“Black liberal kills nine white people.” That should have been the original headline


oregon victims


“Black liberal kills nine white people”. That’s the proper headline for the Oregon shooting.

Via political correctness, bias, and malpractice, the media has turned this story into a total clusterf**k. A lot of bloggers, too eager to be first, screwed things up. Social media outlets have scrubbed accounts of the Oregon shooter to wash their hands of what they were not displeased to own prior to the tragedy.

The Oregon shooter was a Brit, born in the UK.

The Oregon shooter is referred to as “mixed race” or white but was as black as is Barack Obama. CNN turned him into a white man:



No one ever describes Barack Obama as “mixed race” despite Obama being no more black than the shooter. It does remind one of another incidence involving a “white Hispanic.”

Media moron Deray McKesson once again falsely paints the shooter as white.

The LA Times suggested that the shooter was a white supremacist.

Blogs got it wrong. One blog, which listed 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, first claimed the shooter was shot by the cops. (See it at 1:49 in)


Since then the article has been scrubbed. The shooter committed suicide.

The shooter was sympathetic to Vester Flanagan, who gunned down two recently in Virginia, and to Black Lives Matter.

The shooter had a strong interest in the IRA, which is a socialist extremist group. (e.g. Bill Ayers’ Weatherman)


On one of his social media profiles, the shooter labeled himself as a “conservative Republican.” Yeah, sure. Think “Chris Hansen.”

The shooter listed “organized religion” as something he disliked, and reportedly had a Satanic obsession, choosing to “serve darkness.” Curiously, the shooter’s profile omits his interest in the IRA, Vester Flanagan and Satan.

CNN, who converted the shooter from a black man into a white man, claimed that the shooter hated “all types of people” and that included hating black men. Still waiting on confirmation. I don’t know why, if someone hated all types of people, hating one group was more important that hating another, unless it was necessary for a special narrative.

The shooter was black, hated religion, had interest in an extremist socialist terrorist group and selected Christians for execution. He was clearly a liberal. He was no Conservative and he was no Republican.

Now, for the nitty gritty. The problem here, as with nearly every mass shooting, is mental illness:

He struggled with mental health issues for years and attended a special needs school

A law enforcement source said investigators have learned Mercer had long struggled with mental health issues, beginning when he was a teenager.

He was among five students listed in the graduating class at Switzer Learning Center, according to a special graduation section published by the Torrance-based newspaper, the Daily Breeze, in 2009. The Switzer Learning Center, also in Torrance, teaches students with special needs, emotional difficulties, autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

According to its website, the school “has a long history of working with children who have been unsuccessful in traditional classrooms.”

Our President ignored it. As we have noted here, Barack Obama acted stupidly in his response to this shooting. Remember this?

President Barack Obama issued a statement on Friday regarding the execution-style shooting deaths of three Muslims in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

In the statement, Obama called the murders “brutal and outrageous,” and confirmed that — while a preliminary police investigation suggests the shooting was motivated by a “parking dispute” — the FBI is getting involved to find out if any federal laws were violated.

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” the president said in the statement.

Back then, it wasn’t about the guns. It was about religion. One religion in particular- Islam. When Christians are targeted for execution, it’s about the guns.

Weird, huh?

This episode makes clear just how pathetic the media has become. There is no interest in facts. There is no interest in the truth.

Nine white people died at the hands of a liberal Satan-obsessed black man. Have you heard anyone mention that even one time?

Weird, huh?



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I am careful not to reference any of the data available on this idiot yet; there is too much contradictory information floating about, including that the “profile” of him went up AFTER he was dead and he had converted to Islam.

All that really matters, though, is yet another person with a history of mental problems can purchase 13 guns; obviously, someone somewhere is not doing their job with the restrictions in place, yet the left demands MORE restrictions.

I’m finding the attitude of our authorities pretty weird.
In Dylan Roof’s case his ”manifesto” was published for all to see.
(A lot of ”manifestos” had been published in full over the decades.)
But in Vester Flanagan’s and this guy’s case both left lengthy manifestos but both manifestos are being held in secret!
Both also happen to be men of mixed race who targeted whites.

We can only wonder as to their beliefs since the gag order is on as to their own statements.
Black Lives Matter supporters?

