Obama Blames The Bad Economy On Americans Inability To “Think Clearly”


The arrogance and condescension of this man knows no bounds. The country is all cowards now:

WEST NEWTON, Mass. – President Barack Obama said Americans’ “fear and frustration” is to blame for an intense midterm election cycle that threatens to derail the Democratic agenda.

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we’re hardwired not to always think clearly when we’re scared,” Obama said Saturday evening in remarks at a small Democratic fundraiser Saturday evening. “And the country’s scared.”

Obama told the several dozen donors that he was offering them his “view from the Oval Office.” He faulted the economic downturn for Americans’ inability to “think clearly” and said the burden is on Democrats “to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling.”

Read that again.

So what he is saying is that he never realized how ignorant and scared the people of this country are and he made the mistake to assume that we were all a little bit smarter than that.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by this seeing as how the Democrats have always viewed the public as being unable to run their own lives. The government will take care of you since you’re too retarded to figure this thing out we call life. You make good money? Well gosh darn it, the government knows you won’t send any extra cash to charities and such so they will confiscate that cash and give it to those they deem more worthy than you.

Tom Maguire:

Speaking of which, left unanswered (and probably unasked) – are people hard-wired to think clearly while euphoric about the possibility of hope and change? I’d hate to think Obama ran an emotionally manipulative campaign what seems like two eons ago.


[flv:buildingareligion.flv 400 300]

This man has now gone well beyond Jimmy Carter as the worst, absolute worst President evah!

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And Barry had never read ‘How to Win and Influence People.’ I guess he was too busy cramming the Cliff-Note version of Saul Alinsky.

Keep insulting the people who pay your salary Barry. Please double down on this tactic. Napolean said never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake so please Barry stay tone deaf.

“They came on in the same old way and we sent them back in the same old way.” Wellington after applying Napolean’s lesson.

This man is so done that I can’t even put into words any longer his raging affirmative action incompetence, and frankly his entire ascension in politics will forever more become the best living and breathing argument against elevating minorities through the system through affirmative action. 🙄

they come out of the system unprepared for the jobs and tasks they are given when they emerge totally unfit for command of a freaking motorboat much less the Queen Mary of nations. Sadly after this display it’ll probably be another 200 years before an AA is ever elected president even though he’s faked that distinction as well as was confirmed by his closer blood relation to Rush and Sarah than Martin or or any other AA of any historical significance. 😥 👿

Maybe we need a good Kenyan witch doctor to fix us up. The jivemaster ain’t what he used to be is he.

The evidence that too many Americans do not think clearly was the fact this clown and his bolshevik gang (The real vast Communist Conspiracy) got elected — and the only thing they countered him with was mclame!

How about a nice friendly “screw you and that DemonRat ASS you rode in on.”

And don’t for a moment think there isn’t an appeal in that message to black voters, too.

I remember the first time I saw the photo of Obama’s main speechwriter, Jon Favreau, so drunk he was fondling the cardboard cutout of their then-opponent, Hillary Clinton.

I thought: Obama’s got to fire that speechwriter now!

But he didn’t.
Hasn’t even yet!

He is still his main speechwriter…..straw men and all.

What is his hold on Obama?
Is there some blackmail involved?
He’s NOT a very good speechwriter.
Well, he wrote a couple of good ones a couple years ago.


I agree that there was not some clear thinking going on. Unfortunately that was the reason this clown got elected. He shoveled and sadly the press feel in love with it and failed to realize what was in the shovel. America is now thinking more clearly, they no lonber believe the MSM who failed to tell them about the incompetenece of 0-bama and the Democrats, and most importantly will speak with a clear voice come November.

Is it any wonder that Hillary, on November 2nd, will be a million miles away touring Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea? She’s making sure the landslide doesn’t dirty her shoes.

Meanwhile, husband Bill is out on the stump campaigning to support anyone who supported his wife for the leadership of the party. What a mess this President is creating. It’s a sad spectacle to watch, and none of it is helpful to a country struggling toward economic recovery.

