I want to know who that guy was. Why isn’t anyone asking?




Donald Trump held a rally in New Hampshire the other day and was confronted with a comment/question:

“We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. “You know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.”

Faster than spit the news media lashed out at Trump

CNN: Trump doesn’t challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event

NY Daily News: Donald Trump silent on accusation that Barack Obama is Muslim at New Hampshire rally

Guardian flat out lies: Donald Trump fails to correct questioner who calls Obama Muslim

The Guardian then writes:

Republican presidential contender says ‘we’re going to look at that’ after man at New Hampshire rally asks anti-Muslim question

Which suggests that Trump was planning to “look” at whether Obama was an American or not and it’s false. Trump was referring to the possible existence of Islamic Jihadi training camps in the US. But why let the truth affect the click bait?

WaPo goes off the rails: A Trump questioner called Obama a Muslim. Many (maybe even most) Trump backers agree.

This opened the floodgates for the rest of the candidate field to pile on.

Most amusing of the tut tutters was Hillary Clinton, who feigned terrible indignation that someone would do what she did in 2008.

But never mind that for the moment.

Never mind the pass that Obama for his “God Damn America” pastor of twenty years.

Never mind that for now.

Never mind Obama hanging out with the New Black Panthers.

Never mind that for now.

Never mind that the media did not shame Obama into disavowing them.

What I want to know is who was this guy asking the question?

It was a pretty ballsy question. Too ballsy.

IMO the guy was a plant and he achieved what he wanted. He stuck the media herd with a cattle prod and off they ran, thinking not for one second about the obvious. Anyone who’s followed this blog knows I don’t much care for Trump but this is a crap move.

Who was that guy? Someone’s got to know. When and if we do find out there will be another really interesting story there.


Almost forgot: I cannot remember exactly when but recently Trump did remind everyone that he was the one who forced Obama to produce his long form birth certificate.


So what is everyone really bent about?

That Trump wouldn’t play Robin Hood to Obama’s maid Marian and defend her honor.

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Maybe Glenn beck or Alex jones will begin crying false flag
Myself I think he was just one of those rabid islamophobes that are lurking everywhere and appear to be one the the new “bases” the GOP wants to build on

You mean why isn’t Breitbart or Fox asking ? Because of the giant conspiracy, that’s why
It is basically the same answer to all your most insightful queations

Almost forgot: I cannot remember exactly when but recently Trump did remind everyone that he was the one who forced Obama to produce his long form birth certificate.

Maybe he should ask Ted Cruz to produce his mother’s original birth certificate, since her alleged U.S. citizenship is the only thing his own citizenship claim is actually based upon.

Essentially, people are relying entirely on what a Canadian birth certificate states about her nationality. No evidence of that claim would have been required when his birth was registered in Alberta.


Transference, projection and moral equivalence in one. Greg, you get the comment of the day award

I heard Cruz’s mother adopted him
We do know that many days passed after the all edged birth before she notified Amrrican authorities in Kenyada that she had somehow become a mom

In the past, when so-called regular people were asking questions or sitting and talking with Hillary (or Obama) bloggers local to the incidents dug out the truth:
They were Dem operatives, Dem donors, Union organizers or Campaign employees (or their spouses).
I’ve lost count of how often this was the case.
So, who this guy is is relevant.
Doesn’t New Hampshire have even one investigative blogger or reporter?

This happens to me all the time…. like NEVER. Never came close, never in a million years. But if you were a muslim pretending to be a Christian, I can see it happening. Anyone here in a discussion of your religion accidentally claim to be a muslim?

Trump is definitely not my first choice however this episode says a lot about what we can expect. Back in the day when the left was publicly accusing Bush and Cheney of being war criminals and publicly advocating their lynching, does anyone recall Democrats being asked to respond? Were the dems asked to respond to Republicans being compared to terrorists or to the Iran regime? What we have here a situation whereby Republicans are expected to be nice and the Dems are allowed to say and do whatever they want with impunity. In other words, two standards designed to favor the dems. Hence the reason Trump is on top in the polls even though he is slipping. He is perceived as a fighter which something the establishment Republicans (read Jeb) are not. If anyone watched CNN the morning after the debate, it was easy to see how the focus of the debate was to bring down Trump. They were high fiving themselves over it. In the short term the other Republican candidates are the benefactors but what it shows is how the eventual GOP nominee is going to be treated by the media.

Until Republicans learn to play hardball with the left and their party, they will continue to lose presidential elections.

@Rob in Katy:

Anyone here in a discussion of your religion accidentally claim to be a muslim?

Nope. Because a number of conspiracists have never constantly badgered the point.