@Nanny G: What absolute B.S–whoever got the idea these scumbags names and “mamifesos” should be silenced has it right. Too many mentally disturbed gun toting copycats–they should get zero PR–COWARDS.

@rich wheeler:
Perhaps you’ve forgotten one of the earliest manifestos, by the guy dubbed ”The Unibomber.”
If his manifesto had not been published his own brother would not have realized he was the killer.
His brother, reading that manifesto, recognized his own brother’s verbal affectations in his writing.
It led to an arrest and conviction.
Ironically, the unibomber’s cell is larger than his little shed/cabin where he lived for years!
There are other reasons to publish manifestos.
They educate the public that someone who goes on in a like manner might be needing help from a pro.
They allow profiling.
They get symptoms out there where professionals can see the difference between a safe person with, say, Asbergers’, VS one who has gone round the bend.
Ignore the lessons of history and you are doomed to repeat them.

@rich wheeler: Yeah, but funny they decided to suppress them when a gay man and a black-anti-Christian man decide to do their killing.

I guess we just trust Obama’s DOJ to be honest with us, right? I mean, after all, it’s not like Obama already ramped up his anti-2nd Amendment campaign before even knowing there WAS a manifesto, the weapons used, the motives or the killer, now is it?

@Bill: Suppression was suggested by the Conservative Oregon sheriff. I concur.
Bill Black this Gay that—who gives a rat’s ass. Have you seen this guy’s father?–just askin

Actually, it should read:

Man Who Would Look Like Obama’s Brother Kills White Christians.

Asking the victims religion, if they said “Christian” he shot them in the head. If they said some other religion, he shot them in the leg. He went so far as to have one Christian girl beg for her life. When she did, he murdered her.

If this was a white guy killing 9 gays you can just imagine how the left wing press would be reacting.

@rich wheeler: You have exposed your dishonesty. The sheriff said we should not publish his NAME. He said nothing of studying his motives and influences.

Black this Gay that—who gives a rat’s ass.

In a world that does not include you racist leftists, it shouldn’t matter. In THIS world, it only matters when it is a white guy with one picture with a Confederate battle flag in it. Of course, using that same standard to emphasize the fact that the guy was black and had a gay pride flag prominently displayed, or was black and favored Muslims or violent socialist groups is out of line… right?

None of it really matters unless you leftists continue to go after the 2nd Amendment right for citizens to protect themselves; then it matters quite a bit because anyone that is suspected of planning harm (gays, blacks, white supremacists, liberals) should be locked up before they can harm the defenseless. Pick your poison.


they are scrubbing any connetion to him as fast as anyone can figure they had some connection

Mr. Wheeler: Consider these tidbits of “data”:
If the mother was born in 1951- you can do the math of mom’s birth date. The possibility rises of “mental defects” with the age of the mother is something I will leave you to ponder.

If these reports are true: He was involved with a school play, “Blithe Spirit” , on the campus, would indicate his intermingling with other students.

One of his last postings on FaceBook, if you believe the sources, was admiration with Moslems of let us say, as “extreme.”

As others have posted, it is vital that all data that would compel to make this person act in such a heinous fashion should be explored and published. Having said this our vaunted “fourth estate” has cluster fucked this to the point of you asking me to look at the complexion of the father and that the ownership of guns will result in” copy cat killings.”

We’ve had mentally ill people since the dawn of time. But this fad of shooting up a roomful of strangers is new.

When are we going to investigate the quacks we call psychiatrists?

How many people are aware that the pharmaceutical company that makes luvox was sued after Columbine and the records of the trial were sealed?

It’s the drugs, people. It’s the damned drugs.

@Bill: What are you saying–the fact he’s got a white father with what sounds like an English accent and a Black mother means something—What?

#13 has a valid concern–too many drugs—14 weapons in his possession–too many weapons

Bill Most of these deranged killers couldn’t tell you the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal–stop playing this stupid gotcha game.

Lets start with too many drugs—too many guns.

Talk about dishonesty–you calling me a “liberal racist” Is your mind warped Bill? That’s a serious accusation based on what?

