“Evidence on Display at Israel’s Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas’ Atrocities”


by William A. Jacobson

We have had many posts including video and other evidence of Hamas’ gross atrocities on Israelis during the October 7 attacks.

Yet not surprisingly, there is a vast internet effort to deny what happened. They demand to see beheaded Jewish babies, so they can get sick pleasure, but even photos would not satisfy them. They would run the photos through false and inaccurate “AI detectors” and dispute anything and everything.

Some of the deniers are just evil.


Some of them are just clownish or pedantic:

[NY Magazine reporter Eric Levitz]

The Israelis are trying to walk a line of not giving the dishonest ghouls their perverted pleasure while also countering the denialism. The Israelis are realizing that line is not holding, and they have to release more. They are choosing to show the video and evidence to foreign journalists.

The Israeli Forensic Pathology Center has made a lot of evidence available, including of the decapitated babies.

Media Line reports, Evidence on Display at Israel’s Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas’ Atrocities. I’m including some of the photos, but you should read the article for all the details:

In light of the growing international interest in (and denials of) the Palestinian terror group Hamas’ October 7 massacre in southern Israel, representatives of the global press were invited to see the horrors for themselves.

Forensic pathologists, including Israeli staffers as well as volunteers from abroad, were visibly disturbed by the evidence before them. Despite every effort to remain objective and detached—as called for by the profession—many broke down into tears throughout the day.

During the initial press conference, the forensics team showed images from their investigations. Among the images were those of charred hands with marks that revealed where the victims’ hands were bound behind their backs with metal wire before being burned alive.

[image omitted]

Perhaps the most disturbing image in the slideshow was a completely charred mass of flesh, which at first glance could not be seen as ever having belonged to a human. It was only after a CT scan was done that experts could see the inhumanity of the image.

Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—a parent and child bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight.

“When you do this job downstairs, you get detached,” Dr. Chen Kugel, the head of Abu Kabir, told The Media Line. “But then you learn the stories and connect to the people. It’s hard not to feel the tragedy. It’s so big. And when I go to the Shura camp [where deceased bodies in Israel are first collected] and see containers like you’d see at the port—but they’re all full of bodies… And you hear the stories—that behind their charred bodies, something terrible happened—it’s very difficult. I’ve seen many things in my 31-year career, but the magnitude and the cruelty [here] is terrible,” Kugel added.

“The proportion of bodies we’ve received who are charred is high,” Kugel explained. “Many have gunshot wounds in their hands, showing they put their hands up to their faces in defense. Many were burned alive in their homes. … We know they were burned alive because there is soot in their trachea, their throats—meaning they were still breathing when set on fire.”

The single mercy, Kugel said—if there is one to be found—is that the burned victims likely died from carbon monoxide and soot inhalation before the fire killed them.

Kugel also explained that the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads.

Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, “whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,” he explained….

Fighting back tears, Israeli forensic pathologist Dr. Hagar Mizrahi explained that “as you know, the Jewish people must bury their dead as soon as possible.” But as of this writing, nearly two weeks have passed since the massacre, and some 350 bodies remain unidentified. “So, the people here at Abu Kabir are doing their best to help and identify the most severe cases that arrive.”

Trey Yingst of Fox News, who reports from the Middle East, described video he has seen:

NEW: Hamas militants were told by commanders to behead Israelis and cut their feet on October 7th, according to an Israeli interrogation video obtained and reviewed by Fox News.

A militant in his 20s also describes how Hamas used Telegram to share videos in real time as they conducted the massacre.

This militant says his commander, a man from Gaza City, told them they should not expect to return. We’ve left out some incredibly graphic details about what Hamas did to the bodies of women they slaughtered. They are too disturbing to explain on TV.

While I have no reason to doubt him, he really needed to at least describe it.

We get an idea of what they did to the women from this Daily Mail report:

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That’s the company Democrats keep. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden funded it, without apology.

And who is supporting, chanting, protesting and cheering them on? Who ALWAYS supports anything vile, amoral, degenerate, corrupt and evil? It’s always the usual suspects: THE LEFT. No one but someone with a leftist mentality could possibly condone this. Of course, they KNOW it is repugnant and vile and that any human being with humanity within them would be repulsed by the atrocious actions and those who perpetrated them, so they pretend to not believe the atrocities were committed. But it’s the atrocities, especially perpetuated against Jews, that gets them off.

THIS is the education that is paid for with the loans we are expected to forgive and pay for.

