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Obama Beach? Isn’t that in Delaware near Rehobeth? I have a nightmare vision of that – Joe Biden, Speedo, hair plugs….

Yeah, I think his days are numbered.

On another note, I just read President Obama’s speech here. It was good. Not Ronaldus Maximus good, but it was good. If he can keep himself from apologizing during the rest of the trip, I think I’ll be happy.

@Aqua: I notice in Obama’s speech that he had to get in a mention of his Grandmother, Grandfather and Great Uncle. None of whom were at D-Day. No mention of the black side of the family. Perhaps they were too busy fighting the British in Kenya.

As always with an Obama speech, it’s always ABOUT HIM!

@ Mike’s America
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve heard a speech where he wasn’t personally involved in some way or the other. I think he believes that without a personal involvement in what he’s talking about, the subject is irrelevant. Overall, the speech was pretty good though. At least he didn’t apologize to the French for Americans taking up prime beach front real estate.

Aqua, what is it about this POTUS that he has such a deplorable grasp of history? In his first few words…

Good afternoon. Thank you President Sarkozy, Prime Minister Brown, Prime Minister Harper, and Prince Charles for being here today. Thank you to our Secretary of Veterans Affairs, General Eric Shinseki for making the trip out here to join us. Thanks also to Susan Eisenhower, whose grandfather began this mission sixty-five years ago with a simple charge: “Ok, let’s go.” And to a World War II veteran who returned home from this war to serve a proud and distinguished career as a United States Senator and national leader: Bob Dole.

I’m not sure where he’s getting this tale of simplicity, but I put the full text of Eisenhower’s message sent to the troops just before they invaded in my post with the Army’s footage and veteran’s narration. Obama, instead, relates some nonsense that seems to equate Eisenhower as a WWII version of Todd Beamer on Flight 93, saying “let’s roll”. Considering the magnitude and scale of this operation, it seems Obama’s embellishment about Eisenhower’s purported “charge” requires “the willing suspension of disbelief”.

I didn’t expect anything moving from Obama today. This was an event that, not only was shared by other leaders, isn’t one that he (and his speechwriters) celebrates from the heart. It would have been inappropriate to pull the usual Obama’ism… make it all about him and his visions of the future that he will orchestrate from the Oval Office. I figured passable was all we’d get.

But here’s a few things that I found interesting:

I am not the first American president to come and mark this anniversary, and I likely will not be the last.

“Likely”? Is he anticipating a lifetime position? Of course other Presidents will again make this journey. There’s no “likely” about it, unless the world destroys itself inbetween.

I was also not surprised to see his opening historical perspective had little to do with valor, dedication and courage, but military errors. He instead, opened with citing how it went wrong. Yes… it did. But is that the first thing to remember in retrospect? Yes… if you’re Obama.

And this, in describing the enemy and the justification of war.

We live in a world of competing beliefs and claims about what is true. It is a world of varied religions and cultures and forms of government. In such a world, it is rare for a struggle to emerge that speaks to something universal about humanity.

The Second World War did that. No man who shed blood or lost a brother would say that war is good. But all know that this war was essential. For what we faced in Nazi totalitarianism was not just a battle of competing interests. It was a competing vision of humanity. Nazi ideology sought to subjugate, humiliate, and exterminate. It perpetrated murder on a massive scale, fueled by a hatred of those who were deemed different and therefore inferior. It was evil.

Funny how he doesn’t recognize the parallel quest for a Shariah law Caliphate and it’s oppression.

And it is my great uncle who was part of the first American division to reach and liberate a Nazi concentration camp. His name is Charles Payne, and I am so proud that he is here with us today.

I see he’s still locked into his lie that Mr. Payne was one of those who liberated Auschwitz… as he claimed in the video below.

Auschwitz was, of course, liberated by the Soviets. Odd that a Kansas man was serving in the Red Army…. details details, eh? But then, the big Zero can’t possibly make a speech without elevating himself… even on the backs of his American relatives.. to greater heights.

All in all, lackluster. But then, as I said… I’m not surprised. It is a moment in history from that America he wants to “remake”, and that his wife finds no pride. How could he possibly speak from the heart? I would bet that, were this appearance really not demanded and didn’t offer a good excuse to bring the family to Paris, he would have said “thanks, but no thanks”.

@ Mata
After the first 24 hours stand-down, the meterologists told Ike the storm should break before dawn. Stephen Ambrose’s books says Ike paced for about 45 seconds then turned to his subordinates and said “Ok, let’s go.” So, I can’t bust him for that. I’ve read the letter from Ike that you posted many times. If Obama had used that, it would have been more inspiring than his speech.
As for his great uncle, I think they finally agreed that he was there when they liberated a sub-camp at Buchenwald. I’m sure Obama could give a rat’s a$$ about which camp was where and who liberated it. But it helps him bring a personal touch to his speech, which is much more important.
President Obama is going to say what his audience wants to hear. I was watching him at Buchenwald this morning and him inviting Ahmadinejad to visit the place himself. I thought for a moment he might have borrowed Hillary’s balls.
Everything that Obama says in the speeches he gives this week is subject to revision upon his return. And the MSM will allow it. However, on a day such as today I’d like to find some area of common ground with the president, even if it’s just a sliver of soil. He didn’t apologize, that can change tomorrow. He didn’t embarrass me, that can change tomorrow. So, I’m going to give him this one. I thought he did ok. Would I have like to see John McCain Sarah Palin giving a speech there today instead? You betcha!

