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“In your view, any effort in the DNC to favor one candidate or another would have been improper?” Pelley asked.

“Again, I don’t have any information about this, and so I can’t answer specifically,” Clinton said.

What a non-answer!
She was asked her OPINION.
Her answer was almost incomprehensible.

George Lucas is a Hillary Clinton supporter. It might also be worth noting that the Democratic National Convention organizers haven’t had to use anyone’s music without permission and contrary to the stated wishes of the people who created it.

@Greg: It’s also worth noting that the Chairwoman of the DNC was caught, in writing, illegally supporting a candidate rather than respecting the will of the party electorate.

Better to have the diversity of thought on the Right than the oppression of the Left.

P.S.- George Lucas was essentially fired from further corrupting the movie franchise he once started. Hills and company should take a lesson and step out now. They’re viability as public servants is well past, and any Dem supporters should be beyond embarrassed by now, handily giving away the presidential election so far before November.

@Nathan Blue, #3:

It’s also worth noting that the Chairwoman of the DNC was caught, in writing, illegally supporting a candidate rather than respecting the will of the party electorate.

The right really likes that word, illegal. They throw it around a lot. Actually it was an issue of failure to follow party rules and a breach of trust, not illegality. And, in case you haven’t noticed, Wasserman Shultz was booed offstage and summarily handed her hat as convention chairwoman. Her political career may not be totally over, but the damage was severe and will be lasting.

Sanders has never been more popular or influential. Trump has most likely peaked, because the discussion from this point forward will become substantive, and the man is totally devoid of substance. Clinton will likely be the next president by default, because she’s experienced, talented, smart, strong, and tenacious as hell—and because she’s running against Donald Trump rather than fill in the blank, who would have been a far better republican choice. Moscow does not get a vote.

And this is the same party that hollywood liberal Julia Roberts said was OF THE PEOPLE’ BY THE PEOPLE,FOR THE PEOPLE darn Hollywood liberal fool

This, from conservative George Will, via FOX News:

Trump Doesn’t Want to Release Tax Returns “Because He’s Deeply Involved In Dealing With Russia”

The Trump campaign denies it:


And that is all they said, despite this:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Donald Trump, Jr. said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication, cited by The Washington Post. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” The statement was not meant to imply that Russian government money was invested in Trump enterprises.

Putin’s money would not be Russian government money, for example. On paper, at least, Putin’s money isn’t always even Putin’s money. It would be interesting to see his tax returns as we have those of the Clintons, going back for years.

@Greg: Wow! There is a thread of honesty in the Democratic party, no matter how thin! Greg must have looked long and hard to find that one thread.

@Greg: Do you think that the sale of 90% of the US uranium assets to a Ukrainian company that Clinton approved after a $500,000 speaking fee for Bill was sent to the Clinton Foundation is considered having business with the Russians?

Talented, strong, smart. The woman couldn’t handle a fax machine or email.

I’ve don’t think I”ve ever seen a political party set the bar so low for a candidate.

She’s talking about fixing the economy as if her party hasn’t been in the white house for 8 years. Her solutions are not progressive but the same old failed ideas of the past.

Listening to Dems it’s the I’ll give you something free so vote for me party.

She’s just another LIAR and not a very good one. You’ll happily suckle at that teet all day long.

Trump has already publicly stated that this DNC hack was done by his Russian and Chinese friends
I guess most posters here find no problem with Russian criminal and intelligence organizations supporting Trump for POTUS
Nice “friends” you got there Mr Trump !!!

@Greg: #2… Wow. I guess we should all vote for Hillary in that case, huh?

As far as legal or illegal goes, let’s see what the FEC says, if they even bother to look into it.

I wonder how much the DNC had with the selection of Obama over Hillary in 2008? The media bias was palpable but now one has to wonder if this is their standard way of doing business.

I would be embarrassed to support someone that has such a low regard for my intelligence as to give such answered to the questions about the emails. She really thinks you people are stupid though, in her defense, you do give her every reason to believe it.

