What Would Jesus Have Done in Kenosha Last Week… What Would You Have Done?


Imagine that Jesus was in Kenosha last week when Jacob Blake, a man with a warrant out on him for criminal trespassing, domestic abuse and sexual assault, began threatening the very person he had previously abused. In order to keep things from getting out of hand he might have given Mr. Blake a heart attack. He might have turned Mr. Blake into The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Or he might have had Mr. Blake pull a hamstring so that he ended up wreathing on the ground not being able to move. But none of those things happened and the truth is, I’ve no idea what the Lord would have done had he been responding to the 911 call. But I know what the police did… They shot Mr. Blake.

There is of course a bit more to the story. They didn’t just show up and start shooting. No, apparently they tried talking to him, but that didn’t work. They tazed him, twice. That didn’t work. They tried to physically restrain him. That didn’t work… at one point apparently he even had one of the three police in a headlock! They eventually pulled their guns on him and told him to stop moving. Even that didn’t work. So when he reached inside his car after being told again to stop and didn’t, they shot him.

Just as I don’t know what Jesus would have done with the 911 call, I don’t have any idea what he would have done in reaction to the shooting… but I do know what the leftist BLM and Antifa mobs did… they rioted, of course.

While we can’t know what Jesus would have done had he responded to that 911 call, we can ask what exactly would most Americans, black or white do if they were in the shoes of the policeman? You have a known violent criminal who has been fighting with you, who was not fazed by a Taser, who was noncompliant in the face of police pointing guns at him commanding him to stop, who continues to defy them and reaches into his car… The police, observing this behavior, not knowing what Blake was reaching for, possibly a gun, had to decide in an instant. Had it been a gun Blake was going for, not only could he have shot one or more of the police, he might have accidentally shot one of his 3 small children sitting in the back seat or some innocent bystanders. What would you have done?

Should the police have waited until Blake emerged from the car with a gun pointed at them or until he had already started firing? Is that the standard we expect for police now? Wait until a criminal points a gun at you and shoots before you fire? Maybe they should they have used less lethal force instead? Like what? They tried physically restraining him and by using a Taser on him, twice! Neither worked. Should they have tried a net like gladiators used to use? Blake was undaunted and violent… so expecting him to reach into his car and pull out a candy bar or some flowers wasn’t exactly rational. The police expected something violent and fired before someone other than the criminal got hurt. What is the right alternative in this circumstance that would have guaranteed no one else – or even Jacob Blake – was hurt?

“But they didn’t have to shoot him 7 times!” or “They didn’t know what he was reaching for at the time… it could have been his keys!” Because… yeah… It’s one thing to play the Monday morning quarterback and say what should have been done or not done after the fact, but in the heat of battle… and make no mistake, for those involved that’s exactly what this was, what was the right answer in that split second, at that moment when the lives of at least three police officers, three children, numerous civilians and the suspect were on the line? Sure, someone might say, hey that’s not fair to ask us, we’re not trained to know what to do in situations like that, but the police are. That’s true… but it was clear they tried all those things they were trained to do and nothing seemed to stop Blake… but that doesn’t seem to have mattered to the rioters.

So where does appear to leave America in 2020? Do facts not matter any longer? Do circumstances not matter? Is everything literally black and white as in black vs. white? How does this comport with Martin Luther King’s hope that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin? All anyone knew in the hours after the shooting was that a black man was shot by white cops… Full stop. Period. Yet, chaos and violence ensued.

In today’s world of identity politics and the cult of victimization the facts no longer matter. Rational thought no longer matters. Objective reality no longer matters. The only thing that matters is the message of victimhood, the color of one’s skin or gender or whatever today’s characteristic of choice, but only as it relates to traditional America and traditional American values. If a black criminal gets shot because he’s defied every non lethal attempt to subdue him, he’s a hero, regardless of the facts. If a white kid shoots three protesters in self defense he’s a white racist… regardless of the facts.

People like Nancy Pelosi, LaBron James, Mark Cuban and the entirety of the media, education and Democrat cabal have brought America to the brink of anarchy with their disregard for the truth, for objective reality and for the true and good nature of most Americans. They have embraced, manipulated and leveraged anecdotal evidence of human failings to tarnish the name of half the population and undermine the founding principles of the nation that has done more good for more people than any in human history. All in the name of Hope and Change… In reality, it is power they seek. It is obedience they seek. Fundamentally, it is fealty to their worldview they seek. Racism is no longer defined by actual racist behavior… it’s defined by whatever they say it is. Free speech no longer means actual freedom to speak your mind… no, it means you’re free to say only those things they agree with. Fair is no longer a term that can be debated based on the merits of an argument… no, alas, fair means outcomes that are aligned with the various identities of the people involved, regardless of effort or risk or ingenuity associated with the endeavor being undertaken.

