The cult of obama personality



snl sycophants


Saturday Night Live used to be funny. Devoid of creative comedic ability and chock full of intellectual laxity, it has devolved into a “bash Trump” effort every week. SNL has made no secret of its obama idolatry either. In keeping with that, SNL offered a wet kiss to obama on his way out of the Presidency.

If you’re too young to know, this is a derivative of the song sung by Lulu in the movie “To Sir, With Love” in 1967. Greg Gutfeld had some thoughts about this sycophantism:

“While division and hate is scary, it’s never as creepy as sickening love, something to keep in mind whether you adore Obama or Trump,” Gutfeld said. “Drooling toadyism is not a good look on either side, and it paves the way for evil.”

These obama worshipers have a long history of fealty. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher lead the way in 2009 pledging subservience to their President:

Here’s the 2012 update:

Jaimie Foxx called obama “our Lord and Savior.”

Children have been indoctrinated:

Hmmm. Mindless fealty? Unquestioning obedience? Insistence on you doing the same? Children indoctrinated? I’ve seen this before:

Watch it. See if the words don’t sound familiar to those in the above videos. Have you seen anyone referring to Trump as “our Lord and Savior”? Have you seen anyone demanding that you pledge your loyalty and obedience to Donald Trump?

Just askin’

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Looks like their mighty false god Obama has fallen from the sky wait for him the crash and burn and remember Newsreek quit publication becuase they lost too many subcribers

t shirts read “Obama is my God” high school students carried crosses of 2×2 with the same message. oh, but the slut hilary is planning a comeback and wanting to run in 2020.

@Spurwing Plover:

yes, but when he hits ground, will he look like a coke bottle
[reference to a movie]

Soon the liberals will st up temples with images of Obama for them to worship bow down to and leave little offerings to



This could be further signs of the demise of the Democrat party. Let me explain.

I thought when Obama, the unknown, won the nomination for President, the Democrats were desperately trying to change their fortunes where they had been regularly losing with candidates with a “record”. The record always turned out to be a negative and cost the Democrat support.

So they ran an unknown with NO record… someone that has never done anything but was a commodity the left could advertise a sell.

Now, out of candidates with the kind of gimmicky appeal Obama had, they have to LOVE the candidate. They have to ADORE him or her… and they didn’t love Hillary (who is unlovable).

So, I guess the question is, what next?

True, like all socialists, the left has descended into personality cult addiction. It is embarrassing to view. Like the cultists who worship Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Che and the various Kim’s, we now have our very own cultists in the United States. This could be a good sign, for it will be difficult to transpose that worship onto another likely earthly god. Obama will always be in the way of that.

As stomach churning as this is to witness, it could be a clear sign that liberalism is consuming itself and in its waning hours.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Are Ttumpists not cultists?
Donald says “I could stand in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot somebody” and they’d still follow me. Trumpeteers can find nothing wrong with this man. LOL
Libs aren’t going anywhere. Trump’s Presidency emboldens them.
“ALTERNATIVE FACTS” from KellyAnne and the right–Ha– Is that the same as outright lies?
Watch FOX and CNN.

@Rich Wheeler:

@Rich Wheeler: Respectfully, I have to say one thing:

I’ve seen Obamatons (on TV, on the street talking, etc…), but I’ve never seen a Trumpist. Not really. No one touting anything about Trump’s amazing qualities, or anything like that.

No skits or headlines endlessly overstating Trump’s achievements, and no people out there that “like” him. Most always give some healthy critiques of him, after they’ve admitted to voting for him.

So I think the myth of there being real “Trumpists” is still going to take awhile for me to believe, since there is simply nothing on the order of the above propaganda to support that Trump Supporters = Obama Sycophants.

@Bookdoc: Yes you did–Obama won twice–so what.
Nathan Blue A Trumpist is someone who thinks the guy can do no wrong—Look no further than many FA’ERs
“admitted to voting for him” lol bumper sticker Vote Trump Nobody Needs To Know

@Rich Wheeler:

Trumpeteers can find nothing wrong with this man. LOL

This is the perception of someone that only pays attention to what aligns with your prejudices. You are not able to differentiate between disproving a false accusation and singing love songs to your idol, the god of failure.

How about the amazing economic actions Trump has taken?

