All Canada [Reader Post]

When just a kid, spoiled snot still smashing his expensive Christmas toys because they weren’t good enough, watching black and white television, no color around our mansion, variety shows like Ed Sullivan had the spinning dishes act. This improviso’s shtick had six spinning dinner plates each at the end of a pointed stick and his act was to keep them all spinning at the same time. Regardless of the guy’s wild gyratic efforts eventually the dishes started to fall smashing everywhere with loud crashes ending the one minute skit. For many years Canadian governments and politics has been a bunch of spinning dishes with the first and loudest to crash being those far off Canadian Mountie Dudley Doright western provinces. They have the rich riches in energy, precious metals, strategic materials and food grain (fat pigs for great bacon) yet it is they that had been footing the bills paying for the high tea (not Tea Party) formal dress garden party lawn bowling games in Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal.

Despite killing Bin Laden, Obama is still anti-American [Reader Post]

The day before Bin Laden was killed I did a small presentation at an Americans for Prosperity event in Jasper, GA. The highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Dinesh D’Souza. The thrust of his argument, taken from his book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”, is essentially that while most traditional Democrats seek to effect redistribution within America, Obama, pursuing the anti-colonialist agenda of his father, seeks to have the United States diminished among the countries of the world. Companion to that weakening of the United States internationally is the weakening of the country economically. One example D’Souza discussed was Obama cheering oil exploration internationally while simultaneously making it more difficult and more expensive for companies to explore & drill domestically.

Short Takes May 8th, 2011 [Reader Post]

1) Osama bin Laden was on the 3rd floor of his compound, and it took quite awhile for Navy SEALS to break through the inner wall and get up to that third floor. There were guns on that third floor. Laden did not grab a gun and come out with his guns blazing; he did not grab a gun and take cover, and start shooting. Apparently he threw one of his wives at a Navy SEAL, and that seems to be the extent of his resistence. Where is the great terrorist who would like to take as many Americans down with him at his death?