Americans don’t even realize how stupid they are. That’s why we need Barack Obama.

Obama is 53% right. The stupid ones elected him.

I think of that old pic of Mussolini every time i see this..

@ James Raider, the Carpetbagging Clintons smell blood in the water and as Obama has his rats deserting his sinking ship, that was somewhat predictable. Putting a new coat of paint on the Clinton Used Car will not make it a more desirable purchase.

I smell a change of Regime in the air and it smells like the triage tent at an Evac Hospital. Antiseptic, fresh dressings for the Nation’s wounds and I hear a fife and drum playing the sound track. Saving the Republic is what is going on and there will be casualties but only arrogant incumbents need to go under the blade at the ballot box so that Patriots can step up to bury them and get on with the restoration of the Republic.

I completely agree that fear and frustration are blocking clarity of thought.

Fear and frustration have been encouraged and used to that end in a cynically calculating, methodical fashion. That’s the central element of the republican strategy to regain the upper hand.

A clear and detailed laying out of an alternative set of economic and social policies before the American people plays absolutely no part in their strategy, because they haven’t got any such thing.

If you doubt that statement, take 10 minutes and try to outline the specific details of what Obama’s opponents are selling. See if you can come up with something that both adds up, and is in the long-term interest of the average American citizen.

(You might start by asking yourself how it will be possible to balance the federal budget while simultaneously enacting another round of high-end tax cuts that will reduce federal revenues by $4 trillion over the next 10 years–without flushing Social Security, Medicare, and other social programs mainstream America relies upon down the toilet.)

Greg, Greg, you tool. Social Security and Medicare were flushed down the toilet years ago when they were set on the path of insolvency. The Social Security Trust Fund was looted by Federal “borrowing” starting in the Johnson Administration and is essentially insolvent. Medicare costs ten times as much as was promised and also is essentially insolvent. Now Obamacare is gutting what’s left of Medicare to offset the cost of yet another doomed social program. They are already gone, finished, toast.

Like most people, I know full well I will never get out what I paid in. Like many people, I would happily forgo any future claim on the system by not having to pay any more SS or Medicare taxes. Just keep what you took, fellows, I won’t even ask for a partial refund. But, just don’t take any more.

The above is background, not a program.

But, against this background, the Republicans have in fact offered detailed proposals. Remember the Healthcare summit and the other meetings: The Obama/Democrat response to Republican proposals: “I won” (i.e., “Get bent”), and the literal extending of Obama’s middle finger. No compromise from the Democrats whatsoever.

Balancing the budget (actually just cutting the deficit) requires cutting spending. Period. Rolling back the Healthcare monstrosity, halting the stimulus spending – these are a good start.

And more than anything – stop cultivating FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) in the private sector with wild social engineering experiments in the middle of a depression. The private sector is where the new jobs and tax revenue are going to come from, and right now they quite rightly don’t trust the business environment. They are sitting on at least 1.5 trillion in cash that they don’t want to spend right now. See, we don’t even have to spend any big government money to make that better – just halt all the wild-ass crazy stuff like cap and trade, and the doomed ‘healthcare’ bill, and the million little business-hostile speeches and initiatives, and businesses will spend big money themselves, and use it to actually create jobs. Give them some idea of what to expect from the government in the next 5-10 years.

Wm T: Like most people, I know full well I will never get out what I paid in. Like many people, I would happily forgo any future claim on the system by not having to pay any more SS or Medicare taxes. Just keep what you took, fellows, I won’t even ask for a partial refund. But, just don’t take any more.

Not me, guy. I want the money I paid for health insurance I couldn’t have until I’m 65, and a “pension” plan that Congress has been busy spending since it’s implementation in 1970 (first paid out benefits, five years after bill enactment… think those people paid enough in?)

