The left wing media abandons bias in favor of outright lies



Earlier this week, Lanny Davis, lawyer for Michael Cohen, claimed that Cohen would be telling Mueller that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting ahead of time:

CNN reported on July 27 that Cohen was prepared to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the president had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. On Wednesday, Davis said that the reporting was “mixed up” and that his client had no information regarding when Trump knew about the meeting.

You can find the entire story here.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

Cohen’s claim would contradict repeated denials by Trump, Donald Trump Jr., their lawyers and other administration officials who have said that the President knew nothing about the Trump Tower meeting until he was approached about it by The New York Times in July 2017.
Cohen alleges that he was present, along with several others, when Trump was informed of the Russians’ offer by Trump Jr. By Cohen’s account, Trump approved going ahead with the meeting with the Russians, according to sources.

That didn’t last long. Davis lied. Soon after, Davis retracted it.

“I regret that I wasn’t clear enough to The Post. I should have been more clear. I could not independently confirm the information in the CNN story,” Davis said. “I’m sorry that I left that impression. I wasn’t at the meeting. The only person who could confirm that information is my client, [Michael Cohen].”

Cohen has also provided information to Congress that would debunk CNN’s report.

The story was false. Davis lied. Now you’d think an honest and responsible news outlet would issue a correction. Maybe so, but CNN is neither.

Chuck Todd, who amusingly considers himself to be a journalist, was admonished by Bret Baier for being a partisan hack

Fox News anchor Bret Baier called out NBC’s Chuck Todd on Friday for suggesting Congress draft up impeachment papers for President Donald Trump.

On WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall,” Baier said he was “struck” by Todd’s comments. Todd said on Wednesday that a “functional Washington” would be investigating and talking about drawing up impeachment articles for the president.

“I was most struck of all the punditry — I think it was Chuck Todd who said that Paul Ryan should take the reigns and get the Judiciary Committee to start the impeachment process with Republicans leading the way and made this impassioned plea for Republicans to start the impeachment process,” Baier said.

“I can tell you just from covering this place that’s not going to happen,” he added.

CNN has taken on the job of lobbying for the Iranian mullahs:

No word on whether they’re being paid or just acting voluntarily.

Davis has emphatically denied that Cohen has ever been to Prague, as alleged in the dossier. Naturally, that didn’t deter an MSNBC panelist from asserting that it’s true:

“Never, never in Prague. Did I make that? Never, never, ever. Ever,” Davis said in an interview on Wednesday with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.

“And the reason, just to let your viewers know, what we’re talking about is that the dossier, so-called, mentions his name 14 times, one of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. Fourteen times false,” Davis added.

Despite that major blow to the dossier, Butler asserted in a panel discussion with MSNBC host Joy Reid that the salacious document has been corroborated.

“The Steele dossier keeps getting corroborated by Mueller and reporters. It says that there were two go betweens the Trump campaign and Russia. The first one was Manafort, and when Manafort resigned from the campaign, Michael Cohen took it over. We know Manafort is now just chilling, waiting to get through the second trial get his pardon from Trump. So Cohen is the man, if you believe the dossier,” Butler said.

And the left wing DNC media has absolutely buried the truth about Bruce Ohr.

The media seems to have taken a sudden interest in downplaying the significance of DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

An article from ABC News published on Aug. 23 said Ohr was “operating outside of his chain of command and quoted an unnamed official who said Ohr was “a non-figure, a non-entity in all of this.”

Despite these characterizations, Bruce Ohr was not some anonymous, mid-level official within the DOJ.

Bruce Ohr held two important positions at the Department of Justice: Associate Deputy Attorney General, and Director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces.

As Associate Deputy Attorney General, Ohr was just four offices away from then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and he reported directly to her.

As Director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, Ohr was in charge of a program described as “the centerpiece of the attorney general’s drug strategy.”

Bruce Ohr was one of the highest-ranking officials in the entire Department of Justice. He was also communicating on an ongoing basis with Christopher Steele, author of the infamous dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump.