Take an honest listen to the fuller conversation instead of a 12 second snippet.

Been listening since 2007, and more importantly, observing. But like I said, I have never made the mistake and neither has anyone I know. How many people do you know that have accidentally claimed to be a muslim?

@Greg: Now that a person of questionable citizenship has been elected twice, it is time to shut one’s hypocritical cake hole.

@Rob in Katy: It’s a gaffe. When you listen to the flow of the conversation that precedes him saying that, it sounds like he’s put himself in the mindset of those who perceive him to be a secret Muslim, and speaks from the language of their viewpoint.

There’s not a shred of evidence that Obama is a Muslim aside from conspiratorial claims that conflate and distort.

It’s like the photo I posted of Obama wearing a yamulke and praying at the Western Wall. If there were a conspiracy that he were a closet Jew, that would be seized as evidence by conspiracists; or his recitation of a quote from the Talmud. Or his presence at Hanukkah dinner hosted at the White House and him caught saying he was Jewish “in his soul“.

A certain segment of the public wants to believe Obama is Muslim because for them, being Muslim is something they don’t like. They want to draw the connection to make it all the more easy to hate this man. It’s not enough just to hate his policies and politics.

@Rob in Katy:

Marxists are generally atheists

On the SOUP, of all places, a surprisingly effective piece was done that should shut up the idiots such as those who say the same thing as

A Trump questioner called Obama a Muslim. Many (maybe even most) Trump backers agree.

The video showed many of the Trump supporters at the rally where the stupid question was asked. The video showed the pained and revolted looks on the faces of the supporters as the question went further and further over the cliff.

Trump himself reacted, “Oh, like we need THIS to be the first question?”, yet none of the DNC media reported on that.

Of course, Trump’s reaction was classic and right to the point; “Would Obama defend HIM if he were attacked?” Hell, Obama doesn’t even support common Americans unless they buy his agenda 100%.

Of course the guy was a DNC plant. A question that stupid could only come from the left. Conservatives could do the same thing to Hillary except she does not accept questions but from fully vetted left wing supporters.


I heard Cruz’s mother adopted him

I heard Bill is not Chelsae’s father. So?

@John: I wouldn’t worry so much about the Islamaphobes as much as radical Islam!!

@Bill: “A Plant,” The guy was stating what over 1/3 of Repubs. and 1/2 of Trump supporters believe. That’s your party speaking Bill.
You even got 20%+ knuckleheads who don’t believe he was born in Hawaii.
From penthouse to outhouse—Scott Walker is droping out—made very interesting statement. Wants Trump beaten.

@Rich Wheeler, #17:

That’s your party speaking Bill.

Yep. You don’t have to look far to find another republican making the same accusations. In a recent poll, 43 percent of republican respondents indicate they believe Obama to be a Muslim.

Even if it were a setup, it is one that works both ways: Trump could easily have done himself and the conservative brand a favor by addressing the premise of the Muslim Question Guy’s assertions. It’s not about defending Obama. It’s about us (conservatives). We have an image problem. Liberals are successfully painting conservatives as bigots and conspiracists because conservatives are making their job easy.

@Rich Wheeler: As I suggested, you might have noticed the reaction of those at the rally. They didn’t look as if they thought it was a proper question. Trump himself thought it was ridiculous.

YOUR party raised the question. YOUR candidate started it and fomented it until she realized it wasn’t working to make her more appealing than a community organizer bereft of real-life experience.


Yep. You don’t have to look far to find another republican making the same accusations. In a recent poll, 43 percent of republican respondents indicate they believe Obama to be a Muslim.

He ACTS like a Muslim. He FAVORS Muslims. He has Muslim throughout his past. It is no stretch of the imagination whatsoever to BELIEVE him to be a Muslim. Besides, what do you leftists object to him BEING a Muslim, if he were? Is that insulting?

I don’t think he is Muslim. I don’t think he is Christian, either (if being a member of Rev. Wright’s church is supposed to validate his Christianity, that is a failure). All he believes in is Barack Obama and God (any God) would get in the way of that worship.

One thing is for absolute certain; if he WERE a left wing operative, it will be found out. People are working on it and it will come out, if he is. However, that would be right out of the liberal playbook.

He’s a Democrat. Democrats are most definitely to the left of the GOP. That’s why I identify with them. I’d be worried about anyone who isn’t to the left of the GOP. You can be dead-center on the political ideological continuum and still be left of the GOP. The Pope is left of the GOP.

@Greg: So Greg then the majority of the American Voters who historically put Republicans in the Senate and the House are out of touch?? Amazing!!

