Former Occidental College mate: Obama an “ardent Marxist-Leninist”

In between the establishment GOP elected elite and their fellow pundits, all in an uproar about Newt’s rise in the polls, and the Ron Paul supporters pouring on the steam pushing their guy… let’s have another type of fun, shall we? After all, these are the days when people like Palin and Cain are tried in the court of public opinion based on past confessions and accusations. It would be a pity to leave Obama out of our new age justice system.

Seems that an old story is rebounding via Selwyn Duke over at the New American today. An old Occidental College contemporary of Obama’s three decades ago – John Drew, himself a self-described Marxist at the time – says that Obama was an “ardent Marxist-Leninist” during his years there, and as of today, Drew doesn’t think he’s changed one iota.