And the horse you rode in on, Hogg




David Hogg is playing the liberal media like a fiddle. One minute he’s hurling vulgar adult epithets at anyone who dares disagree with him and the second someone fires back, he morphs into a little boy, lamenting his victimhood, all while being fronted by the left.

Here are a few samples of his eloquence. First:

But, he clarified, he doesn’t feel like he’s the one who should be calling for this. “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17,” he said, but he and his classmates feel that adults — both voters and policymakers — have failed them. “When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”

Hogg places some of the blame on voters, but his primary targets are pro-gun politicians and the NRA, both of whom he thinks care more about money than saving lives. “It just makes me think what sick fuckers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of shitty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Sometimes, instead of speaking to us, Hogg addressed politicians directly. To Scott: “You’re kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren’t going to get elected to Senate.” To Rubio: “What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people’s blood?” To Benjamin Kelly, a former aide to State Rep. Shawn Harrison, who accused Hogg of being a crisis actor: “Hey, if you’re out there, fuck you.”

Hogg and his classmates say that their elected officials “don’t give a fuck” about them. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, he says, is an opportunist who’s just trying to boost his rumored Senate bid. Sen. Marco Rubio, who in a CNN town hall after the shooting was unable to say that he wouldn’t continue to accept NRA money, is a charlatan who only cares about staying in office. When these officials express their condolences or send their thoughts and prayers, Hogg doesn’t believe them. “You can’t lie; you’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to feel for these children’s lives,” he said. “Those fuckers aren’t getting reelected.”

Classy. Give him the phone? They did, and he hung up on Trump like some adolescent puke would do instead of availing himself of the opportunity to affect change.

Did you know the NRA has a shock collar on Trump?


CNN allowed David to go Hogg wild

They let him lie unrestrained:

CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted on HLN Monday that he allowed anti-gun Parkland survivor David Hogg to lie on air without correction.

Stelter, appearing on HLN’s “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered,” said, “When I was interviewing David Hogg only ten days after the massacre, there were a few times I wanted to jump in and say let’s correct that fact.

“That’s so interesting,” Cupp responded. “Let me stop you. Did you?”

“…at one of the times I did and other times I did not,” he said. “There’s always that balance, how many times you’re going to interrupt.”

Stelter also said that Americans need to realize where the Parkland students are coming from on gun issues.

Hogg’s sister took after Dana Loesch’s kids:

He said the NRA are child murderers:

“And not take money from people that want to keep lessening gun legislation and making it even easier for these horrifying people to get guns,” Hogg told Alisyn Camerota, “because if you can’t get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?”

Child murderers. He referred to the NRA, a group of five million gun owners, as child murderers and Camerota didn’t give him any pushback despite her convincing argument to Loesch last Friday that she did. Camerota owes her viewers a correction and Loesch an apology.

Laura Ingraham had enough of Hogg and she let him know it.

Hogg retaliated by blowing the boycott dog whistle:

And a number of them obeyed.

Ingraham apologized, but by then the little Mussolini wannabe had reverted to his protected Mommy’s skirt child state:

“The way your network has treated my friends and I”?  Between that and his f**k- and sh*t-limited vocabulary, it’s no wonder those colleges rejected him. “It’s time to love thy neighbor”? Hogg sets one hell of an example of loving his neighbors and being the bigger person.

Ironically, the little boy who would strip you of your Second Amendment rights cries at the prospect of having to use a clear backpack when coming to school as a violation of their First Amendment rights. And BTW, the Parkland kids admitted bullying Cruz.

Hogg wants it all ways. He wants to wield a club as an adult and mix it up with the big dogs but when the fight is brought to him he becomes the whiny little boy and wants protection from the big nasty people.

Doesn’t work that way, Hogg. You want to play in the adult world you buy in whole. So you know you what you can do, little boy.

And the horse you rode in on.





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@Deplorable Me: “A party that hates their living guts.” Pure bullshit Burriss –ask Captain Lamb or Col. Applegate.
I can criticize a lying, self proclaimed coward, like yourself, ANYTIME you spout off.

