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It is rumored that NYC Mayor Bloomberg will soon be the next Treasury Secretary.

I have a serious question. Why would you replace the only man in America who can save the economy with a second rate ‘has been’ like Bloomberg? It is obviously a tough job, look at how much Geitner has struggled to keep us out of complete economic meltdown and he is the best in the world.

Keeping Geitner also insures America that he is at least paying his taxes. If the Obama carries out this plan, America will be in a Lose – Lose situation, we must stop the lunacy, before it is too late!

Sorry Charlie! Flipper Tanking in Florida Senate Race

Rubio (R) 40%    Crist (I) 28%    Meek (D) 23%

Now, remember, it is INSURANCE, not WELFARE!

A millionaire who loses his or her job is entitled to benefits the same as a laid-off factory or restaurant worker………….

Getting an insurance payment doesn’t depend on need but only on suffering an insured loss………

In some cases where millionaires claim benefits, the recipient may not be in a high-salary job. For example, a chief executive’s spouse may lose a teaching job……..

According to U.S. Internal Revenue Service data, 2,840 households reporting at least $1 million in income on their tax returns that year also collected a total of $18.6 million in jobless aid. They included 806 taxpayers with incomes over $2 million and 17 with incomes in excess of $10 million. In all, multimillionaires reported receiving $5.2 million in jobless benefits.

8,011 households reporting income between $500,000 and $1 million in 2008 claimed jobless benefits totaling $52.8 million, the IRS data show.

Those numbers are a minuscule fraction of the 9.5 million taxpayers who reported receiving $43.7 billion from jobless benefits in 2008, up from 7.6 million recipients reporting $29.4 billion in benefits in 2007. Still, economists said they are surprised so many people with seven-figure incomes claimed benefits.

Business Week

Between the Soros/Obama crowd and the raghead siuation, I don’t see a peaceful outcome even if we win the majority on Nov 2. Our enemies are desperate and will do anything to maintain their power base. Time for some sole searching as to what you are willing to do to keep the Republic. For now keep your powder dry but be prepared for any eventuality.

Palestinians say they won’t participate in any more peace talks unless Israel re-institutes curbs on settlement construction and expansion. That’s fine. But going into peace talks with pre-conditions means that perhaps the Israelis should demand that Hamas be kicked out of the Gaza Strip — prior to peace talks — because of their terrorist attitude of wanting Israel destroyed.

The Israelis have said that the issue of growth, natural expansion of the Jewish population in the West bank and construction should be dealt with in the course of peace talks. It seems that Abbas and his terrorist clan are trying to make Israel look bad. But as long as Hamas and their extremist policies are allowed to stand, we can do without peace talks.

Personally, I sincerely believe that Israel should just keep all of the land conquered in the war and help the Arabs, and Palestinians, who don’t like it move themselves into Jordan, Saudi Arabia or Iran.

By the way, Iran’s president Ahmadinejad recently said that eventually Israel will be just another Arab country with a Jewish minority. What he meant to say was, “I am dumb as dirt and I need to have a shovel full of U.S. super power up my ass to help me forget stupid, irrational claims.”

Supremes get case against ‘putative’ President Obama — World Net Daily 02-Oct-2010
Petition: ‘There exists possibility that he could be an illegal alien’

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

“A new court filing that returns the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to the U.S. Supreme Court warns that unless the judiciary makes a definitive decision in the dispute, it will be the same as allowing the political interests in the United States to amend the U.S. Constitution at will.”

“Now Apuzzo has escalated the issue to the highest court in the land, suggesting that “the constitutional issue … cannot be decided by the political parties and a voting majority. Our nation is ultimately guided by the Constitution and the rule of law, not by majority rule. Allowing the political parties and the voting majorities to decide constitutional issues would be tantamount to amending the Constitution without going through the amendment process prescribed by Article V of the Constitution and abandoning the basic principles of republican government.”

“Putative President, Barack Hussein Obama … has not yet conclusively proven that he was born in the United States … His father was never a United States citizen nor was he even a permanent resident … They both became Kenyan citizens when Kenya got its independence in 1963 … Obama’s relationship to his Indonesian stepfather and move to Indonesia when he was a child … and his travels to Pakistan in 1981, also raise doubts,” the petition explains.

