GOP dodges Medicare reform

While the nation remains conveniently distracted by a barrage of punditry on the UBL killing and mission details, I’m reminded of the old saying… watch my left hand whilst I pick your pocket with my right. Thus the haps as, quietly and without fanfare, the Republicans decided to forego penning any any Medicare legislative reform on Thursday. House Ways and Means Chair, David Camp, confirmed that despite Ryan budget passage and promises, the House majority will offer up no bill because “it stands no chance of getting passed by the Democratic-led Senate.

Obama – How Dare You Suggest We Cut Taxes…”You Think We’re Stupid?”

Every day that Obama is in the White House we get further proof, not that we need it, that all we wants to do is redistribute wealth like a good little Socialist:

“I said, ‘You want to repeal health care? Go at it,'” Obama said. “‘We’ll have that debate. You’re not going to be able to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget. You think we’re stupid?'”

Obama’s “New” Plan To Fix Economy? Same As The Last….Raise Taxes

We don’t have a revenue problem Mr. President….we have a spending problem. Get it through your head.

President Barack Obama will lay out his plan for reducing the nation’s deficit Wednesday, belatedly entering a fight over the nation’s long-term financial future. But in addition to suggesting cuts—the current focus of debate—the White House looks set to aim its firepower on a more divisive topic: taxes.

In a speech Wednesday, Mr. Obama will propose cuts to entitlement programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, and changes to Social Security, a discussion he has largely left to Democrats and Republicans in Congress. He also will call for tax increases for people making over $250,000 a year, a proposal contained in his 2012 budget, and changing parts of the tax code he thinks benefit the wealthy.

The “Intellectual Seriousness” of Paul Ryan

I agree somewhat with what Jennifer Rubin writes here….there aren’t many people on the Republican side with “the “campaign” skills, the depth of knowledge and the philosophical gravitas of a Paul Ryan.”

Rep. Paul Ryan (R- Wis.) and his staff obviously planned the budget roll-out with meticulous care. The right is gushing (at Heritage, at Americans for Tax Reform, and on talk-radio with conservative favorites such as Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh). In the Senate, Ryan snagged the support of two stalwart conservatives Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) praised the effort.

Who Can Beat Obama In 2012?

So the run up for 2012 is fast approaching and I’ve been contemplating, who could beat Barack Obama? Right now, I’m not seeing anyone beating him. While I see many good candidates on the Republican side I just can’t see any being able to seriously beat Obama. Huckabee put it well on GMA, you cannot underestimate the incumbency:

“I think he is going to be tough to beat,” Huckabee said.