So if the information regarding this shooter’s mental state is true, it seems we would all agree he should not have been able to get firearms. Yet despite laws against mentally unstable people being able to buy firearms, he managed to do so. His mental state was sharp enough, however, to go to a gun free zone to engage his rampage, like virtually every other such scumbag. Rather than recognize the blatantly ineffective concept of a “gun free zone” having any capacity to prevent such an evil act, we get yet another political chorus of gun confiscation/prohibition of ownership. The bias of the media with their histrionic “Australia confiscated guns” proclamations is readily seen by the complete silence of the same media outlets on the recent muslim shooter attack in Australia despite the prohibition on firearm ownership there.

More people are killed by drunk drivers and from car accidents than are killed by firearms. Yet the gun control activists are not calling for the prohibition of either alcohol nor automobiles.

@rich wheeler:

@Bill: What are you saying–the fact he’s got a white father with what sounds like an English accent and a Black mother means something—What?

It means he’s black, doesn’t it? He’s as black as Obama is; and he killed WHITE PEOPLE. Using the liberal, “no matter what, racism is the answer” logic, this makes the killing a hate crime based on race and, on top of that, people were targeted because of their religion and I once heard someone say, “no one should be targeted because of their religion”.

Talk about dishonesty–you calling me a “liberal racist” Is your mind warped Bill? That’s a serious accusation based on what?

Perhaps you have a better explanation as to why you would misrepresent the sheriff’s statement and reasons for not making this maniac famous. For, in order to try and defend the fact that this guy’s “manifesto” and that of the gay reporter-killer are not made public, this is what you have done. In this day and age, the media controls what is provided as fact and what is suppressed.

However, the facts WILL come out and the accusations of what the dishonest left has been up to will, again, be exposed.

@Pete: The left always proclaims to oppose the death penalty because it is not a deterrent to crime yet feel making lying on a form a crime will stop gun deaths and mass murders. Their stupidity know no galactic bounds.

You guys crack me up with your incessant crying about the lame stream media. It’s your fall back on everything–get a damn backbone–find someone or something else to blame every so often.
You straight arrows O.K. with lying on gun apps?

CNN didn’t turn the shooter into a white man.

CNN never displayed the altered photo of Chris Harper-Mercer.

The photo was posted to Twitter by an anonymous user along with the phony claim that it was from CNN. That was enough to get the rumor started. Jim Hoft doesn’t seem to bother checking sources before repeating a tale. Megan Kelly should kick him off her website if she wants to retain her credibility.

@rich wheeler: That’s odd advice from one that sees “right wing conspiracies” and racism around every corner.

The left wing bias of the media is an established… even ADMITTED… fact.

Mr. Wheeler: “…lame stream media…” I would suggest you watch the CNN interview of the killers’ dad. The dad blamed it all on guns and how could his son gather all those weapons. The rub is you have an absentee dad who left when parenthood got difficult. “..had Asperger’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder…”, moms’ statement to The New York Times. Moreover, he was enrolled in the creative writing class that he targeted for his heinous actions. The father had no interaction with his son since the divorce of 2006, yet his ordeal and mantra of guns is front and center for CNN.

Once again, you never addressed my main points of the post. You reflected on the mantra of “…lame stream media..” and/or The Fourth Estate, as a “..fallback..”

I agree that this person had mental issues ,who used gun free zones to exact punishment on those in his sick mind deserved to die. The problem is how the “media” can shape and distort this act into a political agenda.

According to what has been revealed in his “manifesto”, he refers to Satanic worship and making a place for himself in hell. He also laments that, for apparently no reason at all, he can’t find a girlfriend. He writes that he is the only sane person and everyone else is crazy.

When I searched for any news about his manifesto, I found references to Adam Lanza being a devil worshiper as well. But, hey, let’s go ahead and ban guns anyway, just for fun.

And his mother was buying him guns. Let’s see the proposed gun restrictions that is going to fix THAT one.

That all sounds pretty exciting, sexy and newsworthy; one wonders why the networks is not running with it.

If he hadn’t been scheduled to be on the Ellen DeGeneres Show the hero who disarmed the jihadist on the high-speed train to France would have been in that very building that morning at that Community College!
I noticed how media is scrubbing the shooter’s past statements while fakers are placing false stories about his history just as fast.
One cache caught him say this after Bernie Sanders was prevented from taking his own stage by Black Lives Matter girls:

Chris Harper Mercer: Good job! F*** white racist pigs like Bernie. Aug 19th, 2015.

PS he had a ”Cascadia” flag as his logo.
That flag represents an area of parts of Oregon, Washington State and Canadian British Columbia.