To let them keep it just to have a pass on additional taxes now is like telling the bank robber he can keep his booty if he promises not to rob the same bank again. Theft is theft, and should not go unpunished, and without recompensation and recourse.

@ drjohn, a broken clock gets it right twice a day. Obama hasn’t been right once a day but Greg and that clown Tom are waiting for that event …before the Free Ice Cream runs out.

@ Greg,

All things considered, the single most critical element America wants, and much of the world is looking for, is a President who will NOT continually attack business. . . . Please notice I didn’t say Wall Street, but business.

From there, it will be a long struggle to bring the country back to health, and that will have to require enormous cuts in all spending. You seem to refuse to accept, or ignore, the simple fact that healthy independent businesses, small, medium and large, are the source of America’s success. If you must have government-and-thug majority control of businesses and industry, China and Russia provide you an ideal alternative for residence.

Democrat and Republican Pols in Congress and the White House have screwed up in the past, but nothing compares to what has occurred in the past 2 years. With leadership from the Oval Office and from California on the assault, all business has been under attack. Obama is obviously daring the new upcoming Republican majority in Congress to attempt passing anything his uninformed mind rails against. He will no doubt continue his divisive strategy, and further polarize the country until 2012.

@Greg: Fear and frustration have been encouraged and used to that end in a cynically calculating, methodical fashion. That’s the central element of the republican strategy to regain the upper hand.

feh… what a bunch of hypocritical hooey you spew, Greg.

You mean the fear like Obama using fear to pass his ARRA/stimulus package, saying it’s failure to pass to “plunge the nation into an even longer, perhaps irreversible recession…” From a AP article Feb 2009:

Obama painted a bleak picture if lawmakers do nothing.

In an op-ed piece in The Washington Post, the president argued that each day without his stimulus package, Americans lose more jobs, savings and homes. His message came as congressional leaders struggle to control the huge stimulus bill that’s been growing larger by the day in the Senate. The addition of a new tax break for homebuyers Wednesday evening sent the price tag well past $900 billion.

“This recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse,” Obama wrote in the newspaper piece.

The same thrust of fear for public support for the stimulus from American Thinker’s Monte Kuligowski:

In an unprecedented campaign to sell his trillion-dollar taxpayer spending plan, President Obama has gone beyond talking down the economy. During his first nationally televised news conference, President Obama warned of a pending economic “catastrophe” if Congress doesn’t immediately pass and implement his $800 billion-plus economic “stimulus” plan.

Obama’s use of fear and coercion to implement his plan of loading the country with insurmountable debt is shockingly reckless and blatantly inappropriate, to say the least.

… right. He got what he wanted. So how’s that stimulus working out for you? Or are you desperately clinging to alternative universes that promise… again using fear… of how much worse it would have been if we hadn’t piled on almost a tril of debt, and paid temporary payroll for states overspending as irresponsibility as Congress?

And let’s talk about using “fear” as a campaign point. You mean like the dictates of the WH for the incumbents to campaign not on their legislative “accomplishments”, but on fear of GOP power? Yahoo/CQ Politics from Aug 2010:

The Democratic strategy is to make the Nov. 2 elections a choice between competing visions, rather than a referendum on Obama administration policies and Democratic leadership. On one side, the Democrats argue, is a mainstream party pursuing forward-thinking policies to benefit the middle class; on the other are extremist Republicans pushing a return to the unpopular policies of the previous administration.

“The question we’re going to have in this election is whether we’re going to continue down a path of creating greater opportunity, making that opportunity available to all people — are we going to become more competitive in this 21st-century economy — or are we going to go backwards to the exact same policies that got us into this mess in the first place?” Obama said Monday during a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at a private Dallas residence.

“And if you don’t think that’s what the choice is, you haven’t been paying attention to what the other side is offering for November,” Obama continued. “What they’re counting on in this election is amnesia. They’re counting on you not remembering the disastrous consequences of economic policies that, by the way, had caused problems for working-class families, for middle-class families, before the recession hit, before the crisis hit.”