Semper Fi RJW Capt.USMCR

Randy You know damn well I’ve defended The Constitution in war and in peace as have my fellow Marines—You can’t take my commission Col.—God bless your dad.

@another vet, #138:

The left doesn’t care about good paying jobs for Americans.

I suppose that would explain their support for unions, worker rights, equal pay for women, and minimum wage laws—all of which the GOP has opposed at every opportunity.

@Greg: The support for the unions is to get contributions, not help people get high paying jobs.. Obama administration was responsible for creating millions of part time jobs out of full time jobs. That helped a lot of people, didn’t it!

@Rich Wheeler: Actually, you forfeited it . No one can take it, only you can forfeit it by your behavior. There is no expiration date on our oath of office! It is a matter of honor, but you lost that long ago.

@Randy, #153:

It’s no coincidence that the decline of unions has corresponded with the decline in real wages and an across-the-board loss of employee benefits. Nor is it a coincidence that this loss has corresponded with an accelerating upward transfer of income and wealth.

America’s past era of rapidly expanding working class and middle class prosperity corresponded with the rise of organized labor. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out that an upward transfer of power results in an upward transfer of wealth. All one has to do is look at what has actually happened.

@Randy: Forfeited it? I laugh at your foolishness Randy..

BTW–Your braggart in chief took credit for the stock market’s 2017 rise—Will he take the blame for it’s NEARLY 4000 POINT DIVE in recent months punctuated by a 6OO+ point decline so far today.
My guess is he won’t–this guy never takes responsibility for anything bad. How the hell can YOU, an Army Officer, support “ol bone spurs.”

@Greg: You are right Greg. It is no coincidence. The unions send the money to elect democrats who pass bills like Obama care which causes the middle class and working class to pay support others. They give out free phones to anyone. The SNAP program, Eliminating the work component of welfare. All of these were done by Democrats who were elected by the money Unions collected from the working class.

@Rich Wheeler: WE are discussing your behavior Rich and your forfeiting the right to continue to be called a Marine. It is your failure to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic that has caused you to forfeit. You support Comey and McCabe and the others whose acts have created a constitutional crisis. Do not blame anyone else for what you have done. Only you had the opportunity to defend the Constitution or to not defend it by your actions alone. You chose to not defend it!

@Randy: Where did I ever say I supported Comey or McCabe–or HRC—Comey actually elected Trump with his 11th hour actions.
I do support my fellow Marine Officer and lifelong Repub Mueller.–do you?

Get off your high horse Col.—take a real CLOSE look at this guy Trump. That’s who I and at least 60% of your fellow citizens have a problem with—you think we may have reason?

@Randy, #158:

WE? Your little clique of imagined Constitutional experts that unquestioningly support a draft dodger? You have no business imagining you can proclaim a former Marine to have forfeited anything. Somebody should knock your silly Made in China Trump hats off into a puddle.

@Greg: There is a difference in maintaining my support of the Constitution by not supporting those who violate and attempt to destroy the Constitution. I can not control the behavior of others. I can only control my behavior. Being a draft dodger is not violating the constitution. I know matters of honor are difficult for you to understand.

@Rich Wheeler: I guess you never understood the oath you took Rich. Supporting a fellow Marine is immaterial. Not condemning the actions of those who are enemies of the country and the Constitution is important. You failed. If you do not know what the honor and duty dictated by the oath you took is, I nor anyone else will ever be able to help you understand.

@Greg: What an insightful post. (Satire)

@Randy: I’m just trying to understand, is it something he is not given information on or ignores. Both Parties have been unfaithful to our military. He likes Truman who gutted the GI bill of 44. Yes rampant with fraud but punishing the GIs , not those that took advantage of GIs many schools had raised tuition to take advantage of the GI Bill’s$500-per-year maximum tuition payments. And Teague showed that many fraudsters had opened fly-by-night schools or training programs to strip unsuspecting veterans of their benefits. President Bush and Sen. John McCain, had opposed GI Bill plan proposed by Sen. Jim Webb, a Vietnam veteran. Mc Cain another guy he likes doesn’t want combat vets to receive a good education A good reason why I despise Bush and Mctraitor. They never took the union workers of the VA on, none of them.
DT not seeing the progress he wants with Vets getting decent treatment fires another good for nothing Obama guy Shulkin, signs the VA Accountability Act and lets our soldiers in combat shoot back without a permission slip from the White House.
Talk about kicking a guy when he is down Something to remember today on Gold Star Spouses Day.

