The Left Can Give It, But Can’t Take It.


Gotta love Mary Matalin:

Former White House advisor Mary Matalin offered a partial defense for firebrand conservative author Ann Coulter on Friday, saying her comments about four Bush-bashing 9/11 widows weren't as bad as some of the things liberals say about Republicans.

"People run around calling [Republicans] extra-chromosome and Hitlers and Nazis," Matalin told radio host Don Imus. "And nobody says anything."

"She calls someone a harpie and you'd think that the whole world's on fire," Matalin complained.

In her new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," Coulter said that four 9/11 widows known as the Jersey Girls seemed to be "enjoying" the deaths of their husbands, adding, "how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies?"

Matalin said that she agreed with Coulter's "larger point that in the absence of not being able to make persuasive arguments [the left] rolls out messengers that it's politically incorrect to argue with."

The Bush-Cheney insider did admit that she finds Coulter's "verbiage a little stressful."

But when Imus countered, "I'm surprised that you won't condemn her for these repugnant comments," Matalin responded: "I don't know her. I haven't read the book."

IMUS: You know what Hitler did. Did you know him? You could condemn what he did.

MATALIN: You're comparing [Coulter] to Hitler? See, this is the point she's making.

IMUS: No, of course not. You know me and you condemn me all the time.

MATALIN: People run around calling us extra-chromosome and Hitlers and Nazis and nobody says anything. She calls someone a harpie and you'd think that the whole world's on fire.

It's the usual leftist tactic.  They can call the Republicans every freakin name in the book, I mean they call Bush Hitler, but the minute Ann states these 4 leftist women are harpies then all bets are off. 

These four obviously use their husbands deaths as a means to further their political agenda, they have embraced the role of "professional victims" and attempt to represent to the world that THEY speak for all the 9/11 familes. 

For that Ann gets no argument from me.

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