Preferring socialism to capitalism is choosing magic over science


thread via John Hayward

Of all the systems mankind has devised to allocate scarce resources, capitalism is – by far – the best at increasing supply in response to demand.
The enforcers of every other ideology invest a great deal of effort into making people forget that simple, powerful truth.
Politics, ideology, economics – in the end, it boils down to figuring out who gets how much, because there will never be enough for everyone to have everything. Even if we had some magical technology that produced goods from thin air, our time would still be limited and valuable.
The cold, hard truth is that capitalism – private citizens owning capital and freely investing it to create profit – is the system most likely to increase the supply of scarce resources to meet demand. We have seen this demonstrated time and again since the Industrial Revolution.

The reasons are not difficult to understand, although as mentioned, collectivist ideologues put a lot of effort into obscuring those reasons. Millions of free people seeking profit are always going to be better at developing resources than central planners and tyrants.
Part of capitalism’s superiority lies in the value lost through compulsion. Other systems must *force* people to develop resources. No matter how much velvet they layer over that iron fist, it never works as well as free people voluntarily pursuing their ambitions.
Capitalism makes the entire population more conscious of value. They seek the best value for their money and investments. They DEMAND it. Millions of people seeking value every day are more likely to find it than cloistered central planners and power-hungry politicians.
What does a socialist do when demand outstrips supply? They either force greater production – inevitably screwing it up, because socialists understand nothing about production – or they forcibly suppress demand. They ration everything, making sure the elites get the good stuff.
High demand for scarce goods and services is an opportunity for capitalists, but a crisis for socialists and communists. Generations have mocked “chasing the almighty dollar” – and forgot it’s vastly preferable to running away from the almighty whip.
You know that leftists are keenly aware of capitalism’s absolute superiority because their favorite tactic is pretending they can conjure goods, services, and benefits out of thin air. They have no answer to “who pays for all this stuff?” so they attack anyone who asks.
A healthy capitalist system can sustain a very generous welfare program. It’s far better to let capitalism generate wealth, with all of its freedom and muscle, and use a REASONABLE portion of that wealth to accountably help the unfortunate, than to “socialize” misery.
But we’re now in the endgame of a decades-long attack on capitalism whose objective is to sever the poor and middle class from capital entirely. Generations have been re-educated to think benefits and entitlements are preferable to owning and profiting from capital.
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Soon it will be all but impossible for anyone but the wealthy, and the State, to own capital and invest it for profit. We’re approaching the point where only rich people can afford property or create business enterprises – which means only the rich can say “no” to the State.
Preferring socialism to capitalism is choosing magic over science. You’re surrendering control over your life and destiny to people who claim they can conjure “free” stuff out of thin air. The likely future will be the State saying “no” to YOU when you make demands it can’t meet.
Socialists understand so little about the creation of wealth that they think it IS magic. They think their sorcery will be more “fair” and “just” than the witchcraft capitalists keep using to accomplish what the Left said was impossible – producing instead of rationing. /end

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Replace Medichine with magic spells or MEDITATION SESSIONS

The socialists in our government lack understanding of earning a living or human nature. Most, like Bernie, have always lived off the efforts of others (and they have all benefitted from capitalism) and therefore have no idea what giving up the fruits of one’s labors involves. They also expect people to run businesses and risk their livelihoods for little or nothing so their failed social engineering polices can appear to work.

I was listening to Elizabeth Warren complaining about businesses raising prices due to the inflationary pressures caused by idiot Biden’s socialist policies. However, when she was flipping real estate, did she sell property for the same or less than she paid for it? I’m guessing NO.

No system has created more wealth and benefitted more people than capitalism and no system offers a better opportunity for the individual. Some individuals may fall behind others, some individuals my surpass others, but capitalism has never caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to merely survive.

News in: Salvations Army(commie idiots) has moved even further in its communist views. It now supports radical racism for the holidays:

ALEXANDRIA, VA—In an effort to root out racism, the Salvation Army announced they will no longer be accepting any donations in the form of bills or coins that have white people on them.

“Ever since we learned that racism is everywhere, all the time, ingrained in every aspect of life, we realized most U.S. currency depict the faces of white men who only did evil, racist things in their lives,” said the Commander-in-Chief of the Salvation Army, Clurvis Bellman. “We then decided the best way to feed, clothe, and comfort the poor and needy is to stop accepting money tarnished with the faces of men who were basically Hitler.”

This new policy has required some modifications to their standard donation procurement; red donation buckets seen outside of retail establishments will now be accompanied by a bell ringer, a money examiner, and a public shamer to loudly criticize the donor for trying to help the poor with evil, white supremacist money.

The Salvation Army later announced they have defeated racism and have also filed for bankruptcy.

The Bee

Magic over Science:

“You’re not going to get COVID you have these vaccinations.”

-Joe Biden, June 21, 2021 at a CNN Town Hall.

Christmas is a bad example of conservatism; however, since the communists and liberals must feign a holiday spirit. a woke, masqueraded expression of the venerated holiday season is a must to maintain these dickheads in society prior to rewriting history.
If you’re having trouble finding that perfect Christmas present for your liberal child due to their inconsistent morality, hypocritical life choices, or gender confusion, then let us help you with this handy list of gifts they’re sure to not cancel you for:

1) Brand new gender: New genders are so hot right now. We would urge you to grab one before they run out, but honestly, there will always be more genders.

2) Allowance increase followed by tax increase: This valuable life lesson will impart to your youngling the wisdom found in pretending to give while actually taking.

3) Battery-powered police car to flip over and set on fire: Progressive children love acting out violently in the name love. This flammable gift is perfect if your child was too young to burn actual police cars back in 2020.

4) Crowbar and a ride to Nordstrom: Unique experiences are the most precious gifts you can give your child. This gift offers a hands-on understanding of where progressive policies have led.

5) Playskool Dr. Fauci Shrine™: Turn your child’s dresser into a sanctuary of reverence toward the benevolent Dr. Fauci. These are flying off the shelves, so grab one quick!

6) Twitter account: Hey, your kid is never too young to learn the ins and outs of Twitter, including public shaming, cyberbullying, destroying careers, and contributing to a giant cancerous tumor of hate.

7) Vaccinate Me Elmo™ doll: Have you seen the commercial for this toy? What a great commercial.

8) Coal: This will prevent conservatives from burning it in power plants and destroying the planet!

9) Chairman Mao pop-up book: Let your child’s imagination be filled with stories of the beloved revolutionary who called for equality and fairness for everyone besides the 80 million who died under his rule. (Avoid Tuttle Twins books at all costs)

10) A whuppin’: Let’s be honest here.

The Bee

It’s not magical thinking to want socialism IF you’re one of the “elites.”
Read this from the article again:

What does a socialist do when demand outstrips supply? …. They ration everything, making sure the elites get the good stuff.

The people under those elites are their “useful idiots.”
They are the “cannon fodder” the elites use to install socialism over everyone.
Before Trump we even saw the admission by our elected elites that they were merely “managing the decline,” as they all saw the USA sliding into 2nd or 3rd world status.
Trump held all that at bay and proved that it didn’t have to be so.
Now those who positioned themselves to be the winners in the slide into socialism are desparate.
They don’t want to be repklaced by newer elites so the gloves are off.
Watch them throw their useful idiots over cliffs to justify their socialist takeover.

Perhaps by another name it’s the great reset.

The Great Reset; Still a Conspiracy?

Acts 4:32 – 4:35

32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

So Trump supporters are now downvoting the Bible? Interesting.