Sunday Funnies


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For hollywood to be calling for Gun Control(Hollywood Airhead Matt Damon calls for Gun Confiscation)is like a fat man giving diet advice the hypocricy in tinsle town is biggger then 250 football fields and the space between a liberal demacrats ears in so great when the wind blows you can hear that same sound you hear when you blow into a empty bottle

Don Rickles was great.
Anyone remember his appearances on The Dick Van Dyke Show?

Liberals always think big goverment is the answer to everything especialy the Dumb-O-Crats why else do they a;ways push for Gun Control,Gun Registration and Gun Confiscation and especialy Hollywood airheads like Matt Damon

Some of those liberal journalists have compared Trump to the KKK yeah the KKK that was founded by demacrats and where the late Robert Byrd was a Grand Exhualted Wizard

On the right, just confirmed as our nation’s Ambassador to the Vatican, American family values advocate Callista Gingrich.

Fortunately His Holiness is known to have a sense of humor.

We have some hidden camera footage of her arrival at her new diplomatic post.