Oh, and he is a profound liar, among other things.

ok OJ, tell us one lie that Trump has told. Just one. Oh, if you could, make it ‘profound’. Just so you won’t have to struggle, here is the definition of ‘profound’, so, one profound lie?

profound: penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding:


rabid egomaniac con man who is running wild with his veto pen

Test 42301 or 2. What was the first thing Trump ran wild and used his veto pen on? To complete this test, of your honesty, all you have to do is name one thing he vetoed. Ready? 1. _______


And with the understanding that you will never ever likely hold your vagina grabbing hero accountable

I wondered when it would get to the point where someone would think there was something wrong with a man wanting to put his hand on a vagina. Seems as if you are now saying ‘real’ men stay away from such things. By ‘real’ men though, you’re referring the the bath house gang members such as Barry Soetoro and his tranny ‘wife’ Yeah, I can see where you would steer clear of those vagina’s. Barry sure seems to.

It’s cute that liberals think normal people care that they keep screaming “Liar!” Every time one of you precious little things screams that, we remember your love for Hillary, and Bill, and President Red Line Keep Your Doctor, and we laugh at your failure and weakness.

@RedTeam: LOL For someone so pissed about lying, he’s sure slow to confess.

The equivalence you suggest exists only in your imagination. All people have lied on occasion. Donald Trump lies constantly. This can be demonstrated simply by comparing his statements with known facts. The man is a habitual liar.

Yet barry lied when ever he spoke. That is not in dispute, his life has been a lie also not in dispute.

obama was a horible president, again that is not in dispute. His sycophant blind lemmings can not see what a deplorable person obama is because they put their radical party before country.

obama hates America, ergo a supporter(s) of obama also hate America, period.

@Greg: Do the lies of Obama bother you or are you just offended by partisan lies?

@Ajay42302: Poor libturd moron, reality is really hard on someone like you. Sit back and watch Trump repair 8 years of failure to the American People and BTW all your name calling of Trump is humorous and infantile!!

@Greg: Shovel ready, health insurance and/or doctor period, Al Qaeda is on their heels, Benghazi was caused by a video, ISIS is contained and that’s just for starters. Ring a bell. BTW still waiting for proof that Romney cheated on his taxes, you won’t provide it because you can’t!! Another lie!!


Donald Trump lies constantly.

Yet when I ask you to tell of of a significant lie he told. You can’t. That says a lot about these claims.

be sure to click on ‘yes, all comments/replies’

@July 4th American: Sorry, but I thought he spoke mostly about himself with each and every speech. Just couldn’t seem to pull himself away from the “selfi-camera”.

I like the disease metaphor, especially that it is always there, ready to inflict pain again and again. If it is the genital herpes strain it can cause real social unrest (your sex life). My personal favorite is that he is like dog poo. It is so hard to get off your shoe. You may not even know it until you get in your car and headed to work or someplace important. There you are standing in a public restroom trying desperately to get the sh**t off your shoe. He will Never Shut Up. I didn’t expect him to.

@Greg: Did he lie when he said he was going to enact “extreme vetting” of refugees coming from Obama’s terrorist factories? Did he lie when he said he was going to talk businesses into staying in the US and keeping their jobs here? Did he lie when he said he was going to build a wall?

Trump has enacted more positive change in two weeks than Obama did in two terms.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Trump has enacted more positive change in two weeks than Obama did in two terms


Gotta love how rightards have to complain about an ex-President to deflected from the incompetent fascist we now have.

Gotta love how rightards have to complain about an ex-President to deflected from the incompetent fascist we now have.

@reem: Explain how Trump has exhibited fascism or be labeled a dumbass.

@reem: That’s reem ee isn’t it?

Look at this new crew of trolls that have rolled in since the first of the month. Reem was added for 3 months rotation.

@Greg: And he is our President and beat Hilldabeast so how bad could she be clown??

@reem: Your a real libturd aren’t you, you have been blaming Bush forever!!

@RedTeam, #23:

He’s still pushing the lie that over 3 million fraudulent votes were cast for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

This is total, unmitigated bullshit. There’s not a shred of supporting evidence to back up the claim. Not only is there no evidence; for such a thing to happen in a nation where the voting process is administered and monitored on a state by state level rather than centrally, with the involvement of thousands of watchful local officials, any conspiracy so vast could not possibly escape detection.

We could put that obvious lie at the top of a very long list of lies.

The man is the source of an avalanche of lies, most likely intended to erode any distinction between lies and the truth. Many of Trump’s supporters already cannot tell the difference. Years of such bullshit from right wing media outlets has had its effect.

The Trump administration already rolled out a new phrase to cover this tactic. They now openly talk about something utterly nonsensical, called “alternative facts.” People don’t seem to analyze the phrase closely enough to recognize its absurdity. There are no alternative facts. There is only the factual and the false. There can be “alternate interpretations,” but that’s something entirely different.


He’s still pushing the lie that over 3 million fraudulent votes were cast for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

This is total, unmitigated bullshit.

How do you know this? The left has been fraudulently registering voters, fraudulently blocking voter rolls from being purged of corpses, fraudulently blocked voter ID, fraudulently registered illegal immigrants, fraudulently encouraged illegal immigrants to vote and fraudulently lured millions of illegal immigrants to illegally immigrate without fear of immigration laws; what possible indication do you have that voter fraud has not produced a mere 3 million votes?

Like denying Hillary is a criminal liar, your argument is hollow and weak.