10/31/23 – House Republicans aim to pay for Israel aid with cuts to IRS funds

After three weeks without a speaker, the House is back in business and putting aid to Israel at the top of its to-do list.

On the same day House Speaker Mike Johnson took office last week, the Republican-led House passed a resolution declaring solidarity with Israel and pledging to give its government the funding needed to defeat Hamas.

Now they’ve introduced a bill aiming to do just that — but not without controversy.

The bill would send $14.3 billion to Israel without addressing funding requests for the war in Ukraine. Johnson’s new bill would pay for the spending with $14.5 billion in cuts to the long-understaffed Internal Revenue Service.

Senate Democrats and the White House have called the bill a nonstarter. The bill also puts House Republicans at odds with many GOP senators, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. …

The IRS doesn’t need $87 billion. They won’t even collect Hunter’s taxes.

SOLIDARITY WITH ISRAEL! (Provided you agree to cut the IRS’s tax compliance enforcement budget.)

MAGA republicans hold assistance to Israel hostage. Demand cuts to IRS tax compliance enforcement budget for release.

Johnson is astonishingly, unbelievably clueless. He’s going to destroy the GOP even before 2024.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Ah, Comrade Greggie’s upset because the IRS may not have all those new agents to harass middle/low income, predominantly minority, tax payers.

Never mind that BSNBC has some of the lowest ratings of any “news” station.

Enforcement would target high end tax cheats like your cult leader. There isn’t much that low & middle income people CAN falsify.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Trump’s bullshit pitch, swallowed hook, line and sinker: “They’re not after me, they are after you.”

If you’re such a big fan of the IRS, why aren’t you upset that they intentionally let Hunter slide on taxes on $2.3 million? Kind of like you’re a big fan of background checks but have no problem with Hunter lying on his and skating.

Why, it’s almost as if you stand behind NONE of your “principles” when your masters have to abide by them.

There’s no evidence that anyone intentionally “let Hunter slide”, any more than any other tax scammer they’ve lacked resources to investigate and pursue.

Just because you make it a point to keep yourself stupid, don’t expect others to as well. The is ample evidence, confirmed by whistleblowers, that the IRS slow walked and blocked investigations into Hunter’s tax evasion. But, what do you care? That’s DEMOCRAT corruption and, as far as you are concerned, Democrat corruption is acceptable. You can’t have a Democrat without corruption.

There’s absolutely no question that increased IRS enforcement would pay for itself MANY times over, every year from the first year on.

Bullshit. It’s nothing but more persecution and terrorism of political opponents. Democrats, meanwhile, get the pass.

The IRS announced Thursday that the “tax gap” between what taxpayers owe, and what they voluntarily pay the federal government is now approximately $688 billion a year, according to its most recent estimates…”

Every honest taxpayer should be outraged by such a level of cheating.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Go after anyone but Democrats. When will they get Sharpton to pay his taxes?

House Republicans subpoena FBI and IRS officials to find out how Hunter got such a sweet plea deal and why he hasn’t been prosecuted.

Hard nosed prosecutor, Weiss, wasn’t going to bring any charges against Hunter until whistleblowers exposed the crimes and corruption.
How dirty, slimy and corrupt was the Hunter plea deal? VERY dirty, slimy and corrupt.

$5 million discrepancy between idiot Biden’s IRS claims and what was filed with Ethics… right around the time it is alleged he got a $5 million bribe from Ukraine. He pays $2.7 million CASH for a home after Hunter’s texts threatening Chinese associate.
Hunter’s own memoir provided evidence of tax evasion to the IRS.
IRS whistleblower reveals Hunter got to claim hookers and a sex club as “expenses”.
Whistleblower accuses IRS and FBI of blocking investigations and searches of Hunter’s storage and residence.

Like Hunter? Like the Biden Crime Family that rakes in millions from overseas bribes and calls them “loans” so they won’t have to pay taxes?

If Democrats won’t vote for it, THEY hold aid to Israel hostage.

Try selling THAT fairy tale to anyone of normal intelligence.

The Senate just confirmed Biden’s ambassador to Israel. I’d say the wind has shifted.

If Democrats won’t vote for it, THEY hold aid to Israel hostage.

Well, either they vote to send aid to Israel or they don’t. If they don’t, THEY delay the funding.

If he wasn’t garbage, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wouldn’t have followed Obama’s orders (who is following Soros’ orders) and nominated him.