From her ‘interview’ above – she sounds canned, uses talking points obsessively (even when asked a question directly she just repeats herself) and highly uninformed…just what Democrats want in a President….and what Democrat politicians want in their

..Now, Trump on the other hand…he knows exactly what is going on…

What’s up with Hillary’s spasms? THAT doesn’t look good…had that been a Republican it would be ‘News’ for weeks….24/7…


Really? So you snidely look down on someone – who has paid the appropriate use fees – from using MUSIC if the musician doesn’t like the person who paid for the legal use of said music….but (in typical leftist fashion) DEMAND that we have no right to object to our tax dollars being spent to murder preborn humans, and shriek that those of us who do not want to be forced to participate in homogamy ceremonies in violation of our Constitutionally-protected religious beliefs are nothing but ‘bigots’ who need to be criminally charged and hit with legal fines.

There is no depth of hypocrisy to which leftist tyrants will not stoop on their lust for power.

Its a total disgrace the demac-RATS are holdint their little bray in In Philladelphia and using the Liberty Bell in their signs It would be better if they held their little pow wow i San Francisco or Hollywood where many of their supporters live and replace the Liberty Bell with the Hammer & Psycle


Democratic National Convention organizers haven’t had to use anyone’s music without permission and contrary to the stated wishes of the people who created it.

BFD — you put it out in the public – make mega bucks off it – and then complain over the free publicity many years on — you lie-berals are so dam eff’n stupid it is unbelievable — (OPPS!! – Actually your stupidity IS very believeble) — and I know what I am talking about because I have been around enough drug addled ‘musicians’ to know their inability to relate to reality!

@Randy, #8:

Do you think that the sale of 90% of the US uranium assets to a Ukrainian company that Clinton approved after a $500,000 speaking fee for Bill was sent to the Clinton Foundation is considered having business with the Russians?

No one sold 90 percent of US uranium assets to anybody. You should fact check your stories. You’ll discover this particular one is about 90 percent bullshit, and involved connecting dots that weren’t even on the same blackboard.


The right really likes that word, illegal.

That is because it clearly applies to most of the demo-COMMUNIST and RINO activities of late – esp the putrid demo-COMMUNISTs illegal gate crashers and multi-voting brain dead zombies!

Sanders has never been more popular or influential.

That piss-ant achronistic Marxist sh-t for brains? — You are totally deluded!!

@Randy: You are wasting your time with a brain dead lie-beral!

@Spurwing Plover:

with the Hammer & Psycle

You have that spelling correct!!


No one sold 90 percent of US uranium assets to anybody.

So — just how much did the hilda-bitch sell?? PLEASE provide complete AND accurate references!

Are you not aware that the burden of proof is on those who make the such accusations? Oh, right. I tend to forget that isn’t how it works on the right. All political enemies are guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent. Witness the never-ending series of Congressional investigations by a party that invariably refuses to accept their own conclusions.

If only you would spend one one-hundredth of the same amount of time and energy looking into some rather important questions concerning your own presidential candidate…

@Greg: Burden of proof Greggie?? You can keep your health insurance and/or doctor “period”!! Benghazi was caused by a video?? Greggie you have NO credibility just like the demoncraps!!

Just How Stupid Can America Be? Facing the Truth About Donald Trump’s Big Voting Bloc (There’s every reason to worry that millions of people take sheer nonsense seriously.)

I haven’t wanted to believe this to be true, although the signs that it might be so are increasingly abundant. Unfortunately, it’s a theory that pretty much explains everything.

Donald Trump is now nearly a full point ahead of Clinton in the Real Clear Politics poll average.


“Clinton will likely be the next president by default, because she’s experienced, talented, smart, strong, and tenacious as hell”

She is a stupid lying sack of excrement who has never accomplished anything worthwhile in her life, up to and including screwing Bill. All of her “accomplishments” are merely reflections of Bill Clinton.

She is a conniving corrupt nothing brain who couldn’t pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.

She will lose worse than any candidate in history has ever lost before. She smells hateful and corrupt, and the public can tell.

She is a stupid lying sack of excrement who has never accomplished anything worthwhile in her life, up to and including screwing Bill.

People always seem to pop in using a different nickname when their frustration builds to the point where they need to take a dump like that. You’re apparently one of the group the article linked in #23 addresses. If the author is right about the scale of the ignorance and stupidity, your lot could well put Donald Trump in the White House. Hopefully you’d be at least smart enough afterward to realize you’re to blame for the consequences on your own life, but it might not be likely. You’ve been convinced that all was well until Obama wrecked the U.S. economy and turned victory in Iraq into the disaster that had been predicted before we even went in. You probably think he’s a Muslim and still expect him to declare marshal law, put a national civilian security force on the streets, or to confiscate your guns. If you had Diogenes lamp, it probably got lost up your backside in search of your brain years ago. Watch out. Methane gas is rumored to be explosive.