Yeah, no “fear” there. Amnesia on the part of Obama/Pelosi/Reid and the fact that the explosion of spending and debt has occurred since they took supermajority in 2007.

How about Obama using the Social Security anniversary to accuse the GOP of trying to “destroy” Social Security? This accusation of GOP privitization is, of course, an outright lie.

Just like Obama and Axelrod’s outright lie about foreign campaign funds from the US Chamber of Commerce.

You’re a joke, Greg. Normally you parrot talking points with some modicum of credibility. This one? You’re holier than thou type of ‘tude is quite amusing.

But then again, considering that the thrust of this post is about Obama believing you, one of his supporters, is simply too stunned and stupid to think clearly, you may just have made his point.

@ Wm T SHerman, #33:

Have I got this right?

(1) Social Security is doomed to go bust. Forget about it. It was always a bad idea.

(2) Ditto, regarding Medicare.

(3) Nobody is talking much about it, but the same goes for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. (Hey, people should have worked for private concerns that kept their promises.)

(4) Federal and state pension plans must go as well.

Obviously, everyone should depend upon savings and investment income in retirement–managed by banks and a financial industry subject to minimal regulatory oversight.

If anyone states any of that clearly and unambiguously, they won’t get elected. If it’s not stated clearly, and then someone tries it, they’ll have a populace uprising on their hands that will make the Tea Party movement pale by comparison.

I therefore conclude that republican victory would likely result in tax cuts with no significant spending cuts, bringing about further acceleration of the growth of the national debt, and an accelerated collapse of Social Security, Medicare, etc, by default.

Maybe that’s someone’s misguided plan–to just let the predictable happen. Maybe someone thinks that’s the quickest means of getting back to their own goofy idea of a properly ordered America.

Or maybe they don’t actually think any farther ahead than the next election, and don’t focus on anything other than their own short-term gains.

This country has been heading down this road to ruin since Roosevelt, only now did they have the Presidency and both houses with big enough majorities to enact their agenda. Every time that we lower taxes, the amount of money into the Government coffers grows leaps and bounds, unfortunately the left really doesn’t care for a stable economy, they want us sucking on the government. This is POWER and that is what they crave the people be damned.

GREG; there is nothing goofy about a properly governed AMERICA, and THE PEOPLE wants it,
as it is suppose to be, that is to serve the people according to the CONSTITUTION,

Dedicated-Dad: hi, I try your link, and IT didn’t open, could be my computer too. bye

Okay… off topic I know. But does anyone else get nauseated at constantly being treated to a full frontal of Obama nose hairs at his every appearance???

Maybe they should be placing TOTUS lower in the line of sight…..

Way off topic but humorous…


With apologies to Mssrs. Gilbert & Sullivan!

@ jainphx, #19:

“Every time that we lower taxes, the amount of money into the Government coffers grows leaps and bounds, unfortunately the left really doesn’t care for a stable economy, they want us sucking on the government.”

Every time we’ve drastically lowered taxes, the national debt has soared to new record levels. This is exactly what has happened throughout the Bush tax cut years–which, by the way, include the first two years of the Obama administration.

This is a totally predictable result, whenever tax cuts aren’t paid for with spending cuts, or whenever spending increases aren’t paid for with tax increases.

As conservatives are forever saying–and have never failed to forget, whenever their own turn to call the shots has come: There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

If you really want a stable economy and a stable dollar, you’ve got to pay for tax cuts, just like anything else.

My point, MataHarley and Greg, is that these programs are broke. What I am morally entitled to, or what would be nice to have, or how we think it ought to be, these things are not the point. The point is: the money isn’t there. It’s gone. Poof. Future obligations greatly exceed future revenues and stored funds, and that is getting worse rapidly.

I conclude that I would get more money, more usefully, from keeping my SS and Medicare taxes, then by waiting until I’m 80 years old to get a few cents on the dollar. Assuming I even live to collect it.