If Obama was not born in the United States, there exists a possibility that Obama could be an illegal alien,” it states.”

AdrianS This case has been thrown out by the appellate court.The Supreme Court will do likewise.
Minuteman “Keep your powder dry” Bullshit

Semper Fi

As of the first of Oct, I am Father to a Marine who was promoted to Corporal. 😀

Time for some sole searching

I recommend a leaky boat in a rocky bay. Don’t be afraid to jump in if you see something moving down below: they are bottomfeaders, so you should feel right at home. As for bait, try a ragworm. you’re pretty good at baiting rags after all.

Pat Congratulations!

An NCO, congrats PV and congrats to your son.

Cheers Pat! I just opened a cold one.

I had no idea that the “smoking gun” letter that Allred produced was 7 YEARS OLD! And, furthermore that her client, the maid, lied and falsified documents, which is a FEDERAL offense. All of this because the maid wants to get paid for mileage for driving her car on errands?

Somebody call ICE; or has the maid already been arrested yet. This should be an easy deportation case, with all of the other crimes this maid has committed.

Allred is out of luck. I live in California and more than ever will vote for Meg Whitman, the future lady governor of the State of California come November.

I can only say in Meg Whitman’s defense that she is innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever. She was at all times relying on the integrity of an employment agency. Both the maid and the agency should be immediately prosecuted.

And to think that Jerry “if it’s brown flush it” Brown would even stoop to the low level of suggesting that Meg Whitman’s integrity is comparable to that of the lying, cheating illegal alien (the maid). Jerry Brown should not even be running for governor. He is in violation of the spirit of the TERM LIMITS law wherein the people of the State of California have said that governors should server ONLY two terms. Because the TERM LIMIT law was passed after Brown served two terms, Brown feels he can ignore the will of the people and run again — a third term. Does Brown not understand the will of the people — we don’t want a flake like Brown for governor; he is a multi-time loser in many, many elections. People don’t want Jerry “Jesuit” Brown, he has no dignity.

Illegal aliens will do anything to come to this country and cheat and lie their way to jobs they don’t deserve. I trust that ICE and the U.S. government will arrest, prosecute and deport the maid immediately.

Elect Meg Whitman. Brown? Flush it.

Does that mean two pretty stripes? 😛

Congratulations to the three of you, your son because he is an outstanding individual that earned that promotion and you and your lovely wife who were a big part of sending him on his way! and, nice to see you pop in with some good news for us! 😉

Great video. Too bad it has to be marred by a misspelling of Patrick Henry’s name.

Video of the left’s One Nation Rally in DC:

The crowd wasn’t nearly as large as any tea party rally even though the participants were bussed in by unions, fed and provided free t-shirts. There are photos of union members visiting area attractions instead of marching and the mall was littered with trash after the event.


What should American voters think about large foreign business interests funneling money into the United States to influence the outcome of U.S. elections?

The question might be worth considering, since it appears that may be exactly what’s happening:


Oh..Jezzz that’s freakin funny as hell!!!!

Paypal’s verification system was turned off during Obama’s entire election, and suddenly you idiots get the vapors over a very LEGAL method to raise money. Maybe when you Fascist bastards quit using union dues and union people for political purposes, you’ll remember what the 1st amendment is all about.

How much did BP give Obama?


For some reason, I don’t find the thought of foreign corporations funding attack ads intended to sway the outcome of U.S. elections all that amusing.

And I don’t find Obama taking over $30,000 from Hamas in Gaza, nor the other 100 million in untraceable donations through Paypal very funny either.

None of this bothered you ONE bit 2 years ago, but now you suddenly think somebody might be gambling in Ricks bar!

Here’s the differences…One is legal, one WAS NOT. One is traceable one WAS NOT. One NEVER bothered you at all, now, one does.

Cry me a river.

One of the greatest lines in one of the greatest movies ever!


Gallup Delivers a Stunner

As Election Day draws closer, every major public opinion poll shifts from interviewing registered voters to those whom it identifies as “likely” voters. Gallup, the oldest U.S. polling company, first developed the model it uses for identifying likely voters back in 1950 and its final election polls have proven highly accurate.