@rich wheeler:

You straight arrows O.K. with lying on gun apps?

Punishable by five to eight years in the federal pen.

@rich wheeler:

You straight arrows O.K. with lying on gun apps?

Did the Oregon shooter lie on a gun app? How about the Sandy Hook shooter? Did he also lie on a gun app?

You left wingers are all for bigger government and more governmental oversight. Exactly what would have prevented any of these shooters to obtain the weapons they obtained? What law would have prevented their possession of a fire arm? Seems that the gun apps that were complete were under the control of the very government that you on the left thinks can save us from ourselves.

Perhaps you should look at the past actions of your own party that now prevents families from getting help for family members that have mental health issues. Seems that the Sandy Hook shooter’s mother tried and tried to get mental health help for her son, before she lost her own life to him. So your side passed laws and made it difficult to get treatment for family members because……………………….

No one should lie on any legal form. Yet, day after day, people lie on driver’s license application, voter registration form, insurance applications, the list is endless. How many people have lied about have vehicle insurance when getting a driver’s license that allows them to be on the road where they kill someone? But hey, your state is giving driver’s license to illegals who can’t, or barely, speak English and who have no long term auto insurance. Are you upset about that and the lives that will be taken by illegal drivers who are uninsured?

A black man murdered 9 white Christians. Where is the “#whitelivesmatter” movement or the “#Christianlivesmatter” movement? Where are the lefties pushing that meme?

Your side is engaged in crisis promotion, not solutions.

Dr J you seem to have overlooked the fact that he himself claimed to be a conservative. Republican
Obviously he lived guns

For the record, as a former Marine Corps Officer,like my choice for Prez Jim Webb, I am pro 2nd Amendment. This killer and his mother had accumulated some 14 weapons, including at least one AK-47. They had commensurate ammunition. They spent mommy and son days at the rifle range–I don’t like this picture–you folks may be O.K. with it. Does the Right think there should be no restraints on the arsenal an individual may possess?
Bill What right wing conspiracies do I see around every corner? Who believes CNN doctored this guy’s picture?–see#18
Aqua–sounds about right–how’s OUR Q.B. doing at FSU?

@rich wheeler: It would have only taken one gun to do the shooting Rich. I have many more guns than he had and I have not shot up any place. Is the number of guns someone has indicative of future crimes? Is that your reasoning? That sounds like Jay Leno is going to have an auto accident that will kill someone because he has more than 100 cars. We should restrict him to 2-3 cars or arrest him if we follow you skewed logic.

@rich wheeler: This killer and his mother had accumulated some 14 weapons, including at least one AK-47. They had commensurate ammunition. They spent mommy and son days at the rifle range–I don’t like this picture–you folks may be O.K. with it. Does the Right think there should be no restraints on the arsenal an individual may possess?

When you do target practice at a range, you might plow through 500 rounds of ammunition each.
I used to live in LB, CA where the liberal paper would write ”they found a huge cache of ammunition….” when they got down to specifics it was 100 rounds or TWO packages of ammunition.
Thing is, most gun stores have specials IF you buy 10 packages of ammunition.
That would be enough for both of us on to use for one afternoon’s practice.
You (and the old LB Press Telegram) might call that part of an ”arsenal.”
To us it is not.
As to numbers of guns; different ones have different purposes.
Some are specific to certain types of hunts, rabbit, duck, deer.
Others are home defense guns.
Some are simply favorites for each member of the family.
I would not be for putting any limitations on the numbers of guns a person can buy…..and the Supreme Court agreed with me when they overturned the Washington DC one-gun-a-month law.


Dr J you seem to have overlooked the fact that he himself claimed to be a conservative. Republican
Obviously he lived guns

I wouldn’t put too much stock in that, as much as I know you CRAVE to do so… there is evidence about that the dating profile purportedly of his has been edited since he left the realm of the living. As to “living guns”, these appear to be mommie’s guns. Mommie bought the guns and let Sonny Boy go outside and play with them. Let’s find more out about her and see if she is going to be prosecuted for not keeping her guns secured.