Ah… clarification on the “fence straddling” INRE the “OK, let’s go”. As you say, he said that when told of the weather break as a “go”. But it seems rather offhanded and misleading to portray Eisenhower’s grasp of such an improbable-for-success mission by using that instead of his message. Leaves the impression that Eisenhower was somewhat cavalier and frivolous about it all.

I certainly agree that there are some days I just don’t want to address how I feel about this President, his policies and his performance. This was one of them. I purposely dodged Obama’s speech at the ceremonies because I didn’t want to be disappointed or embarrased at worst, or underwhelmed at best. But then you had to provide the text link to the speech… dang it all. LOL

Just annoys the tar out of me that he always gives America’s failures top billing (i.e. the mistakes made in the beach storming mission). Had I heard that live, I would have been livid at starting out that way in his speech. I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that was what his live audience wanted to hear…. that the military made errors. While that is a fact, it is not the purpose of the day, and to commence his speech with that tact casts an allusion of devaluation to their lives and sacrifice. When it comes to things military and strategic, Obama out gaffes Biden, the gaffe master.

Looking forward to Old Trooper’s take as he’s up close and personal there. Or perhaps he dodged that event in order to preserve the better memories.

BTW, from what I understood, Obama did not mention Ahmadinejad by name when he was at Buchenwald, and just said “.. there are those who insist the Holocaust never happened”. Not exactly bold in calling him out by name, eh? But I also heard he did specifically suggest the Iranian leader visit himself in an interview with NBC last Friday, and before he toured Buchenwald. That was, however, when coaxed and prompted by a question, and not offered independently.

So I guess I agree with you today. The “sliver of soil” for me is that he didn’t tremendously embarrass me, as he’s done all across Europe thus far. The clean up team following him are working overtime … especially with the Israelis.

23:38 hrs. Although I was not on the US “invite list” as part of a Delegation I was a guest of the NATO Delegation. Worthy of note:

*Us Forces in the assault, seaborne and airborne numbered a little over 73,000
*Brits and Canadians over 83,000
*Free French and Polish troops over 850
*Allied Forces 156,000
*German Forces 380,000
*Allied Casualties and Losses:Total allied casualties (killed, wounded, missing, or captured) are estimated at approximately 10,000.
These comprised: United States–6,603, of which 1,465 fatal.
United Kingdom–2,700.
Canada–1,074, of which 359 fatal.
*German Casualties and Losses:Between 4,000 and 9,000 dead, wounded, or captured
*American landing Beaches: Point du Hoc, Utah and Omaha
*Brit/Canadian/Free French/Poles: Gold, Juno and Sword
*American Airborne numbered over 13,000 landing behind Utah Beach to secure bridges
Beach exits and towns to guarantee the success of the seaborne landings.

Obama Beach? Gordon Brown should have stayed home. Even the Queen, who served in uniform would not have said something that stupid and should have been there because she did serve and By God earned it. The Brits/Canadians sent 10,000 more troops than the US and deserved more recognition.

The Barry and Nicky Show. I quite frankly did not need to know about Obama’s kinfolk or his Granny that made more money in Wichita during the war than enlisted Troopers that landed to Liberate Europe at great personal risk and danger. Obama’s Granny risked absolutely nothing and was not worthy of mention. Period.

Sarkozy gave a respectful speech but wasted time kissing Obama’s backside and didn’t even get a reach around or an invite to dinner. What was more respectful was the fact that the French people have maintained American Cemeteries for decades and are in Fact and Deed, truly grateful. The Normandy Coast folks are genuinely marvelous. The folks in Paris hate us so I don’t go there. To hell with them. It was by and large a media event, Obama photo op and what I commonly call a dog and pony show more memorable for the Sacred Ground that it was held on where brave Troopers paid a high price, French Resistance folks took great risks to assist and If Lady Macbeth Obama was not damn proud to be an American today, to hell with her too. I was humbled beyond description to walk that ground, see row upon row of headstones marking the final resting place of Heroes.

The Reagan speech at Point du Hoc in 1984 was more meaningful to me, offered more dignity and respect to Our Fallen and the Veterans of that Fight that survived the assault and returned to pay homage to their buddies. The warmth of the French folks of the Normandy Coast whose ancestors were Liberated truly warmed my heart more than I can describe. There are fields of battle that I fought on that I know I would never want to see again or be made welcome to visit.
I only wish I could have made this trip with My Father who jumped in with the 506 PIR, Airborne, in the pitch dark of night 65 years ago. He died in March of 08 and never took the time to revisit. However, He never spoke of improbability of victory there. They went to Fight and to Win regardless of the cost. They did just that and the Cost was very High.

Take Care!
Old Trooper

Just what we need, another revisionist leftwing historian!!!!!!! Thanks Brown 🙂

Obama’s uncle has been a big talking point for Obama now that he needs to have national security and pro-Israel credentials. Its amazing that for such a cherished talking point he didnt know which concentration camp his uncle liberated until conservatives criticized him for the Auschwitz comment cited by MataHarley. After about 47 years he didnt know this fact, but now continually refers to this talking point as if it defines him.

In a way it does define him, it defines his insincerity…

@ Mata
If there is one thing my momma taught me since I was a wee one, it’s that we, (the U.S.) must take care of Israel. For good or for bad, I completely believe this is true. For those that believe we must make concessions for the Palestinians, I say that is BS. We must back Israel or we’re done as a super-power.

INRE to the rest of your post: I know. When Clinton signed the Welfare Reform Act, we all know he didn’t mean it. But we were glad he signed it.