The Schumck Schumer Sh*thole Shutdown



This is what it come down to- democrats are siding with illegal aliens over American soldiers. They would starve the US military for those who do not belong in this country.

democrats, led by Schmuck Schumer, are willing to shut down the government and halt pay for the Armed Forces if Republicans do not agree to amnesty for illegal aliens (read that as “future voters”). The House passed a short term spending bill but democrats are blocking it in the Senate, holding fast for non-Americans. ( I think it was Bob Grant who coined the phrase “Schmuck Schumer”)


The Trump administration has promised not to weaponize the shutdown, if it occurs, as the obama administration did.

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Friday that if the government shuts down, it won’t be as bad as 2013 because former President Obama’s administration did things to make it worse.

Mulvaney said “the Obama administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013” for political purposes by closing popular attractions like national parks. He claimed the Trump administration isn’t planning to do the same.

“We’re going to manage the shutdown differently, we’re not going to weaponize it,”  the budget director told reporters at the White House. “We’re not going to try and hurt people, especially people who work for the federal government.”

democrats believe the shutdown is in their favor, but it is an unpopular stance:

Voters overwhelmingly oppose the Democrats’ threat to shut down the government unless the GOP provides an amnesty to roughly 3 million illegals, according to a new poll by Rasmussen.  “Just 27% agree with Senate Minority Whip [Sen.] Dick Durbin’s call for a government shutdown to force a congressional decision on the Dreamers question separate from the border security issue,” said Rasmussen Reports. “Twice as many (55%) oppose a government shutdown for this reason. Seventeen percent (17%) are undecided.”

The shutdown threat is backed by only 26 percent of blacks, 35 percent of Democrats, 21 percent of moderates, 37 percent of people who earn more than $200,000, 23 percent of post-graduates, and 31 percent of people who strongly disapprove of President Donald Trump’s policies.

But the shutdown threat is opposed by 58 percent of blacks, 49 percent of Democrats, 42 percent of liberals, and 63 percent of people who earn from $30,000 to $63,000.

Trump promised to seize upon this as an election issue should it happen:

President Donald Trump warned Friday morning that a looming government shutdown could be brought on by Senate Democrats who he said “want illegal immigration and weak borders.”

As a prescription against future Congressional impasses, the president called on voters to hand him even larger Republican majorities in next November’s midterm elections.

“Government Funding Bill past [sic] last night in the House of Representatives,” Trump wrote on Twitter Friday morning. “Now Democrats are needed if it is to pass in the Senate – but they want illegal immigration and weak borders. Shutdown coming? We need more Republican victories in 2018!”

democrats are, inherently, hypocrites full of crap. This is what Schmuck Schumer had to say back in 2013 about holding up a budget for immigration concerns:

Democrats said they would not support another government funding measure unless a DACA deal is struck, a notable shift from Democrats in the past. In 2013, during the debt ceiling negotiations, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called the legislative strategy of tying immigration reform to budgetary matters—and threatening to shut down the government in the process—as a path that would breed “governmental chaos.”

Pelosi called this kind of maneuver “legislative arson.”

This has become, as obama might say, a sh*tshow, but make no mistake. This is the Schmuck Schumer Sh*thole Shutdown.

Liberals also making as much noise as they can to drown out coming earthquake.


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Until such time that the ASSHAT Republicans start fighting back, the bully pulpit of the President being one of those tools, the MSM and the Dems will continue to getaway with this. Their playbook has been clear and consistent for years now. Lie like hell and inundate the people’s senses until they believe the lies.

The President has to demand time and lay it out there for all. Call their bluff and show us all what hypocritical lying sacks of SH.. these people are as they continue their drive to turn this country into a subservient socialist SH..hole like the rest of the world seems to be heading to!!

DACA was scheduled to be addressed in March, but Democrats unnecessarily made it a part of funding the government, something that would not be necessary if Democrats would vote on the proposed budget, something they had blocked long before DACA became an issue.