Yesterday, Gallup delivered its first 2010 “likely voter” poll and the results floored the political community. In the generic ballot question, which asks which party a voter would favor in a generic House contest, Gallup gave the GOP a 46% to 42% edge. But then Gallup applied two versions of its “likely voter” turnout model. In its “high turnout model,” Republicans led Democrats by 53% to 40%. In its “low turnout model,” the GOP edge was a stunning 56% to 38%. That kind of margin in favor of Republicans has never been seen in Gallup surveys.

Sounds like a good time to get out of Dodge.

Obama to arrive in
India on Diwali night‎
The Times of India, by Chidanand Rajghatta

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama is likely to arrive in India on November 5 instead of November 7 as originally scheduled. He will leave Washington DC on the night of November 4 soon after the mid-term Congressional election where many pundits are predicting severe reverses for the Democratic Party.

He will be away from the US for almost 12 days, one of the longest tours during his presidency, touching India, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea, before returning to Washington DC on November 14.

Missy, thanks for the link about the switch to likely voters from mere registered voters.

There are a few pollsters who don’t even stick to voters.
They poll any adult over the age of 18!

And, then there’s Rasmussen.
It only polls likely voters all year round.
Their definition of a likely voter is ”a person who has already voted in the last two elections.”

Seems like we will be seeing some cheer leading attempts by Dems in these last days and weeks…..

The past attempts by Biden (stop whining!) and Obama (it is “inexcusable” and “irresponsible” for unenthusiastic Democratic voters to sit out the midterm elections) fell short.

Those of us in the military saw this all all along!
Dems turn on Obama over Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo
Senior Political Analyst
October 5, 2010

It’s pretty clear that Democrats are less enthusiastic about voting this year than Republicans. The latest evidence comes from Gallup, which reports that Republicans’ 3 percent edge in congressional voting among registered voters increases to 13 and 18 points when you include just those likely and very likely to actually vote.

So why are Democrats less enthusiastic? And why has “the progressive donor base,” as Democratic consultant Jim Jordans reports, “stopped writing checks”?
I don’t think it’s just because the economy remains sour or that President Obama failed to jam a public option in the health care bill.

I find a more convincing explanation in an offhand phrase in a subordinate clause in a brief article by Adam Serwer of the Center for American Progress on the Washington Post’s opinion pages. “There’s no question,” Serwer writes, defying anyone to disagree, “that Obama has completely reversed on his promises to roll back Bush-era national security policies.”
For it is not economics but foreign policy that has motivated the left half of the Democratic Party over the last decade.

When Howard Dean’s supporters were declaring that they wanted to “take our country back” in 2003 and 2004, they weren’t talking about repealing the Bush tax cuts. They were talking about withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and taking a more conciliatory and respectful stance to the leaders of Old Europe and revolutionary Iran.

Similarly, Obama’s refusal in 2007 and 2008 to admit that there was even a smidgen of success to George W. Bush’s surge strategy in Iraq — even today he will only hint that the surge worked — cannot be chalked up to an intellectual incapacity to assimilate the facts.
It can only be explained as an unwillingness to rile the base of the Democratic Party whose concerns, as we know from Bob Woodward’s account of the president’s conduct of deliberations over what to do in Afghanistan, are never far from his mind.

Nevertheless, he has left these Democrats disappointed.
They hoped to see an abject and abrupt withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq within weeks of the Obama inauguration. They hoped to see a beginning of withdrawal from Afghanistan not in July 2011 but in the early months of 2009. They hoped to see the detention facility at Guantanamo closed and shuttered and the detainees tried in civilian courts or freed to regale the media with tales of torture.

The uncomfortable truth is that many — not most, but many — Democratic politicians and Democratic voters saw political benefit in an American defeat in Iraq. Many, including Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, then boss of Obama’s new chief of staff Pete Rouse, thronged to the Washington premiere of Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11.” They tried to give every appearance of agreeing with the “Bush-lied-people-died” crowd and with those who charged that high-ranking officials colluded in systematic torture.

It was a lot of fun while it lasted, up to election night 2008 and Inauguration Day 2009. But then Obama had to govern. Knowing little of military affairs, he retained Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who has loyally served presidents of both parties. Understanding even if not admitting the great headway Americans had made in Iraq, Obama declined to throw it all away.
Appreciating that Afghanistan was critical to protecting Americans, he made a commitment to increase troop levels there in May 2009, reconsidered it from August to November, then restated it Dec. 1, with a commitment to begin withdrawals in July 2011.