Lie #2: They’ve got a workable replacement for Obamacare.

After 7 years of making the repeal of Obamacare their top priority, republicans finally have control of the House, the Senate, and the White House—and it turns out that they haven’t got a clue what to replace Obamacare with. They’ve had years to plan for this, and they have nothing.

@Greg: No, it turns out YOU haven’t a clue as to what Republicans are going to do. Fact is, Obamacare is a terrific failure and it will not be easy to disengage and replace it. Actually, there should be no reason to be engaged in such a task, but stupid liberals insisted on screwing the entire thing up.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #37:

That’s total nonsense. There’s no evidence of anything other than the need for state officials to tidy up their voter registration rolls. People move between states, and don’t unregister in the state they’ve left. People die, and don’t call the the voter registration board to report it. (Very thoughtless of them.) Such innocent events have left millions of errors. This doesn’t mean that millions of the still-registered dead vote, or that millions of living people travel back to their former residences to vote a second time.

Were the states to tidy up the process, you probably wouldn’t have Sean Spicer registered in both Rhode Island and Virginia, Steven Mnuchin registered in both California and New York, Steve Bannon registered in both Florida and New York, and Tiffany Trump registered in both Pennsylvania and New York. My assumption is that none of these people voted twice.

If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan
Number of mentions: 37 times

@Greg: The left objects to this. The left obstructs this. The left claims this is “voter suppression”.

The left craves voter fraud, now more than every before.


This is total, unmitigated bullshit. There’s not a shred of supporting evidence to back up the claim.

Hmmm…. let’s see. If I’m going to cast an illegal or fraudulent vote, what kind of ‘supporting evidence’ am I going to create for someone to use to prove I cast an illegal or fraudulent vote? I guess I’ll go to the poll and check in to vote and tell them to give me a name of someone that hasn’t voted and just put me down as voting for them. Oh, and make a note about that. As I’ve said, one thing that makes it hard to prove is that in many states there is no such thing as an illegal or fraudulent vote because anyone can vote without any proof of eligibility or legality. No Id required to register or to vote. Even if the law requires you to be a legal citizen to vote in Gayfornia, they don’t require you to prove you are a legal citizen. They found 250 illegal votes in one ballot box in Detroit, that’s why they stopped the recount. and that was in a box that only had 56 legal votes in it. so at that ration, 250 illegal votes per 56, about how many total illegal votes could we find?


Were the states to tidy up the process, you probably wouldn’t have Sean Spicer registered in both Rhode Island and Virginia, Steven Mnuchin registered in both California and New York, Steve Bannon registered in both Florida and New York, and Tiffany Trump registered in both Pennsylvania and New York. My assumption is that none of these people voted twice

So you’re saying there really is plenty of supporting evidence of voter fraud, someone just needs to total up the numbers. Lot’s of dead people vote regularly.

@RedTeam: I find it very interesting that after the election cycle Demoncraps insisted on a recount in Michigan and Pennsylvania. When the sample was completed hilldabeast lost votes and Trump gained. Quickly the count was stopped and end of game. I wonder how many votes Trump would gain or hilldabeast lose if they did this in California. Funny how they don’t want to know what happened here. In addition Trump ran an election campaign strategy to win the electoral college and NOT the popular vote. Do you really think he would NOT have spent more time in New York and California if the popular vote was the way America elected a President?? The whole argument is foolish so demoncraps switched to Russian intervention instead!! NO evidence of course!!

@RedTeam, #44:

Lot’s of dead people vote regularly.

Only in the right’s alternate reality propaganda universe. In the real world there’s no evidence that this actually occurs, other than in extremely rare, isolated, and numerically insignificant cases. Statistically, it might occur somewhat more frequently than fatal accordion accidents.

Trump is lying about millions of fraudulent votes. (Assuming that he’s not so woefully misinformed or so incapable of drawing rational conclusions from established facts that he actually believes the bullshit he spouts.) He cites statistical studies that have been unequivocally discounted as evidence of that by the very sources that conducted the studies.

Only in the world of denial is there doubt that it does and that the Democrats have used it extensively.

@Common Sense:

that after the election cycle Demoncraps insisted on a recount in Michigan and Pennsylvania. When the sample was completed hilldabeast lost votes and Trump gained.

Yes, when it quickly became obvious that the vote manipulations (56 ballots in a box with 306 recorded officially) were going to come to light, the Dims dropped the recount. they quickly realized that they stood to have their ‘system’ revealed and they wouldn’t be able to use it so easily in the future. Just think of that ratio, for every 56 votes Hillary actually received, they ‘recorded’ 306 votes for her. So they recorded 2,268,000 votes for her, that means at 56/306, she really only got 415,000, so that means 1.5 million votes were created for her in Michigan alone. See how the numbers can be manipulated once you’ve been caught cheating?
CS, do you live in California? According to everything I can find on the internet, it says no ID is required to register or to vote. Is that correct? I’ve lived in 10 states, and everyone required photo ID to vote.


Only in the right’s alternate reality propaganda universe. In the real world there’s no evidence that this actually occurs, other than in extremely rare, isolated, and numerically insignificant cases.

So you’re admitting it happens, but that they don’t keep ‘evidence’ of it. Yeah, that’s the way crooks operate, even if they rob a bank they try not to leave evidence behind. It doesn’t mean they didn’t rob the bank.

Obama is more like a meligment cancer that needs to be totaly removed and disposed of