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If he is a father and took his little girls to that church (?) he is one poor father. He should
be punched in the mouth if he allowed little girls to hear that “potty mouth’ so-called=pastor.

They are beautiful little children and he is set to ruin them with the venom and hate that this
monster is spewing. Seems like it has already set Obama’s wife to saying things that are
not to any American’s liking.

not to any American’s liking

Overgeneralize not, lest ye be overgeneralized upon.

Doc: Does that mean you approve of the curse: God Damn America?

No, it doesn’t mean that. I was in no way addressing what the pastor said. Tess wasn’t talking about the curse; she was talking about Michelle Obama.

I’ve been to many church services across this wonderful nation of ours in my lifetime, and have as yet to hear the hate that is preached and taught by this man. . . . . . It’s definitely not a church or message I’d subject my family to.

So Doc: Why don’t you tell us what you think of the racist, hate filled sermons tirades made by Obama’s pastor of many years from the pulpit of the church Obama attended? The same pastor who performed his wedding to Michelle.

They sound like a bad idea.

And don’t they attach some significance to understanding what influences have shaped Obama’s character and the kinds of policies he would pursue as President?

As I recall Barak Obama did say that he did not agree with everything that this bigot said: Just as John McCain said he did not agree with everything that Pastor Hagee said.

Although, Senator McCain, unlike Senator Obama, has actually gone to the bigoted Pastor Hagee and activelly sought his endorsement for President. Soething that Senator Obama has NOT done.

Of course none of that matters to the Conservatives here because they, as always, insist on a DIFFERENT standard when a Democratic politician says something than they do of Republicans.

What a lame and pathetic attempt at the moral equivence crapola that has been such a great enabler for hatemongers everywhere.

You clearly did NOT take my advice to get some fresh air and smell the flowers as only a half wit would try and suggest that Obama’s 20 year relationship with this man Wright (he performed the marriage ceremony between Barrack Hussein and Michelle and christened their daughters) equated in ANY way with Hagee’s endorsement of McCain.

And why should Pastor Wright endorse Obama? He was already working as and advisor on his campaign? You think he was going to endorse someone else?

Lame Steve! VERY LAME! Rather than condemn something that is clearly wrong you make pathetic excuses and false moral arguments.

Now do as you are told and go outside. For your own good!

It still speaks to his jugdment. . . . . Something that must concern you as an American. . . . .

Pastor Hagee has his faults as well.

Excuse me. . . judgment. Should proofread before I post. :o)

Hagee is in no way comparable to Wright but with that being said we’re not only talking about Wright, we’re talking with many men Obama has associated himself with.

Chet, if you registered on the blog you should see a edit link beside the number of the comment, click it and you can edit your comments.

Chet: Is McCain a member of Hagee’s congregation?
Did Hagee preside over the marriage of John to Cindy McCain?
Did Hagee christen McCain’s children?

NO, NO and NO!

What is it about this that you don’t get? Hagee is NOT a primary spiritual influence over McCain. I don’t know what church or beliefs McCain even holds, if any.

On the other hand….. B. Hussein Obama and this avowed America hater go WAY BACK. And it’s CLEARLY effected Obama’s stand on issues. Obama’s willingness to toss aside America’s sometimes imperfect allies and talk to our enemies is the prime example.

Mike: I wasn’t referring to Hagee in the same light as Wright. just that he has his own problems/faults, separate of what you so eloquently pointed out. No, McCain is not a member of Hagee’s congregation, and I didn’t say he was. No, Hagee did not preside over McCain’s wedding, I didn’t say he did. No Hagee did not christen McCain’s children, I didn’t indicate that he had. I did however say, and I quote. . . “Hagee has his faults as well.” Now that I’ve brought you up to snuff. . . .

My remark “It still speaks to his jugdment. . . . . Something that must concern you as an American,” was in response to Philly Steve, in regards to Obama, that it speaks of his (Obama’s judgment).

