Germany’s Sharia police


According to Burkhard Freier, the director of domestic intelligence for North Rhine-Westphalia, German Salafists are increasingly inclined to use violence to achieve their aims, and many have travelled to Iraq or Syria to obtain combat training.

“The intention of these people is to provoke and intimidate and force their ideology upon others. We will not permit this.” — Wuppertal Mayor Peter Jung.

“In Germany, German law is determinative, not Sharia law.” — Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician Volker Kauder.

Salafist ideology posits that Sharia law is superior to all secular laws because it emanates from Allah, the only legitimate lawgiver, and thus is legally binding for all of humanity. According to the Salafist worldview, democracy is an effort to elevate the will of human beings above the will of Allah.

Muslim radicals have begun enforcing Islamic Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state with the largest Muslim population in Germany.

In what government officials say is a blatant challenge to the rule of law and the democratic order in Germany, groups of young bearded Islamists — some wearing orange traffic safety vests emblazoned with the words “Sharia Police” — have declared parts of downtown Wuppertal to be a “Sharia Controlled Zone.”

The self-appointed guardians of public morals have been distributing yellow leaflets that explain the Islamist code of conduct in the city’s Sharia zones. They have urged both Muslim and non-Muslim passersby to listen to Salafist sermons and to refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, listening to music, pornography or prostitution.

More at the Gatestone Institute

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In May, 2005, a group of Amsterdam Muslims, under the guise of being ”Morality Police,” beat up Chris Crain, the six-foot-five editor of the gay newspaper The Washington Blade.
By 2006, France had 751 officially listed ”No-Go Zones,” where Muslims rule and even French police feared go without back-up.
So, Sharia policing in Europe is not new.
What was new is the push-back against the Sharia police in Germany.
The Dutch and French were so PC that they allowed these Mutuwa (morality police) rather than be accused of ”racism” or ”Islamophobia.”

I think the breaking news from Rotherham about how bad Islam can be inside a European country when police turn their heads because of PC helped the Germans not allow a repeat.
But Germans are also much more likely to ban together in local organizations than are the French, Dutch or Brits.

Like cockroaches that scatter when a light is switched on, these muttuwa might seem to go away in Germany.
BUT, if the Germans relax their guard, the muttuwa will come right back.