This is American’s Creed written by William Tyler Page in 1918. Grant it, it was a simpler time back then. Americans were patriotic. Youth did responsible things like work as opposed to eating Tide pods and snorting condoms. And people knew they were one of two genders as opposed to 54 or whatever number the left has it up to now. No doubt the left would consider Page to be xenophobic, racist, and a fascist.

“I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principls of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it againest all enemies.”

Let’s look at the last lines that refer to duty and see how the left stacks up.

it is my duty to my Country to love it; They love it so much they worship a person who wanted to fundamentally change it and they want open borders. Open borders were a major factor in the downfall of Rome and gee, they’re doing wonders in Europe right now.

to support its Constitution; The left’s most despised document, especially the Second Amendment with the First right behind it. They constantly bemoan it and claim it’s an obsolete document that was written by a bunch of old angry white racist men. They have publicly stated their desire to scrap it numerous times.

to obey its laws They really don’t have much use for these either. Obama refused to enforce immigration laws and he’s a hero. Trump enforces them and he’s a fascist. Service members mishandle classified material and they’re expected to go to jail. Hillary mishandles classified material and she gets a “Get out jail free” card.

to respect its flag Another object of scorn for the left. They support illegal immigrants in this country who desecrate it or burn it and teach kids that it is a symbol of racism and that it is offensive to some people.

to defend it againest all enemies.” The left actively sided with North Vietnam and the VC during Vietnam. During GWOT they called our enemies “freedom fighters”. The last study I saw in the Military Times placed the percentage of those serving who identify themselves as “liberal” at less than 20%. They certainly have demonstrated disdain for the military meaning they have zero intention of ever defending it.

Look no further than DT—He has violated Art I Sec 9-Emoluments Clause
First Amend–Establishment Clause
Due Process and Equal Protection Clause
Spending Clause
5th and 14th Amendments
He’s a living, breathing Constitution destroyer

In addition he’s a draft dodger—a marital cheater—-a general lousy guy enuf.
Let’s just vote him out

@kitt: @another vet: Another vet described it well. This is an oath of honor that has no expiration date. you can see what the oath entails. When one violates the oath, he forfeits the relationships he had with the organizations to which he belonged because those organizations believed and practices being honorable. They will not take Rich’s records. It is just that true Marines who know of Rich’s behavior will no longer respect nor consider him as one of them. He will be considered a man with out honor.

@Randy: Exactly what behavior are you referring to. I guarantee you I have the respect of guys like Jim Webb, Connor Lamb and Doug Applegate.-certainly don’t need yours.
Any respect I MAY have for you Col., is tempered by your support for a draft dodging, Constitutional destroying, personally loathsome POTUS

Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: #166
Other than saying it where has he actually done this, I will wait for links. The last 2 Democrat Presidents also did not serve. Exception of being the the worst CICs ever.
Presidential candidate Bill Clinton’s integrity and patriotism came under considerable fire in 1992. Clinton had apparently agreed to join the R.O.T.C. as a way of avoiding being drafted into service during the Vietnam War and later reneged on that promise when his draft-lottery number ensured that he would not be selected.
Clintons draft number 311 vs DT 356.

@Rich Wheeler: @Rich Wheeler: Rich, maybe I was wrong. Based upon the comments you have been making in reply to my comments, it is evident that you were too ignorant to understand the meaning of the oath you took. From your words, you think that by supporting some people who do not endanger the Constitution you are living up to your oath and will be respected by all Marines. It is your support for organizations like ANTIFA and other individuals or organizations that violated your oath. I could care less if you are worried about my respect for you. I have always been trying to relate to you that it is the respect of other Marines that determine if you are considered a real Marine. I can tell you that given your history on only this site, no real Marine would respect you and consider you as part of their fellowship. They only respect honor. You have forfeited yours!