Ohr was the #4 person in the DOJ. His job at the DOJ was drugs. Instead, he was the bag man funneling Christopher Steele’s propaganda to the FBI via his wife Nellie (who worked for Fusion GPS) after the FBI declared Steele an unreliable witness once Steele leaked to the press.

That ain’t nothing.

Rod Rosenstein disavowed any knowledge of Ohr’s actions.

Like to know who did know.

There is a lot of material here, and the DNC left wing media has ignored virtually all of it. The most egregious is the failure of CNN to issue a correction, and no one else has either other than the DCNF and Fox News. Led by CNN, the left wing media is deceiving the American public.

And they tell us they’re not the enemy of the people.


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The left has been discussing, dreaming of, hoping for impeachment since Trump was elected. Even before he was sworn in, they wanted impeachment. All they’ve been trying to do since he was elected was to fill in the blanks.

The media is not in the truth business; they are in the liberal business.

The media has been hammering Giuliani over his comment, “The truth is not the truth.” He was absolutely accurate in his characterization; what the media or Mueller’s team of political assassins promote as truth is not THE truth. They get the media to promote a lie they circulate around as if they discovered it and the FBI runs with it and when it has been repeated enough, it SEEMS like the truth.

Liberals want liberalism. They don’t care how they get there, they just want liberalism no matter how much it has failed in the past. They are too blinded by ideology to realize the dangers of the methods their political leaders use pose to freedom and our Constitution. Worse, they don’t care.

Listening to the MSM Sunday shows they are nothing but co-conspirators in a coup. Language such as hush money when the absolutely legal term is Non Disclosure Agreement. We have in tax dollars paid the Snake Ambulance chasers 20 million to only come up with a couple of harlots and tax evaders, where the hell are the Russians involved directly with the campaign that was the task. If hiring a tax evader is illegal MSNBC has some explaining to do with Sharpton. The still have hopes of impeachment without taking the majority. The clintonista attorney for Cohen what a freak, his client wouldnt take a pardon. 1. He has immunity, bet they didn’t give it to his wife echos of the general 2 what the hell kind of advice can he be giving as his client was told to plead guilty for something that isn’t even a crime.
There are books on what the MSM put a pillow over.
This could be a future template to destroy any future President that isnt anointed by the Elite Deep State NWO masters.
Media Matters for America is a web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. But the liberals lying are never to be corrected!


Media Matters for America is a web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. But the liberals lying are never to be corrected!

But Media Matters never correct anything; they merely help spread liberal lies. They serve the left and their tax exempt status should be looked into and revoked; I’m sure the left would have no problem with that since they supported Obama using the IRS to persecute conservatives. They can’t stop the liberals from lying; that would be like trying to stop a dog from licking himself…. it’s what they do.

Why does the writer here believe that Lanny Davis is the sole source in CNN’s story?

@Gary Miller: I think it’s because Lanny said that Cohen has never told him (his attorney, trying to keep his ass out of jail) that Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting so it is unlikely he told anyone ELSE any such thing. Add to that the fact that Cohen has already testified that Trump did NOT know about it.

But, you are right; CNN is perfectly capable of making up such a lie on their own. It’s kind of their thing.

I’m afraid this is one little fantasy you are going to have to just let go. Just dig a little hole, say a little prayer and cover it up. It’s gone. Let it be.

What we do know

In open court Cohen said DT directed him to arrange payments to two women who alleged they had sex encounters with DT

Trump denied he directed Cohen—later paid Cohen back from his personal not campaign funds..

One of them is lying—won’t be the last time. Stay tuned

@Richard Wheeler: Nothing illegal about a NDA, unless you take the money then attempt to blackmail for more$$, Seems Stormy may be branded by a sex cult closely tied to a Clinton associate.

@kitt: Stormy is Trump’s kinda girl. He’s got more..
Melania’s gotta be thrilled—separate bedrooms now–separate residences soon?

Trump at new approval low 36% in today’s ABC poll. Gotta keep riling up his base in Indiana. Maybe he can join in a “non violent” white supremacist march–he’d get lots of love there.

He’s fuming over much deserved outpouring of love for Mac lol
You are correct–it was The American Legion that forced the flag issue.