In so doing, Obama implicitly confessed that the view of the world held with quasi-religious fervor by the Democratic left was delusional all along. Bush didn’t lie, we didn’t go into Afghanistan and Iraq without allies and against their wishes, we didn’t carry out policies of torture, etc. The effort to cast Iraq as another Vietnam and America under Bush as an oppressive rogue power were perhaps emotionally satisfying but unconnected to reality.

Without saying so, Obama has found himself having to teach this lesson to the Adam Serwers of the world. They don’t like hearing it. They’re keeping their ears plugged up and their eyes defiantly shut. Their MyObama Web pages are inactive and their checkbooks are closed. They’ve tuned out of the campaign and many of them won’t even vote. The president they helped elect — and the world — have turned out not to be what they thought.

Michael Barone,The Examiner’s senior political analyst, can be contacted at His column appears Wednesday and Sunday, and his stories and blog posts appear on

lost most of my hearing, none of my pride. might be beatin down, but still a patriot. I have nothing let to give.

The burden grows strong. The fight remains, as ever. God Bless America.

Patvann, good for your son. Semper Fi.

@ Randy, Yep, We saw it coming. An FDR or JFK, he ain’t! 😉

Great article and thanks for sharing!

@ blast, Hey Pardner, we are not short on Patriots like yourself but the Nation is short on Statesmen. We are, unfortunately over stocked with Pretenders, Career Politicians, Snake Oil Peddlers and arrogant incumbents in office…

Lets have a “Fire Sale” in November. 50% off on Used Politicians!
Naw , make it 90% off, just keep them out of DC before it gets down
to pitchforks and torches!

@ Old Trooper, when will it get better? Even at 50% off it all seems low.

*trying to keep a positive attitude*

@ blast, Actually pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers are cheaper than half of the Congress and the Senate drawing unemployment. In November, I reckon that you couldn’t even give away those used Politicians. Most of them are just good for bookends or door stops!

It will get better when we get DC cleaned out.

They will be back in the spring as lobbyist!

My first born son is John
He shoots big guns hither yon
He is a Marine
my favorite, it seems,
and he’s sick of Obama’s con.

PATTVAN: hi, I can understand how he and other thinks about AMERICA,
when they get the news. MAY GOD protect them,

Chicago politics in Washington

Those tea pot dome politicals were pikers compared to this administration. Passing a devastating health care bill that would force many companies to quit providing employee health insurance was a great move. It was smart to give exceptions to the law to companies that kow towed to the administration during an election year.

Taking over the auto manufacturing companies and fully funding the union retirement plans was a great move for the Unions provided they supported the administration.

Stimulating the economy by giving funds to teachers and other members of the public employee unions was a very smart move.

Funneling funds to supporters through various agencies like EPA and OSHA was another smart move.

Funding construction projects in “blue” states worked out also.

What about the 95% of the population that are paying the taxes to support this administration and the other 5%? It is no wonder that the tea parties are gathering strength. There is a rotten stench in Washington!

Randy Do you actually believe all this stuff you write? “95% of the population paying the taxes to support this admin and the other 5%”.What does that mean and how would you remedy this?

Exit questions
Are you a tea partier
Are you a birther

Rich Wheeler,
Did Obama fully fund the union workers retirement but not the nonunion employees?
Has this administration threatened companies who contemplated dropping employee health insurance?
has more Stimulus fund project been started in blue states than red?
Have you seen the grants that the EPA and OSHA have given to supporters of the administration?

Can you read?
Do you think or just run off you mouth?

Randy, are you talking about 5% of the 53% of American households that pay any federal income tax?
Or what?

Just the week before last April 15th, the news was covered with this factoid:

47 percent of America’s households paid no federal income taxes at all for 2009. Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability.

Randy You didn’t answer my very simple question.Also note NanG in 38. Thanks

You’re quite the hothead aren’t you?


