You can’t blame Bush [Reader Post]


Some misguided folks still wish to blame President Bush for the financial meltdown. Let’s set the record straight. The President cannot tax anyone. He cannot spend a dime of Uncle Sam’s (…our…) money. Only Congress can do that. The Democrats in Congress are responsible for not allowing the regulators to stop the toxic mortgage crisis in Fannie Mae and Freddie Max. The Republicans wanted it…the Democrats blocked it. The Democrats have had a clear majority in both houses of Congress since 2006. They are responsible for setting the fiscal policies in place that now are manifesting themselves. As we head into the Great Depression of the 21st century, keep in mind that no socialist nation has ever become an economic superpower. The Soviets tried it and failed. Even the Communist Chinese have learned that only free market capitalism can bring prosperity and wealth to a nation. When government takes away all of the fruits of your labor, there is no incentive to work. Take a good look around your cities and towns in the next few weeks. Take pictures. Remember what it was like to live in prosperity and freedom…economic freedom. Remember the fruits of capitalism. You will not be seeing them for a while. Many of the stores that you liked to shop in won’t be around in the next few years. The socialists will see to that. The American people elected a Marxist “share the wealth” president and we will soon see the economic results. This government will be a government of the tyrants, by the tyrants and for the tyrants. Obama will be the head tyrant.

Obama promised to increase the taxes on businesses, increase the income taxes of the so-called “wealthy”, the capital gains tax and promised to gut the coal industry while dismantling what remains of our ability to produce and refine oil in this country. It should be no surprise that the Dow is crashing. (Thank you Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and our wonderful leaders in Congress). It should be no surprise that those who have any money in the stock market are getting out while they still have some wealth. Stand by for the great depression. America voted for it. Now we are going to get it.

Our only hope for the is that we as a people learn from our mistakes and return the government to the people….that is, if we have future elections that are fair and unfettered by ballot stuffing (Thank you ACORN). Remember what Ronald Reagan said. He told us that America was great because government got out of the way of the people and allowed the people to live in freedom…to unleash the creative spirit that has so epitomized America. Until we return to those principles, we do not have any hope of returning to the days of prosperity. Freedom and prosperity go hand in hand. You cannot have economic prosperity without economic freedom.

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At lunch downtown Tampa today, I said to my friend I’ll take my lunch Monday and take pictures of the full parking lots, the people milling about the street vendor’s carts and the little park, then come back about 6 months from now and do it again.

I bet there’s a huge difference.

Yeah, President Bush and the Republicans who controlled congress from 2000 to 2006 had nothing to do with the bad economy.

Blast and Larry Weisenthal,

Maybe this article will clear your mind of your naïvety:

Posted Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Government: Barack Obama and Democrats blame the historic financial turmoil on the market. But if it’s dysfunctional, Democrats during the Clinton years are a prime reason for it.

Obama in a statement yesterday blamed the shocking new round of subprime-related bankruptcies on the free-market system, and specifically the “trickle-down” economics of the Bush administration, which he tried to gig opponent John McCain for wanting to extend.

But it was the Clinton administration, obsessed with multiculturalism, that dictated where mortgage lenders could lend, and originally helped create the market for the high-risk subprime loans now infecting like a retrovirus the balance sheets of many of Wall Street’s most revered institutions.

Read the rest:

Do a goggle and you’ll find that even Slick Willie, the lefts (those who couldn’t get a BJ in a cat house with a pocket full of hundred bills) hero stated that the democrats in congress bore full responsibility for the financial meltdown. My memory isn’t so good, but god people this was only a few weeks ago. The left wingers keep posting lies and making fools of themselves. I won’t spell out the name of the idiot on here. Not that many comments posted to find him.

Bush tried to get some oversight of Fannie and Freddie. Democrats in congress were getting too many dollars from the fat cats running the criminal enterprizes so they turned the request down.

McCain submitted a bill in the Senate to force some oversight of Fannie and Freddie. Teh democrats in congress were still on the payroll of the fat cats running the criminal enterprize so they killed the bill.

Two men in the entire government saw the disaster coming (it is now here) and tried to stop it. Thanks to dorks like Dodd, Kennedy, Kerry and the ‘master of the universe’ Hussein O nothing was done. The list of those who took hundreds of thousands of dollars from the criminals would be enough to convict them in a court of law, if there was a court of law left.