@rich wheeler:

Bill What right wing conspiracies do I see around every corner? Who believes CNN doctored this guy’s picture?–see#18

Gee, I don’t know…. Benghazi? Emails? The Clinton Foundation? Fox News? Planned Parenthood? Conservatives picking on poor widdle Obama, despite all the good he has done in the world, just because he is black? As to CNN doctoring the photo, no doubt they WOULD, but I have no way to verify if they did. Someone will come up with a screen-shot if they did… or won’t if they didn’t.

@Bill: Talk about conspiracies–why would CNN doctor the photo?
IMO They are the fair and balanced offset to Fox and MSNBC.
I believe Benghazi, e-mails, Planned Parenthood should be fully and fairly (if possible) investigated and the chips fall where they may.

His mom used to read Trump’s book to him even before he was born. He self identified as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN and he and his monm were big fans of TRUMP!
but you continue to try and smear him as a liberal
And of course he LOVED guns, does that sound like a liberal ?

The IRA ?? Rep Peter king is a conservatve Republican and he supported the IRA


The IRA ?? Rep Peter king is a conservatve Republican and he supported the IRA

Peter King has an “F” conservative rating, but no surprise that a liberal would consider Peter King “a conservative Republican.”

@rich wheeler:

What absolute B.S–whoever got the idea these scumbags names and “mamifesos” should be silenced has it right. Too many mentally disturbed gun toting copycats–they should get zero PR–COWARDS.

Richie, why didn’t you say what you mean? What you tried to say: ” As long as it’s a jihadist, he shouldn’t get publicity. If it’s a looney white guy, his life history and every gun he owns and who helped him should all be publicized, it’s all about hypocrisy, and us Dimocrats shore do want to be openly hypocritical.” There, that’s what you meant to say.

@RKae: We’ve had mentally ill people since the dawn of time. But this fad of shooting up a roomful of strangers is new.

no. not really…
unless you require a gun, and a gun is something recent in history
but murdering a room full of people goes back thousands of years

Mr. Wheeler: You claim to be an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment yet you believe the “Fourth Estate” is a neutral presenter of this heinous crime. Moreover, you must believe that confiscation of guns and the elimination of the Second Amendment is a fantasy of the collective minds of the “Right Wing.”

Mr. Webb, in comparison to the Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders, is a better writer.

@rich wheeler: You guys crack me up with your incessant crying about the lame stream media. It’s your fall back on everything–get a damn backbone–find someone or something else to blame every so often.
You straight arrows O.K. with lying on gun apps?

nah… we just understand that people know whats going on in the world by what they read, its why the german socialist party, the soviet union, and maoists all took over the press to control what people percieve… by controlling informatino, you can control people without them knowing it (unless there is some other source for them to read from, which is why the move is to move the internet control outside the US into the hands of those states that screw with your head for personal gain of the rulers)

and as far as the other point as to lying, what would you suggest? what would work? mentally ill people who dont seek treatment are not in the files. snitching on others (lying on another form) turns out to be a witch hunt as people use that against innocents… then there is the historical misuse of the psychatric organizations in those same countries as a means of control and alternative prisons where official opinion can do what law could not…

but lie detectors are not good, as the worst sociopaths and fanatics can pass them as they believe their delusions…

what your really complaining about is that there is no reasonable way to do a thing about it and you find that accepting things you dont like not acceptable. its akin to thinking no one does anything about the rain or earthquakes? the complaint is easy, stopping tectonic plates from moving impossible, so what can one do? not a heck of a lot

given that humans are evolved to trick each other as a means of genetic success, your hands are tied… not to mention what is sane on the purchase date can end up insane years later…

some problems have no clear solutions..
some problems have no solutions

the left finds the latter to be the best as they can never be resolved and you can plumb infinite capital and cache over time, including lets try despotic control of our daily lives.

Short of locking everyone up in a prison system society, nothing can or will work, and even THAT wont work… just note what kind of weapons prisoners make from almost nothing…

and if you havent noticed, manchester england is the new gun crime capital of the UK which has banned guns ages ago. So hows that ban working?

often when no solution is the right answer or wait for one in the future, doing something usually leads to bigger problems. when the americans grew crappy pot for themselves, the state went after them. so then mexico crew better pot. when that was bad and the US sprayed paraquat.. they went farther south and found even better. then they found cocaine… when that was made super nasty, they then started making crystal meth, hallucinogens etc… and the idea of inventing new drugs not on the lawbooks was made an economic practice of cashing in till its not available, like the synthetic pot, that has nothing to do with pot.