Which brings us back to Kenosha. And Portland. And Seattle. And Baltimore. And Chicago. And New York. And Ferguson. America was never perfect and it never will be. But it has been the greatest nation on the planet for at least a century and has grown better decade after decade. But that’s not good enough for Pelosi, James, et al. They have a worldview of perfection as they define it and they demand it now. They are in the process of killing the goose that has laid golden eggs for 233 years. If they are allowed to win the argument today and the election in November the nation will come to resemble Kenosha far more than it does the rich enclaves that they inhabit… and the goals that they pretend they care about will end up in tatters on the floor. More importantly, the people they profess to care about will end up as part of a system which will likely provide far fewer opportunities, far fewer freedoms, far less security and far less prosperity than the one they inhabit today. As I mentioned, I can’t speak for Jesus, but I can’t imagine that he or anyone with a functioning brain would be in favor of replacing imperfect freedom with leftist fascism… but that’s exactly where this cabal wants to take us.

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Smiting comes to mind…..

All of this about rule of Law. The rule of the law is enforced at the end of a gun. I don’t like it any more than anyone else, but we don’t have any other way.

Raz the Warlord immediatel armed a group of citizens in CHAZ to “keep the peace”…like you know, Peace Officers…aka cops.

If you want the people enforcing the law to stop, that means you want the law to stop.

The law is only thing we have. It’s what makes us a society, and a civilized one at that.

The Kenosha cops were trained and did the right thing. The man broke the law, again, and again, and then reached for a weapon.

It sucks, but Democrats are using dead black people to further their marxist agenda. That’s it.

If a white guy would have done the same thing, he’d had been shoot, too.

Jesus might have said the words that reached the lawbreaker’s heart and moved him to stop in his tracks.
He did just that when a tax collector who stole thru his work listened to him.
Zacchaeus made a complete turnaround, repaying everything he’d stole and began following Jesus.
You can read about him in the Gospel Luke’s book Chapter 19 verses 1 thru 10.

God’s word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. Hebrews 4:12

“But they didn’t have to shoot him 7 times!” or “They didn’t know what he was reaching for at the time… it could have been his keys!” Because… yeah… It’s one thing to play the Monday morning quarterback and say what should have been done or not done after the fact, but in the heat of battle… and make no mistake, for those involved that’s exactly what this was, what was the right answer in that split second, at that moment when the lives of at least three police officers, three children, numerous civilians and the suspect were on the line?

I’m not sure the officers had the time to actually consider the options, but I wonder what one would expect someone wanted for violent offenses, that had been fighting with officers, that was not stopped by tasers and was told NOT to reach into the car by officers with their weapons drawn would be reaching for? The logical possibilities are extremely limited.

If a white kid shoots three protesters in self defense he’s a white racist… regardless of the facts.

Also regardless of the race of those that attacked him. In fact, all that is important, to the left, is to use race as a weapon.

The latest outrage, example of the “systemic racism” that plagues the nation, is a black man, whacked out on PCP and wandering the street naked, that was cuffed and subdued, requiring a spit-hood. The guy died in custody… days later. So, he was murdered by police for being black. The facts don’t matter; only using race as a political weapon matters to the left.

the racist labronass, is only a HS graduate. yes, HS. that is the level of his education.
Maybe the US should turn about 300 of the Black Dolphin prisoners loose in Kenosha to settle the problem.
black terrorist movement is racist how simple does it get.

Jesus was a Liberal Democrat and a Socialist – Contributed • August 2, 2019


To the Editor: 

Jesus was a Liberal Democrat and a Socialist. The defining message of the four Christian Gospels and of Jesus himself was this: helping the poor; healing the sick; clothe the naked; feed the hungry; uplift the underdog; care of children; distribute wealth; be mindful of immigrant and stranger in your land; etc.

 By all the defining definitions of Liberal and Socialist, Jesus was most definitely both of them. He was also a rebel and a fighter for the poor, bullied and the displaced of his time.