Craig, with all due respect, it is naïve not to assign much of the responsibility to those who were in power for most of the period – President Bush and the Republican Congress. Pres Bush’s policies have destroyed our economy and weaken our nation. Just look at the measurables… the size of growth of government under the Bush Administration vs any previous administration going all the way back to George Washington! A doubling of the national debt (even the cooked lower numbers) was under a conservative administration.

The so called free market system is broken. There is not fair trade when people you trade with lower the value of their goods artificially (like China). Or take health care, when you go to the hospital with a broken arm and get charged $22,000 if you don’t have insurance (the insurance company gets a special rate of $6,500 for the same procedure). Where is the true competition in that?

The Bush administration was in charge during the huge proliferation of default swaps and other “smoke and mirrors” accounting procedures – and – the VAST majority of defaulted sub-prime loans were written between 2003- 2006.

Neither party has the right plans in my opinion, but the Conservative Republicans had their chance and BLEW it big time. They monumentally f-up and now they need to shut up and let the other team take the field and give it their shot. If the Democrats do the same, we will toss them out just like we did with the Conservative Republicans.

Forgot. Some of the posters should have the ability to remember the booming economy through 2006. Stock market bumping 15,000, unemployment at 4.5% and the promises of the democrats in 2006 that if you elect us we will change the direction of the country. You elected them, they changed the direction from booming to a disaster.

The phony bolonga running around posing as the president elect has forgotten more of the legal requirements to make him that. The electrol college must meet and certify the vote. Wouldn’t it be funny if congres decided to do it’s job and demand Hussein prove he is even eligable for the office?

As of right now he is just some nut who got the most votes by hook and crook. President elect he is not.

If Sarah Palin had conned (president elect my a**) the people like Hussein has for the past 3 days the left wingers would be flinging bricks through her windows.

Now we can show Hussein the same level of respect the democrats have shown GWB. It’s coming, get used to it.

He got his butt burned today when he slandered a fine upstanding lady and past first lady. First news exposure and he flubs it, bad. No teleprompter can save him from now on. He’s spoiled meat every time he exposes himself to the public. Future president is brain dead and red.

I see obamas website ho’s are at work again.


What can I tell you beside the fact that you are wrong all the way. But I am not surprised since Democrat liberals have no education and are ignorant on politic and economy. I don’t have the energy to give you a basic 101 course. Try to get it yourself. Do like Republicans, get educated. Read some books, take a course on politic or economy, but stop believing the biased MSM.

Of course, president Bush deservwa some blamea especially for compromising with the left. Remember, president is the executive officer. He enforces laws passed by congress. So, it’s not Bush’s economy or Bush’s war. Americans wanted change in 2006 and sure got it. Somehow, Americans want more change in 2008 and all indications are showing change for even worse.

Craig, you can only attempt to attack me and not give an answer by claiming you don’t want to give me a 101 education. Looks like you don’t have a real argument at all since the best you have is an ad hominem attack. And for Scrapiron, the “booming” economy you speak of was based upon the “phony bologna” paper being sold from Wall Street. All these things happened while a Republican President has been at the helm. Where is the outrage against Pres. Bush and the Republican Leadership of the House and Senate.

Blast, INRE your comment:

Craig, with all due respect, it is naïve not to assign much of the responsibility to those who were in power for most of the period.

And with all due respect to you, it is equally naive to give a pass to the DNC 1994 power and Clinton (plus his Treas Secy Rubin) for a problem that was well underway prior to 2000.

There is adequate blame to go around for Congress, both parties, as well as Greenspan himself for not using rates to control the inflation. Fact is, had the housing prices not skyrocketed to where they are now, any foreclosure could easily be remedied by removing the defaulting buyer, and replacing it with a new qualified buyer. That’s been going on for decades.

But with housing prices over valued, that is no longer possible without the investment banking industry taking huge hits for money put out on purchases of homes no longer worth the bubble value. This problem was a perfect storm of events, as I have written on extensively.

However your credibility is eroded when you focus blame only on the current admin.

