By Not Investigating Historic and Massive Election Fraud, Are Deep State DOJ and FBI Attempting to Invalidate Election Fraud Suits?


By Joe Hoft

It’s really startling to see how much Obama contaminated everything in the US government. 

We knew four years ago how corrupt the FBI was after letting Hillary off with no charges after numerous criminal actions were found relating to her email.  Before that there were numerous obvious criminal activities that took place during the Obama years: from the sale of his Senate seat to Benghazi; the IRS targeting conservatives; fast and furious; the Iran deal; Obama spying on Americans and even setting them up; etc.

Obama, the Chicago politician, came into the White House and corrupted what seems like every US government agency.  Under the Trump Presidency we have seen corrupt Obama Intelligence and Law Enforcement members embed themselves in Trump’s Administration and spy on his team.  We’ve seen them create investigations based on phony evidence and manufactured lies.  We’ve seen the corrupt Russia investigation with numerous criminal activities and lies identified out in the open.  But no one was ever charged.  As Dan Bongino says:


The Russia collusion sham was the greatest lie and a coup against an American President since Abraham Lincoln was murdered in a coup.

Now President Trump faces another coup attempt.  One of many in this rolling coup.  This time the deep state and most likely foreign entities are attempting to steal the election from the greatest President in history. 

Never before has an American President received more than 70 million votes in history.  Obama had the record in 2008 with 69 million but this year, President Trump shattered it with over 74 million votes.  This man was for the American people and they responded before the election attending massive rallies, car parades, truck parades, boat parades and then voted in the millions.

But the Democrats and their cohorts in crime were not going to let Trump win. 

They did every imaginable thing to steal the election.  They manipulated millions of votes using voting machines, the same machines used to steal elections in Venezuela.  They manufactured hundreds of thousands of fake ballots and mailed them in and when they weren’t enough, carted them in after the election polls were closed.  They hired what appear to be BLM members around the country to count the votes.  They brought in other similar groups to harass Republican observers attempting to ensure a fair election.  Then they forced Republicans out of the rooms entirely despite court orders so they could count the votes in secret.

But where is the FBI, DOJ and other government agencies?   How come again it is us average Americans who find the lies and crimes?

Now with Trump going to the courts and trying to fight the current election results which include gross over statements for Biden who likely didn’t even reach 60 million votes, the FBI and others aren’t there.

FBI Director Wray actually claimed before the election that there was no evidence of voter fraud.

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What would Elliot Ness do? he would be investigating this whole thing there s way too munch Politics involved

Never before has an American President received more than 70 million votes in history. Obama had the record in 2008 with 69 million but this year, President Trump shattered it with over 74 million votes.

But… but… our leftists here keep telling us Trump was OVERWHELMINGLY rejected by the American people… is that what the most LEGAL votes of any Presidential candidate in US history.

The political animals believe this will just blow over. Well, if the Republicans can hold onto the Senate and block the Democrats from finishing their third world conversion project and there could be one more election that matters… IF the cheating can be blocked. If a fair and legal election is carried out, Republicans could take back the House and even strengthen their majority in the Senate. Should that happen, I have no doubts Obiden’s bumbling and corruption will result in him losing the White House.


Perhaps THEN the reconstruction can continue and the fraudsters responsible for the worst assault on our Constitution since the Civil War.