how much trouble woudl it be for the south americans to throw in some crates of hand grenades and ak47s for their customers who will resell them into a no gun america?


thats not what Asperger’s syndrome is like. its the newtown cover for psychotic. parents would rather their kid have Asperger’s syndrome than be sociopathic or psychotic… so that is the catch all they are pushing into..

its a misuse of medical diagnostics to do that and then seek better schooling through the medical path than through the im a whining mom who dumped dad and has problems with their kids path.

from webmd

Bell, who also has a son with autism, says it’s important to understand that the condition is a developmental disorder that arises early in life. Children and adults with autism spectrum disorders struggle to communicate with others. They may feel socially isolated and have trouble feeling like part of a group. They may also have repetitive or restrictive behaviors, like rocking or shaking their hands.

“There’s absolutely nothing in that definition that talks about violence or committing aggressive acts,” Bell says.

in fact, its quite the opposite… they often are overly helpful, want to be liked, very polite, and so on..

“What’s so unusual about this individual, if indeed he has Asperger’s, is the use of weapons. There are a few cases of people with high-functioning autism who have committed violent crimes using weapons, but it’s a very small number of people,” he says.

of course there is always someone who says the opposite and then tries to rationalize that a psychopath would never do a mass shooting cause they want rewards… (the person asserting this in their own writing conflates and mixes up pyromania and other conditions trying to make their living saying that X leads to Y, as if Y is not enough)

Amy Lutz doesn’t buy the idea that people with autism may turn to violence as a way to communicate. [which is the basis of those that are claiming otherwise]

Lutz says that in her experience, her son’s rages were unpredictable. She says they happened in reaction to something in his environment or to some chemical imbalance in his brain. They were never predatory, as the shooting in Connecticut seemed to be.

“There was no intention behind the aggression,” Lutz says. “He would go off a cliff and there was no coming back until the storm had passed.”

[reminds me of someones kid i knew that was seriously ADHD]

A 2008 review found that 84% of violent offenders with autism also had co-existing psychiatric disorders at the time they committed the crime.

which can be rewritten as of the people with existing psychiatric disorders, autism was a co-existing condition.

take your pick, half empty, half full, etc.

but it will once again be a case of punishing the many for the sake of a few.

about the only condition in which this kind of thing would apply would be sociopathy/psychopathy… in which those people spend their lives preying on and making misery for everyone else! (and for whom no treatment or prison works to assuage them from this behavior. at one time they were called moral imbeciles)

@rich wheeler:

Lets start with too many drugs—too many guns.

Hey Rich. Here’s a novel idea. Why don’t we ban these recreational drugs, then no one would have any. Right?
How many guns do you know of that have killed people without a human activating the firing mechanism?

@rich wheeler: 17

You straight arrows O.K. with lying on gun apps?

What’s even stranger is the Dim libs that think people that are going to use guns to kill someone is going to be filling out a gun app. It is not illegal to buy a gun from a friend, neighbor, acquaintance, complete stranger without filling out an ‘app’. Maybe you’re thinking of an Iphone, they use apps.

@Randy: We are not talking about accidents–how many homicides have been initiated by auto drivers vs gun owners?

RT The often proclaimed “it’s not the gun its the gun owner.” Don’t buy it. Let’s look at gun homicides vs homicides by weapons other than guns–you think it’s very close?

Mike 191 Yes I do believe “confiscation of guns and elimination of the 2ND Amendment is a fantasy of the collective minds of The Right Wing.” Well put

Sounds like most agree with Bush–“stuff happens.”

@Rich Wheeler: How about we look at homicides with guns that no human was involved in? How many of those are there?

In England, after banning guns, violence with knives is on the rise; so they are considering restricting knives. Meanwhile, crimes with guns (yes, guns) is also on the rise. And, we have the specter of the Islamic terrorist that does not concern himself with rules violations; note what the unarmed Paris police did when they encountered the armed Charlie Hebdo terrorists; they ran away. What if you were relying on THEM to save your life?


His mom used to read Trump’s book to him even before he was born. He self identified as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN and he and his monm were big fans of TRUMP!
but you continue to try and smear him as a liberal

Sheesh… recommend to a fella to be cautious with what you believe being rolled out on this guy and you go nuts with more absolutely fantastic crap!! YOU identify him as a Republican… HIS affiliation is, officially on his registration, “Independent”. I do believe you are suffering from imbicsenility. Get help and stay away from me and guns.

