If we want more income equality, should we return to the economy of George W. Bush?


Jim Lindgren:

Other things being equal, income equality is better than inequality. But other things are NOT equal. The easiest way to make incomes more equal in the short run is to have a recession.

Much has been made of growing income inequality since 1979, but very little attention has been paid to which of the four presidental administrations preceding Barack Obama increased income equality and which ones reduced it. In short, the two presidents whose terms involved improving income equality were the two George Bushes and the two whose terms were associated with worsening after-tax income equality were Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. It is probably not an accident that the two presidents in whose administrations the GDP grew the most were the two presidents whose time in office coincided with worsening income equality.

The president under whom the poorest quintile enjoyed the largest increase in after-tax household income was George W. Bush. And the two administrations under whom the richest quintile and richest 1 percent fared the worst were the two Presidents Bush. Among Barack Obama’s four immediate predecessors, the two biggest income equalizers were George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Just to be clear, I am not pining for the good old days of the economy of George W. Bush.

But George W. Bush was the most successful of our recent past presidents in achieving very substantial increases in incomes for the poorest quintile (+18.4%), while keeping gains for the richest quintile and richest 1 percent at modest levels. For example, under Bush the Younger, the incomes of the richest 1 percent rose only 6.5 percent in eight years, compared to a staggering 84 percent under Clinton and 91 percent under Reagan.

If you would rather have Bill Clinton’s economy than George W. Bush’s economy – and I definitely would – then as a practical matter you probably don’t care overmuch about income equality.

Background Data

The best data on income inequality are put out by the Congressional Budget Office. (You can download the supplemental data on right side of this CBO page; the files unfortunately include only one year of Obama data, not enough to analyze here).

Which presidents did better or worse and in which respects? Figure 1 shows differences in the percentage of after-tax household income each segment of the population represents.

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Kevin Williamson cited a study that showed how having a JOB made the best chance of raising one’s household income.
BUT the poorest working quintile only averages less than one half a job per household!
The richest quintile averages, on the other hand, two full-time jobs per household!

Obama has been pivoting to jobs over 20 separate times since entering office.
Why have his policies failed to improve that problem?

If you had two or more full-time jobs for EVERY household, you would solve both unemployment as well as income inequality.
Sure, some people make more than others.
Compare the worth per hour of the gal who stands by the side of the road with the “SLOW/STOP” sign she turns back and forth for traffic with the cancer researcher or the heart surgeon.
Compare the training for each job.

What the low information crowd who ‘just eat this stuff up’ and apparently are too low info that they don’t realize the Minimum wage isn’t a wage for one person, let alone a family to ‘be living on’. This is not the intent of the minimum wage. The minimum wage is there as a ‘base’ wage for high school kids and college kids…it’s a base wage for people with no skills or experience. A starting point.

Anyone who thinks the minimum wage is a ‘long term’ monetary plan is stupid. So, the Liberal rhetoric of “you can’t raise a family on minimum wages” is just down right dishonest and divisive …this is not what minimum wages are for or about.

If anyone is ‘living’ (even raising a family) for any length of time on minimum wage..there has got to be something seriously wrong with the person…

This is how the democrats and the liberal fools “Fix a problem” that they perpetuate??? Raising the minimum wage only creates a ripple effect with… wait for it…huge unintended consequences…

Has everyone on this continent gone nuts including our pseudo leader?

If anyone asked me if I was better off (income-wise) oh, and otherwise under the Bush Administration…I would say HELL YES!!!!!! WE ALL WERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!