@Richard Wheeler:

Stormy is Trump’s kinda girl. He’s got more..
Melania’s gotta be thrilled

Very strange RW. You seem to have a problem with Trump having sex with several women, even though they sign a NDA to not tell about it. But you had no problem with Slick Willie, the Officially pardoned Felony Draft Dodger raping several women and he couldn’t get them to sign an NDA. Is that your problem with those women? That they wouldn’t agree to not tell on Slick?
You’re a single guy, so since you seem to be so opposed, I’m sure you’re remaining celibate in your Golden years. Keeps you out of those NDA’s, I guess

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump at new approval low 36% in today’s ABC poll

ABC poll? Is that supposed to be a joke?

RW. This is the latest tracking poll. ABC doesn’t do daily tracking polls.”Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump’s job approval ratings on a daily basis.”

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

@Richard Wheeler:

You are correct–it was The American Legion that forced the flag issue.

Is there an idiot alive that really thinks Trump was ‘personally’ involved in when the American Flag is raised or lowered at the White House and/or Capitol building? LOL!

@Redteam: Single not me—I got a beautiful wife –seriously ck her out on my Facebook page you like to visit.

Trump was absolutely calling the shots on the flag “movement’

Trump can cheat on his wife all he wants–even when Melania was pregnant—it’s between them–way between since she’s down the hall in a separate bedroom.

Rasmussen? —now you gotta be joking.

@Redteam: Estimates are Trump is 97% shadow banned 54.2 million followers and only 50K retweets. During a major purge of what twitter called russian bot accounts, many fell into alternate sites saying their accounts were shut down without explanation. I suppose with 10s of millions of accounts poofed you will catch a few hundred thousand people who just join to read others accounts first hand.
Polls of likely republican voters show 90 % approval for the Prez. Alternate sites reported the use of AF2 for the McCain funeral and that Trump ordered the flag to be restored to 1/2 mast at the request of Vets. Those that have eyes see who was disrespectful during a funeral.
ABC poll those that watch ABC, CNN poll ,if they can find anyone, those that watch CNN ect…

@richard wheeler:

Rasmussen? —now you gotta be joking.

Well, except for the fact I actually gave you a quote. Rasmussen is the only daily poll on president approval. The ABC poll is conducted by Cheryl from her She Shed, and only when the news is good for Trump so they can create their own negative story. They only published two polls in the last 8 years of Obozo’s regime.

Single not me—I got a beautiful wife –seriously ck her out on my Facebook page you like to visit.

Congrats, I hadn’t heard that you’d gotten married. Great move. I haven’t checked your FB page in years. Got tired of watching those Gay Pride parades.

Trump was absolutely calling the shots on the flag “movement’

I notice you didn’t give a source of your insider info. Why would he? There is published flag protocol for the White House, why would he get up in the middle of the night to tell them to raise the flag back to full staff. The protocol is to be followed unless he issues a proclamation to vary. So without any action, the protocol would have been to raise the flag at midnight. You should send an apology to the USMC White House detail for your false accusations, saying that they don’t do their job.

Trump can cheat on his wife all he wants–even when Melania was pregnant—it’s between them–way between since she’s down the hall in a separate bedroom.

I suppose you’ve also got an inside source for this piece of dribble. How many rooms are in the residence? how many are bedrooms and which one does he sleep in and which one does she sleep in? And you don’t think Trump is truthful and you spout that kind of lies. An ex Jarhead can do better than that.


ABC poll those that watch ABC, CNN poll ,if they can find anyone, those that watch CNN ect…

Yes, and as I said above to RW, the ABC poll is done by Cheryl from her She Shed and the CNN poll is done by Cheryl also, but only while her she shed is burning.

@Redteam: Terrible thing in Rio the museum is burning to the ground historical building and 20 million artifacts looks like total loss.

Richie will be Richie give him facts and he fact checks them on snopes.

@kitt: You are preaching to people who will honor “gay marriage” but not fallen police officers. People who regarded McCain as a senile, racist warmonger until it became politically useful to treat him like a god. People who pretend to support the military as they support politicians that openly DESPISE the military.

