M and M, Let’s All Eat Cake With Our Vegetables


Michelle Obama’s recent vacation in Spain, described by the White House press corps as a mother daughter trip, that also included over 30 of Michelle’s closest friends, has resulted in even more public scrutiny of the profligate spending habits of the Obamas and in particular a comparison of Michelle to Marie Antoinette. The oft quoted ambiguous sentence, wrongly attributed to Marie, has become legend, “If the people don’t have bread, let them eat cake”; however, it will forever portray a public disgust with ruling Elites who manage to flaunt opulence and wealth while their citizens flounder in economic despair.

The people of France living under the Ancien Regime were considerably more desperate than the people of the United States, they were starving and many were forced to eat grass to survive. The quote above was used by pamphleteers to inflame public support against the royal family and especially Marie who was made a focal point for the revolution. Her lavish lifestyle, buying 300 gowns a year, purchasing diamond necklaces that cost more than a palace, coupled with rumors based in fact that she was having affairs, made her an easy scapegoat.

“My tastes are not the same as the King’s, who is only interested in hunting and his metal-working,” the queen wrote to a friend in April 1775. And what exorbitant tastes she had! She bought a pair of diamond bracelets that cost as much as a Paris mansion. She sported towering bouffant hairdos, including the “inoculation pouf,” a forbidding confection that featured a club striking a snake in an olive tree (representing the triumph of science over evil) to celebrate her success in persuading the king to be vaccinated against smallpox.

Marie had several cottages built so she and her friends could escape the stress of court life

Marie was a blue eyed, blonde haired, 14 year old, Austrian Princess when she married Louis XVI: her husband was an impotent 15 year old with an ability with languages and a fascination with locks, hunting, and an indifference to affairs of state. Sadly, Marie became known as the Queen of Deficit, a title Michelle is bound to inherit. Marie was considered silly and flirtatious: Michelle’s senior thesis with its circumlocution or periphrasis speaks for her acuity, hubris, and the inevitable peripeteia that follows the ascent of outstanding mediocrities as they reach beyond their capabilities-

Michelle, like Marie, has a taste for expensive clothing

“I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don’t belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second.”

The differences between Michelle and Marie are more abundant than the similarities; although, the parallels are the most incriminating for both of these historical women. When Marie, the beautiful Hapsburg Princess, arrived in France she was welcomed with open arms and adored, but with time, she became an object of derision and eventually hatred.

With the possible exception of the Corsican-born Napoleon, another outsider who overstayed his welcome, no one haunts French history like the Hapsburg princess. The frivolous, high-spirited tomboy who arrived at Versailles at age 14 was quickly embraced by her subjects. Yet by the time of her execution 23 years later, she was reviled.

Thrust into a social and political hurricane, Marie Antoinette, biographer Stefan Zweig wrote in the 1930s, was “perhaps the most signal example in history of the way in which destiny will at times pluck a mediocre human being from obscurity and, with commanding hand, force the man or woman in question to overstep the bounds of mediocrity.”

Michelle is fast approaching the notoriety of Marie’s special position in history. It is obvious she sees her role as an Elite who has the responsibility of directing the lives of Americans and encouraging simple values while she and her family live a life of luxury.

Whatever Marie Antoinette’s faults—in addition to her renowned extravagance, she was unable to comprehend the French people’s thirst for democracy—she did not respond to news that starving Parisians had no bread by saying: “Let them eat cake.” According to Fraser, this monumental indifference was first ascribed, probably also apocryphally, to Maria Theresa, the Spanish princess who married Louis XIV more than a century before Marie Antoinette set foot in France. Still, for more than two centuries, historians have debated whether Marie Antoinette bore the blame for her fate or was a victim of circumstance. Although she remained a fervent supporter of absolute royal power and an unrepentant enemy of democratic ideals, her many acts of compassion included tending to a peasant gored by a stag and taking in a poor orphan boy and overseeing his education. “She was so happy at doing good and hated to miss any opportunity of doing so,” wrote Madame Campan, the First Lady of the Bedchamber.

President Obama, while he still had the immunity from critical press of the first Black Presidential Candidate, insisted that his wife and family be “Off Limits” to the political criticism of campaigns; unfortunately, a president’s wife who wants to justify a lavish and ostentatious vacation for her and her friends with an official 10 minute state visit of little or no political significance, is no longer a dutiful wife and mother enjoying immunity from criticism. She is now just another political hack taking junkets on taxpayer money by working the system; while Americans worry whether they will hold on to their homes long enough to purge Washington of these Progressive Socialist Radicals, that seem Hell bent to destroy the American economy and flush our freedom down into the failed sewers of Socialism. President Obama’s affirmation of his abilities and qualifications, to fulfill the job he seems so woefully incapable of performing, solely by denial of accusations rather than providing simple documentation, is a strategy termed apophasis, first described by ancient Greeks over two thousand years ago, it is considered to be a weak, pathetic, and ineffective form of defense; yet for the time being, Americans are still willing to indulge the First Black President, rather than demand documentation of academic achievement and eligibility for US Citizenship other than providing anchor babies. People seem to be incapable of realizing a pathway to citizenship or blanket amnesty may very well be self-serving for our President in his own struggle for citizenship.

