The High Cost of Biden’s War On Energy Continues


by Brian Garst

The Biden Administration’s war on American energy commenced on his first day in office when the president issued seven Executive Orders limiting oil exploration, imposing massive new costly regulations on the energy industry, and rescinding support for the Keystone Pipeline.
Americans are feeling the impact of these policies through astronomical prices for electricity and natural gas.
Even states like Kentucky, which boasts one of the most robust energy industries in the country, are feeling the pain.
Out of nowhere, the Blue Grass State suddenly found itself stuck in rolling blackouts this winter as scores of residents couldn’t even so much as turn on their lights, heat their homes, or power on their electric cars or stoves.
The fact that something like this happened in Kentucky, a state that uses more energy per dollar of Gross Domestic Product than nearly any other, shows that it can happen anywhere.
This should not come as a shock when considering how coal country has been under assault for more than a decade.
Liberal billionaires have spent hundreds of millions of dollars convincing policymakers to shut down American energy sources and the jobs connected to them.
President Biden has bought what they’re selling, and despite the pain that Americans are feeling, he is showing no signs of backing down.
Biden’s position is nonsensical. There’s a reason that coal still generates a large portion of the United States’ electricity: it’s one of the most reliable and effective energy sources on the market today.
Biden says that it’s not clean, but that’s not true either. States like West Virginia and Kentucky have proven that coal can be mined with little to no environmental impact.
In addition to being wrong on the facts, the war on affordable energy generally and coal specifically, is dangerous because it involves government bureaucrats rather than the marketplace picking winners and losers.
Under White House policy, the government is putting its fingers on the scales to boost solar and wind power while building every impediment possible to other energy sources.
This temptation works both ways, with some state legislatures considering bills, such as Kentucky’s SB 4, that would use the power of big government to strong-arm coal use at all costs.

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Biden is a Globalists and you don’t need to be a Rocket Scientists to know that already cutting off our fossil fuels and opening others Biden Democrat, Traitor Globalists

To read the whole thing:
Brian Garst‘s biggest mistake in this cool article is assuming joe and his puppetmasters are reasonable beings.
They are not.
They are on an insane quest for green energy only.
More accurately, as a secret agenda, they hope lots of people will die in the cold each winter.
(Ten times more people die in cold weather events over hot ones.)
Globalists, like joe and his bosses, want to depopulate earth down to 2 billion or less.
Whatever dumb policy they pursue, look at it thru this depopulation lens and, there it is.
Killing people is their hope, not “green” stuff.

They just want to line their own pockets. How many die is of no interest to them. That’s what people who vote for Democrats vote for. Whether it be the border, crime, energy or national security, they feather their own nest first and let the taxpaying citizens scrape by.

Everything Democrats do is the exact opposite of what is best for this country and often the world. Everything idiot Biden does hurts the nation while it puts money in his and his crime family’s pockets. That moron saying we may need fossil fuel for another 10 years is the paramount of complete stupidity and ignorance or, at the very least, the assumption that people will believe his lies.

bidens spending->bidens inflation->bidens bonds->bidens bank crisis=destruction of American economy.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Deb Haaland has a very, very bad day before Congress…
Alert, these are painful to watch as this is a cabinet member of the biden regime.