@Bill- Deplorable Me:

Trump Expected to Order Mexican Border Wall

BREAKING: U.S. House Votes to Permanently Ban Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, you point out what you think to be a lie. Let’s focus on the Presidents for a while and listen to Slick tell us he never had sex, wanna be loser hilldabeast telling us Slick hummer was just a vast right wing conspiracy, Obola telling America if you like your health insurance, Obola telling us shovel ready jobs, Obola telling America Al Qaeda is on their heels and ISIS is contained, so I think you get the point!! We are now watching President Donald Trump execute exactly what he told America he would do and somehow Democrats have a problem with that. There is more to come on immigration and voter fraud today. I hope he starts with California the state with clearly the most voter fraud in the US!!

@Common Sense: Is he gonna show any proof of his claim of 3-5 million illegal votes—no he’s not cause he doesn’t have any. It’s a lie to feed his massive ego. He sounds like Joe McCarthy.

@Nathan Blue: I ring the bell and they appear #s 11-13.

@Rich Wheeler: If President Trump focuses on voter fraud in California he will find it and the majority of the fraud will be illegals. You live in California Rich so I find it hard to believe you can really deny this happens. Yesterday at the press conference the MSM basically insisted he investigate voter fraud so I am glad he is!! When voter fraud was examined in the midwest Trump actually increased his lead. Now how can this happen Rich?? Also recommendations for prevention must include a federal voter ID and I’m sure you would support this action item. As far as President Trump’s ego I have no clue, what I do know is that he has done more in three days than Obola did in 8 years, that is unless you include the action items Obola did to hurt America. It is refreshing to see a President who executes the promises he made on the campaign trail. Much better than the lie of shovel ready.

@Common Sense: 3-5 million is an outright lie–er “alternative truth”
federal voter ID has been deemed unconstitutional.

@Rich Wheeler: The outright lie is to deny illegals voted in California Rich. Your not really making that claim are you? Federal Voter ID can be revisited by the Supreme Court and I’m guessing it will pass next time around. No one knows how many illegal votes there where in this election do they?? Fact remains even though hilldabeast won California she lost the election period!!

@Common Sense: C’mon –he’s saying 3 -5 mill nationwide . That’s TOTAL B.S There was illegal voting in Cal and elsewhere but total is under 50,000—big EGO INFLATED difference.

@Rich Wheeler: OK Rich, what information do you have to accurately declare the level of illegal voting?? Do you really think this is an issue that should NOT be investigated?? I do NOT know how many illegal votes where made but President Trump is not only talking about this last election but voter fraud in general and I applaud his efforts. California is out of control and you know it!!

@Common Sense: massive voter fraud has been debunked by all but the crazy far right that still claim BHO was not born in Hawaii—this fringe hurts Trump—He should get off twitter and get serious.

BTW Did you know Steve Bannon is registered to vote in two states?

@Rich Wheeler:

Illegal voting has been a part of the election process going back to Kennedy with Illinois and West Virginia. Joe Kennedy Sr famously said he was not buying a landslide.

The left opposes the exposition of voter fraud because it hurts them more than any other party.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich you just can’t stand the fact that Donald Trump was elected President I know that. Donald Trump has done more for out country in three days in office that Obola did in eight years, unless you count things that hurt our country. Voter fraud is real Rich and you know that. Why did hilldabeast claim voter fraud, is she on the fringe??

@Rich Wheeler: #14 In every liberal sanctuary city, ID cards and drivers licenses are issued to illegal immigrants. That’s all you need to register and vote. The left ENCOURAGES illegal immigrants to vote. There are incidents of illegal immigrants VOTING. The left opposes ALL measures to assure that only citizens vote.

If it’s not a smoking gun, there’s a round in the chamber and the hammer is cocked. I think a full investigation is warranted. I

Now, where is the evidence that the Russians affected the election?

@Rich Wheeler: I understand what you mean…though I believe the endless information campaign by the left to illegitimize Trump in every way engenders supporters to be a bit, well, defensive.

He’ll make mistakes, like all Presidents.

And I think I can speak for most Americans at the irony of media outlet’s outrage at the term “alternative facts”…when that’s their business, every day…or at least they obscure the meaning of “facts” so that repetition and fanfare replace rational thought in the minds of the electorate.

This kind of open battle between information/propaganda brokers (media/entertainment) and the rest of us is what I hoped Trump would induce…

@Common Sense: You just don’t get it DOC—I’ve basically stopped arguing with the reactionary right–you guys even act like Trump.
Thanks Nathan, for your rational input.
Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: I’ll also say that the “fringe” you speak of is overexposed by the left…if it even exists in the first place. This, of course, feeds the chief motivation in the leftist followers: fear.

