Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment…


Back Story Here –  The story of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, takes on more context today as Mike Huckabee explained during a radio interview.

According to Mr. Huckabee the owner of the Red Hen restaurant not only kicked out Sarah Sanders and her in-laws, but she followed them to another restaurant, organized a group of people to assist her efforts, and then led the mob in continued harassment of the Sanders family.

Mike Huckabee was interviewed by Laura Ingraham for her radio show:

For the conservative, when life presents great struggles, he/she knows she has the power to surmount them. Happiness stems from internal strength and perseverance. For the liberal, when life presents great struggles, the system failed, therefore they were at the mercy of a faulty system, and they believe that only when the system is fixed can their life improve.

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They can kick republicans out of a crappy dirty little diner but we cant kick illegal aliens out of the country.

@another vet: Compared to all you wide eyed Trumpists accepting his lies as truths or maybe “that’s just Donald being Donald”–I am truly the reasoned moderate at this forum.

For the record–DT had a ghost writer assist him mightily in all his books–the guy has nothing good to say about him.

@richard wheeler:

Compared to all you wide eyed Trumpists accepting his lies as truths or maybe “that’s just Donald being Donald”–I am truly the reasoned moderate at this forum.

You certainly know how to verbalize your leftism, Wheeler. Nothing like putting a label (Trumpist, homophobe, racist) on those who oppose you, and your party, and every thing you stand for.

For the record–DT had a ghost writer assist him mightily in all his books–the guy has nothing good to say about him.

For the record, William Ayers ghost wrote Obama’s first book. I have nothing good to say about Ayers who should be making small rocks out of large rocks for the rest of his life.

@retire05: If Trump and his lemmings oppose what I stand for I’ll see it as a strong affirmation of my beliefs.
There is nothing about Trump that I find admirable, honorable, or worth emulating..

Happy 4th to my fellow Vets—step up——not so fast ol bone spurs.

Good laugh DT “I pride myself on my writing skills” Then he calls Washington Post a discgrace and notes how “fake news constantly likes to pour over my tweets.”

@richard wheeler:

If Trump and his lemmings oppose what I stand for I’ll see it as a strong affirmation of my beliefs.

What does your party stand for, Wheeler? It doesn’t stand for the sanctity of life, for traditional family values, for fiscal sanity, American sovereignty, for anything that even closely resembles what we have all known as the “American dream.”

If you think that Democrats are JFK Democrats, you’re wrong. That ship sailed a long time ago and now you are left with a party that is nothing more than Socialist.

Here’s what the Chair of the DNC recently said about the recent primary election of a Democrat Socialist:

Perez: Well, my daughters – I have 3 kids, two of whom are daughters, one just graduated college, one is in college, and they were both texting me about their excitement over Alexandria because, you know, she really represents the future of our party.

How much longer before your party starts supporting Communism?

@retire05: Well, Rich supports the party that gets service men and an ambassador killed, and LIES about it for the sake of a campaign tag-line. He supports the party and ideology that creates poverty instead of opportunity because those dependent upon the government for sustenance are more reliable voters. He supports the party that, through every illegal means possible CHOSE to run the most corrupt liar to ever run for the office.

Those are his values. Mine are infinitely superior to that crap.

Trump has NO values. I’m an independent. as is Jim Webb I would have voted for John Kasich, or Marco Rubio. I believe at some point The Grand Old Party,, hijacked by this Populist imposter with no core values, will see their naked king for what he is.
They sold there soul for a w.

@richard wheeler: Truth of it if they started a Party called the Populist Party I would vote for one, seems they actually keep the promises made, not just get into office and give the voters a thumbs down on what they ran on. Its working in a couple of European countries too.
Your descriptor of yourself has changed you used to be a Progressive if I remember.

@richard wheeler:

I’m an independent. as is Jim Webb

Oh, yeah, I remember you being interested in Webb. When he announced he was forming an exploratory committee to run as a Democrat, he received little more than a collective yawn. He also wasn’t interested as running as an Indy.

The Grand Old Party,, hijacked by this Populist imposter

Didn’t you vote for Obama, the biggest imposter this nation has ever elected as President? His history, what little is known, was created by the brilliant strategist, David Axelrod.


Your descriptor of yourself has changed you used to be a Progressive if I remember.