@Redteam: Some liberals like to maintain their ignorance and, again, drop themselves into the trap of placing all their hopes on polls manipulated by liberals to tell them what they want to hear.

@Redteam: O ye of little faith–nice win for LSU–Question always–can they beat BAMA?

RE my #13-for you–Two women–one a porn actress the other a playboy model claim you slept with them —-would you pay them both 6 figures to keep quiet if they were lying?

Your wife finds out about your payoffs made through your personal lawyer–to be clear you were married during these alleged affairs—you gonna tell me she’s still sleeping in your bed? In your room?

BTW I’ve been married 18 years

Your sordid allegation against Mac only get legs from far right trash—-even guys like Burriss and AV don’t buy in

RE POLLS Think we can agree only ones that really matter are election day—Nov. here soon–will Repubs hold House?

@Richard Wheeler:

LSU–Question always–can they beat BAMA?

I doubt it. Bama has not been No. 1 for 105 weeks for nothing.

RE my #13-for you–Two women–one a porn actress the other a playboy model claim you slept with them —-would you pay them both 6 figures to keep quiet if they were lying

If I were a billionaire and was running for prez, I might.

Your wife finds out about your payoffs made through your personal lawyer–to be clear you were married during these alleged affairs—you gonna tell me she’s still sleeping in your bed? In your room?

Are you assuming she thought he was celibate when they got married? He had been married twice before. I don’t know about Melania.

BTW I’ve been married 18 years

That’s good. I’m coming up on 58 in Dec.

Your sordid allegation against Mac only get legs from far right trash—-even guys like Burriss and AV don’t buy in

Who’s Burriss? Which ones don’t you believe? He started the fire? He was the Hanoi Songbird, with over 20 recordings? He personally made sure left behind POWs were permanently left behind? He actually had some help with that, John Kerry. Let’s face it, if you don’t believe those, it’s just because you haven’t checked it out for yourself. There are none so blind as those that won’t see. Open your eyes, there’s a world out here.

@Redteam: I’m assuming she thought he’d be faithful while they were married and while she was pregnant.. Obviously she’d be wrong.
Bill Burriss AKA Deplorable me.

Don’t believe any of the trash you post on McCain–especially he came on to Palin

Didn’t believe your sordid lies on Barack and Michelle either.

Talk about lies–do you get your real news from Trump twitters? This guy is lying to his lemmings every day and they buy it.

@Redteam: Rich has a White House informant. The Trump cat just can not keep quiet!

@Redteam: Until Soros orders MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC to start broadcasting truth and the facts about how the Obama’s hate America and the military, leftist whiners that pretend to support the United States and the military will continue to deny facts and support those who despise our country and military.

Oh, and don’t forget to answer those questions. HE won’t answer questions, but he likes to ask a lot of them and he EXPECTS answers.

@Randy: Somebody is talking to NYT from inside W.H.
Bob Woodward book also piles on

There is truly a concerted effort to get him out—honestly never seen anything like this—he’s got enemies coming at him full throttle. Trumpeteers will try to hold on but the damn could burst if one of The Marines Mattis or Kelly bail on him

RT—You and I seem to have a pretty good back and forth—Burriss never answers anything—-just yells Soros and bashes libs 24/7–tiresome and extremely boring

Randy Doubt seriously if Trump has any pets–he lacks the temperament and is devoid of compassion.

Let’s all wait and see how long it takes Rich to call Gen. Mattis a liar.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’m assuming she thought he’d be faithful while they were married and while she was pregnant.. Obviously she’d be wrong.

You have first hand knowledge of that? You spend time with them?

Don’t believe any of the trash you post on McCain–especially he came on to Palin

Didn’t believe your sordid lies on Barack and Michelle either.

As I said, there are none so blind as those that will not see. You don’t believe McCain was a songbird in the Hilton. You have personally heard the recordings, haven’t you? They are available on line. You do know that he was the only US Senator or US Representative that voted agains forming a committee to get the left behind POWs returned. Don’t you. Then he became the head of the committee that personally prevented the POWs from being returned. That’s not trash, that’s facts. What do you think about him getting over 30 ribbons and medals for 20 hours of combat? You have over 20 hours, you got your 30+ medals?
You actually do know that Mooche is a tranny, right? And you do know that Obozo does not have an undergrad degree. right? And surely you know he’s not an American citizen, right. He couldn’t even get a passport til he became president and got a diplomatic passport. He doesn’t have a SS no. of his own, either.

