As Obama’s IRS Commissioner Refuses To Step Down, GOP Makes Bold Move


Dan Lindsey:

Last week, Barack Obama’s despised IRS Commissioner John Koskinen arrogantly refused to resign during a Senate Finance Committee meeting where Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) directly asked him if he would immediately step down due to his proven discrimination against conservative non-profit groups. In response to Koskinen’s cocky refusal, the GOP announced a bold new move that should cause the hated IRS chief to reconsider early retirement.

According to Washington Free Beacon, House Republicans Peter Roskam (R-Ill) and Kevin Brady (R-TX) have just submitted an official request to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice, asking that a new investigation into the IRS targeting scandal be launched immediately. This is welcome news because American patriots have not forgiven nor forgotten Obama’s treasonous crimes which included the weaponizing of government agencies for political purposes.

Watch the Fox News recap of the IRS Commissioner getting caught in a lie regarding the illegal destroying of evidence against him:

According to Roskam’s government web page, the letter sent to the DoJ dated April 12, 2017, specifically urges the agency to investigate Lois Lerner’s misconduct and states it should extend to the Obama administration’s denial and cover-up of the IRS targeting scandal.

Breitbart reports that the IRS started targeting conservative non-profit groups in 2010 and withheld their tax exempt status before the 2012 presidential election. In 2013, Lois Lerner, who was responsible for the IRS department granting tax-exempt status to non-profits, admitted during an American Bar Association meeting that conservative groups were targeted for their political ideologies. Lerner blamed the targeting on lower-level employees, and later that same month, she refused to testify about the scandal in front of the Oversight and Reform Government House Committee.

Following Lerner pleading the 5th to save her skin, the House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to Obama’s DoJ referring Lerner for criminal prosecution in 2014. During that sham investigation, Obama infamously said that there was not a “smidgeon” of corruption at the IRS. The following year, the DoJ announced that they would not bring criminal charges against Lerner or anyone else for that matter. American conservatives had been successfully targeted by the Obama administration through the IRS with not a single repercussion.

Now that the DoJ is not being run by the likes of Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, the GOP knows that justice will be done if an investigation is conducted into the IRS, which is truly what the American people deserve.

“The Committee’s nearly three-year investigation uncovered evidence of willful misconduct on the part of Ms. Lerner,” wrote Roskam and Brady. “Despite this fact, and for what many believe were purely partisan reasons, the prior administration refused to review Ms. Lerner’s misconduct.”

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He needs to be canned totaly canned and given a new job as janitor cleaning up the mess he left behind

Among the numerous scandals of the Obama administration, the IRS scandal was just about the worst. Targeting and harassing innocent, defenseless (since Obama owned the DOJ) citizens is a despicable thing to do and the subsequent disregard for law and justice by the Obama administration only made it exponentially worse.

Not only should everyone involved be brought to justice and have their taxpayer-funded golden parachutes cut away, but liberals groups that act as a propaganda arm for the Democrat party should be investigated for their legitimacy.

Everything the Obama administration has done should be viewed with suspicion.

Last week, Barack Obama’s despised IRS Commissioner John Koskinen arrogantly refused to resign during a Senate Finance Committee meeting where Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) directly asked him if he would immediately step down due to his proven discrimination against conservative non-profit groups.

Who is this republican pissant of a senator who directly asked Koskinen to step down? No individual senator has such authority. Perhaps Koskinen should have asked the senator if he would step down, due to having demonstrated himself to be a total jackass.

The IRS was doing it’s designated job. The GOP—representing anti-government tax dodgers, and having sold their souls to various special interests out to buy political power—was trying to prevent that. They’ve done everything in their power to cripple the IRS.

Maybe the IRS should leak all of Trump’s tax returns. Then the GOP could wail about confidentiality while every line of Trump’s returns and every business connection is publicly inspected. We could place bets whether Trump & Company would be run out of the White House before the leaker winds up in prison.

@Greg: Fool the IRS was weaponized against conservatives.
If this is ok lets do the same for ACLU commies and DNC donors.
Did you see this little item, they knew they were working with terrorists

Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that confirm that the IRS used donor lists to tax-exempt organizations to target those donors for audits.

If the tax-exempt organizations shouldn’t have qualified as tax-exempt under the claimed statuses in the first place, that’s exactly what the IRS should have done.

Judicial Watch is a right-wing tool. They claim tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. They don’t meet the statutory requirements for such tax exempt status. They target specific candidates for attack, which sure as hell constitutes political action. Judicial Watch going after the IRS is essentially a matter of an organization attacking the enforcers of legal statutes that the organization itself is breaking. It’s part of the right’s effort to break the federal government.

If you want to see enemies of the nation and its people, you need to look no further than that.

@Greg: So its the IRS s job to attack political opponents of the current administration, not just collect taxes. Now pointing out police state tactics used to shut down freedom of speech is attempting to break the government. The DNC has tax exempt status are they not political?
JW fights political corruption if it goes after someone or a department it is because they are involved in corrupt practices.

The job of the IRS is to collect taxes in accordance with the tax code. If republicans don’t like the way the tax code works, they should change it rather than whining about it, or trying to monkey-wrench the IRS’s enforcement efforts—in an entirely partisan fashion, it might be noted. They’ve got controlling majorities in both houses of Congress and control of the White House. Why don’t they shut the hell up and come up with that alternative tax code?

Most likely because they have no real clue how to do that, either. Republicans claim they can reduce deficits and balance the budget while simultaneously cutting taxes even further. This is a fairy tale, and they know it. They’re cutting spending in places that wins them political points for furthering the right’s anti-social agenda, but it has minimal budgetary significance. They’re pandering to their base but accomplishing nothing. Their plan to escalate military spending while cutting taxes will most likely have the entirely predictable results that logic and simple arithmetic would suggest.

Trump, speaking to Bob Woodward, around a year ago:

TRUMP: We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt.

WOODWARD: How long would that take?

TRUMP: I think I could do it fairly quickly, because of the fact the numbers…

WOODWARD: What’s fairly quickly?

TRUMP: Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.

WOODWARD: Would you ever be open to tax increases as part of that, to solve the problem?

TRUMP: I don’t think I’ll need to. The power is trade. Our deals are so bad.

WOODWARD: That would be $2 trillion a year.

TRUMP: No, but I’m renegotiating all of our deals, Bob. The big trade deals that we’re doing so badly on. With China, $505 billion this year in trade. We’re losing with everybody.

Total bullshit.

with the swipe of a pen, Trump can remove him from office, time taken, one second.

“Now that the DoJ is not being run by the likes of Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, the GOP knows that justice will be done …

Now that Trump is backtracking or putting on ice almost every campaign position he had, I’m not taking anything for granted.

@Greg: Anyone has the authority to “ask” him to step down. See Greg, that is what the Constitution is about. Remember that part of our history that we “are all created equal”? See if he fails to resign, there are remedies that ordinary people can take to make it happen.