He voted for Obama twice. The most left wing, anti-American, power abusing President in history over two moderates- McCain and Romney. So much for his ‘moderation’. His party has called for and supports: open borders; abolishing the Second Amendment; abolishing ICE; massive tax increases; intimidation of those with opposing views including the use of violence; universal income; universal healthcare; free education; abortion on demand; censorship; spying on political opposition for political purposes, and a “show me the man and I’ll find the crime” Soviet style of due process. With the exception of open borders, all of those positions are positions held by tyrannical governments. On this day, it’s good to remember that the Declaration of Independence was written by our Founders (another group they despise) in OPPOSITION to that type of government. BTW, Jim Webb would be called a fascist by Antifa, an ‘honor’ they would probably not bestow on him given his defending of them and his refusal to denounce them unconditionally.

Want to know how far to the left they’ve gone? Here’s a good one. They are now complaining Bernie Sanders is too far right!

@another vet: Any wonder why the newest trend is #walkaway ?
The democrat party has evolved into the party of the lawless with a sprinkle of every freakshow they can find under rocks and rotting logs, Jabba the Hut Michael Moore says the military is on their side…uh grossly obese and delusional is no way to go through life.


Michael Moore says the military is on their side

He needs to lay off the sugars.

grossly obese and delusional is no way to go through life.

All leftists are delusional he just happens to be a lard ass.

Remember the old question, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?”
Here’s one on a similar note, “Are leftists born crazy or do crazy people become leftists?”

@another vet:

“Are leftists born crazy or do crazy people become leftists?”

Its a nurture situation, lack of stucture at home, ADD drugs, then k-12 leftist training, reinforced by MSM and college brainwashing. Waala sheeple created.

@another vet: Yesterday to celebrate Independence Day, our American Legion Post participated in the annual parade. As I anticipated, our post was slotted just behind the Marine entry. I had printed out a list of about 20 posts that Rich Wheeler had made during the past few years. As you may remember, I have frequently commented that Rich could not be considered a “real” marine due to what he says and does. I gave the list to about 10 Marines while we were waiting for the parade to start. The most frequent comment by “fellow” Marines was “What a dumb sh__! ” I am unable to post the more descriptive comments that describe their opinion of Rich’s intelligence, character and loyalty to the oath he took. I believe that If Rich had been present, he would have suffered indignant criticism and possible physical harm. (After all, they still respect the oath they took so many years ago.) Not one of them considered Rich to be one of the “real” Marines because he showed such disrespect for the oath he took.

@Randy: LOL #64 I was awarded a Navy Commendation Medal with combat V for valor in Viet Nam
That Col speaks for itself–I assure you my Fellow Marines would stand with me at all times when questioned by Army sorts such as you..

Btw There are Marine Vets serving in Congress who share my dislike of ol bone spurs–Captain Lamb Dem Pa comes to mind
Marine Captain Mueller is yet to be heard.

Oh Rah RJW Captain USMCR

@Richard Wheeler: What you did in the past is in the past. We are all judged by what we did after our military service and/or what we do now. You are wrong about those you consider “your fellow Marines”. You have chosen a different path and there is no respect for you by those who see what you are currently doing. John McCain is almost persona non grata by those who were imprisoned in Hanoi when he was. There are several living in our community who express that opinion. As far as hanging your life time membership in the Marine CORPS on your awarded metals, for $6 and your medals you can get a cup of coffee at Starbucks. We all have military medals that only mean something if they represent how we live our lives and how we continue to serve our country after our military service. Your comrades in arms think you are at least a phony! Your commendation medal would be considered an “I was there medal” for the Army or similar to John Kerry’s fraudulent 3rd Purple Heart!

@Randy: Bullshit Thought you smarter but you are obviously not too bright. You stand with those who bash Mac’s POW suffering? Shameful.

Pruitt gone—good riddance

Exactly– I was there and cowardly Trump was not.

metals?? You spell about as well as Trump-his ghostwriter thinks he’s an idiot—and rightly so.

@Richard Wheeler: You are more ignorant that I ever expected. If you knew how to read, you would understand that it is not McCain’s past that excuses his current performance. It is what he did after his past. Just like you Rich. Your past performance does not excuse you current anti American activities. Because Stalin as a good boy in Sunday School, does that excuse all the things he did afterwards? You are a fraud and McCain has evolved into a man who continues to be excused from anti-American activities because of his past!

@Randy: Mac anti -American?? You are quite simply a right wing kook Randy. There were some respected Conservatives here before–Guys like Aye Chi You’re what’s left—sad

BTW DT’S biographer Tim O’Brian confirms that DT didn’t write any of his 4 books.
You follow this fraud. lol

@Richard Wheeler: Oh, so you served in Vietnam with Cowardly Obama and Clinton ? You really are a dunce Rich!

Oh, by the way, because I work with protecting soldiers from heavy metals, my spell check changes entries. It didn’t change the message. You still are considered a fraud by “real” Marine. That is the real message!

@Richard Wheeler: Oh, so you served with cowardly Clinton and Obama? By the way, because I work with soldiers protecting them from heavy metals, my spell check changes the entry! The real message is that you are considered a fraud by “real” Marines.

Sorry for posting a similar message twice. My computer messed up. I only wanted to reveal the truth once about how far Rich has degraded over the past 48 years.

@Richard Wheeler: Well, if someone encourages the IRS to bankrupt Tea Party non-profit organizations by continual harassment, I would call that un-American. What do you call it? There is written proof that McCain did that!

@Randy: Excuses don’t cut it Col. You spell like DT who also loves excuses.
discgrace one of his recent favorites.

Lets face it —you’re a right wing nut on a right wing blog. My views are more mainstream.

Many Marine Officers I know and respect have no use for DT—I stand with them.
Most call Mac a patriot. Never heard any define ol bone spurs a patriot–more likely a bombastic liar.

@Richard Wheeler: You continue to show your ignorance. My comments concerning you and your behavior has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It has to do with your violation of you oath. You keep trying to steer the conversation somewhere else. You make posts that encourage violations of the constitution which you vowed to protect. That is what the “real” Marines to whom I showed your post were commenting on. Some of the names they called you were so vile, I will not post them here.

@Randy: Vile you say. I laugh at your foolishness–go ahead and post em—can’t be more vile than the language used by Trump–truly a man without class.

BTW when you say “my comments”—plural—should be followed by have not has. Were you home schooled like RT?

Let me be clear—my beef is not with the Republican Party or rational Conservatives. As mentioned, I would have voted for Kasich or Rubio Trump is a disgrace. To see him as the leader of this great country and CIC of our military is hard to stomach for the majority of Americans.

@Richard Wheeler: Actually, Rich, you need to review your grammar. What was the subject of the sentence? The subject determines the status of the verb. Did you know that home schooled children are scoring higher than public school children on standardized tests? Of the 10 young and men who reached the finals of the American Legion speech contest, only one was from public schools. The state winners were all home schools. You really do not know what is going on in the world do you? Maybe the Navy should take away your participation medal. If you want to validate my comments, do what I did. Go back and print out your anti-constitutional comments and take them to the local VFW or American Legion. Show them to the “real” Marines and see what they say. I know you are now going to change the subject since you are unable to deny the truth.


Not one of them considered Rich to be one of the “real” Marines because he showed such disrespect for the oath he took.

As you know, I respect everyone’s service that served honorably and try not to question it unless their last name is Bergdahl or the Che loving West Pointer. That’s even in cases where I believe someone to be embellishing. For example, I know one individual who said he was an Army Ranger who is always telling VN war stories even to perfect strangers about all his highspeed exploits- you know “Gooks in the wire” and all the people he killed etc. Most of the people I know who did that type of stuff don’t brag about it. One day he told me he bought a 1911 because he carried one “in the ‘Nam”. Later he told me he may need my help in showing him how to break it down, a skill a Ranger wouldn’t lose. That obviously gives me pause to believe he served there in some other capacity. And I do take exception to someone like John Kerry for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while Americans were still fighting and dying. And that goes back to oath thing. Some of us took it more seriously than others.

John McCain is almost persona non grata by those who were imprisoned in Hanoi when he was.

As someone who put his money where his mouth is and voted for McCain, I was not a happy camper when Obama and company painted him as a white, warmongering, too old racist. Unlike some hypocrites, I criticized Trump when made his comments about his time as a POW but also criticized Obama and company when they made fun of him not being able to type, a condition caused by a service connected disability. However, I am in agreement with a lot of Vets I’ve talked to in that he is a good example of why we need term limits. I believe he should have taken the honorable way out like Bob Dole did and retired after the extreme beating he took in 2008. Unfortunately, now he’ll be remembered more for backstabbing his constituents by promising to lead the fight to repeal Obamacare only to vote for it multiple times.

