Democrat Strategists Advising Candidates To Walk Away From Obama


Most of us here already knew this but look where this advice is coming from… (h/t Hot Air)

The advice from Democratic consultants and strategists is almost unanimous: Run away from the president, and fast. A prominent Democratic pollster is circulating a survey that shows George W. Bush is 6 points more popular than President Obama in “Frontline” districts — seats held by Democrats that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sees as most vulnerable to Republican takeover. That Bush is more popular than Obama in Democratic-held seats is cause for outright fear.


“He is a walking radioactive disaster,” one senior Democratic operative said of the president. But any effort to seriously distance oneself from Obama is dangerous for an incumbent; go too hard against the president and voters think the candidate is faking it.

What will those Democrats who fell all over themselves lapping up the ch-ch-change message do now? Are they going to just walk away from the one?

Can’t see it.

Reid reports that those same Democrat strategists seem to understand this problem since the only advice he can give them is to stop talking about the one and talk about yourself, the local politics, and their opponent.

All well and good but Obama is a professional candidate who doesn’t know how to lead his way out of a cereal box. So instead of leading he is out campaigning, giving his asinine “blame everyone else but me” speeches. They can’t help but be seen with this guy.

No, after 2008 the Democrats own Obama. The Democrats are Obama.


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They may try to walk away from Obama, but they will find it harder to walk away from their votes that supported his miserable agenda. They were for him before they were against him.

How sweet it is.

Where are the leftist Soros/Media Matters paid trolls telling us how much voters love Imambama? Calling R Boob. Calling R. Boob!

Old One, can you feel the shift in America? We are winning this battle.

@ Delh…Look here…Do You actually believe that any Dolt that voted for the Obama Regime is Economically Literate or has the common sense that God gave a bag of rocks?

Whatever happened to B-Rob the Idiot – did he already run away from Obama… or did he get hit by a bus full of illegal immigrants being driven by a coyote?

R. Boob must have been kicked out of the garage by his mommie and told a 40 year old should have a better way of supporting themselves than trolling for George Soros and watching porn sites 20 hours a day.
Donald Bly I am ROTFLMAO at your wondering if the absent troll R. Boob got run over by a bus full of illegals driven by a coyote.

One little FaceBook posting about death panels and the Demmies get into a tizzy 🙂

Thanks Sarah.

The GOP has a new spoof video showing Democrats using the slide to bail off of Air Force One a la Stephen Slater to avoid campaigning with Obama. Gateway Pundit has posted it. It’s not on YouTube yet.

After we’re done pointing and laughing, we need to gird our loins, drop the gloves, and make it clear for generations to come, that we will NEVER accept these neo-commies ever again in our midst. We’ve been too accommodating, and too lazy, for too long.

They must KNOW that they have been beat-down, and their children must know that their parents were failures to humanity.

This coming election should be viewed as a beginning, not the goal. We have a lot to repair.

I believe they are not only running away from the pretender-n-thief, but running while screaming. It would seem as though the American giant, commonly known as We the People, reconize a fraud when we see one. This is going to get real and fast the closer we get to the mid-terms. They are not going to get away from this mess they have created. All the lies they have created are theirs to own and We the People must hold their entire body politic’s to the fire known as revenge They can change like the lepars they are but they are only going to die while tired. Semper Fi.

It is really fun to watch supporters backing away from the One hoping to save their arses. Right now the One is hotter than hades and they are asking themselves is he exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? either way ya gonna burn baby!

Go ahead and let them run as far away as they want. I WILL NEVER FORGET that it was the Dems (even Stupak, the lying pos) that voted to take away my healthcare. They bribed, lied and spit into the face of the American people all the while with a smile on their face and now they want to pretend it didn’t even happen? A vote for ANY DEMOCRAT is a vote for Pelosi. Lets just dump the garbage and send them home. I HATE LIBERALS AND EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my country back. Oh, and by the way, I MISS BUSH.

If the Republican candidates would remind the constitutents that these Democrat candidates that are running away from Obama are the very ones that voted for him and all of his socialist programs. They can run but they cannot hide from the truth. And the truth must be brough forward everyday. I’ll bet that some Republican strategist will come out with the advice, not to be too hard on the Democrats. You know “fair play” and all that stuff.

Radio Arvyla is a very popular TV show is Greece and I like his t-shirt!

And here we have the DNC’s ad for this fall’s election.

Please note . . . there is absolutely nothing wrong with the democratic candidate starting every speech with . . . “Once upon a time . . .

Are you saying that everyone can appreciate a good Fairy Tale?

Yes that is what is implied . . . so many speeches these days seem to start out so well and have such opposite meanings . . . we began with fear of the status quo and ended up with hope of change . . . one is a horror story the other a fairy tale.

Sort of what the GOP stratagists recommended in 2006 and 2008 with Bush ?


I take it you have an example ready….

I will also ask you to supply Bush’s equivalent to: “But this time you have me”, a la Obamster.

Oh..Have the oceans receded yet?


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