@Randy: Antifa–I didn’t know who they were. Now knowing, I clearly denounce them.
REAL MARINES—How the hell would an Army guy know.
You are not a part of our proud brotherhood–you can’t speak for us
I have fulfilled my oath and continue to serve my country—-many Marines are Dems–some in positions of leadership.I stand proudly with them all.
Maybe you weren’t as good as your dad—not qualified to be one of “the few the proud.” You missed out.

Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: Waiting for those links or dont you know how to navigate the internet? You stand with disarming citizens? End to the 2nd? a Wall would cost 10 billion for a 90 billion a years savings on supporting dead beat illegals. Now they come in caravans to bust our border.


It is your support for organizations like ANTIFA

A small sampling of what ANTIFA has been up to as of late, straight from the web sites of a couple of their chapters. The last one is really “good”. Using people with mental illnesses to carry out violent acts. But remember, “they can’t be all that bad.”

Here is some of the stuff they sell. Notice the use of the hammer and sickle in their “artwork”.

And the DNC’s stance on this? One of support. This happened three months ago and nothing has been done. That’s an endorsement. If a Republican did something similar he/she would have been run out on a rail within a very short period of time.


I suppose that would explain their support for unions, worker rights, equal pay for women, and minimum wage laws

No, actually it wouldn’t because their hanky-panky with unions is largely responsible for them pricing themselves out of the labor market and millions of jobs going overseas. Women get equal pay for equal work and minimum wage is a jobs KILLER. No, the Democrats are for divisiveness and identity politics, not economic opportunity.

It’s no coincidence that the decline of unions has corresponded with the decline in real wages and an across-the-board loss of employee benefits.

There is no correspondence. Unions have been in decline for decades. The decline in wages and benefits was a reaction to Obamacare, which turned full time jobs into part time jobs.

America’s past era of rapidly expanding working class and middle class prosperity corresponded with the rise of organized labor.

And then union leadership became more interested in political power than employee benefits and rapidly priced the unions out of business.

@Randy: As a military man, could you ever support anyone like Bill Clinton who wrote he “loathed” the military? Could you support Hillary who treats service people like dirt? Could you support Obama who considered those who served as war criminals? Rich is very selective in his outrage, hating Trump though he supports the military and veterans like none have before him while supporting liberals who hate the military and strip it of its capabilities. Greg, too, is very selective; apparently when a liberal runs away to a foreign country, as opposed to a medical deferment, to avoid the draft it makes him an icon.

I honor and respect all who have served, but military people are still mere humans and they do fail. Bergdahl and Manning come to mind, darlings of the left, by the way; darlings of the people Rich and Greg idolize.

@Randy: Antifa–I didn’t know who they were. Now knowing I clearly denounce them.

That is a vivid example of Rich’s integrity.


@Rich Wheeler: #166
Other than saying it where has he actually done this, I will wait for links.

Well, don’t hold your breath. Rich makes bold statements then vanishes when validation is demanded. He doesn’t answer questions, he just repeats old, rusty liberal talking points. Don’t count on a response; I finally gave up.


Burriss Thanks for the complement—Unlike Trump I do have the integrity to admit and correct a mistake.

@kitt: Look; per the link you requested, by January 31, 2017 Trump should already have been impeached. So, you KNOW that is objective. It appears Trump violated the Constitution by enacting the same policy Obama had in place. Funny how under one administration it is Constitutional and under another it isn’t.

@Randy: Rich says he denounces ANTIFA but doesn’t explain how he continues to support the party that supports ANTIFA. He considers that complimentary.

@Deplorable Me: When we made claims of charges against the former President and the Harpy we had statutes and clear news reports or a paper trail, he makes statements and jumps into his foxhole. and pulls it in after himself.