@Greg: Your point?? If you examine Obola’s failures to acknowledge Radical Islam, his agreeing to a deal with Iran that the MAJORITY of Americans don’t want, and his willingness to allow ILLEGALS to stay in our country and fail to protect our borders you would have to wonder what he is!! As the same with you, I don’t know if he’s Muslim but I know he is NOT Christian!!

@Common Sense:

So Greg then the majority of the American Voters who historically put Republicans in the Senate and the House are out of touch?? Amazing!!

A majority of American voters did not put a majority of republicans in the Senate and House. A majority of the 36.4 percent of eligible voters who showed up at the polls did that.

The moral? If you don’t bother to vote, someone else makes the important decisions affecting your future for you.

@Bill: “A left wing operative” gather up the children,

@Rich Wheeler: So you would consider the videographers of the Planned Parenthood body parts merchants as possible abortion supporters?


A majority of American voters did not put a majority of republicans in the Senate and House. A majority of the 36.4 percent of eligible voters who showed up at the polls did that.

By the same token, a majority of American voters did not put a majority of Democrats in the Senate and the House in 2006 when the Democrats took an advantage of 31 House seats and 5 Senate seats with a voter turnout of 37.1% or when the Democrats took 26 House seats in 1982 with a voter turnout of just 39.8%.

And I guess the American voter was not represented in these mid-term elections, either, according to your thinking:

1982 – 39.9%
1986 – 36.4%
1990 – 36.5%
1994 – 38.8%
1998 – 36.4%
2002 – 37.0%
and of course,
2006 – 37.1%
2010 – 37.8%
2014 – 36.3%

So stop your whining about voter turn out not being representative of the American voter. The stats show there is less than a 2.5% difference for every mid-term election in the last 32 years with mid term voter turnout being in the mid to high 30% since 1974. Both ’86 and ’92 were just one tenth of one percent higher than 2014.

Nice try, but you need to stop spewing left wing talking points.

I was pointing out that it was not a majority of American voters that put a majority of republicans in the Senate and House. Someone incorrectly suggested otherwise.


I was pointing out that it was not a majority of American voters that put a majority of republicans in the Senate and House. Someone incorrectly suggested otherwise

It’s not the first time you have referenced voter turn out. Always with the inference that electing Republicans was not really what Americans wanted.

It doesn’t matter how many turn out. It matters the outcome of the election on ballots that were cast. So either you’re taking about unimportant percentages of voter turnout or you are trying to infer something else.

@retire05, #29:

Always with the inference that electing Republicans was not really what Americans wanted.

I suppose we’ll find out if that’s what Americans wanted or not in 2016.


I suppose we’ll find out if that’s what Americans wanted or not in 2016.

Then you better come up with something better than a crooked, aged white broad and a Socialist.

@drjohn: And I’m sure Wordsmith would give him the Birther of the Day award.

@Rob in Katy:

Anyone here in a discussion of your religion accidentally claim to be a muslim?

Or when you play dressup, did you ever dress as a Muslim?

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, did the majority of Americans who voted in those elections put Republicans in the majority of the House in 2010?? Did the majority of Americans who voted in 2014 put Republicans in the majority of the Senate in 2014?? Of course the answer is yes!! Why would Democrats either vote for Republicans or NOT vote at all if they where satisfied with Democrats?? Not voting is NOT voting for Democrats “period”!!

@another vet:

Until Republicans learn to play hardball with the left

I think that’s why Trump is succeeding. He’s playing hardball.


A certain segment of the public wants to believe Obama is Muslim

because he walks like a Muslim, talks like a Muslim and quacks like a Muslim. Must be a duck……

@Wordsmith: different thread same argument. Word, how many times have you worn a Muslim outfit? How many times have you worn a Buddist outfit? How many times have you accidentally said you are a Jew or Muslim or Buddhist? I would say if you were ‘pretending’ to be a Christian, you might slip and say what you ‘really are’. But I’m sure Obama would never do such a thing.


A certain segment of the public wants to believe Obama is Muslim because for them, being Muslim is something they don’t like.

Have you seen the numbers? How many blacks, how many hispanics, how many women, how many Dimocrats all think he is a Muslim.

Is there a reason you feel you have to defend Obama? Doesn’t he have enough libs carrying his water? Do you still ‘claim’ to be conservative ? Which conservatives are you spending the better part of two days defending?

@Rich Wheeler:

The guy was stating what over 1/3 of Repubs.

Richie, you do know that about 25-30% of Dimocrats think he’s a muslim also, don’t you?

@Greg: Gullible?

43 percent of republican respondents indicate

Put up the numbers from that same poll as to how many Dimocrats and Blacks believe that same thing.