Be polite, and I’ll continue to be polite.


All political enemies are guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent.

Uh…. Russian hackers… supporting Trump…. sound familiar?

People always seem to pop in using a different nickname when their frustration builds to the point where they need to take a dump like that.

But, you aren’t guilty of any of that, are you, Greg? Trump insane? Trump a racist? While you have no proof of any of that, there is ample, documented proof Hillary is a despicable liar and incompetent.

@Randy: She only exchanged her approval of the sale of 20% of US uranium for the $35 million she got from the Russians.

@Greg: Have no fear of the Republicans stealing music from Paul Simon. His rendition of the iconic, “Bridge over troubled waters”, was horrible in song and performance.

@Bill, #26:

She only exchanged her approval of the sale of 20% of US uranium for the $35 million she got from the Russians.

She didn’t have final authority to either approve or disapprove the deal. There’n no indication Clinton played any part in it. That isn’t how the process works. But never mind that. It’s a good story.

@Greg: Well, you’re going to have to have a foil for your conscience when Trump wins. Why not blame Russia and look as bad as all those Anti-Obama “George Soros rigged the election” voters in 2008?

Mirroring, Greg. You became your enemy, and now you’re much worse than that. But as you said, it’s a good story.

It’s good that you’re finding a bullshit excuse now, though. You recognize the writing is on the wall.

You write more when you’ve nothing to say…nothing to defend anymore. Trying to dogpile the hopelessness of your position with ranting merely concedes your defeat.

I hope you’re not getting paid too much, because you’re not good at the logic/reason/rationality thing.

@Nathan Blue, #30:

Trump’s relationship with Russia has been an issue for a while now, though it somehow didn’t seem to register until he made his NATO comments.

Trump: The Kremlin’s Candidate

Carter Page was already a Trump adviser. Paul Manafort was made Trump’s campaign manager a little more than a month ago, replacing Corey Lewandowski, apparently at the insistence of Donald Jr. Page and Manafort are both deeply connected in Moscow, and have both been paid lobbyists working to promote Russian interests. This is not imaginary. It does, however, seem to be totally invisible to Trump supporters.

Do you know who helped get pro-Russian mobster Viktor Yanukovych elected president of Ukraine? Here’s a clue: It was one of the two Trump advisers just mentioned. It was a paid gig. Yanukovych has since fled to Russia. During his term of office, an estimated $70 billion in Ukrainian assets were mysteriously transferred to foreign accounts.

What is Obama up to with Russia?
He is for deepening cooperation with Russia while his own Pentagon opposes it.
And why is there this chasm?
Because Obama thinks a group of Muslims in Syria are ”moderates,” even though they beheaded a 12-year old boy by MISTAKE after he was falsely accused of being a spy.
(Not bothering to try him or bring evidence first.)
Just a ”my bad!” afterwards.
Russia looks at that group as what they are, terrorists.
Oh, and btw, you know how lame Obama’s fight against terrorists in Syria has been?
Now you know why: his so-called moderate terrorist buddies live, work and kill side-by-side with such baddies as al-Nusra (ISIS’ affiliate in Syria).
I’m sure Obama’s buds would share armaments with al-Nusra if al-Nusra took too many hits.

But, hey, focus like a laser beam on Trump why don’t you?

@Greg: Ao, what you are trying to show is that not only was Hillary complicit in handing our strategic resources to the Russians but Obama’s entire administration went for it.

Showing Hillary is not the STUPIDEST of the lot doesn’t really make her any smarter.

@Nanny G: This is only another example of the bereft-of-principles left. They believe in nothing and are only concerned with what can be weaponized. It was OK for Obama to flood his administration with radical Islamists and for Hillary to accept bribes from scum all around the world; that shouldn’t influence their judgement. But, they try to make the most of an unfounded rumor of Russians supporting Trump due to the relevantion of the Democrat’s true trashiness. More likely they support fellow socialist Bernie.

@DrJohn: A video of Hillary lying under oath before Congress is not proof for liberals, yet just the smell of an accusation against any Republican is “firm proof”.

They are degenerate.

You gotta see this before it is removed by Hillary:
30 seconds of stuff Hillary said about outsourcing in a PAID speech in India.
This was one of her many so-called ”closed-door speeches.”
And Hillary aims to keep it that way!
No wonder.
Her own words then are damning to her now.

This primary season showed that voters on both sides are fed up with the establishment hence the strong showings of Trump and Sanders. The difference between the two parties is the way the process worked. One party allowed the democratic process to ultimately decide the nominee. The other had the fix in from the start. Regardless of who leaked the emails, the Party has handed Putin another major propaganda victory just like the leader of the Party handed him major victories with his empty red line threat in Syria and the Ukraine. Ironically, if Russia was behind the leaks, it shows that the Party utilizes tactics that Putin himself would utilize.

@another vet: Trump and the RNC even allowed Cruz to give his speech, knowing he was not going to endorse Trump. Compare that to the DNC, their control, manipulation, bigotry and walls.

@DrJohn, #35:

The issue hasn’t only been raised by the left. This article recently appeared in The Weekly Standard, which is a highly respected conservative news and commentary publication: Putin’s Party?

Bill Kristol is no leftist, and he’s certainly no dummy.

@Bill: Ironically, I believe the dems were the first of the two parties to change to the popular vote as the means to select the party’s nominee as opposed to letting the party elites decide. Just like our Constitution and our laws governing the handling of classified material and immigration, I guess their rules governing selection of the party’s nominee were meant to be subverted too. This is one area where they are consistent for a change.

@another vet: To Democrats and liberals today, all laws, rules, regulations and the Constitution are good for is to attack the opposition. Their only interest in them is how to circumvent the restrictions while using them as weapons on others.

In 2008, we knew the liberal media was picking Obama for the Democrats; most likely the DNC was pulling strings then as well (wasn’t the lunatic Howard Dean the chairman them?). This goround, we KNOW the DNC was pulling strings and the complicit, corrupt media is cheerleading for Hillary.

If they could used a Quiji board to choose her and get away with it, they would.

Just imagine that mentality running the country… oh, wait. It has been.

Nah the GOP were probably doing exactly the same to try and skew the competition in the favour of cruz (their boy), but trump won despite this. Sanders has always given off a McCain vibe, both bowed out early and left their supporters in a state of shock.

In 1984 Ted Kennedy approached the Soviets who were then led by the former KGB head, Yuri Andropov, and tried to negotiate help in opposing Reagan. We found out about Kennedy’s efforts when Yeltsin opened up the Soviet archives in 1991.

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum.
Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”

Kennedy’s message was simple.
Kennedy proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.
“The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”

Compared this reliable evidence, the case against Trump is made of air.
We don’t know who did the hacking.
There is no evidence at all of any Trump business in Russia, and he has denied having any investments there.
There is, in other words, nothing to connect Trump to the leaks, much less to Russia.

Trump won’t release tax returns–what’s he hiding??

@Nanny G, #45:

Independent analysts have concluded that all evidence points to Russian intelligence operatives. Their unique digital fingerprints are on it: Here’s What We Know About Russia and the DNC Hack

So, there’s method, motive, opportunity, and evidence at the crime scene in the form of unique and identifiable digital command and control addresses and security certificates associated with prior governmental hacking operations. It all adds up to a Russian cyber attack .

@Greg: Or, as many are pointing out, a false flag operation.

@Richard Wheeler: Why should he? Hillary won’t release her speeches or her full financial disclosure, lies about everything, Obama keeps his past locked up and no one on the left cares. Why would you care about Trump’s taxes? So you can
Lie about them like the left did Romney’s?

Until the left begins to be honest and open, I hope Trump releases NOTHING.

Until the left begins to be honest and open, I hope Trump releases NOTHING.

That’s how he gets away with hiding whatever he chooses. All of the Clinton tax returns are available for public examination. Most of the Clinton speeches were made in public settings. They’re not state secrets. The Clinton Foundation’s records are also available.

The fact that your tax returns are being audited doesn’t mean you can’t make them public. If Trump has been audited every year, as he says, past year’s returns that were already reviewed should be available. The guy is just using the right’s anti-government, anti-IRS sentiments as cover. He makes use of every button available.