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Keep in mind that Obama views EVERYTHING through the perspective of politics. Even murderous enemies are political enemies, not enemies of the sort that are trying to kill us. This is why, I think, he speaks of ISIS “enemies” in the same terms as the “enemies” that he regards Republicans as being.

Hillary, too. Radical Islamic terrorists that want to kill women and children and rape girls are no more an enemy to her that Republicans that want her to be held responsible for her misrepresentations and failures or the NRA for standing up for the 2nd Amendment that she hates so much. Both she and he don’t, I think, want to actually kill anyone; it the political world, winning the rhetorical battle is just as good. Hash-tagging them and shaming them is their goal, not wiping them out.

Hopefully, one day, our committed enemies will come around to their way or thinking and stop trying to destroy us when they become embarrassed enough.