Mike Pence’s Rewriting of His January 6 Heroism


Julie Kelly

Mike Pence demanded praise.

During last week’s GOP debate in Milwaukee, the former vice president forced his Republican opponents to thank him for allegedly saving the republic on January 6, 2021. “The American people deserve to know whether everyone on this stage agrees that I kept my oath to the Constitution that day,” Pence declared.

Unfortunately, the rest of the field complied. “Mike Pence stood for the Constitution and he deserves not grudging credit, he deserves our thanks as Americans,” former New Jersey governor Chris Christie fawned. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) agreed that Pence “did the right thing.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis admitted Pence “did his duty” and disclosed he has “no beef” with the former vice president.

In fact, the entire raison d’être for Pence’s candidacy is to give himself a national platform to brag about his self-proclaimed role in protecting the Constitution from Donald Trump’s plan to remain in power after the 2020 election. Pence, in Pence’s mind, is the hero to Trump’s villain.

But Pence appears to be rewriting the history of what he did on January 6. Contrary to his portrayal as one of the good guys on January 6, in reality, Pence is one of the bad guys.

He intentionally delayed release of a letter outlining why he did not have the authority to reject electors from contested states. Rather than publish the statement the day before or early on January 6, Pence made it public right before the joint session of Congress convened at 1:00 p.m. (He claimed Trump caused the delay since Pence wanted to wait until the president was done speaking at the Ellipse before sending the letter. Trump took the stage about an hour later than planned.)

By waiting until the last minute to make his case, Pence misled the president and Trump supporters who—justifiably or not—believed he could, or would, do something about an election that Pence himself admitted was not on the square.

Pence: Pence is a Hero

In his autobiography, “So Help Me God,” Pence portrayed himself as a prayerful defender of the Constitution, loyal to God and country over Donald Trump; the word “Constitution” appeared 155 times in his self-aggrandizing memoir. Pence, according to Pence, is truthful to a fault, always choosing his oath of office over political expediency.

Except his version of what happened on January 6 calls into question his honesty. Pence’s version does not match sworn testimony given by his top aides to the January 6 Select Committee last year. According to Pence, he woke up early that day, said a prayer, and went to work writing a statement to explain why he would not follow the advice of John Eastman, a legal advisor to Trump, and others who suggested Pence could delay the certification of Joe Biden’s election.

The subheading of the chapter documenting his actions on January 6 is Psalm 15:4: “Who keeps an oath even when it hurts.”

In that chapter, Pence offered a dramatic timeline of the morning of January 6 as he prepared his statement. “I labored over my words to make sure they conveyed my position clearly and my determination to fulfill my oath under the Constitution that day,” Pence wrote. “I addressed it to the members of the House and Senate, but my true audience was the American people.”

After finishing his statement, Pence said he prayed again. But then something odd happened, he revealed. “I started to close the document but thought that since there had been so many versions, maybe I should print it first just in case. So I hit ‘Print’ and then thought I saved the document on my desktop computer. But when I tried to open the draft, as I had feared, it had not been saved and all the changes I had made since the day before were completely gone.” Pence claimed his daughter quickly retyped the statement into his computer off the printed version.

According to Pence, Marc Short, his chief of staff, and Greg Jacob, his general counsel, arrived “late morning” to review the final draft, which he said had been emailed to them. Shortly thereafter, Trump called Pence at 11:00 a.m. and that’s when he lowered the boom on Trump. Once again boasting about his “forthright” character, Pence wrote how he told the president, “I do not believe I possess the power to decide which electoral votes to count.”

Conflicting Accounts Between Pence and His Advisors

But Short and Jacob told the select committee a much different story. The two aides, along with Chris Hodgson, Pence’s legislative director, headed to Pence’s residence around 8:30 a.m., a few hours earlier than Pence claimed in his book. And contrary to Pence’s portrayal as the sole author of the memo, Short and Jacobs described the statement as “a joint effort.”

Short told committee investigators, “we were finalizing a letter that the Vice President would release publicly later that day. So we were making final tweaks to that together.” He also said the four men reviewed the document on a “laptop,” not on Pence’s desktop computer.

Jacob confirmed Short’s description of the morning of January 6. “When we met up at the residence that morning, we were really just trying to get the statement finalized,” Jacobs told the committee.

Neither man mentioned the story about Pence failing to save the document or how his daughter needed to retype it for him.

Pence also omitted a somewhat consequential piece of the morning’s timeline: an earlier phone call from Trump. Jacob told the committee that a military aide interrupted their meeting around 9:15 a.m. to tell Pence the president was on hold. Pence excused himself to take the call, which according to Jacob, lasted between “15, 20 minutes.”

Pence did not share details of the conversation with his aides. It’s also unclear whether Pence informed the president during the discussion that he was in the process of preparing a statement he would later release to Congress and the public.

