“Marg bar Amrika”

“President Carter inherited an impossible situation — and he and his advisers made the worst of it.”Gaddis Smith

On this day in history 34 years ago, remember, remember the 4th of November; when militant Islamic students stormed the U.S. embassy, holding 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

To commemorate that takeover, and to demonstrate opposition to the new president’s call to “tone down” the common, daily-expressed slogan, “Death to America” chants, “tens of thousands” of protesters gathered in Tehran outside the old U.S. embassy in their own “million Islamist march” (or, as they call it, “National Day to Fight Global Arrogance”):

Netanyahu Instructs Obama On Negotiating

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations today was a very polite and diplomatic lecture to the President Of The United States. He instructed President Obama on methodology of international negotiations when confronted by a serious and capable enemy such as Iran. Netanyahu seems to be one of the rare, if perhaps the only world leader, capable of commanding respect from a podium through forthrightness, clarity, and an inescapable quality called leadership.

Israel is the key to Obama’s re-election [Reader Post]

It’s no secret that Iran is working to develop nuclear weapons. IAEA inspectors were recently given the cold shoulder by Iran:

In a crucial mission at a time of escalating tension over Iran, United Nations nuclear inspectors failed to make progress on finding out whether the Islamic republic seeks the bomb, and the International Atomic Energy Agency wasted no time in announcing this.