@another vet: Why don’t you ask Wheeler if he voted for Clinton, who was a draft dodger? See if you can get an answer. He never would answer me when I asked him that question (although he will claim he did so he doesn’t have to answer it again). Hell, I bet he even voted for John Kerry, who danced with the enemy.

@retire05: Rich isn’t in the answering business. His trade is making false accusations, lying and asking others questions he expects answers to. Yeah, he hates Trump because he had a medial deferment but loves Democrats who run to England to evade the draft and express their hatred and disgust for military members on a regular basis.

@Deplorable Me: Actually, Rich is very typical of those on the left. They wear blinder so can only see one issue at a time. They lack the mental capacity to understand the unintended consequences of their actions not only fails to further the interests of our country, but poses severe handicaps. Most believe they are patriots, but have moved the bar so far to the left they do not realize they are in league with those who are plotting to destroy our country. Rich lives in a fantasy land where he believes he is smarter than so many others. That allows him to believe he has respect by others. I would expect that when Rich was a little boy, his Grand-mother allowed him to win games she played with him. Instead of him gaining confidence in his ability, he believed he was smarter than everyone else. What other reason could account for the post that he makes here?


Actually, Rich is very typical of those on the left.

VERY typical. Anything not liberal is racist, misogynist, homophobic and, in this particular case, bad for “sentient beings”. Spreading lies and hypocrisy is a badge of honor. It is very easy to throw out any variety of unverified accusations if you run like a screaming little girl from any questions to validate them.

They lack the mental capacity to understand the unintended consequences of their actions not only fails to further the interests of our country, but poses severe handicaps.

A long as they can blame someone else for the damage they cause, they feel they are freed of responsibility.

Most believe they are patriots, but have moved the bar so far to the left they do not realize they are in league with those who are plotting to destroy our country.

I don’t think they have any delusions about where their allegiances lie. To them, patriotism is silly and evil. They believe a leftist world government would serve the people better, forcing ignorance upon themselves of all the lives lost to such faith in socialism.


Why don’t you ask Wheeler if he voted for Clinton, who was a draft dodger?

I already have and either got the same result you did or the side step. We all know the answer to the question though. One set of standards for the them and another for us. Their set is very low to non-existent and everyone else’s are very high. The elitists and the want to be elitists on the left believe they are morally and intellectually superior to everyone else. They have zero tolerance for opposing views. That is why they openly embrace socialism and communism. They need to control us or at the rate their violence is escalating- kill us.

Seems i’ve raised a damn firestorm. Everything from Randy discussing how my grandmother raised me to the possibility of my taking up arms against Conservatives lol

Relax—-I’m just a peace loving. aging, almost vegan, former Marine Officer who came here to learn from folks like Word, Mata, Aye Chi and Aqua—unfortunately all gone. Enjoyed my mostly friendly and informative discussions with them about many subjects. Often discussions were continued off line.. Good days.

You folks are much too serious—careful not to go the way of RT—FIND A HOBBY TAKE A LONG WALK OR JOG–PUMP IRON—chill

@richard wheeler: You still are not intelligent enough to understand that it is what you have done after you took the oath that has made a difference and caused “real” Marines to not include as one of them. When you support efforts to destroy the purposes of the Constitution, that is our issue with you. Maybe we should give you a pass since you are to ignorant to understand what you have done and continue to do!

@Randy: Yea Randy –give me a pass–blame it on my grandmother.
Don’t think you are dealing from a full deck Col. home schooled perhaps? Nuf said

BTW You’re Army–sorry bout that—you know nothing about real Marines—you never will.

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler: How can you semper fi while running down another branch? Who followed up the marines? Shame on you, I have a better guess about your grandma she might have been liberal and said I raised my kids and had no desire to pass on her wisdom.

Rich: You still do not get it. It is not the “real” Marines who are doing anything against the oath they took. It is people like you. You have no concept as to the life time obligation you vowed to be and to remain respected as a “real” Marine. You want to be respected as a “real” Marine while you support organizations and actions that threaten the Constitution that you vowed to defend with your life if necessary. Playing both roles is incompatible. As you continue to make replies that attempt to deflect responsibility for your own actions, I and others here must conclude that you must be suffering from a mental deficiency.