@Rich Wheeler: Sorry Rich That site doesnt like my browser set to incognito mode, I do what I can to not have every step tracked.
Im sure NSA has ways to track every keystoke anyway. There must be thousands of other links you can give.
Compliment Rich not complement i not e

@kitt: I send it–you can’t read it but Burriss can?–don’t question me anymore–you’re the one with the problem.–you’re in the foxhole lol

@Rich Wheeler: I dont like to pick up malware my settings dont get changed, hubby wouldnt like that, he is an IT guy. Hint if you ever get a pop up that says dont shut off your computer hit the power button as fast as you can.

@kitt: You’re not missing anything. The article says Trump violated the Constitution with his travel ban. Apparently, some have been screaming at the sky to notice the Supreme Court ruled it was Constitutional and could go into effect (thus proving that the main thing liberal judges do is waste the country’s time and money). That was his big “substantiation”. No wonder he usually avoids answering questions; when he does he confirms what we already know: he’s just a big bag of liberal talking points.

@Deplorable Me: Liberal talking points? A lot better than the B.S. that Trump and the crazed right wingers put out.
Heard an interviewer ask Donald if he’d ever asked God for forgiveness. He said no–never felt he needed to but he’d be sure to ask if he ever did.
I’m not making this up, What a piece of work we got as our POTUS.

Kitt You can google the 5 points I sent over.

@kitt: Yeah, kitt. You do the research on the off-the-shelf talking points peddled by Rich. Make sure to let him know if you found any of them true; he’d like to know that next time.

@Deplorable Me: She needn’t bother–you can give her all she needs to know lol—though you two do complement each other well, I think and hope she’s got a mind of her own..

@Rich Wheeler: I do not use google, The president hasnt declared himself King, nor has any foreign government declared him so. When did collecting rent or room fees in a hotel become a gift, I know I never curried any influence by doing so.
Trump International Hotel in Washington DC is located just minutes from the White House. This 5 star hotel in Washington DC offers luxurious amenities, a prime location in the city, and pristine accommodations. They should stay in a Motel 6 where they will keep the lights on for them, a stale doughnut and bad coffee complimentary?
They would need to prove 1 they have standing as its up to congress to give permission or not, and they paid over fair market value for the space or room.
It isnt like they have to be hefty donors to his charity to be granted an audience.
Its petty politics very petty.
But if it is driving liberals nutz all the better, we wont worry about Melania robbing the White House when she departs. The door knobs and computer keys will still be there.

@kitt: I didn’t pen The Constitution but it does seem he is in defiance of Article 1 Section 9–Emoluments clause—a case can also be made for the other 4 examples.
In the case of the Constitution politics are irrelevant–wouldn’t you agree?

@Richard Wheeler: I hope so but the case still must be made congress can grant permission for him to do his business its all at arms length , he had money enough to live very comfortable before he was elected can they trace hundreds of millions funneled ? A week at trump hotel is that much to his wallet? The other cases unable to track and there are only so many liberal articles I can read before I become ill.
Being taxed on something I didn’t buy when my state opted out of the medicare bribe still has me wondering how that got by.
I also wonder about a site that cant stand I want privacy while surfin’

@Rich Wheeler: #182
How about posting a link to the video? Was it anything like the one where Obama was asked if he ever prayed and he answered “Why would I talk to myself”?
Maybe a link to some kind of proof that you actually were a Marine? I’ve met a few, and the only ones who used their service as an AQC the way you do were real scumbags.
A Marine will will know what an AQC is, by the way. Hint: It describes a tactic used to get away with crap by former Marines who aren’t respected within the community.
“Yeah, when she called him on his bulls**t, he just dropped his AQC and ran away.”

And yeah, there are a few good Marines who are Democrats. You’re not one of them.
But judging from the ones I know, there are many, many more who are Republicans. Like the majority of us “other” veterans.

@petercat: RIP R. Lee, by the way.

@Deplorable Me: #189
Yeah, I first saw him in “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.
He made a helluva psychopathic bad guy.
I loved it, he was the best character in the movie!