Obama’s Cowboy Lament

Since Obama is running on empty, he is trying to recast his wife as just a regular bargain hunting housewife, who shops at Target, Petco, and Starbucks. She may have her own photographers and a cart without a squeaky wheel, but the public can now see her as just a suburban housewife with her own security detail.

You can sing along with this poem, just like Johnny Cash, and celebrate this new found identity of the first lady with the diamond cuffs and her own large jet. For when she isn’t flying her friends to Spain and Africa on Air Force One, she is at Target looking for bargains on paper towels and such.

Is There A Disconnect Here

There are more important things to worry about, but with this Marxist Administration and our corporate giants that play games under the covers with our Narcissist in Chief, we have learned to be suspicious of every move.

Michelle our Air Force 1, jet setting ambassador to all the beautiful vacation resorts of the world has a an ongoing campaign against childhood obesity, it involves healthy food choices and that means backing off sugars and starch; choices the FLOTUS and her husband ignore in the tradition of Marxist Elites, but she knows the healthy choices, not that you need to be a nuclear physicist. Americans sleep easier with her efforts to curb childhood obesity, since she could be making a fool of herself in far more critical areas.

The Leaders Of The Left See Inevitable Defeat

Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”.

“In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute,” Putin said during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”

Michelle Praises And Thanks The State Directed Media, How Difficult Is A Law Degree?

First Lady Michelle Obama (watch the video a the link) once again creates a dubious aura around the question of her intelligence during an interview with CNN, when she was thrown the typical softball question meant to tug at the heart strings of America and ends up looking like a fool.

The poetry that gets you an invite from Michelle Obama to the White House [Reader Post]

Michelle Obama has invited rapper “Common” to the White House to read poetry. Conservative groups are displeased with the invitation and that is causing a predictable reaction from the left:

Even though it’s 2011, we’re still litigating whether rap music in and of itself is a societal corrosive or an artistic expression that channels raw experience and expurgates emotions in the form of a catharsis. It’s really the old Plato versus Aristotle rap battles over the artistic merits of tragedy — at least we can dance to it, so there’s that.