Mitch McConnell Remarks on Obama’s Speech


Remarks by Senator Mitch McConnell on tonight’s speech addressing the BP spill by Obama:

Most Americans are baffled by all this. The crisis as they see it is a broken pipe at the bottom of the ocean, miles-long oil slicks, and threatened coastlines. The first thing they want to know is what the administration plans to do to plug the leak, clean up the oil, and mitigate the spill’s effects on the livelihoods of those affected.

And yet day after day, as the oil continues to flow, what we hear about from the administration is how tough they plan to be with BP and now, apparently, how important it is that we institute a new tax that will raise energy costs for every single American but which will do nothing to plug the leak. Never has a mission statement fit an administration as perfectly as Rahm Emanuel’s “never allow a crisis to go to waste.” Climate change policy is important, but first things first.

Americans are saying two things at the moment: stop this spill and clean it up. So with all due respect to the White House, the wetlands of the Bayou, the beaches of the coast, and our waters in the Gulf are far more important than the status of the Democrats’ legislative agenda in Washington. Americans want us to stop the oil spill first. And until this leak is plugged, they’re not in any mood to hand over even more power in the form of a new national energy tax to a government that, so far, hasn’t lived up to their expectations in its response to this crisis.

In addition to additional taxes, Obama creates another Czar – Meet the Drill Czar.  Is Obama trying to create a court rivaling that of European royal households?

For the life of me, I could not find a plan of action through the thicket of finger pointing,  the cap&tax sales pitch and a tax increase proposal. Perhaps someone could point out the plan in Obama’s speech? Let me know, leave a comment below.

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Did anybody expect anything of substance from the MTV president?

So, once again, the failure of the Government to ues its existing oversite powers, means we need to give them MORE oversite powers.

Through the Looking Glass indeed….

hmmm, I thought I posted a link but don’t see it. Try again. I’d rather watch this than Barry.

Courtesy embed by Mata

Oh the irony…. BamBam appoints a Clinton justice with no drilling knowledge, but was responsible for internal investigations of corruption and misconduct in that administration?? Too rich… LOL

Of course there’s a plan of action. He’s going to kick some more BP ass, call in some more Nobel prize winners to form a committee and write some stuff, appoint a czar, raise some taxes, increase unemployment, lose us some business, and send those nasty oil rigs away.
What do you think he is, some kind of idiot?

If you look at it from our King-In-Chief’s point of view it all makes sense. His goal is to bring down the USA. The more we have to spend on cleanup, the more we will have to borrow, the deeper in debt we will go, the sooner Obama can declare martial law and take over.

Obama sounds like a computer voice. No raising or lowering his voice. This tells me that he probably doesn’t even read the speeches before he reads them. Remember when the TOTUS showed the wrong speech and Obama kept reading it without knowing it was someone else’s?


Thanks Mata, I guess I thought the link would pop up immediately. Didn’t mean to post twice.

WOW! Mitchie the Kid actually came out from under his desk to make a statement? Man…THAT musta HURT, eh Mitchie?

Can I “point out the plan in Obama’s speech?” Sure, it’s the old “Chicago Razzle Dazzle.”

So with all due respect to the White House

Can someone explain to me where this administration has earned ‘due respect’?


Well the dingleberry in chief has earned his new moniker this time. Let me introduce his new name that will follow him to his grave. TAR BABY… 😆 😆

Does anyone remember the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show? If so, do you see the similarities between Obama and Captain Peachfuzz?