“Now that I’ve brought you up to snuff. . . .”

I think I’ve snuffed that moral equvialence argument already Chet. There’s no reason to bring McCain into this other than to water down any accountability for Obama’s 20 year relationship with this hatemonger.

Sorry Mike, you’ve lost me. Other than in response to your post, I haven’t mentioned McCain once today. As far as a moral equivalence argument, I don’t think there’s any moral equivalence between Wright or Hagee, and I didn’t indicate there was, other than to say Hagee has problems/faults of his own. Which is a seperate argument in and of itself.

As far as McCain is concerned, I’m not a fan, and don’t proclaim to be, and certainly won’t be voting for him come election time, as he’s to moderate for my liking.

Chet: If I misunderstood you, I apologize. Something you won’t get from a lib.

I’m not a fan of McCain either, but I will defend him when he is wrongfully attacked.

You did not do that and again, my apology.

Ditto buddy. I’ve always enjoyed your posts. Sorry if I was unclear. I’ll try to improve on that.

Re: “Pastor Hagee has his faults as well.”

However Candidate mcCain actively sought out his endorsement for president, stood on the podium shoulder-to-shourlder with him, but Conservatives consider it only “minor”. And got a free pass for it from ever Conservative on this site.

That is bacuse you are 100% loyal Republican who, I predicted months ago, would lock arms with whomever the Republicans nominated. This despite all those avowed “I’ll stay home if McCain….” posts. And I was subjected to torrents of abuse when I pointed this out.

From now through November, we will see 100% Republican loyalty commetns from the Conservatives here, like a stream from the White House/McCain campiagn talking points. Then, come January 2009, we will start to hear the “McCain is no Conservative” chant as Conservative, to a person, pretend that they never voted for McCain.

I will both complimentary and negative things about whomever the Democratic Party nominates. Not one single Conservative here will be allowed to do so, other than in the most mild form (“While I may have one or two tiny differences…”)

That is not “hate” like the Hillary Clinton thread. That is just a prediction.

Same reply to you as in the last thread you commented on:

Hagee said “God damn America?”


Is McCain a member of his church, nope.
Was McCain married by him, nope
Was McCain’s children christened by him, nope.

Answer is yes on all accounts for Obama and Wright tho.

Curt: Do we need to take up a collection for Philly Steve to have an eye exam? In comment #14 I used LARGE TYPE to make that exact same point.

And as for “I will both complimentary and negative things about whomever the Democratic Party nominates. Not one single Conservative here will be allowed to do so” perhaps he’s not been paying attention. We’ve all been among McCain’s sharpest critics and McCain PERSONALLY told me that if my “blogging friends” didn’t like his position on x,y or z we shouldn’t vote for him the primaries and we did not.

Though most of us pledged to vote for the eventual GOP nominee and I intend to honor that pledge but not even Wordsmithistan the enforcer will keep me from bashing McCain when he makes a mess of things or says something with which I disagree.

And as for Philly Steve’s vaunted objectivity in criticizing his parties candidates, I’m reminded of this advertising classic:

However Candidate mcCain actively sought out his endorsement for president

Source please.

Only because you have a nasty habit of talking out of your ass down there in Mommy’s basement.

Steve: The problems of pastor Hagee, and many other religions of today, are largely due to the apostasy, i.e., the falling away of the institutional church from the true Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, to include Wright’s church. They’ve become far to worldly.

The problem Obama has is his credibility, his judgment if you will. . . . What kind of judgment has been exercised in staying in a church like this and exposing his family to the hate tirades coming from the pulpit of Wright’s church. And if he uses such poor judgment in this small thing, how much more should you be concerned as an American, i.e., if you are an American, that he brings this kind of judgment to the White House.

No, I’d much rather seek the edorsement of a Hagee who unknowingly misleads a congregation, than a Wright that knowingly fans the fires of hatred to and of a congregation for their fellow man.