Federal Groomers: CDC Pushes Teachers to Measure Commitment to “LGBTQ Inclusivity” Brainwashing



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an “assessment tool” for teachers and school administrators to measure their commitment to “LGBTQ inclusivity” in their classrooms.


The tool asks leading questions about school personnel and their faithfulness to queer theory, including encouraging sexual education teachers to have gender neutral anatomy, referring to boys as “body with a penis” and girls as “body with a vagina.”

It pushes advocacy, membership in a school’s “Gay/Straight Alliance,” the social transitioning of children including use of facilities of the opposite sex, and decorating classrooms with LGBT propaganda.
“The CDC’s imprimatur on this ‘self-assessment tool’ — and the inclusion of numerous links to resources and activist organizations — amounts to little more than bullying teachers, administrators, and school health professionals who might have reservations about ‘affirmation’ and ‘inclusion’ efforts in schools,” Parents Defending Education founder and president Nicole Neily told Breitbart News. “It is troubling that the during a global pandemic, this is where the CDC’s efforts were focused.”

The CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health posted the “LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool” to Twitter on Tuesday. As a self-assessment, the goal of the tool is to rate a teacher’s or school administrator’s commitment to the ideology and suggest places where the they can be better “allies.”

While the CDC says the guide is not mandatory at a national level, it appears entirely possible that a school administrator could make it mandatory for their school.
Faithfulness to the ideology is measured on a “LGBTQ Inclusivity Continuum,” which rates persons as “commit to change,” “beginning to break through,” and “awesome ally.”
CDC "Inclusivity Continuum." (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

CDC “Inclusivity Continuum.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

If a teacher or administrator is “minimally inclusive,” they are “not yet well prepared to provide inclusive and supportive environments for LGBTQ students. Commit to making changes, and you will move up the continuum in no time!”

School personnel who are “beginning to break through” have more “work” to do on “broadening your horizons further, address your barriers, and expand your efforts further towards being an ally.”

Even the “highly inclusive” have more “work” to do, as they must “recogniz[e] there is always more you can do. Like all good allies, you will want to continue exploring and learning and share your knowledge with others.”
According to the CDC, the tool “is not … a ‘one-and-done’ tool for measuring inclusivity or a tool for people to get a ‘high’ score on and assume they have no more work to do.” Rather, the tool takes the tact of many left-wing ideologies — that to be a true activist, the “work” is perpetual.
To be the most inclusive, the teacher or administrator must strongly agree with each statement, suggesting that those who are not performing the actions in the assessment to a sufficient degree must be reeducated for gender ideology. The tool recommends resources for such reeducation.
In the assessment created for “all users,” school personnel are asked to rate whether they can “assume a student’s gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

Personnel are also not supposed to use gendered terms like “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” when referring to couples, but rather use the gender-neutral term “partner.” Similarly, the use of “inclusive terminology” like “preferred pronouns” and “chosen names” instead of their actual pronouns and names is stipulated to.

This social transitioning has recently been found to be much more dangerous than doctors have been saying, with a study finding that such actions actually “perpetuate” gender dysphoria in children, with several European countries sounding the alarm on the practice.
Testing whether a person’s “advocacy” levels are acceptable, the assessment encourages school staff to “correct those around me if I hear them using incorrect, outdated, derogatory, or harmful language or terminology.”
“I advocate for LGBTQ inclusive and affirming materials in all school and classroom environments,” the assessment reads further. Similarly to social transitioning — which is part of “gender-affirmation” — such a method of “care” for gender-confused children has been found to have no basis in medicine.
At the end of the assessment, one rates their answers and is recommended resources in order to become “allies.”
CDC "LGBTQ Inclusivity" assessment resource recommendations. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

CDC “LGBTQ Inclusivity” assessment resource recommendations. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

The assessment for administrators is somewhat different, asking whether they pursue policies that “allows students to use the bathroom/locker room which aligns with their chosen gender.”
It also appears the CDC wants administrators to allow a student to change his or her “paperwork to present their chosen name and pronouns, rather than their legal name.” [Emphasis added].
In addition, administrators should follow technology policies that allow students to access “age-appropriate LGBTQ content and information.” The assessment does not suggest what “age-appropriate” means, but these policies are typically pushed by persons who believe drag queen events are “age-appropriate” for young children.

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So, what disease is this agenda looking to control? Aside from the mental disease that may lead someone to believe they are a different sex, what illness are they addressing? In other words, what the F**K business is this of the CDC?

This is pure propaganda and indoctrination and the intent can be none other than a campaign to make children stupider, dumber and more confused. There is no positive benefit to this.

Note the change in terminology from “sex education” to “sexual education”. The goal is to turn as many children as possible in to demented, confused, unstable and useless members of society.

What “misinformation”? She means, they should suppress the facts about this mental illness. That thing is just another idiot Biden freak sideshow. We’re lucky it doesn’t have a luggage-theft fetish, like that other freak.

In another interview it said it wouldnt know what to do without its kids, but has no problem robbing others of their chance.
It possibly wants to keep the suicide rate squashed.

That things kids should be removed for their own safety.

The left has morphed the language, the history, now, even reality.
But houses built on sand cannot withstand a storm.
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Why do you think people started calling them “QUEERS”? Is it because I They were, in fact, QUEER?

So… What disease is the CDC looking to control or foster???