President Trump Hits 51% Approval in Rasmussen Poll – Higher Than Obama at Same Point in Presidency



In the face of a handful of polls in recent weeks showing President Donald Trump the underdog against Joe Biden, momentum is beginning to turn around.

After having him trailing Biden by double digits in early July, a week ago Rasmussen Reports had the race as basically even, with Biden leading 47%-45%, which is within the poll’s margin of error.

Of note, Rasmussen was among the closest mainstream pollster in approximating the popular vote in the 2016 election. Rasmussen had Hillary Clinton up 1.7 points over Trump on election day 2016, while she ended up winning the popular vote by 2.1 points above him (48.2% vs. 46.1%). The Real Clear Politics average of polls had Hillary up for six points. Unlike the other polls, Rasmussen correctly saw Trump had a path to victory in the electoral college.

Now, after falling to a pandemic low of 42% approval, Trump’s approval has since rebounded to 51%, or seven percentage points above where Barack Obama’s approval stood at the same stages of their presidency.

This comes in light of an unprecedented media onslaught since the minute Trump declared his candidacy for President.

During his first hundred days in office, 89% of network coverage of the Trump presidency was negative.

For the entire year of 2018, coverage was 90% negative.

During the recent impeachment hysteria (which already feels like ancient history), media bias maxed out with 100% negative coverage.

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@Greg: No, there’s reality (what I presented) and then there’s liberal-think, which you provide. Liberal-think is bullshit-based.

Trump is a flaming a-hole. Just listen to this guy. It’s hard to believe any public figure could get away with making such moronic and sacrilegious comments, let alone a sitting U.S. president.


What do you call the candidate that takes 85% of the black vote?

As to the BBC, you might as well have linked to the left-leaning NPR or PBS. Same difference. Ask any Brit.

What do you call the candidate that takes 85% of the black vote?

A Democrat, and after January, Mr. President.


If Biden takes only 85% of the black vote, he loses.

And Democrats are losing (bigly) the young black vote.

Not to mention that you just proved you know squat about elections.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I have never argued Biden’s qualifications or his leadership skills, or even his initiatives on policy.

Which is the entire problem. Thank you for conceding defeat. Look to 2024. Once the object of your derangement, Trump, is removed, I’m sure you’ll find something else to fixate on.

But honestly I’d love to have a good Democrat to vote for. Hopefully that person will materialize.

For now, the only clear person capable of leading us through this time of crisis is Trump.

It will be a landslide. Please be online the day after so I can say “I told you so”.

@Nathan Blue:

But honestly I’d love to have a good Democrat to vote for. Hopefully that person will materialize.

Indeed, this country desperately needs a healthy two-party system. However, what we have now is the Republicans and a party that acts at the behest of all the foreign adversaries of the United States instead of US citizens.


A Democrat, and after January, Mr. President.

12 years ago, maybe.

Biden might get 60% of the black vote….might.

@Nathan Blue:

Is it not a wonder that absent from polling data is any reference to the support black Americans have for President Trump? If joe bidens support among black Americans was a solid number the left wing media would be touting that all day every day….

@July 4th American: Had one of the kids over, Dad my AC in the car isnt working, Mom whats for dinner visit. He says most young people know about the pervy way Creepy Uncle Joe has with lil girls and it seriously gags them, they circulate the creepster photos on facebook, Joe cant count on the 30ish and under group.
It was just a bad relay for the compressor and lasagna with garlic bread . Just like the pre empty nest days, no left overs.



Been there done that with our grown kids. Never any left overs and generally will ask if there is anything else to eat…

@July 4th American: He was happy to score the last of the garlic bread 😉
Just when you learn to cook for 2 with enough for lunch the next day or a midnight “snack” for sweetie.
Oh well BLTs as I see a few nice red tomatoes in the garden from the kitchen window.

@July 4th American: I think it’s there, just not easy to find.

I heard somewhere that the Rassmussen poll had about 50% Trump approval by blacks, but I can’t find that number, or even figure, on the Rassmussen. I might have to dig a little harder.

I think it would be bad for the right to advertise that support too much, since Floyd-19 was largely started because black voters are leaving the Dem party.