BTW, I consider an 18-20 year old voting for Hillary because they watch SNL and read Rolling Stone and have nothing but liberal teachers as “Voter Fraud”. Disregarding the “popular vote” is easy, because controlling information falsely is the only reason the left has exploited whole classes of people that don’t know any better.

@Nathan Blue: “overexposed” lol crazy is as crazy does–I’d call em Trumps base.
I gotta remember this is a Conservative blog.

Trump Freezes Obama’s $221m Payment to Palestinians

Thank you……

The final Obama Debt Tracker: $9.3 trillion of debt in 8 years

@July 4th American: But, look at how much better everything is. That’s the high cost of perfection.

@Rich Wheeler:

Watch FOX and CNN.

Love the story in todays news where Ted Turner (the original owner and founder of CNN) says CNN should go back to being a News organization and not a front organization for the Democrat Party. And he’s a Democrat.

@Rich Wheeler: 10

Nathan Blue A Trumpist is someone who thinks the guy can do no wrong

Hmmm…. so what’s a Trumpeteer?


@Common Sense: Is he gonna show any proof of his claim of 3-5 million illegal votes—

He didn’t make a ‘claim’ of 3-5 million illegal votes. He simply said that if it hadn’t been for 3-5 million illegal votes that he would have gotten more popular votes. We all know the reason the vote recounts got halted in Mich, Pa, Wisc is it was beginning to show so many fraudulent votes for Dimocrats that they wanted to stop the public embarrassment.

I guess you really like the news story coming out today showing Obozo was the 4th most unpopular president since FDR. President Obama left the White House, the mainstream press was falling over itself proclaiming how popular he was.

“Obama leaving office on a very high note,” was a typical headline.

Yet despite the media’s fixation with polls, the press completely buried one of the more newsworthy poll findings — a Gallup report that came out last Friday, which took a final look at the President Obama’s popularity over his eight years in office.Here’s a link:

Here’s One Poll The Press Doesn’t Want You To See

All these libs and their bruha about how popular Obozo has been won’t like those numbers.

@Nathan Blue:

BTW, I consider an 18-20 year old voting for Hillary because they watch SNL

reminds me of when the voting age in Georgia was 18 but every other state it was 21. 21 was legal age for alcohol everywhere. Then all states lowered the voting age and drinking age down to 18. They quickly found out that kids were not mature enough at 18 for alcohol. But they still allow those immature 18 year olds to vote.

@RedTeam: Kennedy way out front–Clinton and Johnson on top of Reagan–makes sense.
3- 5 million illegal votes?? even Paul Ryan is laughing at such an absurd idea.
Remember when Cruz called DT a “pathological liar”–“doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies”–what is real and what is not. Was Cruz correct?
KellyAnne and Spicer know there is much B.S being put out but don’t have the nerve to tell him–so–“alternate facts”–what a joke.
A Trumpeteer is a Trumpist in a marching band.

@Rich Wheeler:

A Trumpeteer is a Trumpist in a marching band

oh, ok.

Remember when Cruz called DT a “pathological liar”–“doesn’t know the difference

Cruz doesn’t even know he wasn’t eligible to run for president. Need I say more?
I’ve challenged several, no responses. Name one lie,, of substance, by Trump.

: Kennedy way out front–Clinton and Johnson on top of Reagan–makes sense.

You have to remember that most polls are by Dimocrats. Trump up to 59% by Rasmussen.

@RedTeam: Rasmussen a Repub poll—RCP has Trump UP to 43% approval.
Lie of SUBSTANCE?? Is that a joke?
I’m beginning to think that DT and his Trumpists actually believe their lies-er–“alternative facts”–Cruz was right.

@Rich Wheeler:

I’m beginning to think that DT and his Trumpists actually believe their lies-

So you’re also not able to name any lie of substance. Wonder why that is.

Cruz was right

about what? That he had split citizenship, canadian and Cuban?@Rich Wheeler:

RCP has Trump UP to 43% approval.


@RedTeam: He’s still a god, even if an unpopular god.

@RedTeam: 45.2% IMPRESSIVE–almost back to where he started–got 46% when it counted–might even catch Obama–nah.
I gotta laugh at your continued “LIES OF SUBSTANCE” question. That implies you think his lies are non substantial. is that right?

Bill If Obama is an unpopular god what does that make Trump at 45.2%? An unpopular con man?

You’re a Cruz supporter–do you agree with him that Trump is a pathological liar?

@Rich Wheeler:

his lies are non substantial. is that right?