Functionally, SS and Medicare are not retirement and insurance. They are de facto welfare progams. Highly unsustainable ones.

Yeah, Mata, it’s theft, and the theft has already happened. And let’s not assume they won’t do more looting in the future. The mentality is illustrated by the fact that the bastards are already talking about nationalizing 401K acccounts. Merely holding these hearings should be political suicide – I will do what I can to make it so in what small way that I can..

I would not impose my deal on anyone else. If it were available, I would take it immediately. I hope you get everything that is owed to you. I hope that old people don’t live in dire abject poverty. I wish that Greg were not a tool. But, these things are not up to me.

How will they evade making good on what they owe? There are many ways available, including inflation without adjustments, raising the retirement age, and just flat out refusing to make full payment. They don’t have to choose just one.

Just my opinion.

@ ilovebeeswarzone,

While the claims are entirely possible, you should still bring your salt shaker to the read.

This may be the link you’re looking for:

@ ilovebeeswarzone,

This may be the link Dedicated_Dad posted:

White House Insider: Obama Battling Severe Depression

@ Wm T SHerman, well said Pardner. Unfortunately the path to fiscal prudence will be bitter medicine but the past 20 months of promises and totally irresponsible spending of borrowed money, rewarding election debt to unions, illegal Nationalization of Industry, Finance and neglect of SS and Medicare obligations that Americans are vested in is absolutely shameless.

I foresee a tough decade ahead and am no longer guardedly optimistic but to quote Ben Franklin,
“A Republic if You can keep it” is the task that lies ahead. The irresponsible discretionary spending
coupled with the unnecessary over regulation of business and the upcoming taxation to pay for unneeded programs will be an uphill battle. And NO, our Children will not thank Us for it.

Weez juz 2 stupeed to grasp what de master iz fixin to do for uz. Hez so smart dat we jes don’t preciate him fer all de gud thins hez cookin up and offerin ussins. Cass Susteen sez weez gots a little Homer Simpson in ussins each and maybe hez rite cuz hez smart 2. Nex tyme Izza gonna caxt my vot on the kulor uf hiz skeen not hims brain.

Greg, funny that you didn’t address any of Mata’s points in #16. But I think she made her point quite well –

But then again, considering that the thrust of this post is about Obama believing you, one of his supporters, is simply too stunned and stupid to think clearly, you may just have made his point.

Greg, additionally you said:

Every time we’ve drastically lowered taxes, the national debt has soared to new record levels. This is exactly what has happened throughout the Bush tax cut years–which, by the way, include the first two years of the Obama administration.

Let me take that second sentence above first – The years of increase you are referring to under Bush and Obama, well they are years that were during a Democratically controlled Congress.

And now to your first sentence above – Wrong. You just couldn’t take the time to Google the facts, could you? LOL

Odd isn’t it that Reagan drastically reduced taxes and the revenues into the Federal coffers grew each year under him at over 8% a year??

Had he not had a Democratic Congress, spending would have been reduced as well (other than military spending, that is).

The share of the income tax burden borne by the top 10 percent of taxpayers increased from 48.0 percent in 1981 to 57.2 percent in 1988. Meanwhile, the share of income taxes paid by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers dropped from 7.5 percent in 1981 to 5.7 percent in 1988.

A middle class of taxpayers can be defined as those between the 50th percentile and the 95th percentile (those earning between $18,367 and $72,735 in 1988). Between 1981 and 1988, the income tax burden of the middle class declined from 57.5 percent in 1981 to 48.7 percent in 1988. This 8.8 percentage point decline in middle class tax burden is entirely accounted for by the increase borne by the top one percent.