The continued chat about not blaming Bush for the economic meltdown is out there. I have heard people bring it back to Carter and I thought let us think hard and go back to Washington
or Jefferson.
Those of you who continue to tell us it was Clinton I must say I agree in that he was a wonderfully talented president, however you are either giving Clinton too much respect or Bush was merely an untalented president who sat there for 7.5 years and could not change anything Clinton did. I think Bush was just an inadequate intellect for the job. The Dems only had control the last two years so I think Bush, if truly an effective president, could have done something.
Now the reason I joined this blog is not too listen to the very conversational tone I carried in my heart every day, 365 days/yr. for seven and one half years when the name Bush and leader came to play. I am wondering if anyone else is thinking how to get a world celebration going the eve of January 20. We have been perhaps the luckiest nation on earth to watch this man leave office and not have to tolerate another four years of the same ineptness.
Every one has a theory on how the election was bought, manipulated or altered in any way but the truth is merely that the wonderful nation of the United States did once it has always done in the past and that is look to the future and then go with a real viable change.

I would love to see Europe, Mideast and all celebrate the departure of one of our darkest eras where we almost became a theological one party nation enslaving the vision and thoughts of the others who did not agree with them.. We were so close to this.

Thank you U S A for saving ourselves.

Ras said:

I am wondering if anyone else is thinking how to get a world celebration going the eve of January 20. We have been perhaps the luckiest nation on earth to watch this man leave office and not have to tolerate another four years of the same ineptness.

Not from me, you won’t. I have my problems with Bush, as I do every President. Most notably not using his veto pen enuf, choosing lousy mouthpieces before grabbing Tony Snow, and most of all… picking Paulsen as Treasury Secy and starting this danged bailout with the help of the entire, enthusiastic DNC.

But I don’t disagree with his foreign policy. I recognize mistakes in warfare, but then there has been mistakes in all warfare. But I see a nation who has thwarted any further attacks on our soil, a free Iraq emerging, a Libya that voluntarily surrendered it’s WMD program, Afghanistan struggling with their new nation under NATO security, Pakistan as an ally instead of an enemy, and the Muslim world’s increasing rejection of jihad as acceptable. All under this POTUS you want to hate.

So am I celebrating out with Bush and in with Obama? I’m afraid my “joy” on that is on pause. And the only reason it’s on pause is because I’m hoping that his campaign lies extend to his policies… like he won’t put them in place.

Though the thought of no terror attacks since Bush invaded Iraq holds water but only for the eight years we also went since the very first WTC bombing. Since the first attack in 1993 we went eight years until the second one and that was done without a war or other various invasions. Bush matched this time line but with the worst method possible. Remember what the war in Afganistan did to the Soviet Union. Hello once again.


Boy you are an ignorant heartless person. After Reagan, Bush was your greatest President. He kept you safe after the 9/11, he stood up to the terrorists without blinking. He supported all the assholes like you who were spitting on him all the time. He was the most generous President of all time. Just look at how much he did for Africa, no other President have done that before.

You know what, I would have prefered Bush on a third term (but it is not possible in your country), than that stupid idiotic Obama. You personally merit to have that dangerous clueless President. Boy are you in for a big deception!

Did you note the frustration in your tone and the angry voice? To be called such by you in OK as you proved my exact point. This was the tone of the administrations you mentioned and that is why the others, as myself became upset, was the way your side treated all those who do not agree. With Obama I sincerely believe you will see the way it is to be done. this country must become united once again and not two sided with hate. Think next time before you espouse the view of Reagan and Bush mixed with your level of patriotism

Hummm… depends on what you want to consider “US soil”, RAS.

1996, the US military facility in Saudi was bombed killing 19 military personnel.

In 1998, a car bomb outside US embassy in Kenya, then a few hours later at the US embassy in the capital of Tanzania…. 224 people were killed, 5,000 were injured.

Then, of course, the US warship, the USS COle killing 17 and injuring 37.

That’s about every two years US “soil” or interests was attacked.

Perhaps you’d like to tell us how many US embassies, bases and warships have been bombed since we went into Afghanistan and Iraq?

“Did you note the frustration in your tone and the angry voice?” (RAS)

And I was holding back. I should have been more rude to you. But you are so hopeless that I will let Obama run your nose on the sidewalk… and it won’t be long… lol
Don’t come crying after you discover WHOM he really is. You voted for him, you got him, now pay for it.

