Exposing the Distorted Narrative: The Reality of Gazans and the Media


by CBD

The careful and infuriating lie that the Western media tell us is that Hamas does not speak for the Gazans; that they are held captive by a few fanatics, and just want to live their lives without the savage Jew-hate that Hamas embraces.

It’s nonsense, and a cursory reading of recent history will demonstrate that the media are bought and paid for by the apologists for the Islamic mania for the destruction of Israel and world Jewry.

Yes…they are the heirs of Hitler, and denying it won’t make it go away. And it isn’t just Hamas…the Palestinian Authority is similar…they just wear nicer clothes and hide their bloodthirsty desire to kill Jews behind a facade of United Nations seats and NGOs that lie for them.

Gazans aren’t innocent; they are the swamp Hamas swims in

In a 2006 election, Hamas won a majority of delegates in the Palestinian Parliament, then governing both the West Bank and Gaza.Hamas seized power in Gaza, its stronghold. The Palestinian Authority maintains its power in the West Bank and keeps its president, Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas, in power by force.

Hamas recruits are drawn from the local populace. When Israeli women who had recently been raped were paraded naked through the streets of Gaza City, Gazans applauded.

The time for pretending there’s any daylight between Hamas and the people of Gaza is over.

Like other Palestinians, Gazans are born and bred to hate Jews.

For them, antisemitism is mother’s milk. It saturates their media. It’s taught in their schools and preached in their mosques. Bookstalls offer the antisemitic fraud “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”

Palestinian textbooks have repeated calls for the total destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. Maps show Palestine encompassing all of Israel.

And the link between Islamist Jew hate and the Nazis is not hyperbole!

Nazi Antisemitism & Islamist Hate

In early June 1946, Haj Amin el-Husseini, also known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, escaped from a year of pleasant house arrest in France and flew to Cairo. Husseini, by then often referred to in Egypt simply as “the Mufti,” was internationally renowned as a collaborator with Nazi Germany as a result of his meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin in November 1941, and his Arabic language tirades to “kill the Jews” broadcast to the Middle East on the Third Reich’s shortwave radio transmitters. Husseini was a key figure in an ideological and political fusion between Nazism and Islamism that achieved critical mass between 1941 and 1945 in Nazi Germany, and whose adherents sought to block the United Nations Partition Plan to establish an Arab and a Jewish state in former British Mandate Palestine, helping to define the boundaries of Arab politics for decades thereafter.

The goal of Islam is the destruction of the Jews…the “Saturday People.” Then they will move on to Christianity…the “Sunday People.” That we have kept them at bay for 1,400 years means nothing in their apocalyptic vision of the world. It is incumbent upon the West to keep the faith, and continue the long war against the Muslim mindset. We have no choice, and we are lucky that Israel, the lone voice of modernity in a brutal and savage Middle East is pushing against the encroaching hordes.

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I’ve never understood anti-Semitism. Why? Why hate Jews so much that you want every single one of them exterminated? But, anti-Semitism infects the left and anyone that exhibits anti-Semitism is their ally.

Democrats are the left. Sure, there are a few Democrats, who coincidentally are Jews themselves, that denounce the anti-Semitic fervor, but by and large the Democrats side with the outspoken liars and haters, “the Squad”. Most, by their silence, throw their lot in with Hamas, the Palestinians and the rest of the anti-Semites.

To normal people, the writing off of millions of people to extermination simply because of their culture and beliefs seems repugnant, but for the left, who only value their OWN lives, it is business as usual. The lives of others, including the unborn, are disposable lest they become an inconvenience to them. Beheading babies is just late late term abortion. Raping women is OK as long as an opportunity to make political hay from it isn’t missed. Death of the elderly? Well, they are a drag on society anyway.

Those who support today’s Democrats, this is the company you keep. Them, pedophiles and communists.