Marie’s obligatory and ostentatious display of educating an orphan peasant boy and seeing that a peasant who was gored by a stag received care, is similar in nature to Michelle teaching children in the White House garden: yet the public is left wondering if she teaches the kids how to game the system by working a no-show job for $350,000 a year for the University of Chicago Hospital, while her husband just happens to be a state senator or if she can tell them how to get an admitted domestic terrorist to write your husband’s “autobiography” so that a complicit press can proclaim him to be the most intelligent and literate man to ever run for the office. (They had never read Jefferson, or Lincoln, else the lie would have been too ridiculous to maintain a straight face during the telling.)

In his bestseller, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage, Andersen spends six pages confirming my thesis through boots-on-the-ground reporting. “Thanks to help from the veteran writer Ayers,” writes Andersen in summary, “Barack would be able to submit a manuscript to his editors at Times Books.”

Satirical Cartoon

Marie-Antoinette was cruelly lampooned throughout her life in France. This (obviously) anonymous cartoon from around 1791 blames her for everything. There are allusions to her alleged infidelity, to the scandal provoked by her alleged greed in the affaire du collier (the necklace affair, too complicated to go into here, but well documented), to the doomed flight to Varennes and to counter-revolutionary intrigue. It shows her carrying the Dauphin, her eldest son, and Louis XVI, followed by her daughter Madame Royale and the King’s aunt Madame Elisabeth, leaping to safety from the Tuileries. The royal couple are both holding the (broken) scepter and are encouraged by the King’s brother, Comte de Provence (left), holding a purse full of money. Beneath are references to the Queen’s alleged sins. As L’Autrichienne, she was always going to carry blame. She undoubtedly made mistakes, but none of the accusations here hold up. Most notably, her relationship with Louis was devoted and he certainly never had any doubt as to the paternity of his children. Ironically, the image of her carrying him is nearer the truth than the cartoonist intended. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

It is the profligate spending and the indifference to the plight of everyday people that condemned Marie and soon Michelle to be recorded in history as an ignoble side note with infamy; even though, they have no real historical significance, other than being married to the ‘leader’ of a country. It is the quote, “Let them eat cake”, that will forever link and brand them as self-indulgent and indifferent Elites, who made a significant contribution to the political failures of their husbands by their profligacy and arrogant attitudes toward the public during periods of economic recession.

Sketch from Life

A sketch, believed to be sur le vif, by Jacques-Louis David of the Queen – or Widow Capet as she was now known, Louis having been executed nine months earlier – shows Marie-Antoinette in the tumbrel on her way to the guillotine on October 16, 1793. She has endured the death of her husband, the separation from her beloved children, the forced calumny of her younger son. David captures all that pain – and the notorious Hapsburg lip so tactfully toned down by Mme Lebrun – but the overwhelming impression is of dignity and composure: a remarkably economical portrait that says so much. A Queen at the last. Le Louvre, Paris.

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I am soooooooo sick of the Obamas. They contribute absolutely NOTHING to this country except to steal our freedoms and they run around like royalty. Anger isn’t even the word that describes my feelings towards these two aholes. Every day I get online to see another attempt by Congress to steal our money and feed special interests. I fear it is too late to save this country from what the Obamas have wrought.

All you idiots that voted for Obama because you didn’t do your homework. Thanks for nothing. I could see a crook in training way back when Obama started in Chicago. Now they are turning the whole country into a corrupt Chicago. I want my country back = the Obamas have to go.

2012 – Lets boot their grifter asses out of the white house and get some civility and dignity back to the office.

Nice story. Too bad that the analogy does not represent reality. The author neglects to mention the Republican Elites in the Senate.


I’m sure it doesn’t, because the the article isn’t about the completly powerless Republicans, who can’t spend (or save) a dime, because of the overwhelming Democrat majority.

Try to keep up.

I see some MO’s similaraties with Philippine’s former first lady – Imelda Marcos…


Perfect example of how to deflect the actual article to another issue that has nothing to do with the discussion. That is classic Dem argumnet technique.

Even famed liberal Dana at the WashPost is losing his rose-colored glasses. The funny thing is that HE ISN’T TALKING ABOUT REPUBLICANS while talking about Obama either.

