Massive Voter Fraud In Wisconsin



News outlets tell us that President Trump underperformed in key midwestern states, compared with 2016. But that isn’t exactly true. Take Wisconsin: four years ago, Trump carried the state with 1,405,284 votes. This year, with 99% of the vote tabulated, Trump had 1,610,007 votes, more than 200,000 more votes than he received four years ago. Yet, we are told, he lost the state to the inept Joe Biden.

That seems unlikely. There were 3,684,726 registered voters in Wisconsin going into Election day. The total votes recorded in Wisconsin were 3,240,549. That would give Wisconsin a turnout of 88%. According to Ballotpedia, no American state in the period 2002-2018 has ever achieved a turnout rate of 80% or higher. For purposes of comparison, in 2016 Wisconsin had a 67 percent turnout rate. If you are credulous, you can believe that 21% more Wisconsinites voted this year, compared with the red-hot election of four years ago, and 248,000 more Wisconsinites turned out to vote for the charismatic Joe Biden this year than voted for Hillary Clinton four years ago. I think those numbers are almost certainly false, the result of ballot manipulation.

The Gateway Pundit has more on this issue. It says that seven Democratic wards in Milwaukee reported more votes than registered voters, while 90 Milwaukee wards reported turnouts of more than 90%. Altogether, the City of Milwaukee reported a “record turnout of 84 percent.” That includes, of course, registered voters who have died, moved elsewhere, and so on.

Some of those Biden votes, according to the Gateway Pundit and the sources it links to, showed up suddenly in the middle of the night. Funny how that happens. Gateway produces this chart, which I have NOT verified, showing a sudden infusion of Biden votes when no one was watching:

I have not had time to delve deeply enough into the Wisconsin numbers to say definitively that voter fraud occurred there on a large scale. I will say this, however: one of two things is true. The first is that Wisconsin experienced a voter turnout that neither it nor any other state has ever come close to in the modern era, on behalf of the worst candidate nominated in the modern era. The second is that the Democrats used voter fraud on a massive scale to stake a claim to Wisconsin’s electoral votes.

STEVE adds: Here’s the historical data for Wisconsin turnout—

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These are little burgs well outside the sewer of Democrat run Milwaukee 1 county, yup we were fired up to Vote for Trump.
Even facing certain death by covid, that we are pretty safe from at the Piggly Wiggly.

It’s hard to believe that a record number of voters turned out for Biden when you remember the enthusiasm levels prior to the election. Where were all of these voters when Harris and Biden were having their rallys?


What’s going to happen if Trump actually wins the election, but has himself totally destroyed America’s confidence in the honesty of the process in order to make certain he does?

That’s the sort of crap that can literally destroy a nation. Then the idiots who caused it suddenly find out what that means. Suddenly it isn’t a reality TV show anymore.

@kitt: Democrats see only one way to power: FRAUD.

@Greg: #3
See? Two can play that game.
By the way, you forgot to add “TRUTH!” to your statement.

Yeah, except you’re the one who’s full of it.

@Greg: They had Biden up by 17 points in Wisconsin, 17 now its less than 1% You should welcome a recount every ballot examined.

@Greg: #7
Full of truth? Oh, yeah.
Here’s a sample. Explain away!

Suspicious! Milwaukee Voting Wards Reported More Presidential Votes Than Registered Voters

@Petercat: “Count every vote! Then, print some more and count every one of them!”

@Petercat, #9:

For example, in a data graph from the Milwaukee County Clerk, voting ward 274 claimed it had 640 voters, but a whopping 688 votes for Biden, and 602 votes for Trump. That equates to a turnout percentage of 202%. Eight wards reported turnout percentages of 100% or higher, and over 80 wards reporting between 90-99% of voter turnout.

What’s to explain? There’s no such data graph shown, nor is there any link to it or to the data it was supposedly based on. It’s a lie. It’s disinformation. It’s like believing something just because Donald Trump said it, or Rudy Giuliani said it.

Are you attempting to document your gullibility? Believe me, it isn’t necessary.

Here ya go search away.
I bet they will also check to see if any of these voters are covid victims dead before arrival. Or moved per the USPS address change little details.
Where were they when Biden or Kamala visited the state, stocking shelves?

@Greg: Ah yes, the old Democrat “That’s a lie” or “that didn’t happen” while the proof is right in front of your face.

This election is null and void, unless it goes to Trump.