Hey Barry- if you don’t need the tax cut, why are you taking it? [Reader Post]

Barack Obama filed his tax return, showing he made about $1.7 million last year.

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is making less money than he used to, though it’s still a lot: He and wife Michelle reported income of $1.73 million last year, mostly from the books he’s written, according to his just-filed tax return. That was down from the $5.5 million of a year earlier.

Obama tells Congress to f*** off [Reader Post]

From Jake Tapper:

In a statement issued Friday night, President Obama took issue with some provisions in the budget bill – and in one case simply says he will not abide by it.

Basically, Obama told Congress to f*** off and not to interfere with the King’s rule. This is the same guy who couldn’t be bothered to tell Congress he was getting the country into another war.

Obama lied us into war with Libya [Reader Post]

About a month ago I put up a post

Candidate Obama would demand impeachment of President Obama

In it I argued that Libya was in middle of a civil war and I did not and do not feel we have any business being involved in a civil war especially since was no direct threat to the United States. I noted that not once has Obama honestly described the situation in Libya. Like him or not, Moammar Gaddafi is/was facing an armed insurrection. Obama has referred to the rebels repeatedly as “peaceful protesters” when in fact they are armed revolutionaries.

Raising the debt ceiling is a sign of leadership failure [Reader Post]

A vote on raising the debt ceiling looms.

Barack Obama on raising the debt ceiling in 2006:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

Obama passes wind for clean energy [Reader Post]

Last week Barack Obama visited a wind turbine plant in Pennsylvania touting his goals for clean and secure energy. There are times I simply cannot fathom what passes for thought in Obama’s mind and this was one of them. While there, he said

“I think that what you do here is a glimpse of the future, and it’s a future where America is less dependent on foreign oil, more reliant on clean energy produced by workers like you.”

Obama brings Apocalypse to the US in 2037 [Reader Post]

The 2012 Obama Presidential re-election campaign is now officially in full swing. It is a shovel ready project.

Shoveling manure.

Obama knows how stupid Democrats are and it is on their stupidity he is depending, for had they any brains or long term memory he would lose in a landslide.

Say What? April 11, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Chris Matthews on Barack Obama: “You know sometimes, Gene, he has that – he didn’t have it right there – but a minute ago he had that great, that little boy smile of his, which is so winning…He brings it out.”

Republicans clean up Democrat mess and Obama takes the credit [Reader Post]

Under the control of Democrats the budget of the United States has grown by a trillion dollars in the last few years.

Obama and the Democrats have exploded federal spending. They have a two pronged effort to ruin this country underway- one is to irretrievably bury us in debt and the second is simple denial.

The worst Attorney General in the history of the US [Reader Post]

I never thought I’d say it, but I miss Janet Reno. I never thought I’d ever again see an Attorney General of such incompetence, yet here we are.

In what CNN calls “A long line of Obama shifts” Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheik Mohammaed would be tried in a military tribunal instead of a civilian court. The poor man whined about Congress interfering and forcing him to try KSM in the military rather than the civilian system. He made it clear that he believes he knows better than Congress what to do with KSM: