Stumbling, Whispering Biden Demands That States and Localities Stop and Undo Their Reopening Efforts, and Reimpose Mask Mandates


by Ace

There is no correlation between mask mandates and covid spread — or, perhaps, thereĀ is, but one opposite than the one intended.

States with mask mandates are seeing covid rates increase while several states without mask mandates are seeing covid ratesĀ plummet.



But, like AllahPundit at the “conservative” Hot Air says (approvingly), this isn’t about “correlations” between infringements of liberty and health, this is about “signaling” and “sending a message” that covid is still around.

If you compare the list of states where mask mandates have been lifted to the Times’s list of states where cases are high, you don’t find any obvious correlation.But for Biden, this isn’t about correlations.

It’s about signaling to people that it’s still too soon to let down their guards. Rochelle Walensky made that point as well this morning in an oddly personal way and now here’s Biden openly pleading with governors to change their policies. The message in both cases is the same: We’re not out of the woods yet, even if it feels in some parts of the country like we are.

So many NeverTrump “anti-authoritarians” now support the wholescale repeal of American liberty for laughably-weak reasons such as “sending a message” about complacency.

So, that’s the “conservatarian” position now, eh? That the government can take away your libertyĀ to send a fucking message?

If it’s now constitutional to impose restrictions on the general population merelyĀ to send a message, then there’s really no liberty left in America, is there?

We’re seeing a lot of this with the alleged “libertarians” who are closely aligned with the establishment ruling class. Turns out that the Ruling Class Libertarians are a lot more pro-Ruling Class than pro-liberty.

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The left wants to get citizens conditioned to having their freedoms taken away whenever the State decides it needs to take them. If idiot Biden was the least bit concerned about COVID spreading, he would have our southern border secured tight as a drum instead of allowing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to swarm in, 10% of which are showing infection. The hypocrisy of the left exposes their true agenda.

If people are in vulnerable situations, like having co-morbidities for covid, they are free to continue to wear masks even in “open” states.

No one is going to force them to go mask-free.

But to force everybody to wear masks just because of those few people is absurd.
Biden is a walking multiple co-morbidity.
He’s old, he has brittle bones, he has no energy (probably because his O2 load is too low) and he has a degenerative brain disorder (and might forget to mask).
But just because HE needs a keeper to remind him to mask is no reason we all must mask.

Impeach Biden now for gross incompetence and dereliction of duty at the Border.

He is unfit to serve, and his administration must be wiped away.

@Nathan Blue: Then impeach Kamala for the same reason, as she was tasked with taking care of the disaster and refused.

Tell Joe Biden he can Go Pound Sand then take a hike as well we did,nt elect t his scum sucker he stole the whole election