I know, amazing isn’t it.


MIKEY: HI, ON your number one, i like also your last line, that must be use in CONSERVATIVES
SPEECH to the voters, AND thoses words are” CIVILITY AND DIGNITY, VERY important to reclaim.

I remember when ABC news attacked Laura Bush when she visited Africa. Her purpose was three fold: fighting malaria, contolling AIDS, and the importance of organized libraries. Now they project, protect and deflect criticism of Moochelle. Laura Bush also left a legacy when she obtained new White House china for state dinners, at no cost to the taxpayer. Nancy Reagan did the same and both were savaged by ABC and others in the Lamestream Media. Can we say the fourth estate has become the fifth column?

Michelle Obama and her kids’ hotel costs, meals, and incidental expense were paid out of the family’s own pocket. Friends paid their own costs. Security and transport were on the taxpayers’ dime, of course, but that’s always the case when a President or family members go anywhere. 24/7, the father, the mother, and the kids are targets. They don’t exactly have the option of booking seats on Travelocity, or of wandering down the street of a foreign city unattended. The office has undeniable, high-profile perks, but a President and a first family are also prisoners of the office.

For me, that reduces the question of propriety to whether or not Michelle Obama and her daughters should be taking a first-class European vacation at a time when many other Americans are having trouble just paying their bills. I don’t know why they shouldn’t. With several million in earnings from book sales, the Obamas have the means. As with all families, time passes and kids quickly grow up. Life is now. Taking such vacations is perfectly routine behavior for most Americans of similar economic and social status.

In light of the growing level of populace anger, maybe the Marie Antoinette comparison should be making America’s entire upper class a little nervous. Marie, after all, was only a symbol of something. Once the populace had been sufficiently worked up to do something about it, they didn’t stop with the royalty.

Let me make sure I get this analogy right because typically I don’t agree with things you have posted….

We won’t stop with just going after one progressive/leftist, we will want to go after them all?
Great idea, I can live with that….

Nice meme regurgitation you’ve done there Greg.

You leftist know damn well that your ONLY way out of the mess your side has created, is for the rest of us to resort to violence. It’s why the union thugs, and the racist laRaza start fights with TP’ers, and why the racist Black Congressional gang lied about spitting and name calling.

But like you said, your side will keep pushing.

But we won’t fall for it. We’re voting the assholes out.

Now maybe you tell us why vacationing in America isn’t good enough? Didn’t Michelle tell us to go to Louisiana a month ago to do just that? (In her $10,000 custom made oil-spot patterned frock made and worn for that ONE occasion.)

And can you show me a post from any site you visited during the Bush years, were you defended the Bush family from vacationing AT THEIR OWN HOME IN CRAWFORD, that the left went apoplectic about all of 4 times in 7 years, and NOT 4 times in 2 freakin months, like Barry has?

The Obama’s are pathetic hypocrites. But that fact escapes you.

Another meal for my head – thank you. I admit having to look up “periphrasis” and “peripeteia”.


That deflection you mention, which is, indeed, a classic dem/lib technique for “debate”, is also a foundational element of Islamic Taqiyya. This is not a coincidence, given their shared spiritual father, whom the world has largely forgotten even exists.

On the other hand, irony reigns supreme:

“I wish we had time to be divided. I wish we had time to be upset. To be angry. To be disappointed. I wish we did. Because if we had time for that, then things wouldn’t be so bad right now.”

-Michelle Obama

JFK said ” A free society that does not care for the many who are poor cannot protect the few who are rich.”

#12 “You leftist know damn well that your ONLY way out of the mess your side has created, is for the rest of us to resort to violence.”

Respectfully, most of us on the left believe no such thing, nor are most of us obsessively focused on anything like a purely leftist/socialist ideology. I’ve seen the orderly shift of power from left to right and back again many times during my 60 years, and would only condone violence as a means to protect the Constitutional mechanisms that make the orderly transfer possible.

@ Skook,

Enjoyed the piece, but come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy that beautiful and quaint cottage, pictured above, placed on a bucolic idyll somewhere in the mountains far from the madding crowd.

BTW, through all I’ve read on Marie Antoinette including a couple of bios, a couple of differences come to mind, . . . she didn’t seem a hypocrite. She didn’t know much other than the environment she grew up in – a palace filled with sycophants until she was shipped off to Paris to enjoy a boring life of more palaces, and more sycophants, and living off the backs of taxpayers. Ummm, wait a minute, . . . palaces, sycophants, living off the work of taxpayers, nevermind – that’s only ONE difference then. Yup, she didn’t seem a hypocrite.


My name Is “Patvann”. If any “respect” was actually put forth, you might have at least called me by my name, not a number.

Nice way you omitted the next sentence in the quote, though.