Several conclusions follow from these data. First of all, reduction in high marginal tax rates can induce taxpayers to lessen their reliance on tax shelters and tax avoidance, and expose more of their income to taxation. The result in this case was a 51 percent increase in real tax payments by the top one percent. Meanwhile, the tax rate reduction reduced the tax payments of middle class and poor taxpayers. The net effect was a marked shift in the tax burden toward the top 1 percent amounting to about 10 percentage points. Lower top marginal tax rates had encouraged these taxpayers to generate more taxable income. – Source? Joint Economic Committee

Finally, history shows us that lowering tax rates brings in higher tax revenue. The tax cuts signed by Presidents Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush actually led to higher federal receipts. – Source? Chris Chocola is president of the Club for Growth, a group that promotes economic freedom, limited government and individual responsibility.

It really is like taking candy from a baby when it comes to proving you wrong, Greg.

Greg— I hate to say it but that was just ignorant and untrue. JFK lowered taxes and the amount of revenue collected almost doubled, Ronald Reagan lowered taxes and we went on in financial security till 2008. we boomed with the private sector creating jobs and wealth.

On the other hand Under Carter we had big down turns. When you spend more money then you take in, depression is around the corner. When you punish small business with the burden of all taxes, you lose small business which is the main engine of jobs. 250,000 may sound like a lot of money, but when its a small business filing 1040s you’re taxing the ability to grow and create. look around you how many small businesses are under water or out of business, good G-D man don’t you pay attention to anything but Demoncrap talking poits.

Pay for tax cuts? Are you into the cat nip. ITS OUR MONEY, the government has no money other than what they take from you and me. Instead of PAYING for tax cuts, cut the damn spending, eliminate passe departments like Education. Eliminate all the corruption and redundant costs that usually end up in congress’s pockets. For too long we have sat still and watched as they took from us and gave to those who didn’t earn it. NO MORE, just leave us alone and let the government do ONLY what the constitution allows them to do and NO MORE, and prosperity is around the corner.

Greg, I will try not to overtax my huge brain at this late hour. You obviously subscribe to the Paul Krugman school of idiocracy in economics. The burden of the deficit is not the fault of the taxpayers. It is the fault of the idiocracy in government. It is the fault of the federal reserve. What we need is a government about 1/50th the size of the existing government. If I was absolute dictator, which would be an excellent idea for all of us, I would eliminate the entire alphabet soup of agencies, and entitlements. I would go back to only constitutionally approved functions of government. Government offices would be constrained to the boundaries of Washington D.C. and to our military bases and borders. People would either get off their butts and work for a living or die. Got that??? No welfare for lazy asses, drug addicts or stupidity. Anyone who is mentally/physically incapable of earning a living would be cared for by local charities supported by churches and agencies such as red cross, united fund and other public charities because I, the absolute dictator would not be taxing and redistributing anything. Individuals would have the money to make their own choices to make charitable donations. The federal government is not to be used as a giant Ponzi scheme [which it currently is]. If you do not know what a Ponzi scheme I suggest you get a book and read up on it. Ponzi schemes are illegal unless you are the Federal government. Anyway, My Giant Magnificent Brain is the Fountain of Critical Thinking and is the Shrine of all Wisdom. I am tired and must get my beauty sleep. Please do not bother me with a rebuttal or response. I do not care to respond because you are not worthy of my time. I strongly recommend that you keep listening to Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. They are excellent resources for your mind and your economic education. And, they remind you how you get that little tingle down your leg everytime you hear Barack chant that little ditty telling you “Yes you can, Yes you can……..”

Confucious says: He who runs for office on the color of his skin will exit office on the skin of his teeth.

Oh this waving of arms
This shaking of fists.
On these platforms of fitfullness.
Can no one see the boyish charms?
Watch me close for I am won.
Take my hand my chosen ones.
This music is pied
So sweet in tune.
Follow my children the valley will bloom
Money and milk, love and health
Waters we clean with togetherness
All for one in steady stealth
Come stay the course
We will dragon slay
Drink the drink with no remorse
dance the danse macabre


You are the first winner of the BIG MEANINGLESS WHINE OF THE DAY.

