Black-Nationalist Bigotry


One aspect of the Covington controversy has received very little coverage, let alone condemnation: the outright racism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism of the (very small) black-nationalist group confronting the teenagers. If you watch the nearly two-hour YouTube video, filmed by a man who seems to be a member of the Black Israelites, you will see the black men, all adult, hurling insult after insult at the students, for well over an hour. It seems accidental that the students and the black nationalists are at the same spot on the mall — the former waiting for their buses back to Kentucky and the latter staging a small demonstration.

The students are called “hyenas,” “dogs,” “white crackers,” and “faggot.” They are ridiculed for being lice-ridden and told to “to back to Europe where you come from.” One man says he can tell by looking in the students’ eyes that they will be “school shooters.” They are the “product of sodomy.” We hear that black Jesus is coming back to kick the “white crackers’ ass.” This black Christ is not like the image of Jesus the boys supposedly hold — that Jesus is a “faggot child molester.” “Your president is a homosexual!” one man yells. He urges the teenagers to look up a YouTube video of Rudy Giuliani in drag, kissing Donald Trump. (I imagine he is referring to the skit for a charity event in 2000 that featured Giuliani in, yes, a fetching blond wig, dress, and heels.) By “your president,” the black nationalist obviously means Trump, but one student hoists up a campaign poster of Obama, and only about 10 percent of the students are wearing MAGA hats. One boy says that most of the kids in the group aren’t old enough to vote yet.

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It’s not really that hard for liberals to ignore some children receiving racist, homophobic or religious insults. In this case, there is no way liberals can exploit the filthy insults for political gain, so being racist, homophobic and anti-Catholic is A-OK, especially if it is directed a white Catholic conservative pro-life kids… wearing MAGA caps.

Lets chat about your sickening virtue signaling NR, couldn’t delete this quite fast enough could you? National Review Pulls Article Saying Covington Students ‘Might as Well Have Just Spit on the Cross’
So cram it and your fake news pile on to child abuse you disgusting pool of neocon dirt.

@kitt: You know, I can’t say I find too much fault with anyone for a reaction to the original story. It sounded really nasty and MY first thought was if these were actual conservative kids or were they liberal actors wearing MAGA caps acting like pig. In reading that some had been identified and where they were from erased that suspicion, but in so doing I saw where the school was going to investigate and hold those responsible for their behavior. I considered that sufficient.

The real scumbags are those who exploited the original story, now know the facts (or at least have them available; you can’t make people learn) but cling to the original story, blame the students and/or try to modify the facts in order to continue to make the students appear culpable.

@Deplorable Me: The headline is highly disgusting did they verify the story? Did they try? Did they look into the drummer? No not any of the above, a good saying I saw today “the problem with virtue signalling, is the lack of virtue.” We expect a higher form of journalism we must demand a higher form of journalism. A place we can reference for truth a source we can trust. The “conservative” media must be bitch slapped every time this stuff happens or they are no better than BuzzFeed, MSLSD, CNN, NYT, Wapo ect ect ect.
Who are the targets of this story about racist bigoted Blacks?


We expect a higher form of journalism we must demand a higher form of journalism.

But we DON’T. Journalism is dead. One day it might surprise us and return, but there is none, at least not in the mainstream realm.

@Deplorable Me: You couldnt have missed the mighty 180, enough to give you motion sickness, Bash white catholic kiddies to Bash black cultists NR now enters the my realm of better check this story with other sources, and read it carefully with much salt.
Hello editors…editors? Who runs this joint they must have a schizoaffective disorder.

If the roles were inverted, a bunch of adult whites behaving as those black Israelites did towards a gaggle of teens of color, the press would have endured that they would have lost their jobs, been kicked out of any organizations they belonged to and essentially socially ostracized into pariahdom.

In this case, the press barely mentioned it… Must be some color privilege they keep secret.

@Carlos Rodriguez: Yeah, I think the corrupt liberal media saw that and couldn’t resist the temptation so they just wrote it that way anyway.