A Huge “Say What?” January 8, 2012 edition [Reader Post]

President Barack Obama: “We’ve already seen change take pace.  2012 is about reminding the American people how far we’ve traveled.”

DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz: “Frankly, the collection of Republicans that are running for president really are pretty unremarkable. They all embrace extremism and embrace the Tea Party.”

Say What? October 17, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Wall Street protester chant: “You can become immortal…you can have sex with animals or whatever.”

Occupy Wall Street in Los Angeles protester Patricia McAllister (employee of Los Angeles Unified School District) “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government. . . . they need to be run out of this country.”

Say What? August 31, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Al Gore: “We need to have an American spring, you know, the Arab spring. The non-violent part of it isn’t finished yet, but we need to have an American spring. A kind of an American Tahrir Square. Non-violent change where people from the grassroots get involved again. Not the, you know, not in the Tea Party style.” Just not real grass roots; just not grass roots movements that disagree with him.