Good news from the polls, which more often than not reflect a biased view of conditions. It appears even the people the pollsters prey upon are seeing through the left’s attempts to discredit Trump and blame him for everything they unnecessarily screw up.

Little-known change (adjustment) in how Adminitrative departments budget themselves under Trump:
Any money not spent by the end of the year (under Obama) had to be spent up or else.
Any money left over at the end of the year would be competing for bonuses by high-savings depts under Trump.
Many depts have some excess cash on hand to continue to run during a shutdown.
Dems get egg on their faces.

Joseph Goebbels did the same thing in Germany.

Schumer and his fellow Demac-RATS need to be arrested and charged with Extortion lock up Chucky Sleaze for 100 years and his fellow Demac-RATS as well

Only 17% of federal workers will get their paid vacation due to this shut down. The rest of them must show up. About 99 % will be home this weekend just like last weekend and the weekend before. The public is begging to catch on that 17 % could be eliminated.
I would like to see them get only top unemployment pay not their full salary. Let them deal with their own government rules. This should be treated like a layoff.

Obama DID NOT want to Make America Great! He may have wanted to make America a SHIT HOLE; I said may.

@an. ol exJarhead: Rich? Well, he certainly wanted to get it headed toward a socialist Islamist state. The fortunate thing about having Obozo the man in chg of that was that he has never, in his life, been successful at anything. Well, other than marrying a trannie.

Aside from the nonsensical and dishonest partisan allegiance of Dr John (that he’d honor, protect, lie for, kiss ass, race bait for, and worship Hitler, Satan, Stalin, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, et al as long as they weren’t a Democrat), it’s worth noting that in the real world, Rs have pretty much branded themselves and have become known as the shutdown party, Trump himself even said the country “could use a good shutdown”, and that all 3 branches of government are securely controlled by republicans.

Of course, Saddam sucking DJ doesn’t want to note that his idol, Donald Jesus Trump, is the one who wrecklessly and without reason tipped over the DACA apple cart, ripping adult parents and business owners from their families because they happened to have been been brought over at the age of 3, (obviously because they’re not Trump’s preferred race) and leaving working moms afraid to report abuse (Trump does like that superstar status when “they’ll let you do anything”).

And of course, Rs have had over 3 months to fix the CHIP problems but preferred to focus on pleasing their donors.

@an. ol exJarhead:

the POS, gutter scum came close and the dike slut hillary would have finished it

Watching the democrats lay blame on the Prez when no bill was placed before him to sign, now it would be his shutdown if , like Reagan, there was a bill he vetoed. What is in this bill that the Democrats hate? Its what they dont want to legislate separately.
They voted against CHIP, but it was for the children.

Look at AJ going nuts because his party of degenerates is cratering! What’s the matter, AJ? Did Soros not send you your daily thoughts and you are having to pull things out of your own hollow skull? Your retread lies are the result of when you haven’t been given your daily dose of left wing talking points.

Nothing is more satisfying that watching liberals implode. DACA theatrics, racism accusations, FISA scandal, the collusion investigation that goes nowhere… all making the crybabies cry louder and lie more… like AJ.

Red Team An Officer and a Gentleman would never post a #7 or
When Trumpeteers post ridiculous accusations like your #8 is it any wonder Dems bring up DT’S trysts with porn stars and hookers–tit for tit.


A civics lesson? Where would you suggest? Trump University?

And yes, you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and energy sucking Trump butt.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

AJ going nuts

going? baby he has arrived and now

His idle?

idling? we know he is not firing on all cylinders.

@Ajay42302: You are a constant reminder of a failed education system.

You do incoherent well.
Thanks for the laughs.

@Richard Wheeler:

post ridiculous accusations like your #8

What was an accusation in #8? There were a couple facts, but no ‘accusations’.

@Satjay42302: Hey SatJay, Trump U did not offer degrees or courses in Civics. Only in business. Actually they didn’t offer ‘degrees’ in any regimen.

@DrJohn: Those are simply AJ’s idol ramblings.

Chuckie Sleeze Schumer