Obama Takes the Bypass Again [Reader Post]


That whole Senate confirmation process is only there to keep the country from experiencing change it can believe in, right? Well, then let’s just skip it.

You can almost hear these thoughts going through Obama’s head as you read about his appointment of Elizabeth Warren as adviser to the shaping of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Bureau will be the embodiment of Warren’s brainchild, the Consumer Finance Protection Agency, and “will be a watchdog for the American consumer” if we are to believe Obama. By appointing Warren as an advisor and not as the Bureau’s director, Obama was able to completely bypass the process of obtaining Senate approval. But that just makes things look more suspicious.

Warren’s Power Trip

According to Obama, Warren will play “a pivotal role” in choosing the first director of the Bureau, but no one has stepped up yet to assure us that she won’t be a candidate herself. Of course, Senate approval would be needed, but it’s not out of the question. For now, she’ll be the architect who executes her concept no matter what the Senate might have to say on the matter.

What’s the Point?

Let’s try to figure out what this Bureau is supposed to accomplish besides getting Warren out of Obama’s hair. She’s been one pesky advocate of the Bureau since 2007, and maybe he just needs a break. Here are the few lonely reasons for the Bureau’s existence:

  • Eradicating fine print and confusing language in credit card, mortgage, and student loan contracts
  • Making sure that the average hardworking American doesn’t get taken for a ride by attractive credit card offers
  • Budgeting $400 million to take care of all that money we don’t know how to spend
  • Giving Warren an out so she doesn’t have to handle the $700 billion bank rescue fund (Troubled Asset Relief Program) any longer

Yes, this Bureau is just an expensive way to dumb down financial language and keep Warren busy. So grab your antacids and hold on tight for the transfer of authority from the Treasury Department to the Fed by July 2011. That’s when you’ll be able to dedicate your contract-reading brain cells to other, more important tasks like learning to tie your own shoes.

Heather Green is a freelance writer, mother, professional model and the resident blogger for An Apple a Day… blog, a free informational website offering tips and advice on online nursing schools.

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A cornered lizard is the worst kind, and we have ours cornered.

Let me see my Constitution.
“The Senate shall advise and consent…”
Okay. The Constitution no longer applies.
Since the Constitution no longer applies, one wonders (but not very hard) about what the actual governing documents of the United States would be.
I conjecture that we have a fascist dictator.
Fascism: the binding together of all the national instruments of production in the government. I include here the State ownership of GM, the State ownership of college loans, the State ownership of health insurance, … Sorry. I would spend the next two weeks listing all of the State controls; you can add to this list as you please.
I would not be surprised to see the November election repudiated by the White House, and the results disallowed, with the Democratic majority left in office. Thus have dictators done in the past; our dictator will be no different.
And few even bother to whimper as our rights are systematically exterminated.

@ mathman…

House Republicans Want All Bills to Cite Constitutional Authority


House Republicans, marking the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, called Friday for members of Congress to adopt a proposal that would require every bill to include language citing its constitutional authority.

The idea was proposed by Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., on Republicans’ “America Speaking Out” website — an online discussion board for legislative ideas. GOP leaders talked up the idea in honor of Constitution Day, being celebrated Friday.

House Minority Leader John Boehner’s blog argued that the Shadegg proposal could create “an obstacle to expanded government” and could have put a check on the health care overhaul passed earlier this year.

“The centerpiece of ObamaCare is a constitutionally suspect ‘individual mandate’ requiring every American citizen to purchase government-approved health insurance,” the post said.

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va., wrote in a column for National Review Online that, “we shouldn’t proceed with legislation until we have resolved its constitutionality.”

The Lapdog Senate is another issue entirely though.

I always thought that the States ran Consumer Affairs. Nothing better than duplication in government. Could cause competition!

Now that Wreckovery Summers is resigning in order to safeguard his tenure at Harvard, the last man standing is Geithner. I wonder if Goldman Sacks is still hiring?

Obama also bypassed the opinion of his generals on what to do in Afghanistan.
It only goes to prove that when the dems accuse you of something, it’s because it’s what they would be doing or are currently doing.

Obama’s Afghanistan strategy: Don’t listen to the generals


President Obama urgently looked for a way out of the war in Afghanistan last year, repeatedly pressing his top military advisers for an exit plan that they never gave him, according to secret meeting notes and documents cited in a new book by journalist Bob Woodward.

Frustrated with his military commanders for consistently offering only options that required significantly more troops, Obama finally crafted his own strategy, dictating a classified six-page “terms sheet” that sought to limit U.S. involvement, Woodward reports in “Obama’s Wars,” to be released on Monday.

According to Woodward’s meeting-by-meeting, memo-by-memo account of the 2009 Afghan strategy review, the president avoided talk of victory as he described his objectives. …

Obama rejected the military’s request for 40,000 troops as part of an expansive mission that had no foreseeable end. “I’m not doing 10 years,” he told Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a meeting on Oct. 26, 2009. “I’m not doing long-term nation-building. I am not spending a trillion dollars.”

The only really notable revelation here is not that surprising:

An older war – the Vietnam conflict – does figure prominently in the minds of Obama and his advisers. When Vice President Biden rushed to the White House on a Sunday morning to make one last appeal for a narrowly defined mission, he warned Obama that a major escalation would mean “we’re locked into Vietnam.”

Obama kept asking for “an exit plan” to go along with any further troop commitment, and is shown growing increasingly frustrated with the military hierarchy for not providing one. At one strategy session, the president waved a memo from the Office of Management and Budget, which put a price tag of $889 billion over 10 years on the military’s open-ended approach.

And instead of listening to his generals, particularly Petraeus, who kept saying that the only exit strategy was to defeat the enemy and keep Afghanistan secure, the man with no military experience whatsoever wrote his own doctrine. Petraeus, ironically, wound up having to implement a plan he very much opposed. This sounds closer to the errors of Vietnam than their solution.

So the Boy Wonder spits in My Face again and the faces of those deployed for his Political Agenda. I was in AFPAK when the request was made and expected this type of logic from a Punk Pretender that had nothing invested and nothing to lose. An Idiot took the sage advice of his appointed Idiots so the fate of the deployed is twisting in the wind. Way to Go America!

Less than 3% of America is currently serving so that is not a whole lot of votes involved but it is just a lot of Troopers at risk and his defeatist support base to pander to. Biden warns about Vietnam? He never Served in the Military and is far from being an expert on anything Military or Foreign Policy either.

Proves a lot of people right. They were concerned that Obama had no desire to win in Afghanistan, but the obamabots said he wouldn’t want the loss on his record.
Well guess what, they were wrong. Politics before the lives of our soldiers and our safety.

Is she wearing a Mao jacket?
Are we going to be Mao-maoed?