We pay more taxes than just income taxes. Buy anything and there are taxes paid somewhere. Everyone buys something. When the administration favors a portion of the population with projects, “stimulus” or retirement, that money comes from all of us who were not on the receiving end. When the favors are made to enhance a political position, that is what causes those strong odors from Washington.

Randy, sales taxes usually go to the city, County and/or state, depending on if the particular city, county or state charges a sales tax at all.
We do have a federal tax on tobacco and gasoline.

But when you say ”administration” most people think Federal government.

According to a May, 2010 CNN Money article, 40% of all retail sales comes from the 20% of American households that have the highest incomes.

So, again, it is the wealthier folks who pay the lion’s share.

Were you being facetious?

I know many doctors and medical students who are leaving medicine and going into somewhat related fields or retiring.
My acquaintances fit into this model from an IBD/TIPP poll of American doctors: 45 percent of U.S. doctors would consider shutting down their practices or retiring if the health care bill became law.


All of us pay corporate taxes in increased prices of products and services. Getting those nasty corporations affects us all. Yes, those who make more and spend more pay more taxes. The issue here is that this administration makes up the rules as they go along and skews the system by showing favoritism to supports. I will be interesting if the Republicans take the house to see how many of these “programs” unravel.

RW: Ignorant people bring out the worst in me!

Randy Yours must be a constant inner struggle.

Yours must be a constant inner struggle.”

I reckon that this is the “struggle”that the Nation MUST resolve.

I’m not a member of any Party but this is the time to be an American First and realize that things just are not working under the present Regime. The arrogance and ignorance of incumbency is too much for me to just stand by and watch. When Commanders in the Field screw up, they get Relieved…

Washington Post
Get the anti-science bent out of politics
Michael Mann

It is obvious that Michael Mann thinks that everyone who disagrees with him is less intelligent. He wants to get anti-science out of politics yet his success in garnering large grants is based on his ability to influence politics.

His tree ring data has been discredited by several researchers. The hocky stick graph has also been discredited. He had used those studies to influence the UN view on climate change. I think he is fearful of a congressional investigation into how the climatic research studies and the conclusions have been conducted. Climate change advocates have raked in millions of dollars and inhibited job creation with half truths. It is past time for indepth investigation into climate change before massive regulations are enacted.

Do you think that General Jones stepping down as the NSA has anything to do with the elevated terrorist alert in Europe. The EU members have indicated that this may be a mid-term election ploy to take attention away from the administration performance. It also provides cover for increased air attacks in Pakistan. If this was a political move rather than a strategic move, maybe the attacks on our supply lines and the open criticism of the air strikes by Pakistan officials is another unintended consequence of inept leadership.

@ Randy, Jones reminded me of Wes Clark. Inept leadership seems to fit. A mixed blessing on his resignation as Team Obama has less qualified candidates with the same political ambitions waiting in the wings. From my viewpoint it is political as no one on Team Obama has any experience at any Strategy but Politics.

Playing “whack-a-mole” with drones has created more enemies than friends, caused more civilian casualties than dead tangos and is a poor substitute for boots on the ground. The Taliban is negotiating with Karzai and the supply routes will continue to get whacked as we pour billions in Aid
into Pak.

There is no “silver bullet” at this point. Yep, it is Politics. 😉

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic…

The Social Security Administration’s inspector general said in a report Thursday that $18 million went to 72,000 people who were dead.nt to 72,000 people who were dead.

The report said $4.3 million went to a little more than 17,000 prison inmates.

I hope everyone was suitablly stimulated!

Told you so!

Washington, D.C. — Today policy experts from the National Center for Public Policy Research are calling attention to corporate special interest groups that received taxpayer money through the stimulus thanks to the President and that also are lobbying for Obama’s energy policy.

“It’s alarming that many of the remaining corporate members of the United States Climate Action Partnership – a cap-and-trade lobbying group – such as General Electric, Duke Energy, NextEra Energy, Exelon, and Honeywell all received economic stimulus funds. It seems pushing Obama’s agenda has financial rewards. The coordinated effort between big government and big business threatens our free enterprise system,” said Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project. (National Center)

US physics professor:
‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’

Anthony Watts describes it thus:

This is an important moment in science history. I would describe it as a letter on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door. It is worthy of repeating this letter in entirety on every blog that discusses science.

It’s so utterly damning that you should read the whole thing.