And of course he LOVED guns, does that sound like a liberal ?

You may want to hurry up and check on the history of our recent mass killers; they were (all but one) liberals. If you hurry, you will still have time to edit that out of your comment so you don’t look so f##king stupid.

Forget it; as long as you leave that “reading Trump to him in the womb” business in there, all hope is lost.

@Rich Wheeler:

RT The often proclaimed “it’s not the gun its the gun owner.” Don’t buy it. Let’s look at gun homicides vs homicides by weapons other than guns–you think it’s very close?

I think you’ll find that if they have a gun handy, they’ll likely use one. If they do not have a gun, they will use something else. It’s only a matter of which is most convenient. You think if someone is determined to kill someone that they will not do it if they can’t get a gun? Explain the incidence of gun violence in the most highly controlled area in the US, Chicago. Toughest gun laws, most violence. All they have to do to increase murders there is to strengthen the gun laws. Look at the homocide rate in Kennesaw, Ga where every household is required to own at least one gun.

@Rich Wheeler:

Sounds like most agree with Bush–“stuff happens.”

Especially when Dim Lib Socialists are in control.

Richie, you will note that as of today Trump is ahead in all the polls. New Hampshire 21% Carson 10. As soon as Trump wins Iowa, New Hamp and SC, it’ll be all over. Everyone wants to be on the winning ship. I guess the strangest thing is that you think Trump doesn’t have a chance and then you say you support Webb. He hasn’t even reached 1% yet.

@Redteam:” If they have a gun handy they’ll likely use it”. Especially an AK-47–You think they can cause as much damage with a knife?
Does a guy feel more manly when he’s carrying?- Does it make up for a big beer gut or some other inadequacy?

Who you got to win W.S.? I got L.A. over Toronto in 7

Glad to hear you’re all in on The Donald–he’s your kinda guy.

@Rich Wheeler: One thing about carrying is that if a threat is encountered, violence is not necessarily assured; the assailant has the option to retreat. However, someone unarmed is guarenteed to suffer robbery and/or physical harm.

Artfldgr: You are correct,”… Asperger’s syndrome is like the Newtown cover for physchotic parents….” I did not want to convey this was my message-I used the moms’ words as stated to a New York Times reporter, talking about an auspices with an agenda. Moreover, you are spot on in the use of weapons in violent crimes ,by Autistic people.

@Rich Wheeler:

how many homicides have been initiated by auto drivers vs gun owners?

Um, let’s look at the stats for an answer to your question, shall we, RW?

In 2013, there were 12,253 murder victims in the U.S. Of those, 8,454 were by firearms. 1,490 were by knives and 686 were by feet, hands and fists.

So there is the answer to the gun “owner” (assuming that there were no guns used that were not owned by the killer, but rather owned by someone else or stolen from someone else, at which point, that is illegal “ownership”) question.

In 2013 (same year) there were 32,719 traffic fatalities. Of those, 72% were initiated by an alcohol impaired driver. That means that 23,558 people died in 2013 by just the drivers that were alcohol impaired, almost twice as many people as those killed by a firearm. That doesn’t include the number of people murdered by vehicle due to driver neglect.

I’m sure now that you have the stats, you will be all for doing background checks on potential motor vehicle drivers. Or requiring every driver to take a BAC test before starting their engines. Or maybe you will just lobby to have motor vehicles banned altogether. Because it is simple; if motor vehicle were no longer easy to obtain, we would no longer see anyone die because of them.

Or maybe you would like to reinstate the 21st Amendment.

The fact of the matter is that many of those murders by firearm happened in some of the most firearm restrictive areas of the nation like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis. Certainly you must have an answer as to why the murder rate increases in such restrictive gun “control” areas?

@Rich Wheeler:

Does a guy feel more manly when he’s carrying?- Does it make up for a big beer gut or some other inadequacy?

don’t know, don’t carry, don’t have a beer gut.

Who you got to win W.S.? I got L.A. over Toronto in 7

Not picking, no matter which one, it won’t be a ‘winner’. just the survivor of the losers.

Glad to hear you’re all in on The Donald–he’s your kinda guy.

You ‘heard’ that? better get a hearing test.

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