Scrapiron, you would be talking about this Clinton interview

Then here’s Cuomo, Clinton’s HUD Secy in 1998 talking about rejecting loans to those that aren’t qualified… called “redlining” and discrimination if you happen to be a minority. DOH

And RAS? This nation has never been “united” and never will… unless, of course, you want to eliminate the 1st amendment. This nation has traditionally been split in what they want as a future for our country. Your idea of “unity” is not American… and it is most certainly not freedom. I suggest you quit asking.

No, just remind you lives are not counted in embassies but in real numbers. And yes I am talking about the US soil as Bush feared the terrorist following us home some dark and scary evening. The number of American lives lost, not in one location but the entire nation of Iraq will perhaps stir an expansion of your thoughts. After the events you listed did you note the number of deaths? Would you really go to war over an incident of 37 people? Think not and with that you show your willingness to lead with wise decisions. Now 9/11 was over 3,000 people and on our soil. I believe the difference in situation is obvious to all. Now count the unfortunate numbers of kids we have lost and in the wrong place. Thank you for understanding and I am not trying to prove you wrong merely point out this debate is heard often but once thought out it does not hold water.

Well what the heck why did our founding fathers call it the United States. Guess I missed it and did not realize we are all just a bunch of divided asses. Doesn’t WWI and WWII mean anything to you? I believe we united and stunned the entire world with our unity, purpose and ability. Try to rethink your thoughts on this country as it is better than you think my friend

I’m sorry, RAS… so what number of lives must be lost when our warships, American embassies, military bases, and US interests are attacked before you think it’s okay to defend ourselves? How many must die before you think it’s okay to stand up to threats that have been increasing in size and intensity world wide since the 60s?

I’m just dying to hear what that magic number is…

And while you’re at it, why not tell us how many must die before a weapon is considered a WMD? Does it have to be nuke? Or would a vial of chem/agents on a warhead do it for you? If it’s only 50 people, is that a WMD? Does it have to be 100 or more?

Yes, the difference in situations [as you and I see it] are obvious to all.

BTW, I don’t know of any “kids” serving in our military. They are all young men and women, of age to choose the voluntary decision to serve our country on their own. Do not lay your anti-war propaganda on their backs.

You’ve really got to be young, RAS…

Well what the heck why did our founding fathers call it the United States. Guess I missed it and did not realize we are all just a bunch of divided asses.

Yup… “miss it” you did.

The “united” states was the creation of a republic with a federal government for the limited group needs like military defense, printing money and building interstate roads. That’s the only jobs for the feds they had in mind.

The “united” states did *not* mean we all have to agree on our path, our votes. In fact, dissention was encouraged, and fearing “absolute power” was required.

Doesn’t WWI and WWII mean anything to you? I believe we united and stunned the entire world with our unity, purpose and ability.

Yes, my parent’s generation put today’s world to shame. However I believe their uniting behind a nation that went to war after being attacked in Pearl Harbor… a military base… might give you pause for cause before using that comment again. For surely, your party did not “unite” and “stun the world” after the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were attacked… and Flight 93 was thwarted by truly courageous Americans.

Thank you for your “unity” when it was needed… not. Now stop asking me for mine to support your choice of POTUS. I will stick with the founding fathers notion that absolute power in government should be feared, and that we are still free to dissent.

Well I guess that is why your party is out of office and diplomacy is now in. See that was the answer we were looking for. Just bomb the hell out of a place telling us you are competent and the war will last only three months at a cost of no more that three billion because someone spilled your milk. A real general will caution your type of thought. Notice Bush is tossed out with a less than 26% approval. These are not all loyal Republicans but people who also decided to think about talk such as yours. Did you want to invade N. Korea or Iran recently? Just their threats alone would trigger you and that is scary. Enough so to get them out of office and return to logical well thought out actions. See in this world you do get called out for your actions. So if you were president, ask yourself and please let me know the answer “would you invade as a result of the incidents you pointed out”? Seriously, I would love to know your answer and if it is yes then you see my point why your thinkers are gone. No one even needs to point this out.

Well I guess that is why your party is out of office and diplomacy is now in

No, your candidate took the election because too many voters demonstrate either the same, or even less intelligence than you. The media was so caught up in the “historic” event of Obama, that they felt vetting him was unnecessary.

The few places that did vet him were slammed as racists, liars, or distractions.