Congratulations on your new achievement, but I am sure you will win many more in the upcoming weeks.

WOW, I just love my BLOG, THE smart is right here, I love CONFUCiOUS too,
AND I love to open FA and read such well done POETRY,
AND all the free KNOWLEDGE we acquire reading our groups,
JUST give us THE WHITE HOUSE, and AMERICA will heal her wounds, and be proud AGAIN
to honor the GOVERNMENT, and their effort to return to the CONSTITUTION’S laws of the LAND,
WHICH is made available by the BLOOD and SWEAT of the BRAVES AMERICANS through
CARRY on with your hope and hearth and soul because IT will HAPPEN.

“We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

James Raider: thank you SR

wow, this thread is so full of ignorant bigots (author of this blog inclusive), that it’s not even a question as to why you are all in the situation in which you find yourselves. first off, look past your noses to realize who and what got us into the financial mess in the first place. second, un-cloud your heads and try to understand that if the bailouts were not imposed, we would not yet have reached bottom. third, and lastly, stop pointing fingers and ask yourselves what YOU can improve on that will be a benefit to whatever it is that you are all b*tching and wh*ning about.

and to the specific individuals who found it necessary to bring race and “affirmative action” to the discussion, please note that i am a usa-born “minority”, first generation college graduate, 6 years into my professional engineering career, and oh yeah… i just quit my job and got a new one at a 20% bump because the job market is actually great for those who decided to actually pursue higher education. and no, the small companies i work for are not subjected to a “quota”.

DK, perhaps you should stick to your “hotties” preferences on the internet and stop surfing political blogs, dude… I have to say it would be nice if you advanced your civics education prior to casting a vote in any election (you know.. the real elections, and not the local Hooter girl contest), and quit screwing up the rest of our lives with your ignorance when voting. It’s obvious your political knowledge is sorely lacking. But then, at your age, real knowledge doesn’t come naturally, but needs to be honed and pursued…. and doesn’t come with the usual headline/sound byte education you young’ens like to do while not surfing eHarmony.

But hang, at your young age, we were all distracted by the pleasures at hand as well.

Too bad today’s times don’t really afford for you to be young and fancy free 24/7. Hey… I’m an old broad. It’s your future more at stake than mine so really… why should I care? What happens today is now going to affect your future… as you are blissfully and hormone’ally unaware of at this moment. Me? I’ll be a light flash on the winds.

Here’s the skinny, Dan. Sure you can wander in here as a south FL, barely out of college twit – still focused primarily on his hormones – insult the “author of this blog” with a blind and unsubstantiated drive by comment. Feel empowered? Ah yes… the joys of being obnoxious… while pretending to be anonymous – behind a keyboard can be momentarily rewarding.

Or can they? LOL

Guess again, and welcome to your own universe. You should be ready to face the music for your trival fly bys. No.. not our “music”. Frankly, you’re a gnat on an elephant’s butt when it comes to bothering anyone with your juvenile commentary. Quite laughable, actually.

But I really feel for you now knowing just how “not private” and vulnerable you really are in today’s times. (Not to mention, I really pine for a great cubano pork with black beans dinner.) But heads up to the wise. The fiscal music you will face by dancing with your ignorance, usurped by your hormones, today will be a sad sight to see 15 years from now. Get with the program, stop fulfilling your testosterone, and start paying attention. Otherwise the music in the future will be seriously atonal.

And BTW… next time you want to wander in and play blanket insult, either get to know the community, or be prepared to face the reality that the internet is not quite as “anonymous” as you think.

Obama should have pointed out that the French masses aren’t thinking clearly either. It is so easy for me understand what’s happening now in that country. I traveled there dozens of times over a 10 year period working in Technical Service. My contacts were professionals: chemists, metallurgists, factory managers. They all had this one thing in common. Whenever the opportunity arose, they would remark as to how much money their company would have to pay if they were let go. The sums were huge. Socialism at its worst. Now that the belt tightening is afoot, they are whining like babies. It’s the cut in retirement costs. Just across the border in Germany, the retirement age is scheduled to go from 65 to 67. In France it is now 60! The riots are over the age being raised to 62! The French and Greeks need to get off their fat derrieres and take a page out of the German model. What is the alternative grenouilles? Higher taxes and unemployment.