Why the Inconsistencies?

So, why did Pence omit this from his book? After all, he recounted the conversation that took place at 11:00 a.m. Why not the first call?

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Judas pence is no hero. He is a traitor. The VP conducting the joint session for the tallying of electoral votes has the constitutional authority to set aside electors pending further investigation by members of congress or the several states.

The electoral count act of 1887 is quite explicit in the duties and procedures for rejecting electoral votes.

pence and the uniparty knew that it was more than likely that biden would drop below 270 as a result of votes set aside. At that point the election would be sent to the House where republicans held a 27-23 edge.

The fedssurection was implemented to thwart the process congress was planning to take.

This is my evaluation. I could be wrong, but this is my opinion.

Pence was getting all kinds of advice. There was lots of solid evidence of election fraud but most, for varying reasons, would not investigate it. Some, the Democrats, knew it was true and some, weak Republicans, knew it was true but were afraid of what would happen if a national election for President was proven to be fraudulent or how to deal with the corrective action.

Pence was faced with the moment HE and HE alone held the fate of the entire nation in his hand and he had to decide to cross the Rubicon or not. He, like many, chose to take the easy route, the one where you let the fraud slide and hope it can be rectified next time. I also think Pence was well aware that there may never BE a “next time”, but in that moment, he decided to roll the dice… and gamble the entire nation.

The nation lost. We got saddled with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, more corruption than we have ever seen before, a clear and present threat to the very Constitution by fascists prosecuting their most formidable political opponent, high inflation, a terrible economy, a war that could go nuclear, a dangerously open border, one foreign policy disaster after another and the US rendered in its weakest state possibly since 1812.

Pence is not a bad man, but he chickened out at a critical moment (it would take quite a brave man to have stood on the side of the Constitution at that time) and just completely f**ked up.

There was NO solid evidence of election fraud. Trump’s closest advisors told him that repeatedly. They’ve acknowledged it and will testify to it under oath. Media enablers like *ucker Carlson ridiculed in private the same fraud claims that they enthusiastically promoted in public. Why? Because they were making tens of millions riding Trump’s coat tails. They betrayed truth, their listeners, and their country for money.

Pence didn’t betray the Constitution. He honored his oath of office and defended the Constitution, which took enormous courage as Trump’s mob invaded the Capitol calling for him to be hanged.


You were thinking nobody took Trump’s Jan 6 insurrection seriously?

08/31/23 – Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs sentenced to 17 years for Jan. 6 riot

Joseph Biggs, a former military service member who helped lead efforts by the Proud Boys to take over the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for seditious conspiracy and other crimes committed during the riot more than two years ago.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly also sentenced Biggs to three years of supervised release and a ban on any interactions with organizations that advocate violence against the government.

The sentence is far below the 33 year sentence sought by prosecutors.

Back in May, he was convicted alongside former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio and other fellow Proud Boys Ethan Nordean and Zachary Rehl. A fourth defendant, Dominic Pezzola, was acquitted of seditious conspiracy but found guilty of assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers and robbery involving government property…

This isn’t over until the mob leader goes down.

There is no solid evidence any of the proud boys organizing a government takeover. Zero evidence.

Obviously there is, or his lawyers could have kept him from going to prison for 17 years. The verdict was rendered by a jury that was screened for bias by both the prosecution and defense.

There is no solid evidence any of the proud boys organizing a government takeover. Zero evidence.

Uh huh. This is the same jury pool that let Clinesmith off with a mild slap on the wrist for altering evidence to get a FISA warrant or Sussman not guilty of lying to the FBI because they were “little lies”. There should be no one on the juries that voted Democrat or has ever heard anything of the leftist propaganda about January 6th.

The government sought 30 years in federal prison for Rehl, the head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, for “his role in the Capitol riot.”

Rehl committed no violent crimes on January 6. He walked through the Capitol building on January 6 for merely a few minutes, took a selfie in the building then left the Capitol grounds.

Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran and his allies, former Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio, 39, Joseph Biggs. 39, and Ethan Nordean, 33, aimed to foment a revolution on January 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power in a “terror attack” that left a stain on American democracy.

.threatened the bedrock principles of our country”. And what exactly did shutting down Election Day when one of the candidates was about to declare victory, and then showing up the next morning with hundreds of thousands of mystery votes all for the other candidate in every swing state do for the “bedrock principles of our country”?

Trump tried to unlawfully overturn election results that where properly certified by the authorities of every state, after failing to produce any credible evidence that the results weren’t entirely valid. The plot involved a propaganda campaign of lies, fraudulent documents, intimidation, and deadly violence.

Set a precedent that there are no serious consequences, and constitutional government by the will of the people would be dead.

Trump tried to right a wrong created by Democrat election fraud. As it stands, the election was overturned. Trump only tried to set it aright.

