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Biden proves what a moron he is. Explain, then, why abortion is so “absolute”? Oh… that’s right. It’s not even IN the Constitution.

Well, since He said it ,it must be true.. And since the constitution Is the law of the land, then no Other law is Absolute. Yeah, an idiot like that for president,, no thanks

@Nolan Parker: Well, for instance, look what Schiff did to due process and the Obama FBI did to Flynn, Papadopoulis and Carter Page. What Biden means is, nothing stops them from attacking and destroying political enemies and getting rich in government.

‘No Amendment to the Constitution Is Absolute’

On that point, at least, Joe Biden is absolutely correct.

To the Founding Fathers, this truth was so obvious and self-evident that it didn’t need to be stated. No right is absolute, because no right can be absolute. There is none to which some totally obvious, unquestionably valid exception will not immediately come to mind.

The underlying reason for this should be obvious the moment more than one person is taken into account. The desires, interests, and will of any two people will never be in total agreement all of the time; consequently both cannot simultaneously have an absolute right with respect to anything.

A constitutionally enshrined right is a concise statement of a bedrock principle. Each such right is part of the underlying foundation upon which the rule of law governing human interaction is built. The law is what actually defines the real-world freedoms and limits of societal behavior.

You have a right to free speech. It does not give you license to tell people that taking a lethal does of a deadly poison will cure their toothaches. You have freedom of religion, but that doesn’t mean you can burn caged animals alive in a bonfire as a sacrifice. You have a right to bear arms, but that doesn’t mean you can carry a machine gun into a crowded public building.

Rights without exceptions is a lunatic concept. Any mature adult of normal intelligence should be able to quickly think through to the total absurdity of its consequences, if they only take the time to do so. It would certainly be much easier if we lived in a world where absolutes actually applied, but fantasizing that is the case will never make it so. The best guides we can have in this world are sound fundamental principles that serve as the north point on a moral and legal compass. We have those in our Constitution.


I understand Your point.. Thing is, somehow I suspect when he says it, he would happily go against common sense to advance a tyrannical agenda.


On that point, at least, Joe Biden is absolutely correct.

Your diatribe was unnecessary. the real point is who decides where and when those exceptions end. On that point, you’re lacking.

The burning of caged animals is not religion, it’s breaking animal cruelty laws. The lying about medical treatments isn’t free speech, it medical practice laws. You can’t carry a “machine gun” into a crowd…unless it is lawful to do so. Laws.


Your forked-tongue obscures the truth with a simple offering of relativism and subjective interpretation.

The best guides we can have in this world are sound fundamental principles that serve as the north point on a moral and legal compass. We have those in our Constitution.

They’re not guides. That’s how cowards like you facilitate tyranny. They are rights to our citizen, and up to defense in the courts.

The current edicts do not meet the legal standards met in the Constitution, so many of them are not enforceable.

The amendments, are “absolute” in the way that simple opinions and fanfare cannot overturn them. That’s what your ilk want, which is simple tyranny.

Won’t happen on my watch, you quisling bastard.

@Nathan Blue, #6:

Won’t happen on my watch, you quisling bastard.

You have no watch. You have one vote, like every other U.S. citizen. Many of Trump’s followers, like the man himself, are a bit too full of themselves—not to mention full of ideas and positions that they haven’t subjected to sufficient critical examination.

Thinking in terms of absolute rules rather than being guided by fundamental principles is one way to avoid the bother, but this doesn’t work so well in the real world. The inviolable, inflexible rules themselves can easily become the tyrant, and not one that is particularly kind or just.

@Nathan Blue:

The current edicts do not meet the legal standards met in the Constitution, so many of them are not enforceable.

But they are being enforced, there is a federal law that if your spouse presses charges and you are found guilty for domestic violence, it doesnt have to be serious, You lose your 2nd amendment right to bear arms.
Gun Ban for Individuals Convicted of a Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence”, Pub.L. 104–208, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9)
Slipped into part of a 1997 omnibus bill signed by Clinton into law.
It hasnt been challenged to the Supreme court but should be.

California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont
All have Magazine capacity laws, below original standard equipment.
They chip away slowly calling it common sense, not that any of the laws have ever made a difference or anyone safer at all.
Then the REDFLAG laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts,and New Jersey
You dont have to break any law are not given due process and lose your rights, mostly because of Karens in this country.
The NRA fights against these laws and others, it is why they demonize the private organization.