Talk about lies–do you get your real news from Trump twitters?

I’m not a fan of twitter. His or anyone’s. Woodward is a democrat whore.

@Deplorable me:

Let’s all wait and see how long it takes Rich to call Gen. Mattis a liar.

Mattis is not his hero right now, but you’re right, he’ll sure change horses in mid stream if Mattis were to say it was true.

@rich wheeler:

There is truly a concerted effort to get him out—honestly never seen anything like this

I have heard that the Dimocrats are in the process of changing their name to: Whining Crybabies.
The Dim media is echo’ing, Woodward, woodward, woodward, about like they were ‘impeachment, impeachment, impeachment a couple of weeks ago. I think I’ll change my title for them to WC’s (Whining Crybabies) never heard so many supposed to be adults whining so much.

We may all be facing an approaching time of extreme danger.

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

The Times today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous Op-Ed essay. We have done so at the request of the author, a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is known to us and whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers. We invite you to submit a question about the essay or our vetting process here.

President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.

The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I would know. I am one of them.

To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

But we believe our first duty is to this country, and the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.

That is why many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump’s more misguided impulses until he is out of office.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.

Although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people. At best, he has invoked these ideals in scripted settings. At worst, he has attacked them outright.

In addition to his mass-marketing of the notion that the press is the “enemy of the people,” President Trump’s impulses are generally anti-trade and anti-democratic.

Don’t get me wrong. There are bright spots that the near-ceaseless negative coverage of the administration fails to capture: effective deregulation, historic tax reform, a more robust military and more.

But these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.

From the White House to executive branch departments and agencies, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the commander in chief’s comments and actions. Most are working to insulate their operations from his whims.

Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.

“There is literally no telling whether he might change his mind from one minute to the next,” a top official complained to me recently, exasperated by an Oval Office meeting at which the president flip-flopped on a major policy decision he’d made only a week earlier.

The erratic behavior would be more concerning if it weren’t for unsung heroes in and around the White House. Some of his aides have been cast as villains by the media. But in private, they have gone to great lengths to keep bad decisions contained to the West Wing, though they are clearly not always successful.

It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t.

The result is a two-track presidency.

Take foreign policy: In public and in private, President Trump shows a preference for autocrats and dictators, such as President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and displays little genuine appreciation for the ties that bind us to allied, like-minded nations.

Astute observers have noted, though, that the rest of the administration is operating on another track, one where countries like Russia are called out for meddling and punished accordingly, and where allies around the world are engaged as peers rather than ridiculed as rivals.

On Russia, for instance, the president was reluctant to expel so many of Mr. Putin’s spies as punishment for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain. He complained for weeks about senior staff members letting him get boxed into further confrontation with Russia, and he expressed frustration that the United States continued to impose sanctions on the country for its malign behavior. But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.

This isn’t the work of the so-called deep state. It’s the work of the steady state.

Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.

The bigger concern is not what Mr. Trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation have allowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility.

Senator John McCain put it best in his farewell letter. All Americans should heed his words and break free of the tribalism trap, with the high aim of uniting through our shared values and love of this great nation.

We may no longer have Senator McCain. But we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue. Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere them.

There is a quiet resistance within the administration of people choosing to put country first. But the real difference will be made by everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.

Based on an analysis of the language and vocabulary, some are quietly speculating that the author of this letter might be Vice President Pence.

@Redteam: Love Mattis and Kelly the two adults in a crazy White House–just saying you better hope they stay.

Woodward and Bernstein have built pretty solid Reps—but when you wanna sell your book you’re prone to exaggerations–nothing new.
What I said is the DT haters now are coming from all directions–almost feel sorry for Trump

I-get nothing but lies from Trump twitters–but the guy can’t seem to help himself–it’s possible he believes his own lies–think you’d agree that would be a problem. Any rate he’s gotta circle the wagons cause it looks like it’s gonna get worse.