The original beginnings of Christianity subsumed and preached this message. It was all about the underdog, the downtrodden, those bullied by elite powers, the sick and the poor. The Christian cult had its beginnings in the teachings of the gospels of Jesus and they called themselves Christians, which in time became an established religion, Christianity.

But something strange has happened to this Christian message in the 21st century, especially by those who call themselves evangelical conservative Christians under a Trump-led Republican Party. 

All of the so-called Christian precepts outlined above, and what an average Christian should so identify with, is no longer being practiced by this Christian sect. In fact, it is all of its negatives: screw the poor; let the sick suffer; let the naked work for his clothing; let the hungry starve; abuse the underdog; put children in cages; accumulate and hord wealth; reject immigrants, etc. 

Actually, their Christian message and beliefs are no longer Christian but atheistically authoritarian, the very evils that Jesus railed and preached against.

Nothing riles the average Christian believer more than welfare. Mention so and so down the street who is on welfare and a typical modern supposed Christian goes ballistic. This new proposal by so called Christian Republicans and Trump to take 3.2 million citizens off food stamps sends them all into a tizzy. “Finally”, they rail, “let these lazy (expletive) work for their food and clothing!”.

I won’t go into all of the reasons why some, at times, have to depend on assistance and food stamps as this would take more written space than this letter allows. But I will speak about the monumental hypocrisy of these supposed conservative Christians when it comes to practicing in real life the precepts of their religious beliefs. 

The Christianity as practiced by modern evangelical Christians, subsumed under a conservative Republican party, is no longer a religion that supports the teachings of its founder, Jesus Christ. It is, rather, now a cult of a supposed white race and fanatical nationalism, a belief system that is so far removed from what Jesus preached that I would suggest that they call their new cult Trumpian and their new religion Trumpianity!

James P. Chasse

St. Agatha

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

I don’t recall Jesus mandating what is manufactured, where people worked, or what kind of education was taught in schools. What a total load of bullshit.

Funny how the politician’s you support want socialism and a powerless class for the masses, meaning poor and government dependent, yet they are rich and powerful. That is not the teachings of Jesus.


One more for you. Unless you ae stupid,

Last edited 10 months ago by Mully

The Republican Jesus isn’t really Jesus.

F off

The Democrat Jesus is satan.

All of the so-called Christian precepts outlined above, and what an average Christian should so identify with, is no longer being practiced by this Christian sect. In fact, it is all of its negatives: screw the poor; let the sick suffer; let the naked work for his clothing; let the hungry starve; abuse the underdog; put children in cages; accumulate and hord wealth; reject immigrants, etc.

LITERALLY no one on the right says this, and the right gives more to charity to help all these people.

You’re lying.

Defend yourself, stand, and give us an accounting of why you lied, greg.


This little “hail mary” anti-Christian “We libs are more Christian than Christians” bit of propaganda is pathetic.

Your leftist “jesus” is the same as he’s ever been: satan.

The serpent told Eve she was wrong about what God was saying, too.


Even scripture warns of false teachers, false prophets, those slaves of the world contorting the Gospel to fit their desire to be their own god.

The current satanic narrative is to reinvent Christianity as “socialist” and “liberal.”

What’s funny is that Christians give more to the poor than any other group. ANY.

The “liberal” jesus isn’t a giving jesus, that’s for sure…unless it’s to political causes…which is of course it’s god.

The Christianity as practiced by modern evangelical Christians, subsumed under a conservative Republican party, is no longer a religion that supports the teachings of its founder, Jesus Christ. It is, rather, now a cult of a supposed white race and fanatical nationalism, a belief system that is so far removed from what Jesus preached that I would suggest that they call their new cult Trumpian and their new religion Trumpianity!

James P. Chasse

St. Agatha

New times, same demons. You people have been trying this nonsense since the gnostics and even before.

Greg, if you’d like to pray together, we can ask Jesus if he has a political party he favors. Normally Christians don’t ask this, but you seem to think you can caste Christ in your own image.

Let’s pray. Sincerely. We can do it here in the chat.

Greg’s “Jesus” changes with the election cycle. Currently, it is a corrupt pedophile that forced his young daughter to shower naked with him, and God knows what, and raised a son that is a crack head whore monger that knocks up strippers and tries to ditch his child. His “Jesus” sells his country out for money and persecutes his fellow Americans. Therefore, Greg and people of his ilk have no possible concept of Jesus.