@Richard Wheeler: Well Rich, I grew up with a father who was WWII. I expect I know more than you ever could. That is evident from your failure to live up to your oath. “Real” Marines live up to their oaths as long as they live!

@kitt: Semper fidelis is a Latin phrase that means “always faithful” or “always loyal”. It is only approved to be used by “real” Marines who are always faithful and loyal to the oath they took! I doubt Rich knows what it means.

@Randy:Semper Fi “approved to be used” lol
You’re the nut case Randy. My father was also WW11.
Why didn’t you join The Corps? You know nada about The Marine Corps–you took the soft route.
I’ve absolutely lived up to my oath as have many Marines that do not adhere to your radical right wing politics.

@Richard Wheeler: It has nothing to do with politics dummy! It has to do with your failure to defend the Constitution. You keep changing the emphasis of the issue. Do you really not understand or are you just so left wing that you really hate this country and want to see it destroyed?

@Randy: You say it has nothing to do with politics, then call me left wing–you oughta clear your mind before you say stupid things like that.
If anyone is gonna destroy this country its not patriots like Conner Lamb, Jim Webb, Robert Mueller and myself. It’s that dangerous egomaniacal POTUS you blindly follow.

@Richard Wheeler: Approved to be used by those who are “always faithful and always loyal.” That is the point Rich! Your support of those who seek to destroy the Constitution and your efforts to do the same.

Please note the oath you took and compare your behavior to the oath you took posted below.

The Oath of Office (for officers):
“I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the ________ of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”

@Richard Wheeler:I refer to the left wing because the left wing is attempting to destroy the Constitution of the US that you swore to defend. By the way, get me a list of things that Trump has done to destroy the Constitution or the country. I think if we took a poll on this site, your would be considered the ego maniac . You seem to be unable to understand simple sentences. and provide coherent replies.

@Randy: What’s your beef–ANTIFA?–soon as I found out who they were I denounced them as I did the KKK
Did you denounce the far right marchers at Charlottesville or did you consider them patriots?
How have I not supported and defended The Constitution—be specific—not broad radical right talking points.
You think my fellow Marine Officers mentioned in #93 have done likewise?

I once thought you simply misguided in your support of a pure charlatan that is CIC–NOW???

@Richard Wheeler: Rich, I am talking about you. I have read the things you write and support. Those are the things I provided to the “real” Marines on Wed. If you go back over the past 12 months and look at the posts you have made supporting those who want to destroy the constitution and this country, I would hope you have the intelligence to understand what you have been doing. If your actions have been just ignorance, than you can be forgiven and I will apologize. If your actions have been deliberate, then you have no right to represent yourself as a “real” Marine.

I have taken my oath of office seriously from the day I took it until the day I die. It has become a major part of my life. You can interview all of the people around me and they will confirm this.

I took this part of the oath “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same;” most seriously every day of my life. Right now, I consider you and those organizations/concepts you support domestic enemies. If you are not one, prove it!

@Randy: I asked you to be specific—who or what do I support that undermines The Constitution Jim Webb? Conner Lamb? Robert Mueller?
Environmental Protection or Animal Rights?—-put up a couple of examples.—don’t pull a Eugene McCarthy on me.

Trump is an authoritariaN who has taken power from a Democratic state under the banner of populist nationalism. His association with illiberal and anti-democratic individuals from Vlad Putin to Steve Bannon and the alt=right raises worries that he does not respect the basic norms of our Constitutional order
He attempts to undermine our free press and First Amendment rights with his fake news meme
He has attempted to undermine our judicial system–racist comments against Judge Curiel in an attempt to discredit him.
That’s for starters

@Richard Wheeler: See Rich, you try to make everything about everyone else. It is you who are the subject and you who have betrayed your oath. I gave you the opportunity, but you are too stupid to acknowledge it. You can not even look at yourself in the mirror as I suggested.

@Randy: Oh, look. By all means, answer Rich’s questions. He demands answers. Of course, ask HIM a question… like that one about supporting draft-dodging, military loathing Clinton or being part of the party that spits on returning servicemen and it’s radio silence.

Go ahead, answer his questions; that’s what people with the courage to support their views do.