Camouflaging your red, white, and green loyalties in the red, white, and blue


Mary and Rebekah make good observations:

That photo was on the frontpage of the online LA Times. I heard on the radio, also, that somewhere in Texas, protestors were now overwhelmingly displaying American flags. Seems they are realizing that politically, it is disadvantageous for them to wave around Mexican flags in an attempt to win over the hearts and minds of American citizens, loyal to this country.

Check out this poll in today’s LA Times.:

Notice that the poll question is flawed, in that it asks voters “is immigration good for the U.S.?” It should read, “is illegal immigration good for the U.S.?” Still, as of tonight when I viewed and voted, Americans voted yes-39%, maybe- 7.8%, and no- 53.2%! That’s encouraging.

Throughout their entire photo gallery, the LA Times consistently refers to this as an issue of immigration, rather than correctly characterizing it as one of illegal immigration. I’m not one of the hardliners on this, that says “ship ’em all out”. There are many illegals who have rooted themselves here, for a period of years and decades, with complex ties and relationships including having children who are natural born citizens (why can’t we amend the Constitution on this?). I am not a supporter of any illegals in our country; but I do think the manner in which we deal with this, along with our frustration and anger, has to be tempered with compassion. We have ourselves to blame for the mess we find our country in and we need to take part of the responsibility for it. I do think we need to build a wall and take control of our borders; and severely punish those who hire illegals, whether by fine or jail-time. We don’t have the logistical means to kick out 11 million illegals; but if we remove the incentive to come here, which is largely to find work, then much of that 11 million should probably remove themselves by their own accord and free will. I think control of our borders is the first order of business.

My thanks to Curt for the poll screen capture.

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The organizers made sure everyone was told to carry US flags. They got word out through the Spanish language radio/TV stations.