Context. It is to be avoided when on the losing side.

Now maybe you can spend some quality time over at the lefty sites telling them how “moderate” you are, and that their attempts at instigating violence, and perpetuating lies makes them lose elections, thus making orderly transition an inevitability this November. While you’re there, maybe explain how un-constitutional the healthcare bill is, since you claim to take it so serious.

I won’t be holding my breath for that to happen.

I have a dozen videos showing the recent violence done by those on the left. History is littered with the bodies of leftist victims. Being half a lefty means nothing.

Honest. No one on the right of you will resort to violence* nor behead anyone, and the weak attempt to “warn us off” that path is insulting, and nothing more than a repeat of what the Dem leadership has put out via their parrots.

Wake up. The group in-charge isn’t the Dem Party you grew up with.

*Self defense, in a manner that would frighten Khan, is omitted from this posit.

rich wheeler, ARE you saying that only DEMOCRATS care for the poors? what do you think is happening now, they make more poors than any other GOP party in Government responsability would do.

Tagiyyotomist: hi, nice to read you again; bye

Patvann Don’t forget all the vacations “W” took at the family estate in Kennebunkport Maine.
Lincecum tonight and Zito tomorrow.Go Giants.

@ Skook,

I’m a buyer, and while you’re building Le Petit Hameau on the edge of a clear mountain lake, you can also put up your version of the Petit Trianon for all your friends to chill in just down the road and out of sight and hearing. Marie had it figured out. I actually like the fact that she disliked the pomp and circumstance of Versailles (although the palace is a spectacular achievement), . . . hey, wait another minute, . . . that’s a 2nd difference. I knew there were at least a couple.

skook ” Mo was born into middle class aristocracy” What? Her father was a water plant employee and mother a secretary.We’ve heard about your athletic abilities(sarc). Don’t knock Barack’s.

Taqiyyotomist: I have missed your sly wit.

I have a question for you. Do you think the Liberal use of the term Progressive is a deliberate parardiastole to function as a euphemism for the more distasteful term, Socialism. I realize that the term Progressive has historical significance, a significance that was understood to be much more closely united with the Communism/Socialism entente. Is it a willful ignorance of history that now allows the casual acceptance of the term or is there a more devious strategy that eludes me?

Rich: You missed the sarcasm, “middle class aristocracy of the Chicago Machine” the quote is more meaningful in its entirety. I worked on the Chicago Race tracks for five years during the 70’s and saw how the Machine functioned. The machine is definitely a blue collar enterprise, even if you are a white collar man. I have read Mo’s bio and I will never dismiss a man who works nor his occupation, but the Machine is a different deal entirely. If you ask someone who lived there about the Machine and he reports favorably on the concept, I would be a little dubious of your friend.

BO is nearly 15 years younger than me and I think physical activity is great for middle aged men and ‘older.’ I don’t begrudge him the activity, but when you are running a country that is in desperate shape, you will damage the feelings of goodwill among the public with many games of hoops and golf and that would be true for any president directing two wars and a failing economy, not just BO. If things were going well and people were working and not losing their homes, the wars were being won, the country would be proud of an active president, up to a point. Everything has its limits. I don’t know those limits, but it is a poor political move to be playing games in this overall climate and I would be saying the same thing if BO were a fiscal Conservative.

Skook I am familiar with the Chicago machine it being similar to Tamany Hall in N.Y.Bottom line, Michelle is from a blue collar working class family,got scholorships to Princeton and Harvard,married the son of a single working class mother and has 2 great kids.Like Laura Bush she is a great role model for the young women of our country.
I doubt if Barack’s time “away from the office” exceeds his predecessors.


I didn’t ‘deflect’ (to use a common conservative term) comment to another subject. I met the analogy straight on, suggesting it did not correspond to realty, and it would more accurately represent the Republican Senate.


Bit full of yourself tadcf. Anymore of that koolaid will have you doing a brief stint in a porcelain bowl. 🙄

tadcf” hi, You have a sling shot and rock that you aim at REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES all the time, dont think we dont know. bye

SKOOKUM: hi, I might add, SPECiALY when they trye to empty the pockets of AMERICANS,
THAT is a long way to helping the poors . bye


I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I was talking about the personal status of the Republican Party as Elites.


A very intelligent comment.

“Trosp: There must be a level of dignity, decorum, and class exhibited by a First Lady from any country to keep the respect of the public…”

Precisely. In my country, this Imelda Marcos is the most hated first lady because of her excessive excesses (duh… owning 2,700 pairs of shoes!!!) and kleptocracy. Perhaps MO is reading a lot of her and she’s her role model.

Acknowledged and thank you also. If you plan to visit our country, just give me a heads-up. Philippines is a very nice country.