Biden Plans To Double Down On Energy Agenda While Dependency Hampers Diplomacy



In his annual State of the Union Address on Tuesday, President Joe Biden is planning to double down on the “clean” energy agenda that’s limited diplomatic options with Russia.
Showcased in preview materials released by the White House on the eve of the address, the president aims to “call on Congress to deliver on a legislative agenda for clean energy and climate action.”
“Specifically, the President will lift up the benefits we can secure for American consumers, companies, and communities by enacting critical investments and tax credits for domestic clean energy manufacturing and deployment,” the White House wrote. “He will also highlight how the investments and tax credits would cut energy costs for American families an average of $500 per year.”

The White House’s current agenda has already raised power prices to seven-year highs.
Absent from the pre-release, which touts offshore wind, electric vehicles, and costly new regulation, was any mention of the energy independence forfeited by the administration within the last year.
After Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline and suspended oil and gas leases on federal land, the U.S. doubled is imports of Russian oil, according to the Energy Information Administration. The writers at PolitiFact rated the claim “mostly false” despite its own explanation of the score saying the opposite: “The U.S. did double the amount of crude oil imported from Russia last year.”

In December, the U.S. imported more than 400,000 barrels of Russian oil on average daily. The Keystone Pipeline, in contrast, transported 830,000 barrels at peak capacity from the Canadian Tar Sands.
After the president suppressed domestic production, leading to high power prices throughout his tenure, the White House has maintained its refusal to interrupt global energy markets with sanctions on Russian oil and gas, the world’s third-leading oil producers responsible for 11 percent of the world’s supply. In a press call on Monday morning, the White House made that clear.
“We’ll continue to scope out measures to allow for steady energy supplies to global markets,” said a senior administration official, with energy transactions exempt from financial sanctions.
The Energy Information Administration forecasts that this year, the United States will be a net importer of oil — a reversal from a brief stint as a net-exporter when the United States achieved energy independence during the Trump years.
Faced with an electorate antagonized by high gas prices as a consequence of the administration’s animosity toward fossil fuels, Biden will likely only go after the Russian energy sector as a last resort. Doing otherwise in the absence of a radical shift in White House energy strategy would inflict undue harm on American consumers and create a political nightmare beyond the red wave already expected during the November midterms.
The European shift to green energy in the form of wind and solar already gave the continent a crisis last year when it was hit with a low-wind winter. The European Union’s enhanced reliance on Russian natural gas to fill the gaps for instantaneous power generation spell disaster.
According to numbers from the Russian Finance Ministry reported by Reuters, oil and gas revenues generated $119 billion for the Kremlin, some at the courtesy of the American taxpayer, even as Moscow restricted supply to Europe to artificially spike prices and keep European reserves low ahead of its Ukraine invasion.
In the U.S., such a transition to wind and solar has brought rolling blackouts and the failure of the Texas power grid.
Michael Shellenberger, the president of Environmental Progress, explained in a guest post for Bari Weiss’s Substack column on Tuesday how Russian President Vladimir Putin exploited the West’s obsession with “going green.”

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Without going back to energy independence, idiot Biden proves he is not serious about anything. He needs to ask AOC to please let him have his balls back.

Biden the Traitor sells America out to the Globaists Biden like all Liberal Democrats is a Traitor

7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency

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1. Border CrisisSecurity at the southern border has been an ongoing disaster, though one barely given coverage by the legacy media. The massive spike in border crossings initially was excused by Biden allies in the media as a “seasonal” problem. It was seasonal all right: open-borders season. Since Biden took office, a historic surge of migrants has crossed the border illegally in numbers that are the highest in decades. And the problem isn’t abating.
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. agents logged 153,941 migrant encounters in January This was double the number of encounters the previous January, and quadruple the number from the January before that.

2. Messy Afghanistan WithdrawalBiden’s shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan was certainly one of the low points of his presidency and one of the lowest points of American foreign policy since the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War.
The Biden administration assured the country that the withdrawal would be orderly, and that the Afghanistan government was stable upon America’s departure.
We clearly had a massive failure of intelligence, since the Afghanistan government collapsed and the Taliban took over the country in just a few weeks.

3. Return to Energy DependenceThe Afghanistan mess wasn’t the only foreign policy debacle so far under Biden. Russia launched a major invasion of Ukraine in the days before the president’s State of the Union speech.
Unbelievably, former Secretary of State John Kerry, Biden’s climate czar, said the situation in UKraine is worrying because Russia will be distracted from staying “on track” to fight climate change. It’s an illustration of just how misguided the Biden administration’s priorities are.
4. Authoritarian COVID-19 MandatesRemember when Biden said he would shut down the COVID-19 virus and not the economy?
Well, most Americans now believe that COVID-19 is here to stay no matter what we do. This after Biden reached beyond the powers of his office to force Americans to get vaccinated and tell states to enforce the most stringent mask mandates.

5. Crime SurgeAmerican cities have experienced an explosion of violent crime since the summer of 2020.
It’s a trend that shows no sign of abating. In December, ABC News reported that a dozen U.S. cities had set homicide records in 2021.

6. Rising InflationIn July, Biden said inflation would be a temporary problem that his administration had a handle on.
“I want to be clear: My administration understands that were we ever to experience unchecked inflation in the long term, that would pose a real challenge for our economy,” Biden said. “While we’re confident that isn’t what we’re seeing today, we’re going to remain vigilant about any response that is needed.”

7. War on ParentsViolent crime is spinning out of control, but the Justice Department clearly doesn’t see that as the real threat to this country.
No, the real threat is parents who disagree with what’s happening in their local schools. Parents around the country, even in far-left San Francisco, have been organizing in response to the misguided and often egregious policies of many K-12 schools.

7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency (

And we’re only a year into this moron’s term.

Their finding out taht being soft on crime replacing punishment with councling or new age mumbo jumbo meditating or jumping around like they has mouse up their pants