Flashback: Former Secretary of State John Kerry Admits Giving Hostile Instructions to Iran to Undermine U.S. Interests…


With Iran now openly engaged in hostile efforts against western maritime navigation, and hijacking western oil tankers, I find it remarkable -albeit predictable- how U.S. media refuse to reference Former Secretary of State John Kerry’s instructions to Iran just a few short months ago. [Reference Article late 2018] [Reference article early 2018]

Reminder of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s anger:

There is a direct line, a direct connection, between former President Obama and former Secretary Kerry’s engagement with Iran -and the advice presented therein- only a few months ago, and the current hostile conflict Iran is attempting. Yet despite the connection, U.S. media are silent on the association.

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Why aren’t we prosecuting Kerry? The DOJ didn’t mind going after General Flynn for… NOTHING, so why aren’t SWAT teams kicking Kerry’s door down on his ketchup-funded mansion and dragging him out of his house by his big, square head?

@Deplorable Me:

drunk, cockhold kerry should be prosecuted for treason. he is truly a whore dog and POS like whore dog billy. ever wonder who screwed the most women in office, whore dog billy or kerry .