Over half of all new jobs created in the last year were created in Texas

Rich Lowry drops this amazing statistic into his column today:

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 214,000 net new jobs were created in the United States from August 2009 to August 2010. Texas created 119,000 jobs during the same period.

If every state in the country had performed as well, we’d have created about 1.5 million jobs nationally during the past year, and maybe “stimulus” wouldn’t be such a dirty word.

What does Austin know that Washington doesn’t?

At its simplest:
Don’t overtax and -spend,

keep regulations to a minimum,

avoid letting unions and trial lawyers run riot, and

display an enormous neon sign saying, “Open for Business.”

Voters had a bout of not “thinking clearly” when 2 years ago they voted for this idiot in the White House.

Talk about being a bigot DK. You really fit the label. You just labeled everyone who is unemployed as stupid and deserving to be unemployed.
Just because YOU are lucky means the economy is fine? There are few million people that would disagree with you. I guess all those unemployed COLLEGE graduates really aren’t college grads either, huh?

Ummm DK, folks who think like you got us into the financial mess we are in. Oh, and the bailouts WERE IMPOSED and YES we would likely be through this mess without them. The polices of the dems have EXTENDED the financial crash.

Solutions? The first one is boot out all the idiots like you from Congress.

BTW, I am also a U.S. born minority and I am embarrassed to share such a title with someone like you.

@ #16:

“He got what he wanted. So how’s that stimulus working out for you?”

The U.S. economy didn’t didn’t go over the cliff, did it? The banking system didn’t collapse; the stock market didn’t fall over dead; the dollar didn’t become worth less than the paper it’s printed on. The precipitious loss of jobs slowed and leveled out. GM is rebounding. The rate of inflation is at a virtual zero. Businesses have spent the last 19 months paying down their debts. Consumers have been doing the same, deferring purchases and building a backlog of pent-up demand for products.

All in all, I guess I consider a well-executed emergency landing a far superior outcome to crashing and burning. I won’t criticize the flight crew because the flight is now running behind schedule–complaints from the first-class section notwithstanding.

DK: hi, I am so embarrass for you by reading your idiotic comment,
It shows your trying but you missed it.

@Greg: I knew, knew you would avoid commenting on my rebuttal to your inane proclamation that tax cuts balloon the debt.

Guess the facts are just too painful, huh? And what is your major defense of the through the roof, over spending of Obama?
…wait for it…
That it COULD have been worse!

Wow! What a great statement to make. Sounds correct on the face of it, but really hard to prove true or false.

Tell me, how many jobs has Obama created? Please cite references as your word means squat around here.

Antics, you expect a liberal to face reality? To acknowledge that the facts don’t support their beliefs? You are quite the optimist.

From U.S. News and World Report, September 22, 2010: Republicans’ Tax-Cut Proposals Would Double the Budget Deficit:

“In fact the GOP’s deficit-detonating tax-cut proposals make the Democrats with their spending look like pikers. The stimulus bill, remember, cost $787 billion. The tax-cut bill that Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled last week—a combination of making permanent the Bush tax cuts and throwing in a host of other tax credits—has a price tag of around $3.9 trillion. For those keeping score at home, the self-styled party of fiscal responsibility wants to blow a hole in the budget nearly five times larger than the alleged profligacy they have spent the last year or more condemning.”

There’s a quick dose of reality that conservative voters might want to face and consider.

The GOP’s perennial fiscal responsibility sales pitch doesn’t even remotely resemble the pig that’s hidden in the bag, folks.

@ Greg

If You Give A Democrat A Cookie

$787 Billion+President Obama=How Many American Jobs?


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