James D—Pence?—the quiet man
Sessions? a masochist–he seems to like getting whipped.

Some are wondering if it might have been Sessions. He could have his reasons. Trump has turned him into a whipping boy. Masochism might not explain why he puts up with it. Maybe it’s his own higher loyalty coming out? By taking the abuse he has kept the spot from being filled by some unquestioning tool.

@James D: Based on the way it’s written, I’d say it’s probably a tour guide that slipped in his own shit in the rest room and wants to blame it on somebody. There has never been a period of prosperity to match this in the history of the country, certainly not in my lifetime. The economy has increased more, more people working than in the history of the country. Steel mills starting back up, textile mills starting back up, Automobile parts manufacturing, greatest percentage of oil exports ever. Folks this is BECAUSE of Trump, not in spite of Trump. Trump should just keep up what he’s doing and ‘sour grapes’, that is not man enough to even identify ‘itself’ will go away. It’s probably one of those screaming meemies from the peanut gallery.

@Richard Wheeler:

Love Mattis and Kelly the two adults in a crazy White House–just saying you better hope they stay.

They will, they know a good leader when they see one. You think they were real proud of Obozo?

What I said is the DT haters now are coming from all directions–almost feel sorry for Trump

What? you think Trump cares about whiners and losers and cry babies? Hardly.

I-get nothing but lies from Trump twitters

So why don’t you block them? I see very few of them because I know he’s just out to rattle the cages of the Dimocrats, and apparently does a great job of it.
You think they’re whining now? Wait til after 2020 when he win re election.

What are we going to call this White House insider? How about Tour Guide? That would probably fit. Let’s go with TG.


It sounds like the writing of a patriot who’s defending the republic from a serious internal threat to me.

White House Searches for Anonymous Inside Critic

@Redteam: I read the post of the NYT pile of steaming dung, nothing, no detail that would indicate it was anyone on the inside, a recycle of he is mentally ill, oh chaos, chaos. No insight as real as the Russian conspiracy the NYT and others are keeping on life support for the already brain dead.
A panic because Trump might just declassify and shove into the light the treason, I went to the Justice watch article and noticed they are redacting recipients of the evolution of the letter to congress emails, only the known actors are left. Who else could be in on this skate party for Hillary and the entwined spying on a candidate for the Presidency.

@kitt: Kitt, we’re going to find out this is a planted Dimocrap. There will be no truth to the story. What part of Trump do they not like. All the employed people? The tax cuts? the lower insurance rates? The steel mills starting back up? New US-Mex deal. Oil exports exceeding US consumption. Guess they are afraid that Trump is going to be so successful that they’ll never get back in the White House.

@James D: it’s a disgruntled, unhappy Dimocrap.

At any time the anonymous writer could decide it’s imperative to become un-anonymous, and be joined by everyone else inside the Trump administration that has been helping with containment of the danger. Don’t say then that you haven’t been repeatedly warned.

Woodard has it from inside White House sources that Trump was pulled down off the ceiling, ready to order a surprise military attack on North Korea. The man is nuts. Stories are coming through too many channels and from too many insiders who aren’t motivated by partisan politics.

@James D: Whining Crybabies. Whole bunch of sorry losers. Eat slam up with envy and dumbass.


#38 The man is nuts. Stories are coming through too many channels and from too many insiders who aren’t motivated by partisan politics.

The definition of insanity is to keep trying the same tactic and expect different results, lather rinse repeat.
Coming through to many channels couldnt mean same friggin script like the last 2 years.
Daddy Soros must be getting alzheimer’s disease he keeps repeating himself.

: Love Mattis and Kelly the two adults in a crazy White House–just saying you better hope they stay.

Hmm… yet they BOTH denounce Woodward’s citations of what they have said or heard.

Liberal heads explode; Woodward and some anonymous coward tells them exactly what they want to hear but how can they continue to pretend to respect honored and dedicated Generals when they dispute what is attributed to them?