Liberals are successfully painting conservatives as bigots and conspiracists because conservatives are making their job easy.

Oh, and if we ‘admit’ Obama is not a Muslim, they are going to suddenly start stating that conservatives are smart and honest? Sure they are.

Not voting is NOT voting for Democrats “period”!!

Your republican-majority Congress hasn’t been doing any useful voting, either. Are you keeping track of those 2014 campaign promises?

They were going to repeal Obamacare funding. They didn’t do it, even with a solid House majority. They were going to block Obama’s immigration initiatives by selective defunding. Nope. They didn’t do it. They were going to push through legislation to impose a 20-week abortion ban, which House and Senate majorities should certainly be able to force to the President’s desk. They didn’t do that either, and there’s little likelihood that they will. They’re worried they might alienate too many women voters. Apparently they figure they can stay safe by leaving the law alone while defunding Planned Parenthood to mollify their pro-life faction. Most likely what they’ll accomplish in that fashion is another pointlessly expensive government shutdown which they won’t be able to maintain without sustaining serious political damage. So, they’ll probably lose their nerve and fold on that one, too.

I’m happy not to have voted for any of these characters. I did vote. I consider it a duty of every U.S. citizen to do so.

@Greg: Greggie, glad you voted but you lost!! Republicans did repeal Obolacare but Obola vetoed it!! So far Democrats have not even put forth a candidate for President in 2016!! Hilldabeast is a total liar and failure and Bernie is a Socialist who is doomed to fail. I hope Biden runs on Obola’s platform, that’s how Republicans won the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014!! I have no clue who Republicans will nominate but all of the potential candidates are clearly superior to what Democrats have offered!! When you lose I’m sure you will come up with another excuse, your good at it!! Remember you can keep your health insurance and/or doctor “period”!!


They were going to repeal Obamacare funding. They didn’t do it, even with a solid House majority.

Never mind that any legislation passed by the House has to then go to the Senate. Perhaps if Republicans were as crooked as Harry Reid, and ruled that Senate votes could pass with a simple majority, and use the nuclear option like Reid did, breaking all Senate tradition, we would see more laid on Obama’s desk that he would veto.

You must be so proud to be a supporter of such a dishonest party.

@Redteam: Poll shows 10% of Dems think Obama a Muslim.. He eats bacon, drinks beer etc–think he quacks like a Christian

Welcome Pope Francis–may your humility and concern for the less fortunate among us be shared by our American pols.


@Rich Wheeler: And so should Joe Biden have said — back in ’08, when he said the president was the first clean, articulate black person ever to run for president. OR this: Bernie Sanders, he wrote a piece, an opinion piece, a story, a fantasy, if you will, that women liked to be raped. They think of being raped by three men at the same time when the’re having sex with their spouses – See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2015/09/21/steve-malzberg-hammers-cnn-host-cnn-poll-15-percent-democrats-say#sthash.pOvpCGvZ.dpuf

Their poll shows 15% of Dimocrats think Obama is a Muslim.

@Rich Wheeler:

think he quacks like a Christian

More like a duck.

The partisan divide is nearly as large, with 61% of Democrats saying Obama is a Protestant, vs. 32% of independents and 28% of Republicans. But the 43% of Republicans and 54% of Trump supporters who say they believe Obama is a Muslim is a smaller share than in other recent polling which asked only whether Obama is a Christian or a Muslim.


So only 61% of Dimocrats think Obama is protestant, which includes Christian. Is there something wrong with those Dimocrats?


Oh, and if we ‘admit’ Obama is not a Muslim, they are going to suddenly start stating that conservatives are smart and honest? Sure they are.

No. By asserting that he is a Muslim gives validity to their notion that conservatives who believe such are morons.


Is there a reason you feel you have to defend Obama?

Is there a reason why you can’t “get it”? I don’t expect agreement; just clarity.

Once again: It’s not about defending Obama. It’s about defending conservatives from looking like a party of morons. It’s about acknowledging basic facts.

If friends of mine were asserting that Obama was born on September 21st and is also a libertarian, for me to counter those beliefs would not be me “defending” Obama.

I think the reason why you and perhaps others may think it’s “defending” Obama is because you feel and believe that “Muslim” is a bad, slanderous word. If he were Muslim, he’d own it; and the left would be proud of owning it also. They’d consider it a win for the Democratic Party and for America to have elected the 1st Muslim president of the U.S.

Do you still ‘claim’ to be conservative ?

Do you?

Which conservatives are you spending the better part of two days defending?

The ones who want to win elections and find the ability to do so being sabotaged by conservatives constantly shooting ourselves in the foot while it’s firmly inserted in our mouths.