You have a right to free speech. It does not give you license to tell people that taking a lethal does of a deadly poison will cure their toothaches.

WTF do you think Flouride is? Fluoride is a neurotoxin which, in high doses 5 to 10 g , can be harmful. Excessive exposure can lead to tooth discoloration and bone problems. Go eat a tube of toothpaste, fool. Call a poison center if your toddler eats more than a pea-sized amount 500 mg in small children is lethal.
Can you be wrong about everything, seems to be your goal.
Women everyday sacrifice their unborn children to their career god. Karens screaming at those that disagree with them that they hope they get raped.
Dont report to authorities that PP is illegally selling human body parts or you go to jail. Isnt it also illegal to abuse a corpse?


You have no watch. You have one vote

Oh little, guy, my responsibility as an American to not let hapless fools like you steer us into tyranny is the true Eternal Watch. I take it proudly, along with the majority of Americans. There will ALWAYS be people like you chipping away at the soul of a culture, and always for self-perceived good reasons.

But I have one body, and if your party tries to commit their ongoing coup to the point of true civil war, I’ll be in the street ensuring our country persists. You will not. Already one to zero, and you’re the zero. My very existence negates your pathetic cultist cause.

And your piss-poor critical thinking skills have nakedly avoided the point. The current majority of “conservatives” and right-leaning independents are very much guided by the Founder’s principles. The Dems and dwindling Left? Not so much.

The rights as given by the Constitution are absolute in that they are LAW. Your weak attempts at arguing that can’t hide the pure relativism. You’ve been influenced by your cult, so I do understand you can’t see truth very well.

@Nathan Blue, #9:

Oh little, guy, my responsibility as an American to not let hapless fools like you steer us into tyranny is the true Eternal Watch.

You need some work on your comma usage, sport. But first you need to figure out just what it is that you’ve apparently surrendered your brain to, and what the effects of that surrender really are:

Before and after the neutering…

Your party and its principles have fallen victim to a hostile take-over. All it took was utter ruthlessness on the part of a puffed up, vain glorious reality TV host turned populace rabble rouser, who will tell people whatever they want to hear whenever they want to hear it, and will methodically attack and destroy anyone or anything that gets in his way. That’s how he got elected, and that’s how he has operated ever since. The damages are cumulative.

The rights as given by the Constitution are absolute in that they are LAW. Your weak attempts at arguing that can’t hide the pure relativism.

The Constitution is a statement of fundamental principles on which all law is based. If you thought about it a bit, you would realize that laws are restrictive of the underlying rights and principles as often as they’re protective of them. This is because absolutes cannot serve to govern society as a whole, where many opposing desires, wills, and opinions are involved. Laws define the real world limits of our Constitution’s fundamental principles, as well as assuring that we all have the benefit of them. Laws are what allow the practical application of those principles.

Donald Trump believes himself to be above the law’s reach. Most of the GOP’s leadership—who have been cowed by his control over republican voters—agree, at least by word and deed. Give this poser four more years, and there will be little that reflects our founders’ true intentions left to save.

You don’t like what I’m saying. If it were utter nonsense, I don’t think it would be bothering you.

@Greg: The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. Not to be downgraded to your definition which is a low form of mindless pablum.
It took you time to find that definition must have been combing Slate or Vox or some other communist manifesto.
First the President must break the law in order to be beyond its reach.
Your total devotion to an anti-American ideology twists your reality. President Trump dances around the incredible empty space in your head.
You are programmed, nothing but a bot, repeating lies like a scratched 45. So much like all the media, where ever you turn they repeat the lies using the same phrases.
Do you think Biden will choose Jabba the Abrams ?

@kitt, #11:

What I’ve said is accurate. I didn’t have to search for what I’ve known for well over 50 years. In the days of my youth, such things were taught in public school citizenship classes.

The Constitution is the source of our governing laws, not the law itself. It’s the statement of the most fundamental principles upon which all our laws are based, as well as the instructions concerning how such laws are to be created. It also sets up the mechanism by which such laws can be modified or stricken down, should they not be true to any of our fundamental constitutional principles.

@Greg: Listen 3rd world 3rd rate education product. You are wrong completely wrong.
We never had citizenship classes on the United States mainland we had Civics, that class was deleted by progressive nut jobs like you.
The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. Try looking it up, not pulling some weak pathetic mindless word salad out of your third world communist ass.