There was no election fraud. There was only Trump’s illegal attempt to retain office by means of fraud.

There was massive election fraud. You’re going to need much, much more in 2024.


There’s only the massive gullibility of Trump’s followers, who will believe any absurd tale Trump tells them.

Trump claims evidence of massive election fraud will be presented in court. The legal strategy might be to try to establish that HE believes it exists.

It’s been attempted to be presented in court, but the courts simply rejected it without looking at it, for one excuse or another. Now, there is no evading it.


You never answered: do you think idiot Biden is corrupt? Has any of the evidence compiled gotten through to you?

greg is the consummate pussy. He hasn’t the balls to answer your question(s)

Apparently greg does not possess reading skills necessary to understand the simplicity of the blockbuster reporting of the massive fraud in Michigan.

What I lack is the gullibility required to believe in conspiracy theories.

What I lack is the gullibility required to believe in conspiracy theories.

You mean like Russia-gate and pee tapes, Comrade?

As long as you were already here, you could have answered my question. Too gutless to embarrass yourself by denying Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s corruption or to finally admit the truth?

I answered your question when you asked it in another thread. To clarify: NO, I don’t believe Joe Biden is corrupt. I think his drug addicted son Hunter was peddling the illusion that he had influence over his father’s policy decisions. There’s no actual evidence of anything else.

Republicans are trying to make people believe otherwise because all of the bullshit Trump has done, for which more damning evidence exists than you can shake a stick at. It’s all going to be presented in criminal court.

They’ve chained themselves to Trump and know they’ll go down if he does. They’d do anything at this point to save their own worthless asses.

As long as you were already here, you could have answered my question.

NO, I don’t believe Joe Biden is corrupt. 

I’ve seen no such answer anywhere.

Good God… incomprehensible. So, you believe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden flew Hunter around on AF2, met with his business associates, saw his family collect millions from overseas sources for performing no services, used aliases to send sensitive information to Hunter, had Shokin fired after a meeting with a Burisma executive, but never talked to anyone in his family about the “business” and never knew anything about it? The shadow companies that did nothing but collect and move money or the offshore bank accounts are just the way all families behave. 150 suspicious bank records is normal for everyone.

Good God…. what a liar. You simply have no self respect, do you? Just serve the party at any cost.

The fraud discovered in Michigan is far from a conspiracy theory.

No voter fraud has been discovered in Michigan. State GOP officials have only made claims and announced another investigation.

Comrade Greggie, ever the idiot.

No voter fraud has been discovered in Michigan. 

Disregard the previous post; still can’t edit and I posted too soon.

No voter fraud has been discovered in Michigan. 

Any idea how a ballot gets mailed without being folded or counted with no signature?

You’re insinuating while stating no specifics. That’s the sort of b.s. that gets kicked out of any proper courtroom.

Any idea how a ballot gets mailed without being folded or counted with no signature?

You’re insinuating while stating no specifics.

So, you are totally unaware of these occurrences. See, that’s the problem; you make a declarative statement that there was NO election fraud when you are totally unaware of the evidence of election fraud. If you haven’t examined the evidence, how do you know there WAS no election fraud?

Well, you don’t “know” there wasn’t any, you just SAY there wasn’t any because that is the party line. As to the facts of the subject, you are willfully ignorant. This is why NO ONE can explain STATE FARM ARENA.

Photos, videos, testimony…. inconclusive.

That’s precisely what they did do.

Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran and his allies, former Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio, 39, Joseph Biggs. 39, and Ethan Nordean, 33, aimed to foment a revolution on January 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power in a “terror attack” that left a stain on American democracy.

You really get a nut watching this fascism play out, don’t you?

Rehl, Tarrio, Nordean, and Biggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy on May 4 by jurors who reside in a district with a 92 percent voting rate for Joe Biden. The selected jurors admitted on the stand that they support Antifa and attended Black Lives Matter rallies and the Women’s Marches, each insisted the Proud Boys are a group of white supremacists and every juror’s face was hidden behind a mask in adherence with unconstitutional Covid protocol the entire duration of the 5-month

Hardly a jury of his peerages

He can have a cell right next to Epps. Oh…. wait.

Complete miscarriage of justice. Nothing for the rioters who caused death and billions of dollars of damage in the summer of 2020. But tear down a fence and the country fall next

But, even though they don’t exist, they were mostly peaceful and committing $2 billion in insurance claims (not total damage) in the name of the DNC. So, it’s OK. Shitshispants Nadler says so.

“Uncle Jo” was reborn as Pence! Orwell lives! its 1984 and traitor pence is a “hero”!


The biden DOJ is a travesty of justice

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Should have blockaded all the cops inside and tried to burn them to death, like ANTIFA did in Seattle. Then there would be no charges.

For the same reason Ray Epps has continued to walk free: FED.