Actually the problem is you aren’t able to list any lies. Of substance or otherwise. I’ll bet you wouldn’t have any problem quoting a lie by Obozo or Hillary. “if you like your insurance, you can keep it’. @Rich Wheeler:

Obama is an unpopular god what does that make Trump at 45.2%? An unpopular con man?

and the 47 for Obozo includes all those really high numbers his first year and last year. He must’ve been around 35 -40 the rest of the time.

@Rich Wheeler: Check this out:

one ballot box had 56 ballots in it and the count for that box was over 300, for Dimocrats. And that was only one small dimocrat controlled county in the US. Multiply those numbers by the number of Dimocrat controlled counties in the US, especially Gayfornia and you’ll begin to realize Trumps 3-5 million number might have been on the low side.

@Rich Wheeler:

Bill If Obama is an unpopular god what does that make Trump at 45.2%? An unpopular con man?

It makes Trump the target of a corrupt and liberal (redundancy alert) media. How Trump plays out after 4 years has yet to be determined, but so far he is hitting it out of the park. He has made brilliant selections of personnel, been keeping campaign promises, is doing exactly what he said he would do and is making social and economic improvements right and left.

But the media hates this. So, they try to make his inauguration appear to be weakly received. They try to refocus attention on phony issues. They fail to recognize how WRONG they are already.

The same propaganda that propped up Obama’s popularity tears Trump’s down, as if THAT makes a damn bit of difference. Popularity does not create jobs or keep the nation safe… as we have seen for the past 8 years.

Just as happened with the election itself, the contrasts between liberal failure and a LEADER that is determined to accomplish good for the nation will not be able to be conceal the obvious. In the end, you all are looking pretty foolish.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

but so far he is hitting it out of the park.

amen. fastest start out of the box i’ve ever seen. By this time, Obozo had played 5 rounds of golf and him and Tranny had headed out on vacation.

@RedTeam: By this time in Obama’s first term, he had closed GITMO… which is still open. That set the tone and pace.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Do you agree with RT that Cruz, Obama and Rubio are Constitutionally ineligible to be POTUS?

Do you believe elite and elitist are the same?.

Do you agree “Trump’s 3-5 million number might be on the low side?”

Do you agree Obama is gay,Michelle Obama is a “tranny” and Obama’s two daughters are adopted?

Just askin–trying to gauge YOUR sanity.

@Rich Wheeler:

Just askin–trying to gauge YOUR sanity.

You’re saying you’re insane because you don’t believe it? I’m not so sure I’d go so far as to call you insane, maybe just ignorant of facts of Constitution and eligibility requirements.
Clearly Cruz as a minimum has split allegiance, Definitely Canadian, Cuban, and maybe 1/3 American, though American is least sure as to whether his mother had already become a Canadian citizen. Obama, actually could be eligible on the basis of who his ‘real’ father is. We just don’t know if it is Frank Marshal Davis, who was an American at the time, however, it is a fact that Obozo gave up his American citizenship when he went to Indonesia and never had it restored, so that certainly made him ineligible and then Rubio was born as an American and a Cuban. Neither of his parents were American. Clearly the definition of not a natural born citizen.
Just curious RW, why does it matter to you? You clearly don’t have any knowledge of the subject and your pretending to have some insight just makes you look rather ignorant of the facts. You’re certainly not going to score any points on the subject if you are in a debate because you display no basic knowledge of the subject.
Give us a definition of ‘natural born citizen’ of the US.

@Rich Wheeler: No, I don’t agree with all that, except possibly the figures on illegal and fraudulent votes. This we can’t possibly know unless it is investigated. Some of that I don’t know, for certain, but also don’t really care.

Now, I asked a question some time back which you never answered… did Obama lie when he said Hillary was a racist liar that would say anything to get elected or when he said she was “the most qualified person in history” to be President?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Pretty wishy washy answer Bill—sounds like a no on 1-2 and 4 and a resounding maybe on 3
You wanna show me where Obama called HRC a racist liar?

RT You’ve debated many at FA on the natural born question. IMO you’ve lost em all.
Rubio and Obama natural born by right of birth in U.S Cruz born in Canada to American citizen mother makes him natural born with dual citizenship In addition he renounced Canadian citizenship in May of 2014.
All 3 meet eligibility requirements to be POTUS. All court decisions in agreement You are in a very small number of people who believe otherwise.
Roll out your argument on natural born clause, ONCE AGAIN, if you’d like.

Curt PLS post my response to Bill and RT #49 under re ?
Any thoughts on my #46?

Thanks for your service as a Marine and as a Police Officer.
Semper Fi Richard