The Constitution is a statement of fundamental principles

And what “principals” would those be, Comrade Greggie? Name them.

@retire05, #14:

Find yourself a copy of the U.S. Constitution. They’ve been enumerated therein for your convenience.

Meanwhile, some of your like-minded folk in Kentucky have hanged the Democratic Governor in effigy—placing a sign around its neck with the quote shouted by John Wilkes Booth a moment after assassinating President Lincoln. They’re upset about COVID-19 restrictions.

Gun rights advocates spark outrage by hanging effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear at protest

@Greg: It’s funny that if you actually read your post, you’d admit you’re not even remotely a supporter of the Democrat Party, which is of course a party of absolutes.

What I’ve said is accurate. I didn’t have to search for what I’ve known for well over 50 years. In the days of my youth, such things were taught in public school citizenship classes.

The Constitution is the source of our governing laws, not the law itself. It’s the statement of the most fundamental principles upon which all our laws are based, as well as the instructions concerning how such laws are to be created. It also sets up the mechanism by which such laws can be modified or stricken down, should they not be true to any of our fundamental constitutional principles.

Yes, everyone knows this. You just described the Republican Party’s understanding of it, and even mine.

You’re so f*cking confused by your own bullshit you didn’t even realize what you said:

It also sets up the mechanism by which such laws can be modified or stricken down,


You and yours are advocating the abolishing of Constitutional Law by way of non-approved way of changing things. That’s the issue.

When Joe says they are not absolute, you know what he means. He means he’d have his party change things to fit their agenda. That’s it.

That’s not how our government works.

So, you’re finally coming around to admit your on the side of conservatives/republicans. That’s good.

Oh, and here’s some more punctuation for you:

<3 ():

That's my balls in your mouth, bud. Suck it.


Find yourself a copy of the U.S. Constitution. They’ve been enumerated therein for your convenience.

When you give one of these kinds of replies, I know you’re talking out of your Commie ass. Which is most of the time.

@Nathan Blue: Ewww you dont know where that mouth has been.
What greg described was a definition of a constitution, unratified .
We have the oldest surviving constitution.
Even the cucks on Wikipedia clearly admit what our constitution is. Quote :
United States Constitution
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. The Constitution, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government.

It is regarded as the oldest written and codified national constitution in force. If we can keep it.
Greg is of a mind if you are part of the government you can ignore the constitution, snatch away rights on a whim.
Kentucky governor hung in effigy from tree. Second amendment supporters marched on Capitol grounds ahead of Memorial Day, sparking backlash for the gruesome display of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear.
Such is the fate of traitors.
Buy those men a drink.


Kentucky governor hung in effigy from tree. Second amendment supporters marched on Capitol grounds ahead of Memorial Day,

Golly gee, wonder why the colonists in 1775 never thought of doing something like that when they were demanding freedom from tyranny?


Yep. There are idiots on both sides of the political divide.

@Nathan Blue:

You and yours are advocating the abolishing of Constitutional Law by way of non-approved way of changing things. That’s the issue.

Not that I’ve heard anything about.

That’s my balls in your mouth, bud. Suck it.

Sorry. I don’t seem to share your orientation.

You’re really not much for respectful discourse, are you?

@retire05: Powdered wig radicals, readers of the classics, divinity school attendees. Can you imagine…they would shoot most in congress today just tar and feather gregie.

@Greg: The use of the word “absolute” is a red herring to cover for gutting people’s rights, your wordy treatise notwithstanding.


You’re really not much for respectful discourse, are you?

With you, no. You’re not here for discourse. You’re here to kill off voices your party finds to be offensive.@Greg:

As I said. I’ll be in the street. You’ll be home. Already 1-0.

Yep. There are idiots on both sides of the political divide.

No. Nobody did that with Obama. No one.

The violent radicalism is on the Left and the Left alone. The old “it’s on both sides” just doesn’t hold up to analysis.

@Curt: I remember that the day Obama got elected, there was a mob of people in Denver cheering, and a truck circling the capital with hung Bush, Cheney, etc…

But that was just the “idiots” on the side of the Left, not an accurate depiction of their base.

Find one Conservative entertainer who did something like this….

The Left is a rabid, violent mob.