The White House may be searching for a phantom. It would not be below the NYT to simply write that themselves and pass it off as some “insider”. I get their feed and they NEVER print any of the news that is favorable to Trump, such as his trade successes or Un begging Trump to continue the de-nuclearization or the economic growth and success. They still promote the lie of him saying the media is the enemy of the people.

@James D:

It sounds like the writing of a patriot who’s defending the republic from a serious internal threat to me.

Patriots don’t lie in order to cause damage to the government and country.

Woodard has it from inside White House sources

These “sources” call him a liar. He most likely is.

Stories are coming through too many channels and from too many insiders who aren’t motivated by partisan politics.

This is how Hillary and the FBI promoted the dossier, by spreading it around to numerous sources and then calling it verified when the sources the themselves spread it to report it as independent findings. It still came from only one source and was proven to be untrue.

Apparently, liberals are growing weary of making up their own lies so someone took it upon themselves to make up one gigantic lie to feed the rest of the liberals and nourish their insatiable and irrational hatred.

Bob Woodward is an unusually competent, highly intelligent, and highly credible journalistic investigator who has been widely recognized as such for decades.

Bob Woodward is only the latest of Trump’s gaslighting targets. Trump’s followers instantly paint anyone who points out his obvious lies, deficiencies, and irrational, self-centered behavior as a liar, even though Trump himself is an amoral lowlife who doesn’t know what words like truth, honesty,honor and integrity even mean.

Probably Jesus Christ himself could appear and frown at Donald Trump, and he’d instantly receive the same treatment.

@James D: Perhaps he wrote exactly was he was told well so did Christopher Steel, none of it can be verified. Already 2, even more highly respected than this yellow journalist, Generals have denied the information Woodhead has authored.
If true this chaos is wonderful there are more jobs than qualified candidates, the stockmarket is doing well, trade deals that will better benefit the US are being struck, the rust belt jobs are returning, please more chaos.
James you can continue to live in gloom and doom fear and resistance, along with those that hate America and will do everything in their power to destroy the Republic, your choice pal. No one says you have to love or even not despise Trump, its not good for your physical or mental health to be angry and filled with hate constantly, thats what your pravda news is doing to you.
Good news the FBI has recovered a pair of Ruby Slippers used in the filming of Wizard of Oz. The pair was stolen from a museum, now are valued at over 1 million at auction.

@James D:

James D
Bob Woodward is an unusually competent, highly intelligent, and highly credible journalistic investigator who has been widely recognized as such for decades.

Of course you are talking ‘within the loonie liberal’ circles. He’s a moron.

even though Trump himself is an amoral lowlife who doesn’t know what words like truth, honesty,honor and integrity even mean

Yet you can not recite one single lie by Trump. And you clearly are not a judge of ‘integrity’.

Probably Jesus Christ himself could appear and frown at Donald Trump, and he’d instantly receive the same treatment.

See that word, ‘probably’? If JC himself did arrive, he would pat Trump on the back and congratulate him on how great a job he is doing. Finally getting the country back on track, steering back away from becoming a Muslim society. Stay with us, JD, we’ll get you back on the right track.

I’m posting this from the internet because it is there. Since the liberals are so willing to believe ‘everything’ (especially if it’s sponsored by Soros and is negative to Donald Trump) that I’m sure they will buy this whole story. After all, someone said it, it must be true.

Today let’s break one out from the archives, while the testimony of one of Obama’s alleged sodomite lovers can still be found.


On November 6, 1999 after picking me up at the Hotel in Gurnee“ and this is significant “ Mr. Multani used his cellphone to make a call. That call was made to then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama to set up an introduction between me and Senator Obama.

Upon arriving at the bar and exiting the Limo, Senator Obama was standing next to Mr. Multani and I was introduced to Senator Obama. Later that evening at a bar which I believe was called Alibis, and I state believe which I failed so far to get Citi Group to provide the credit card receipts which has the actual name.

I mention I could use a line or two to wake up. Senator Obama asked me if I was referring to coke and I stated I was, Obama stating I was, Obama states he could purchase cocaine for me and then made a telephone call “ and this too is significant ” from his cellphone to a presently unknown individual during which Senator Obama arranged the cocaine purchase.