You willingly accept media headlines as truth. You are the perfect propaganda target, and the parrot to pass it along to everyone you come into contact with…. evidently others with the same lazy attitude… or aptitude… towards healthy curiousity and analysis.

Lessons, sometimes, must be learned the hard way…. as demonstrated by Germany, France and the Netherlands.

BTW, RAS… you did forget to answer that question. How many must die in your opinion before the US should defend herself against foreign attacks?

And the answer to your question would I, as POTUS, invade on the events I mentioned? Yes… which is why I already told you that I support Bush on his foreign policy.

Pay attention…

You are much too angry to talk and be respected at this time. I am well educated and informed. Your immediate prejudgement is typical Bushism thinking. I welcome a level headed, intellectual discussion but your anger and sore loosing is not good. Please learn to love our country or you will end up in a nation you so fear. Think about it my friend

ras just engaged in the classic


The questioning will only get tougher from here.

LOL, Aye!

“Angry”? Trust me, RAS… you haven’t seen me “angry” yet. And guess what, I don’t live for the moment you “respect” me.

“Well educated and informed”? I’d say your posts speak for themselves.

RAS, you are the worst idiot of this whole site. And you pretend you are educated… sure. And polite… sure, this is only a tactic used by manipulators like you. You do not fool me boy. You would love to scream at us and calls us name. You hate our guts; we can see it in everyone of your comment. But, like the perfect manipulator, you hold yourself back; believing that you will look educated… lol

But, it doesn’t work here, we are smart enough to see thru your mask, like we did for Obama.

“The number of American lives lost, not in one location but the entire nation of Iraq will perhaps stir an expansion of your thoughts. After the events you listed did you note the number of deaths? Would you really go to war over an incident of 37 people? Think not and with that you show your willingness to lead with wise decisions. Now 9/11 was over 3,000 people and on our soil. I believe the difference in situation is obvious to all.” (RAS)

Woe…Woe! The 3,000 deaths in WTC were innocent victims. The deaths in Iraq were mostly due to terrorist’s attacks and from our Army bombing terrorist nests. Very little collateral damage was done to ordinary citizens from the U.S. Army, my friend… very few.

Hey, RAS, do yourself a favour, go and get some education. You are a pity!

@ras: country must become united once again and not two sided with hate.

Why is it that now we must all “come together and sing kumbaya”, while the last eight years, I’ve had to watch the dems/liberals do nothing but try to undermine Pres. Bush’s policies/wishes? Watched them try to undermine our brave solders/sailors/airmen in the GWOT? I watched on news and newspapers, solders and the President burned in effigy, burning of the American Flag, and actually saw a report where an a$$hole $hit on the American Flag in public. How about that great movie about the assassination of a sitting president? Let’s not forget the anti-American movies from the morons in hollywood (all of which bombed I’m glad to say), and don’t forget the crazy babble from those oh so informed hollywood elite.

Nope, actions speak louder than words my friend, and it’s not the conservatives that need to pull their head out.


MataHarley, when you say

However your credibility is eroded when you focus blame only on the current admin.

You failed to read my comments and the context of this present post. My original comment “Yeah, President Bush and the Republicans who controlled congress from 2000 to 2006 had nothing to do with the bad economy”, was a sarcastic response to the thesis of this article. I followed in response to another comment with the following, “Neither party has the right plans in my opinion, but the Conservative Republicans had their chance and BLEW it big time.”

As for Clinton, or other administrations they have blame in all sorts of ways. How far back should we go, what parts of their records should we foist out here for debate? Maybe Jimmy Carter for not accomplishing his efforts to solve the growing dependency on foreign oil? Maybe FDR for taking us off the gold standard.

Your point about Greenspan is also something people should look at. Maybe when the “inflationary period” Greenspan was fighting was fueling the precise engine of refinancing and leveraging that has given us the real problems we are having now. One of the main drivers of inflation was the excessive credit and increased energy costs. When concerns of deflation first came up oil started to spike upward which continued the false sense of inflation and the balloon was continued to be pumped with more false credit. Then came the crash.

Finally, I have not read your posts previously, but looked back at your post on drug pricing. In my comment earlier I drew a mentioned health care in general and the lack of true free market competition. Although not an expert on drug prices or the health care industry, I do have consumer experience with both. Your article was very good and part of how the conservative movement can get back on track to provide leadership.