Soup-to-Nuts Smart Take on Big Picture of Inspector General Report of Andrew McCabe…


A very good overall review of the Office of Inspector General report into the conduct of former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is provided by Twitter writer NameRedacted7.

CTH is sharing the extensive review below with some minor editorial adjustments to expand on abbreviations and remove the ‘twitterism’ for clarity.  The full thread is HERE:

[Via NameRedacted7] I’m taking my time reading the McCabe report from [JusticeOIG] and so far I’m floored. This is a 30+ page report on misconduct by fired Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; I intend this thread to be a work in progress as I make my way through it & will supplement work done by others.

I’ve just finished retweeting [tracybeanz] thread from today, and [Nick_Falco] & [The_War_Economy] have extensive research on this as well.

From page 1-6, the [JusticeOIG] lays out exact verbiage & statements McCabe made to FBI Inspection Division whom the investigation of his conduct originated with. This is a crucial data-point to understanding these events.

Within the first six pages, it is detailed what McCabe told investigators at each date and time; and relevant data regarding phone calls with DOJ officials, his aide Special Counsel Lisa Page, Director Comey, and Deputy Asst Dir Peter Strzok. Dates are noted.

The Inspector General report first describes McCabes lack of Candor. This is the act of not telling the complete truth, leaving out details, deliberately lying about details, or hiding key facts.

Within the first six pages, it is explicitly clear that McCabe verbally ordered Lisa Page and Asst Director for Office Public Affairs, Mike Kortan, to seek out Wall Street Journal reporter Devlin Barrett, in attempt to shift the reporters narrative to one less damaging to McCabe PERSONALLY.

This follows Devlin Barrett’s Oct 23rd, 2016 WSJ article revealing McCabe’s wife received almost $700,000 from Terry McCauliffe for her senate run at a time McCabe was over seeing TWO Clinton investigations and Mcaulliffe was under FBI probe.

This led to great panic on the part of McCabe who within days ordered his DOJ assigned attorney Lisa Page and Public Affairs Officer Mike Kortan to meet with Barrett. They communicated with him several times about this ultimately revealing that DOJ wanted the Clinton Foundation case stopped.

McCabe took a call Aug 12th, 2016, from Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General [PADAG] at DOJ who was the point person for DOJ on that case. It was heated and McCabe allegedly (his words) asked point blank if DOJ was asking FBI to “kill a valid case.”

What happened next is Lisa Page and Mike Kortan, at McCabe’s order, leak this fact to Barrett who then publishes it on Oct 30th, 2016.

From pages 6-11 the IG report details the aftermath: the Justice Dept was fit to be tied. [tracybeanz] thread details this in depth. First McCabe lied and pointed suspicion both internally at FBI and at DOJ blaming Washington DC & New York City Field Offices. (WFO & NYFO).

This is a crucial. McCabe knowingly used his aide & FBI Public Affairs to leak unauthorized information to the WSJ to cover up his own conflicts of interest that may signal other more egregious felonies he has committed at the Bureau. [see (The_War_Economy) teeets about McCabe addresses.

Andrew McCabe goes so far as to tell the Asst. Director in Charge of the Washington Field Office (ADIC-WFO) to quote: ‘get your house in order’. He called him incompetent with full knowledge he was blaming the man for his own crime. Yes, it is a felony.

Circle back: McCabe has now accused Asst. Director in Charge of New York Field Office and Asst. Director in Charge of Washington Field Office of the leak he knowingly perpetrated to hide his own misdeeds. This triggers an FBI Inspection Division mole hunt that targets the entire Counter Intelligence division who had access to both Clinton cases: Email and Foundation.

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Remember Roy Scheider’s famous line in “Jaws”, “You’re going to need a bigger boat”? Well, “You’re going to need more prosecutors”.

Hard to imagine a scummier job than to be the FBI inside man to cover up for the Clinton’s. And this is a guy the left has leaped up to defend.

McCabe wasn’t covering up for the Clintons. He was covering up for himself.

Nor has the defense of McCabe continued, now that more details concerning the events that lead to his firing have come out.

The Low Tragedy of Andrew McCabe

@Greg: McCabe was covering for the Clinton’s and, thus, had to cover THAT fact. If he hadn’t been covering for the Clinton’s, he would never have gotten himself into such a fix. Notice the Clinton’s coming to his rescue.

Nor has the defense of McCabe continued, now that more details concerning the events that lead to his firing have come out.

Maybe… just MAYBE… liberals should learn to hold fire until they get the details? The lies told by McCabe were hardly obscure. All one needed to do was open one’s eyes and admit that it is possible that the stories about left wing abuse of authority and power have merit.

It’s time for any liberal ideologue that actually respects law and order to reevaluate their deification of Obama, Lynch, Holder, Hillary, Comey and Mueller.