Obama Caught In His Own Rope A Dope

The White House, aided by its state-directed media feels no responsibility to tell the American people the truth; in fact, everything we hear from the Obama Administration is filtered through a propaganda process until judged beneficial to President Obama.

The official White House account of the Benghazi terror attack suggests it happened because, there was no “actionable” intelligence to suggest the consulate office was in danger.

Apparently, the Red Cross seems to have a better intelligence team than the United States.

Doom [Reader Post]

I’m channeling the Monty; bringing you a healthy dose of DOOOOOM – one lump or two? Global economic growth has collapsed. WTO cuts global trade growth outlook. US durable goods …

Never Forgotten

I wanted to take a quick moment to share a story from Airman First Class Tom Brading (not to be confused with Tom Brady!).  It’s a great story of resilience …

Sunday (Evening) Funnies

“In an interview with Univision, President Obama said if there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s that you can’t change Washington from within. So what is he saying — that if we want real change, we should throw him out?” –Jay Leno

War BY women follows the pattern of affirmative racism [Reader Post]

The Democrats have always been the party of racism. Long after fighting on the wrong side of the Civil War, they provided the bulk of the opposition to the civil rights movement and the ending of the web of Jim Crow segregation laws. Then as soon as they lost the battle for anti-black racism the party immediately switched to anti-white racism with its embrace of affirmative action (the race-conscious favoring of blacks in hiring and promotion). Their one constant: they never gave liberty a chance.

Why are Conservatives Complaining About Obama’s Appearance on The View? [Reader Post]

he was yukking it up on The View where he made what may have been the most honest assessment of his presidency, “I’m just the eye candy.” Even the court eunuchs in the mainstream press couldn’t ignore this one, and Obama took on some friendly fire from his own. Conservatives naturally blasted Obama for this, but I say… “So what?”

Yes, I agree that the president should be acting like, well, a leader. That’s just not one of his skill sets – anyone who did any homework on his background knows that he’s never had a real leadership role (much less a real job) in his life. He’s never shown any aptitude to be a leader, so why would we expect him to behave like one?

Does Integrity And Honesty Matter In The Senate?

Does it make sense to elect a compromised candidate to the Senate?

Elizabeth Warren the Marxist sounding law professor of Harvard is running for the Senate, but the Senate is probably running from her. Positions of power offer many opportunities for corruption and it is extremely hard for an honest man to resist the temptation. Bringing in a corrupt lawyer who already is compromised in terms of honesty and integrity is a forlorn hope at reestablishing the reputation of the Senate. Will the Senate be jaded enough to accept a new member who has already displayed a lack of integrity, but is willing to break the law at will.