Senator Obama and I then departed the bar in my limousine and proceeded to an unknown location where Senator Obama exited the limousine with two hundred fifty dollars and exited the limosine which was provided to him by me. Returned a short while later with an eightball of cocaine which he gave to me. I did ingest a couple of lines of cocaine, and shortly thereafter Senator Obama produced a glass cylinder pipe and packet of crack cocaine from his pocket and then Obama smoked the crack cocaine. I performed fellatio on Senator Obama in the limousine during the time Senator Obama was smoking crack cocaine, after which I had the driver take me to the my hotel, The Comfort Suites, Gurnee, Illinois.

The following day, November 7, 1999, Senator Obama appeared at my hotel room, unanounced, uninvited where we again ingested cocaine and I again performed fellatio on Senator Obama.

Meet Larry Sinclair, a guy who liked to do cocaine, spend money and have sex with strange men.

Many have claimed that our former president had similar interests.

Here is a video of a Larry Sinclair press conference from which the above partial-transcript was taken.

Larry Sinclair was not alone in claiming Barack Obama enjoyed cocaine and sex with men.

Remember Mia Marie Pope?

She was the Obama classmate that claimed Barack Obama would sleep with older white men in order to get cocaine. I found this at Huffington Post of all places:

A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes that Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in … He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Obama has been accused multiple times of homosexual encounters & relationships. Donald Young, a member of Obama’s church was murdered and some say it was because “dead men tell no tales” …that he was silenced because of what he might reveal about Barack Obama’s lifestyle choices.

Shortly before her untimely death, even the late Joan Rivers stated that Barack was gay and Michelle was transgender. She died of medical malpractice shortly after. Some suggest she was intentionally “malpracticed.”

We may never know for certain if any of these claims are true. But at least the alternative media is willing to ask the hard questions that the mainstream never will.

The legend of “Bath House Barry” will not die on my watch. I think it is important to keep reviewing recent history while it is still there. So many of the photos and videos are now disappearing and the stories are being lost in internet oblivion.

I will keep printing reports like this, to try to keep them alive. But it is no secret that alternative media is being hit hard by censorship

Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison

@kitt: Ignorant liberals don’t care if the country is going down the socialist tubes, as it was under Obama; they just want to look to the White House and see a liberal. That’s their security blanket and it provides about as much security.

@James D: Did Lanny Davis lie when he said Cohen told him Trump had prior knowledge of the Trump Towers meeting?


The fact that intelligent, informed people are willing to consider credible stories unfavorable to Donald Trump does not meant they are “willing to believe anything.” You’re attempting to conflate bullshit smear tales like “Pizzagate” with an open letter from some vetted anonymous White House source and legitimate investigative reporting. These things are not the same.

Your own willingness to be a dupe does not make those who take note of it equally gullible.

We’ll see— meanwhile getting a kick watching everyone scrambling to dutifully proclaim fealty to their lord–small “l”–NUMBER AT 38 and growing–tour guide hasn’t checked in.

What a clusterfuck

RT #45 That’s a beauty lol Give us the songbird as well–and give us some laughs with a good story about Mac going after Sarah—-Thanks-who has LSU got this week? Were you a fan when Billy Cannon ran wild and The Chinese Bandits played “D” Loved those teams.

Want a good true story catch the movie Finale –story of Mossad capture of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.

@Redteam: Yes guilty by accusation thats all it takes.
We already knew about Prancer who would be forthwith chucked off a roof in any Muslim country, no wonder the King of Saudi Arabia could not stand him.

@James D:

The fact that intelligent, informed people are willing to consider credible stories unfavorable to Donald Trump does not meant they are “willing to believe anything.”

Yet, you are willing to believe the book… ALL the books… over the declarations of those quoted saying the book is lying. Taking into account the amount of lies the NYT, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC have spread, you would be wise to take anything you hear with much more than a grain of salt. For instance, I notice you didn’t bother to answer my question in #46. Ask around how I regard those too cowardly to answer a simple question posed to them.